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      04-13-2015, 12:57 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by KingOfJericho View Post
Mine are off. There are just too many times when I will see what someone said to me but not be able to reply (sitting in traffic, in a meeting, literally anything involving my kid, etc.) and the last thing I need is one of my over-sensitive friends getting offended that I read their message and didn't reply right away.

It's not about lying, it's about the fact that my life does not revolve around your fucking text so I'll answer you when I feel like it!
It's not directed toward me but I'd like to chime in anyway. I only know of one friend who does it. I don't think that people get sensitive about prompt replies, at least not me. It's more of "so you're driving, why are you reading texts?", or "if you're in a meeting, why are you reading texts?" For me, it's more like trying to understand why people do certain things. Personally, if I were to read a text I would try to reply right then and there (unless it's one where I need to think about things).
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      04-13-2015, 01:23 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
Neither. I'm still rocking my 5s. But its on the latest version.
Hmmm. i have to test the 5s.

Originally Posted by Templar View Post
Hmm... If I don't recognize the number I ignore it. It's a personal phone, so I don't need to answer it. 99.99% of the time if it's a number I don't know, it's a telemarketer. If it's not, and it's that important, they can leave a message and I'll call them back when I have the time.

Work phone is a bit different, just because I may need to answer a question or something and people could be calling from a ton of different numbers (way too many to keep on top of in my phone).

Anyway, back on topic, I don't have an iPhone now but when I did, I never had read receipts on.
Originally Posted by Billup View Post
I don't care who's calling, I always answer. Most of the time it's someone trying to sell me something, so I pretend to be interested until the very end, then I act offended and bulligerent to where they start apologizing or just hang up.

My last encounter was some Indian guy telling me that my computer had a virus. I was pretty shocked to hear this, so I wanted to know how and why it even got there! I was typing emails as we spoke, and this man was telling me I'm infected?! Naturally I'm worried, so I ask him how much it's going to cost me and that all my money is in secured accounts in Chile. He hung up on me.

They might be thinking they are doing their job, but it usually just provides me with some mindless fun until they get fed up with my bullshit.
It's been happening to me a lot lately.

Originally Posted by P1et View Post
I have gotten an enormous amount of spam calls on mobile phone recently. Came up in the past month or so. I'll get at least 3 or so per day. I'll block the numbers every chance I get, but of course they just keep calling from different fake numbers. If I want to report them to https://www.donotcall.gov/, I wonder if it even makes a difference.
I thought i registered there already. Oh well i try it again.
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      04-13-2015, 02:28 PM   #25

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On, because that's how the phone came and I don't care enough to change it. If someone see's that I read their message and didn't respond and they get all butt hurt about it, then oh well.
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      04-13-2015, 02:40 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
Unrelated issue, but APPLE related. I dont feel like googling.

Why is it when I go to my pictures and I want to look at them, they are turned sideways, but when I turn my phone sideways they turn again. I have to exit out of the camera and then go back to it and they are right side up.

Same thing with texts messages on occasion. Its so annoying.

You have to lock the phone tilt feature... then you'll be able to look at the photos in which ever direction
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      04-13-2015, 02:45 PM   #27
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So the national "do not call" list only applies to certain organizations (like for profit, trying to sell you stuff). The "charity" causes will continue to call you whether you're on the national do not call list or not. Any NPO can call you since the rules are different for them.

I've read somewhere that the best way to deal with these charity places is to answer, politely tell them you're not interested in donating or whatever, and ask to be put on their do not call list. They are supposed to put you on their own list once you ask them to do that and they aren't supposed to call you again. According to the guy who wrote the article I read (I can't find it now), he said if you're a jerk, they will just bump your frequency up and you'll get more calls, more often. He said be polite, and ask to please be placed on the company's do not call list and more often than not, you're good to go. If they get pushy, ask to speak to a supervisor. The trick is getting a word in, because these people are very good at messing your train of thought up and getting you to commit to $50 for "a good cause." The guy did say it's better to answer and tell them to put you on their list because if you don't, they just push you to the bottom of the line to be called again. If you pick up and hang up right away, they sometimes immediately call back. It's a computer system and that's how it works.
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      04-13-2015, 02:47 PM   #28
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I don't care if it's my MOM calling, I don't answer in the bathroom.
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      04-13-2015, 03:21 PM   #29
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I have mine turned off, but I hate when other people don't have theirs turned on.
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      04-13-2015, 03:49 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Revartr View Post
I have mine turned off, but I hate when other people don't have theirs turned on.
You know you'll only see them if you BOTH have them turned on, right?
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      04-13-2015, 03:59 PM   #31

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Originally Posted by P1et
Originally Posted by Revartr View Post
I have mine turned off, but I hate when other people don't have theirs turned on.
You know you'll only see them if you BOTH have them turned on, right?
Lol nothing's farther from the truth.
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      04-13-2015, 04:04 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Templar View Post
So the national "do not call" list only applies to certain organizations (like for profit, trying to sell you stuff). The "charity" causes will continue to call you whether you're on the national do not call list or not. Any NPO can call you since the rules are different for them.

