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      11-28-2012, 09:12 PM   #6601
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Originally Posted by sparkyblue View Post
I actually ran 50/50 E85/ACN91 for a month and it pulled hard. I logged a few times and timing seemed good and the LTFT/STFT did not exceed 32%.

Would it cause any harm to run that high of a mix?

According to the calculator you linked I should be mixing 9 gallons of 91 & 5 gallons of E85 to get 36.5%. (I'd like to run 5% higher ethanol content as a buffer).
If you run more ethanol, you can use ATR to adjust the fuel scalar accordingly and get your trims as close to zero as possible (there's also a table in the tuning guide for mixing ratio to fuel scalar value). Just continue to log and make sure long/short term trims are good. Enjoy the extra power at an affordable price

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      11-29-2012, 12:41 AM   #6602
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^^^ This

Originally Posted by sparkyblue View Post
I actually ran 50/50 E85/ACN91 for a month and it pulled hard. I logged a few times and timing seemed good and the LTFT/STFT did not exceed 32%.

Would it cause any harm to run that high of a mix?

According to the calculator you linked I should be mixing 9 gallons of 91 & 5 gallons of E85 to get 36.5%. (I'd like to run 5% higher ethanol content as a buffer).

SOLD:: PTF Pro eTune by Dzenno / COBB S1+ E50
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      11-29-2012, 12:58 AM   #6603
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Originally Posted by COBB Tuning View Post
If you run more ethanol, you can use ATR to adjust the fuel scalar accordingly and get your trims as close to zero as possible (there's also a table in the tuning guide for mixing ratio to fuel scalar value). Just continue to log and make sure long/short term trims are good. Enjoy the extra power at an affordable price

Got it, ill try to play with the Fuel Scalar value in ATR to get trims in order.

Few questions though.

1. When data-logging, the Cobb AP only allows for a handful of variables to log. Cobb suggests the ones to log on the warning page for the E30/Race Maps. But it looks to me like not all variables are matching up on the site with the ones in our COBB AP and one or two essential ones I feel are missing. Such as "Boost".
But when I try to add boost to the datalog variable list, it gives me an error stating I have selected too many variables and that I should remove some and try again.

Can I get a definitive list of the important variables to datalog on the Cobb AP for running an E85/91 Mix.


^- lists a handful, but fails to add-in the all important LTFT/STFT's, and even without those fuel-trim variables they list too many. (I counted 32)

2. The AccessTUNER help file pdf I linked above is the only "tuning guide" I could find. I read through the whole thing and it doesn't go over playing with the "fuel scalar" values. Could you point me in the right direction as to which guide it is?

Looks like I found the answer to this here:


Seems like someone at Cobb removed the fuel scalar table from the Final-HelpFile.

After looking at the fuel scalar table. I think i'll make it easy on myself and continue with the 50/50 E85 & ACN91 Octane Mix. Which makes for a 47.5% ETHANOL content. (7 Gallons @ E85 & 7 Gallons @ ACN91 OCT) [135i has a 14 gallon tank]. I'd like to ask one more time though, there will be no harm in running this high of a mix correct? The OTS E-30 map should run this just fine, assuming I get the fuel scalar values locked down and the STFT/LTFT's down to as close to 0 as possible correct.

50/50 E85 & ACN91 = 47.5% ETHANOL content. However I'll set the fuel scalar at 44% ETHANOL content, to account for Winter E85 blend & station discrepancies. Cant wait till tomorrow, going to fill up and give the E44 Scalar a try.

3. When using AccessTUNER software, the guide above says to "Attach the OBDII cable to the vehicle and the associated USB cable to the computer". Does that mean I should connect the "CAR -> OBDII -> COBB AP -> USB -> COMPUTER".

4. Lastly, I want to give my thanks to Cobb for providing us such a great product. The COBB AP is indefinitely better than the other tuning options out there right now for my needs. Its easy to install, simple to datalog (no need to run a USB cable from engine bay + computer in passenger seat), and as of recently allows for us to make stupid amounts of power easily with the E-30 & Race Maps. Coming from the Cobb dominated Subaru world, I was so happy to see you guys announcing your introduction to the BMW N54 family late last year.

