Originally Posted by BdSM n54iS
Lol the common sense was already mentioned in the post above yours. There really isn't much more else to say on top.
So where do you draw the line? If you have wastegate rattle ......do you replace both turbos? If you have a bad coil....do you replace all 6 every time? If you have one bad wheel bearing......do you replace all four?? If you have a blown fuse, do you go through and replace them all? Etc,etc,etc......some parts it makes sense to do that, some stuff it doesn't.
Plus that also depends on if it's your only mode of transportation, a weekend "fun" car, a track cars etc, etc......that's going to affect things.
Everyone needs to make their own decisions....but some of this (if one goes bad, the only smart option is to replace all of them" talk is BS.
But to each their own.....