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      12-27-2007, 07:51 PM   #23
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Sucks they're on vacation. Did you try calling? They probably have at least one person in the shop.
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      12-27-2007, 08:20 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by RiXst3r View Post
Why order a 3+ month backordered product with overnight shipping? Seems a bit like a waste since you cant predict the ship date anyways
Is that the point? Why offer overnight shipping on a product that will take 3+ months to ship out.....?
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      12-27-2007, 08:22 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Valentine View Post
This may be a problem that would have been better to address with the parties involved rather than posting it on a forum. There is also a vendor forum that you could put this on. It just seems that you are getting people worked up about an issue that should be addressed with the Vishnu billing department. Their number is on their site if you actually want this resolved. If not please continue bashing their business practices over what may have been a simple mistake or UPS not shipping on certain days.
Thanks for your concern but I have tried using the preferred methods of contact with no luck. How is an answering service going to resolve my issue?
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      12-27-2007, 08:23 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by cn555ic View Post
Peter Pan

I assume you mean "grow up." Not sure of the relevance here but I also appreciate your concern.
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      12-27-2007, 08:25 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by radgator1 View Post
To be fair, the OP did say he has tried but has not received a reply from Vishnu. However it is the Holidays so you have to cut them some slack.

It sounds like an error so why don't you wait until you reach someone from the Vishnu team and explain the situation. I am guessing they will be glad to refund you the extra amount you paid for overnight and everything will be cool. If they wont that might be a better time to post a message like this.
Thanks....the only reason that I posted it here is because "here" is the only place they seem to check with any regularity. Not trying to bash them but was just trying to figure out why in the world this was happening...

As has been the case when i needed assistance with PROcede, it hasn't come from them but from the members of this forum.
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      12-27-2007, 08:27 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by yahtzee View Post
I assume you mean "grow up." Not sure of the relevance here but I also appreciate your concern.
Rob from the rich and give to the poor!!! lolo
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      12-27-2007, 08:32 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by cn555ic View Post
Rob from the rich and give to the poor!!! lolo
Ha....who knows, these days....
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      12-28-2007, 06:59 AM   #30
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Vishnu's shipping costs are based on complex formulas respecting health care ...

Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
We charge shipping based upon a complicated algorithm involving many variables, including the quality of your country's public health care system.

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      12-28-2007, 09:59 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by e.n335 View Post
Vishnu's shipping costs are based on complex formulas respecting health care ...
hahaha yes that was Shiv's answer to my concern (I was charged 50$) but apparently that's the rate for international orders...including Canada
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      12-28-2007, 10:23 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by e.n335 View Post
Vishnu's shipping costs are based on complex formulas respecting health care ...

thats GOTTA be a joke
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      12-28-2007, 10:27 AM   #33

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over charging 20-25 dollars for shipping x 200-300 upgrades.. 4000-7500 extra dollars for nothing.. Thats the way business is done people. Welcome to the real world. If any of you own a business or work in sales you know charging an extra few dollars here and there adds up over time if you can get away with it.
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      12-28-2007, 12:21 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Barat View Post
hahaha yes that was Shiv's answer to my concern (I was charged 50$) but apparently that's the rate for international orders...including Canada
Terry's international ( Switzerland ) rates are $20 - just FYI . Another forum member wrote that Shiv wanted to charge US$300 or 400 for each hour custom tuning his car. In a couple of months Vishnu will be back on earth again, I am sure ...

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      12-28-2007, 12:38 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by NYCGarbagePrince View Post
over charging 20-25 dollars for shipping x 200-300 upgrades.. 4000-7500 extra dollars for nothing.. Thats the way business is done people. Welcome to the real world. If any of you own a business or work in sales you know charging an extra few dollars here and there adds up over time if you can get away with it.
This is wrong in so many ways.

You won't find many businesses that make 200% - 300% on shipping costs. Sure, people overcharge... but only for a small percentage.

