
BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > BIMMERPOST Universal Forums > General BMW News and Cars Discussion > Speeding question

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      03-01-2012, 09:33 AM   #23
UCF 335
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Originally Posted by RazRokz.! View Post
Buy a valentine1 radar. You'll never have to worry about cops again. I love mine...
OP lives in Virginia...Can't have one there
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      03-01-2012, 01:36 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by UCF 335 View Post
OP lives in Virginia...Can't have one there
With the setup I told him about, the unit is kept out of plain sight. Click on the link I put up for him. Looks totally oem.
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      03-04-2012, 03:01 PM   #25
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i've gotten a ticket for "drag racing" at high speed and my speed wasn't caught on radar. The officer wrote on the ticket that i was racing a cts-v at speeds of 100+ on an empty road. although he only saw us zoom past him while his radar was off he gave us a ticket for drag racing. so to answer your yes he can give you a ticket without clocking you. i am not sure about 2 and 3
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      03-04-2012, 03:30 PM   #26
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There's a good MythBusters episode on the cat-and-mouse tactics of not getting caught speeding. Essentially, there's no gadget that can beat the radar or laser gun, so speed at your own risk, and if you get busted, then just consider it the cost of doing business.
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      03-04-2012, 04:25 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by Ernerd View Post
Hey guys, last night at around 3 in the morning, me and my friends were driving to iHop and we were having a little fun on a 4 lane wide open completely empty road. Suddenly when we parked out cars at iHop, a sheriff shows up and calls one of my friends and says not to be reckless and he knows we're just having a little fun. Apparently he saw us speeding but he didn't have a chance to clock us or pull us over before reaching iHop.

My question is:

1. Are cops allowed to give you a ticket if he didnt catch us with a radar, while he's stationary? (no way of him telling how fast we're going)

2. Are cops allowed to pull you over once you're in private property?

3. Are cops allowed to give you a ticket once you're parked and out of the car?

After finishing at iHop, we were guessing the cop would be waiting for us, so we drove back really slowly, and what do you know..the cop was following us the entire way back to make sure we weren't speeding.
1. He can ticket/charge you for something other than speeding if he can't prove how fast so were going, like reckless or dangerous driving.

2. The law applies on public or private property. And regardless, you were breaking the law on public roads. If he couldn't do this, then anyone who breaks the law could run home or onto private property and not get ticketed/charged/arrested, etc.

3. Pretty much the same as number two. At the end of the day, if you break the law, you break the law. If he couldn't ticket someone who was parked and out of the car, we could run red lights or speed or blow through stop signs and if we knew a cop saw us we could pull one,r park, and get out and we'd all be fine.
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      03-08-2012, 11:37 AM   #28

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This is the way it works folks:

In a civil proceeding, or a non-criminal traffic proceeding, even a lay witness can give his opinion about speed. It is up to the Judge or Jury to weigh the testimony with all other facts. A cop can absolutely say somebody was going way over the speed limit based on judgment. A cop probably cannot say somebody was going 65 as opposed to 60 without a measurement device that has been properly calibrated.

In a Criminal matter where the burden is beyond a reasonable doubt, it will be harder for a cop to prove somebody speeding, unless again the speed was so excessive as to be well above the posted speed limit.
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