Last edited by sparkyblue; 11-29-2012 at 02:52 AM..
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      11-29-2012, 09:34 AM   #6604
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1. Here's what I would use for initial E30 map logging. Once everything looks ok, you can change these up to monitor different things. For example, if you're not getting boost overshoots/throttle closures, you can get rid of MAF Req(WGDC) and Boost Setpoint Factor as they're only needed for the axis to adjust the WGDC table.
Lambda (Bank 1)
Lambda (Bank 2)
Ped Pos. (%)
TPS Act. (%)
Timing Cor. (1-6)
Timing Cyl. (1)
Load Act.
Load Req.
Req. Boost Abs. Boost Mean Abs.
Boost Set point Factor
STFT 1-2
LTFT Bank 1-2

2. You should be fine with that map and that mix as long as you adjust the scalar and your logs look clean. More ethanol generally means more knock resistance (which is a good thing).

Also, for those that don't know... The Tuning Guide is also bundled into ATR/ATP, just click 'Help' in the Help menu.

3. You have the hookup correct. Just make sure that you click Ctrl+F, select your Gauges, then click 'Copy To Log' so that the same monitors will be in your log as your gauge list. You can also use the AP by itself for logging, but you'll only have one gauge to view in that case.

4. Glad you're enjoying the AP! Let us know if you have any other questions and we'll do what we can to help you out.

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      11-29-2012, 11:09 AM   #6605
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To: Cobb,

With v402 e30 map, ive been getting some overboost/throttle closures followed by slight timing corrections which i believe are related to the overboost condition.

Will updating to v403 potentially help smooth out these overboost issues?
Did Cobb adjust WGDC in v403 to smooth out overboost conditions some users have been experiencing?
What other changes were made in v403?
I plan to update but some other users mentioned they "feel" the car is "slower" with v403.
Thanks Cobb! Love your product!
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      11-29-2012, 12:56 PM   #6606
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Originally Posted by EastCoast335i View Post
To: Cobb,

With v402 e30 map, ive been getting some overboost/throttle closures followed by slight timing corrections which i believe are related to the overboost condition.

Will updating to v403 potentially help smooth out these overboost issues?
Did Cobb adjust WGDC in v403 to smooth out overboost conditions some users have been experiencing?
What other changes were made in v403?
I plan to update but some other users mentioned they "feel" the car is "slower" with v403.
Thanks Cobb! Love your product!
Give it a shot and see for yourself. It can't hurt.

SOLD:: PTF Pro eTune by Dzenno / COBB S1+ E50
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      12-01-2012, 02:22 AM   #6607

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Im running stage 1+ with fmic. 08 e92. Stett dci, helix bov, ets 5 fmic so far. An hour ago ago i wot once to race 12 sti stage 2 and i got a p30fc code which boost leak. I cleared it and wot couple times more and does not comes on anymore. Could it be i have stock charge pipe? Is this could be just one time warning code or something?
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      12-01-2012, 11:54 AM   #6608

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Originally Posted by Koreyy View Post
Im running stage 1+ with fmic. 08 e92. Stett dci, helix bov, ets 5 fmic so far. An hour ago ago i wot once to race 12 sti stage 2 and i got a p30fc code which boost leak. I cleared it and wot couple times more and does not comes on anymore. Could it be i have stock charge pipe? Is this could be just one time warning code or something?
It is possible that it was a one time code and it won't come back. You should wait to see if the code pops back up and then if it does you should start looking for boost leaks.
"I'm not surprised you get along well with all the other neighbours. If you put fifty children with Down's syndrome in a room there is going to be a lot of hugging." David Thorne
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      12-01-2012, 01:18 PM   #6609
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Originally Posted by EastCoast335i View Post
To: Cobb,

With v402 e30 map, ive been getting some overboost/throttle closures followed by slight timing corrections which i believe are related to the overboost condition.