I do own my own business, and grossly overcharging for shipping of my products is not how I do business. I charge $6.00 (not including insurance) for 3-day shipping for an enveloped product. If you believe this post, Shiv charged almost ten times what it would cost him... if you think that people are making 1000% shipping profit in the "real world," as you put it, you live in Fantasy Land.
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      12-28-2007, 12:53 PM   #36
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As long as we pay those prices there is nothing wrong about it. But there is also nothing wrong to discuss about. The more competitors will offer 335i engine performance tuning solutions, the faster overpaid prices will drop.
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      12-28-2007, 01:14 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by NYCGarbagePrince View Post
over charging 20-25 dollars for shipping x 200-300 upgrades.. 4000-7500 extra dollars for nothing.. Thats the way business is done people. Welcome to the real world. If any of you own a business or work in sales you know charging an extra few dollars here and there adds up over time if you can get away with it.
i own a company that does business selling flexible packaging to companies larger than bmw!!! i have never in my life seen someone get screwed by 300% or more on shipping let alone 100%...i know you guys on the east coast are cut throat but damn!!!!! this is a major rip off!!!!!! i am hugely disappointed in shiv and that lame comment about how they use algorithms to decide!!!! you would never find a company like kraft or sara lee or another big wig doing business like that...you don't see dell overcharging for shipping!!!! people want honesty and integrity from a business...not bs and blaming 99% of the problems on loose wires!!! if my film peals or flakes there is a fix in the works and rarely does that ever happen!!! i could never sell a product that fails as much as the procede does...and shiv just saying everything is ok doesn't cut it...there is someone on here everyday with a problem with the procede!!! i doubt it's only 1% like shiv says it is if it was then we wouldn't have a problem or more everyday!!!!! i am just sick of the BS he got me all excited said he would offer me a warranty then ditched it and never responded...in this thread no response other than a quote from shiv in someone else's post... i just wish there was a little more honesty from shiv!!!! this with the shipping is insane...they are making enough to buy a lambo through the company so they only had to come up with 120k not the 240-250 b/c of the tax break and it being a company car!!! still if they could buy a lambo which has a super small market for tuning...why would they....oh yeah for fun and to have a lambo!!!! oh and how did they buy it...from the procede... mostly...just kind of starting to see a few nasty business tactics...i am not one to say what to do with your money...but if your getting a lot based on the procede why would you rape people on shipping!!!! your already making a killing on the procede...nyc garbage why the hell are there so many companies that offer free shipping then? they have t0 built into the price sure but not 300-400% that is a joke!!!! how can i get 4 wheels shipped in two days from fedex for 75 bucks...4 morr wheels...in boxes with padding huh...how!!!! you don't even need to have expensive padding or fancy boxes...you r cost on box and prep is like 2 bucks....not even...why would you screw a community that has given you so much business!!! just lame
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      12-28-2007, 01:16 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by purplewidow View Post
!!! !!! !! !! !!!!! !! !!!
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      12-28-2007, 01:27 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by purplewidow View Post
i own a company that does business selling flexible packaging to companies larger than bmw!!! i have never in my life seen someone get screwed by 300% or more on shipping let alone 100%...i know you guys on the east coast are cut throat but damn!!!!! this is a major rip off!!!!!! i am hugely disappointed in shiv and that lame comment about how they use algorithms to decide!!!! you would never find a company like kraft or sara lee or another big wig doing business like that...you don't see dell overcharging for shipping!!!! people want honesty and integrity from a business...not bs and blaming 99% of the problems on loose wires!!! if my film peals or flakes there is a fix in the works and rarely does that ever happen!!! i could never sell a product that fails as much as the procede does...and shiv just saying everything is ok doesn't cut it...there is someone on here everyday with a problem with the procede!!! i doubt it's only 1% like shiv says it is if it was then we wouldn't have a problem or more everyday!!!!! i am just sick of the BS he got me all excited said he would offer me a warranty then ditched it and never responded...in this thread no response other than a quote from shiv in someone else's post... i just wish there was a little more honesty from shiv!!!! this with the shipping is insane...they are making enough to buy a lambo through the company so they only had to come up with 120k not the 240-250 b/c of the tax break and it being a company car!!! still if they could buy a lambo which has a super small market for tuning...why would they....oh yeah for fun and to have a lambo!!!! oh and how did they buy it...from the procede... mostly...just kind of starting to see a few nasty business tactics...i am not one to say what to do with your money...but if your getting a lot based on the procede why would you rape people on shipping!!!! your already making a killing on the procede...nyc garbage why the hell are there so many companies that offer free shipping then? they have t0 built into the price sure but not 300-400% that is a joke!!!! how can i get 4 wheels shipped in two days from fedex for 75 bucks...4 morr wheels...in boxes with padding huh...how!!!! you don't even need to have expensive padding or fancy boxes...you r cost on box and prep is like 2 bucks....not even...why would you screw a community that has given you so much business!!! just lame
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      12-28-2007, 01:27 PM   #40

