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      04-21-2014, 05:09 PM   #23
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Worth a look. Will try to find the site I got my tubing from Robc1976 (diy freak) found a great place with some top of the line vacuum tubing. Great stuff and can withstand extrenly high temps.

I think the link is in that thread.
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      04-21-2014, 05:44 PM   #24
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I got some extra silicone hose , gonna try swap from main and all the way to canisters.

A mechanic here also mentioned the wastegate could be the cause , stuck or locked in open position or link fell off.
Vargas S2 turbos|VAC S3 Cylinder head|RR DPs|RR MPs|Supersprint X pipe|Remus Quad Sport mufflers|aFe Stage 2 Si with scoops|Forge DVs|ER CP|BMS meth elbow|Aquamist HFS-4|Walbro 450 E85 LPFP|AA FMIC|BMS OCC|MHD|P3 Boost Gauge|Ohlins Road & Track + camberplates|M3 sways F/R+ Ground control endlinks|Vorsteiner v303 19"|Michelin PS2 sport|Quaife LSD|Vorsteiner V35 CF hood|CF CLS trunk|Duke Dynamics quad diffusor
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      05-11-2014, 01:33 PM   #25

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O2 Sensor

It sounds to me like you are far more knowledgeable about these cars than myself.... But for whatever its worth, I had a bad O2 sensor and my Check Engine light came on. I didn't read the entire thread either, but what I did read, I saw no mention of your CES light being on.
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      07-24-2015, 01:14 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by tinnsoldaten View Post
Engine has gotten full service , replacing plugs , injectors , vanos solenoids , new Rob PVC valve upgrade , oilfilter house gasket , fuel ,low pressure sensor.

New waterpump and thermostat , fixed broken wires for thermostat and new connector for waterpump.

Cleaned the intake on head.

Tank had 1/4 of 98 octane (europe) and mixed with E85 , ratio around E30.
Filled another 10 liters with 98 octane before startup.

The pump in tank has been upgraded with Walbro 455

When everything was put back together , the car cranked for a few sec , no start , then tried again , no start , then one more , small short starts before dying , read faults in INPA Throttle faults only , deleted fault.

New start and same , short start and then died , read error , cam shaft sensor inlet error 2A9A . Deleted and tried again , then started up and ran little rough so I gave some throttle and ran it at 2000 rpm for few minutes , then let go , eased down to 650ish rmp.

Ran another fault reading , no faults.

Now today after some driving I had one redused power , and now at end of day after filling fuel I had some more faults .


$error locationNr: 12540
$error locationtext: 30FC exhaust fume turbo charger, density
570730FC0104000003282A542F4B6F452A5C2F446B502A5E2F 44723C
Error: 1(5) No.: 12540 30FC exhaust fume turbo charger, density frequency: 3
error type: 1 (0 ) No matching error symptom
readines Flag: (16 ) Test conditions fulfilled
error status: (32 ) failure presently not available, OBDon-board diagnosis not debounced
MIL - Status: (48) failure does not cause warning lamp show light (MIL)
P-Code: F_LZ: 40
ambient text / entry at 86768 km(n.) 86752 km(2.) 86688 km(1.)
ambient pressure 997.66 hPa 997.66 hPa 997.66 hPa
ambient temperature 3.00 °C 3.00 °C 8.25 °C
pressure in front of throttle valve 114.00 kPa 107.00 kPa 111.00 kPa
speed 3840.00 rpm 5120.00 rpm 4416.00 rpm
__________________________________________________ _________

$error locationNr: 12155
$error locationtext: 2F7B oil pressure switch, plausibility
57072F7B2404052001282A5F0092C67E000000000000000000 000000
Error: 2(5) No.: 12155 2F7B oil pressure switch, plausibility frequency: 1
error type: 4 (4118 ) Open circuit
readines Flag: (16 ) Test conditions fulfilled
error status: (33 ) failure presently not available, OBDon-board diagnosis debounced
MIL - Status: (48) failure does not cause warning lamp show light (MIL)
P-Code: P0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit F_LZ: 40
ambient text / entry at 86776 km(1.)
Engine speed 0.00 rpm
(engine)- oil temperature 106.00 °C
Engine temperature 100.50 °C
voltage Kl. 87 12.80 V
__________________________________________________ _________

$error locationNr: 10720
$error locationtext: 29E0 fuel mixture control
570729E0C804017201282A600A230782000000000000000000 000000
Error: 3(5) No.: 10720 29E0 fuel mixture control frequency: 1
error type: 8 (4105 ) fuel mixture too rich
readines Flag: (16 ) Test conditions fulfilled
error status: (34 ) failure presently available, not yet OBDon-board diagnosis-debounced
MIL - Status: (49) failure would cause warning lamp show light (MIL)
P-Code: P0172 System Too Rich (Bank 1) F_LZ: 40
ambient text / entry at 86784 km(1.)
speed 640.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 35.00 kPa
relative load 17.92 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 1.02 -
__________________________________________________ _________

$error locationNr: 10721
$error locationtext: 29E1 fuel mixture control 2
570729E1C804017501282A600A230782000000000000000000 000000
Error: 4(5) No.: 10721 29E1 fuel mixture control 2 frequency: 1
error type: 8 (4105 ) fuel mixture too rich
readines Flag: (16 ) Test conditions fulfilled
error status: (34 ) failure presently available, not yet OBDon-board diagnosis-debounced
MIL - Status: (49) failure would cause warning lamp show light (MIL)
P-Code: P0175 System Too Rich (Bank 2) F_LZ: 40
ambient text / entry at 86784 km(1.)
speed 640.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 35.00 kPa
relative load 17.92 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 1.02 -
__________________________________________________ _________

$error locationNr: 10795
$error locationtext: 2A2B fuel mixture control
57072A2BC204017201282A600A240781000000000000000000 000000
Error: 5(5) No.: 10795 2A2B fuel mixture control frequency: 1
error type: 2 (4746 ) mixture too rich (max deviation)
readines Flag: (16 ) Test conditions fulfilled
error status: (34 ) failure presently available, not yet OBDon-board diagnosis-debounced
MIL - Status: (49) failure would cause warning lamp show light (MIL)
P-Code: P0172 System Too Rich (Bank 1) F_LZ: 40
ambient text / entry at 86784 km(1.)
speed 640.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 36.00 kPa
relative load 17.92 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 1.01 -

Was it your precat oxygen sensors?
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      08-09-2017, 01:57 PM   #27
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Did you end up solving this?
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      08-09-2017, 02:22 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by DSrugis View Post
Did you end up solving this?
if you are having similar issues as OP try resetting all your adaptions. I had some weird throttle codes, car was running funny for a few days. After I reset all my adaptions the car was back to normal.
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      08-12-2017, 06:01 AM   #29

Drives: 07 e60 525 N54
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If the car ran fine before the work, needless to say, it would be related to the work performed. Since it takes fuel and spark to run, look into your injectors first. The vanos solidnoids are pretty straight foward, so look into the injectors, it will throw 02 codes if your ratio is off, and I would pull some oil just to make sure there is no gas in it. If you had a spark issue,you would throw misfire codes. Definely double check everything you touched and make note.
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