Originally Posted by Shadow_Phantom12
Don't get defensive. We're all on the same team here. I understand many people run red lights, but anything involving alcohol and a running engine (a BMW engine nonetheless) is not a good combination. I'm glad you made sure the roads were clear and all, but please please please think twice the next time. Everyone's life is precious and alcohol at any amount can certainly slow down your reflexes. Bottom line, just be safe, we're not invincible in our BMWs.
P.S. Your Homer avatar's kinda cute.
Not getting defensive at all, just stating some things you missed out on my post, and without a doubt that everyones life is precious, alcohol can be imparing but trust me, I personally wouldnt put myself behind the wheel if I felt it wasnt able to drive, nevertheless my friends wouldnt have let me drove off. I was purely stating that some cops are nice in my post, btw theres a reason your legally allowed to drink 1 beer and drive