Will updating to v403 potentially help smooth out these overboost issues?
Did Cobb adjust WGDC in v403 to smooth out overboost conditions some users have been experiencing?
What other changes were made in v403?
I plan to update but some other users mentioned they "feel" the car is "slower" with v403.
Thanks Cobb! Love your product!
The only changes made were to the WGDC table (a total of 4 cells) to correct the throttle closures we had seen from a few customers. This revision seemed to clean up the issue. Its possible you could still have some throttle closures if your wastegates are particularly tight, but those could be corrected in ATR or by your local ProTuner.

We did include a new section in the tuning guide ('Help' in the Help menu in ATR or on the website) that talks about how to modify the WGDC table for overshoots.

Glad you're enjoying your AP!

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      12-01-2012, 02:03 PM   #6610

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Originally Posted by Koreyy View Post
Im running stage 1+ with fmic. 08 e92. Stett dci, helix bov, ets 5 fmic so far. An hour ago ago i wot once to race 12 sti stage 2 and i got a p30fc code which boost leak. I cleared it and wot couple times more and does not comes on anymore. Could it be i have stock charge pipe? Is this could be just one time warning code or something?
It's possible that you have a loose connection from the FMIC install. Also possible that your OEM CP is cracking or the OEM DVs are starting to leak boost. Couple of possibilities but if it doesn't keep coming up, you're good.
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      12-01-2012, 02:05 PM   #6611

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Originally Posted by Ænema View Post
It is possible that it was a one time code and it won't come back. You should wait to see if the code pops back up and then if it does you should start looking for boost leaks.
just wanted to make sure, and yeah i wot on my way to work couple times this morning to check if i get that code again but no. i guess im safe lol
thanks for the tips.
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      12-01-2012, 02:07 PM   #6612

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Originally Posted by benzy89 View Post
It's possible that you have a loose connection from the FMIC install. Also possible that your OEM CP is cracking or the OEM DVs are starting to leak boost. Couple of possibilities but if it doesn't keep coming up, you're good.
yeah i did some research just now, i think i will be alright. if i get it again i should start looking for leaks tho.
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      12-01-2012, 02:16 PM   #6613

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Originally Posted by Koreyy View Post
yeah i did some research just now, i think i will be alright. if i get it again i should start looking for leaks tho.
Yea, leaking DVs are hard to determine (basically have to spray water on the connections & look for bubbles). My car is my DD & once I cranked up the boost to 18 psi, I upgraded the DVs (Forge) and CP (ER) to ensure nothing broke & that the car wasn't down for service/replacement parts.
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      12-01-2012, 02:30 PM   #6614

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Originally Posted by benzy89 View Post
Yea, leaking DVs are hard to determine (basically have to spray water on the connections & look for bubbles). My car is my DD & once I cranked up the boost to 18 psi, I upgraded the DVs (Forge) and CP (ER) to ensure nothing broke & that the car wasn't down for service/replacement parts.
i see, my car is also my DD so i should start look for DVs and CP for myself concern. never knew that DVs and Charge pipe is that weak with stock. thanks for the tip
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      12-01-2012, 02:42 PM   #6615

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Originally Posted by Koreyy View Post
i see, my car is also my DD so i should start look for DVs and CP for myself concern. never knew that DVs and Charge pipe is that weak with stock. thanks for the tip
NP -- I mean they are plastic. Some people get lucky & they never leak, other people not so much. I just wanted to avoid them breaking & if you lose the C-clip on the OEM CP if it breaks, you have to buy a whole new CP just for that part
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      12-06-2012, 06:39 AM   #6616
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Here is a log from tonight.

I'm running a 50/50 E85 & ACN91 Mix, which makes approx 47.5% ethanol on the Cobb OTS Race v403 E-30 Map.

I have adjusted the fuel scalar on the OTS Map to be 44% ethanol (to be safe, because with E-85 it can be anywhere from 70%-85% content).

Can someone please take a look at it and let me know if things are looking good.

I see some timing adjustments at about 3k, but it stops at 4k (which is when the car really feels like its pulling & at the heart of the powerband). Is it bad if I keep running this map & ethanol content with these -3 degree adjustments? And if so, how much harm is it putting on my engine.