I've read somewhere that the best way to deal with these charity places is to answer, politely tell them you're not interested in donating or whatever, and ask to be put on their do not call list. They are supposed to put you on their own list once you ask them to do that and they aren't supposed to call you again. According to the guy who wrote the article I read (I can't find it now), he said if you're a jerk, they will just bump your frequency up and you'll get more calls, more often. He said be polite, and ask to please be placed on the company's do not call list and more often than not, you're good to go. If they get pushy, ask to speak to a supervisor. The trick is getting a word in, because these people are very good at messing your train of thought up and getting you to commit to $50 for "a good cause." The guy did say it's better to answer and tell them to put you on their list because if you don't, they just push you to the bottom of the line to be called again. If you pick up and hang up right away, they sometimes immediately call back. It's a computer system and that's how it works.
Most use predictive dialing software so not much of a list to go to the bottom of. Did a couple of free software jobs for a couple of charities my current employment is involved in and that's how they worked. On the list and the software decides who to call when, you get called in whatever the frequency was set to and that was not user managed but an admin setting. Getting off the list is key.
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      04-13-2015, 04:40 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by AM4ZING View Post
You have to lock the phone tilt feature... then you'll be able to look at the photos in which ever direction
It is locked. I'll open the app for the very first time with my phone in my hand in the upright position. When the pictures open, they are turned sideways even though my phone is upright. The only way to correct it is by exiting the app and re opening it, then magically they are normal for a while before going sideways again. same with texts.
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      04-13-2015, 06:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by P1et View Post
You know you'll only see them if you BOTH have them turned on, right?
You know that's not how it works, right? If you have Read Receipts turned off, it will only show them that their message was "Delivered", but never "Read". But if they have Read Receipts turned on, it will show anybody who texts them "Read" if they've opened the message.
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      04-13-2015, 06:13 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Revartr View Post
You know that's not how it works, right? If you have Read Receipts turned off, it will only show them that their message was "Delivered", but never "Read". But if they have Read Receipts turned on, it will show anybody who texts them "Read" if they've opened the message.
Lolz. Just tested it with my wife's phone. You're absolutely right!
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      04-14-2015, 10:50 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by P1et View Post
Lolz. Just tested it with my wife's phone. You're absolutely right!
That's why I love Read Receipts. That way I can know whenever my bitch friends have read my text and haven't replied. But they can't see mine!
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      04-16-2015, 08:58 PM   #37
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On for me, I tend to find it annoying if you have an iPhone why not use that feature, Ya know!
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      04-17-2015, 02:39 AM   #38

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I don't think anyone I know goes more than 10 minutes without looking at their phone. Read receipts or not, if it takes an hour to respond it's obvious they've seen it and lagged on the response.

I honestly don't care when people respond.. If I'm texting, it's usually not important.

Mine is turned off because I'm bad at responding (responded 2 weeks late one time loll) and some people are to sensitive. They are helpful though, my old boss had his on and it was nice knowing he at least saw the message, even if he didn't respond.

If I was receiving the type of messages that would benefit the sender if he/she knew it was read, I would turn it on.
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      04-17-2015, 02:00 PM   #39

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Originally Posted by AW335TT View Post
I don't think anyone I know goes more than 10 minutes without looking at their phone. Read receipts or not, if it takes an hour to respond it's obvious they've seen it and lagged on the response.

I honestly don't care when people respond.. If I'm texting, it's usually not important.

Mine is turned off because I'm bad at responding (responded 2 weeks late one time loll) and some people are to sensitive. They are helpful though, my old boss had his on and it was nice knowing he at least saw the message, even if he didn't respond.

If I was receiving the type of messages that would benefit the sender if he/she knew it was read, I would turn it on.

Good point. Even if I don't respond, they can still see that I have read their message and I don't see any urgency in responding because sometimes you want to end the discussion. I don't really pay attention who read or have not read my message. My whole point was that I noticed the trend.
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      04-18-2015, 02:09 AM   #40
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I keep mine on so if someone texts me and i read it they know i dont want to talk to them if i dont respond. Lol
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      04-19-2015, 01:47 PM   #41

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I don't own an iDevice, but if I did had one, I usually leave it on, as I do with Hangouts, Facebook Messenger and BlackBerry Messenger, especially for the latter since my source of side income uses the read receipts as a dispatch. Also, if I have an extremely urgent message and send something to someone that I KNOW for a fact doesn't check their voicemails (last time I ran out of batteries and had to use his, he had 32 messages waiting), then I even enable a request before sending it to someone like that.

To others, I have other "spamgating" methods; keep your personal number as friends and family only, get a Google Voice number, link it to your phone (but disable forwarding) then give/change that number out to banks, mailing lists, companies that need you to register a phone number, and BAM. No collectors, telemarketers or IRS impersonators harassing your main phone line (or at the very least, significantly reduced).
Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
NEFARIOUS would totally rock the dreads if he could.
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