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Originally Posted by NYCGarbagePrince View Post
over charging 20-25 dollars for shipping x 200-300 upgrades.. 4000-7500 extra dollars for nothing.. Thats the way business is done people. Welcome to the real world. If any of you own a business or work in sales you know charging an extra few dollars here and there adds up over time if you can get away with it.
I guess i needed to highlight this so people understand. I agree that it is ridiculous. But these types of practices are not as uncommon as you might want to believe. If you read my earlier posts in the thread you will see that I agree with all of you. However, if you want to think for some reason he is some sort of pariah, you are wrong.
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      12-28-2007, 01:46 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Valentine View Post
This may be a problem that would have been better to address with the parties involved rather than posting it on a forum. There is also a vendor forum that you could put this on. It just seems that you are getting people worked up about an issue that should be addressed with the Vishnu billing department. Their number is on their site if you actually want this resolved. If not please continue bashing their business practices over what may have been a simple mistake or UPS not shipping on certain days.

This is a customer service issue until such time as the vendor doesn't do the right thing for a customer.

It's not really the community's business to know what MAY be an issue for one (or even several) members...if things aren't ironed out, then it would be reasonable to post here.

Until then, try to give the company that just took over 1,000 of your hard-earned dollars and try to work it out with them. If things DO work out, will you give the vendor the courtesy of an "ALL CLEAR" post to this topic?

IMHO, the community deserves to know problems & advantages with vendors, but we have a responsibility to ourselves (and the vendors) to go through the right channels to resolve the problems...or else the info in this forum becomes worth less than what it could be.

Now, if the only way to get a response from a particular vendor is to post here and not go thru customer service, that's another issue...
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      12-28-2007, 01:57 PM   #42
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No one else knew they were doing this? Pissed me off when I first saw their shipping rates.
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      12-28-2007, 02:07 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Kerosene Hat View Post

This is a customer service issue until such time as the vendor doesn't do the right thing for a customer.

It's not really the community's business to know what MAY be an issue for one (or even several) members...if things aren't ironed out, then it would be reasonable to post here.

Until then, try to give the company that just took over 1,000 of your hard-earned dollars and try to work it out with them. If things DO work out, will you give the vendor the courtesy of an "ALL CLEAR" post to this topic?

IMHO, the community deserves to know problems & advantages with vendors, but we have a responsibility to ourselves (and the vendors) to go through the right channels to resolve the problems...or else the info in this forum becomes worth less than what it could be.

Now, if the only way to get a response from a particular vendor is to post here and not go thru customer service, that's another issue...
On the other hand, companies bring this kind of criticism on themselves by charging what can be fairly perceived as exorbitant shipping fees on a few dollars worth of electronics in an envelope. Why not just make the V2 upgrade 140.00 (or whatever they decide is a fair price) shipped, since it is almost all profit and what you are paying for is the intellectual property anyway, rather than the handful of wires and resistors?
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      12-28-2007, 02:56 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by e.n335 View Post
Vishnu's shipping costs are based on complex formulas respecting health care ...
Oh, I thought his shipping costs were based on a complex formula respecting his Bugatti Veyron fund.
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