Thanks everyone!
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File Type: txt datalog1.txt (24.7 KB, 185 views)
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      12-06-2012, 12:16 PM   #6617

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Originally Posted by sparkyblue View Post
Here is a log from tonight.

I'm running a 50/50 E85 & ACN91 Mix, which makes approx 47.5% ethanol on the Cobb OTS Race v403 E-30 Map.

I have adjusted the fuel scalar on the OTS Map to be 44% ethanol (to be safe, because with E-85 it can be anywhere from 70%-85% content).

Can someone please take a look at it and let me know if things are looking good.

I see some timing adjustments at about 3k, but it stops at 4k (which is when the car really feels like its pulling & at the heart of the powerband). Is it bad if I keep running this map & ethanol content with these -3 degree adjustments? And if so, how much harm is it putting on my engine.

Thanks everyone!
Log looks good!!! If the timing corrections look like that in all the logs i wouldn't be concerned one bit.
"I'm not surprised you get along well with all the other neighbours. If you put fifty children with Down's syndrome in a room there is going to be a lot of hugging." David Thorne
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      12-06-2012, 12:26 PM   #6618
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Originally Posted by sparkyblue View Post
Here is a log from tonight.

I'm running a 50/50 E85 & ACN91 Mix, which makes approx 47.5% ethanol on the Cobb OTS Race v403 E-30 Map.

I have adjusted the fuel scalar on the OTS Map to be 44% ethanol (to be safe, because with E-85 it can be anywhere from 70%-85% content).

Can someone please take a look at it and let me know if things are looking good.

I see some timing adjustments at about 3k, but it stops at 4k (which is when the car really feels like its pulling & at the heart of the powerband). Is it bad if I keep running this map & ethanol content with these -3 degree adjustments? And if so, how much harm is it putting on my engine.

Thanks everyone!

for shits, run S2+, with the cold weather you are less prone to heat soak with the stock intercooler. but watch your IATs. But with 91 you will still have to mix min. 3 gallons of E85 to compensate for the 93 octane. your E30 custom MAP is still more performance over S2+.

SOLD:: PTF Pro eTune by Dzenno / COBB S1+ E50
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      12-06-2012, 12:47 PM   #6619

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Figured I'd just share the number from my ProTune done by Jake@PTF
  • Stock Baseline with Installed Mods: 270 WHP / 290 WTQ
  • 93 Octane ProTune: 380 WHP / 395 WTQ (Delta Over Stock: 110 WHP / 105 WTQ)
  • E85 Blend ProTune: 428 WHP / 460 WTQ (Delta Over Stock: 158 WHP / 170 WTQ and Delta Over 93 Octane ProTune: 48 WHP / 65 WTQ).

Loving the power & it's actually me considering a Race Gas ProTune just because it's easier to get VPxxx then E85
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      12-06-2012, 03:35 PM   #6620
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Originally Posted by benzy89 View Post
Figured I'd just share the number from my ProTune done by Jake@PTF
  • Stock Baseline with Installed Mods: 270 WHP / 290 WTQ
  • 93 Octane ProTune: 380 WHP / 395 WTQ (Delta Over Stock: 110 WHP / 105 WTQ)
  • E85 Blend ProTune: 428 WHP / 460 WTQ (Delta Over Stock: 158 WHP / 170 WTQ and Delta Over 93 Octane ProTune: 48 WHP / 65 WTQ).

Loving the power & it's actually me considering a Race Gas ProTune just because it's easier to get VPxxx then E85
Nice Numbers, especially with baseline with Current Mods. If it was bone stock, even greater delta's. Mustang Dyno?

How's your launch? 0-60 ft. just a bit more power....

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      12-06-2012, 04:13 PM   #6621
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What map should I install?my upgrades are BMW performance exhaust and afe intake.
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      12-06-2012, 04:25 PM   #6622

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Originally Posted by mjv1079 View Post
What map should I install?my upgrades are BMW performance exhaust and afe intake.
Stage 1 Drive or Sport if you are using 91 octane, Stage 1 Aggressive if you are using 93 octane.
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