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      09-28-2013, 05:47 PM   #8207
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Originally Posted by UMich_335i View Post
Is there a way to change the sample rate for logging on the v3 AP? I can only log 16 channels at a time, which isn't enough for the default list.
The default list will log just fine. That being said, using 6 monitors for gauge view that are not on the default list basically adds another 6 channels, so you may run into issues. I would recommend either switching to a less amount of gauges while logging or changing some of the gauge monitors to be the same as those in the default list. This will effectively lower the number of total monitors being pulled from the DME.

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      09-28-2013, 05:51 PM   #8208
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Originally Posted by labedra View Post
At the track got the following codes


Help all came on at same time no leaks, reset codes once drove 10 miles got on track codes came back all of them. When codes were reset everything worked fine but when codes came back limp mode and codes came back listed above.
Looks like you have some misfires, post-cat O2 codes, and a MAP code. Have you done any new installs lately? With that big of a list, I'd assume an electrical issue, but it could be separate issues. You can find the code descriptions here:

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      09-28-2013, 05:53 PM   #8209
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Originally Posted by e46beater View Post
I only see 4.01 on their site for anything stage 1 minus FMIC
Send me the logs and I can take a look for you.


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      09-28-2013, 07:15 PM   #8210
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Originally Posted by COBB Tuning View Post
Looks like you have some misfires, post-cat O2 codes, and a MAP code. Have you done any new installs lately? With that big of a list, I'd assume an electrical issue, but it could be separate issues. You can find the code descriptions here:

I changed the plugs, however i went 2 sessions without issues, 3rd session all codes. I reset the codes drove for a while no problem, then right when i enter the track codes again. So I reset ECU and woudln't reset so cleard the codes and loaded Stage 2 FMC Sport instead of Agressive. Drove for a while no codes. did 5 or 6 Open Throttle pulls no codes. Weird. I hope this is just a glitch. But got new plugs, thats it, however i never drove this hard as 2nd and 3rd session.

What could this bee, I didn't turn off traction control so maybe ECU freaked out?

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      09-29-2013, 11:03 AM   #8211
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Originally Posted by e46beater View Post
I only see 4.01 on their site for anything stage 1 minus FMIC
had to go and check myself lol. you are correct anything stage 1 without a fmic is v 4.01 sorry for the bad info thought they all changed to v4.02
any logs would help determine what's going on.
ptf MHD E85 /Hexon rr550 turbo's/PRE custom intakes/CP / bms dp's/hfs4 / er fmic/PSS/spec stage 2+/kwv2/steveAZ stage 3 lpfp /m3 control arms/powerflex black/MF LSD /fuel it port injection
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      09-29-2013, 09:01 PM   #8212
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Originally Posted by labedra View Post
I changed the plugs, however i went 2 sessions without issues, 3rd session all codes. I reset the codes drove for a while no problem, then right when i enter the track codes again. So I reset ECU and woudln't reset so cleard the codes and loaded Stage 2 FMC Sport instead of Agressive. Drove for a while no codes. did 5 or 6 Open Throttle pulls no codes. Weird. I hope this is just a glitch. But got new plugs, thats it, however i never drove this hard as 2nd and 3rd session.

What could this bee, I didn't turn off traction control so maybe ECU freaked out?
Traction control would have nothing to do with those codes. I would start looking at wiring since there are 3 separate sensors that are reporting issues. If you still happen to have warranty, then uninstall and drive the car for a few miles. You should trigger the codes again as I don't think this is tune related at all.

Feel free to send me some logs if you'd like me to take a look and see if there's anything bad there.

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      09-30-2013, 12:15 AM   #8213
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Originally Posted by COBB Tuning View Post
Traction control would have nothing to do with those codes. I would start looking at wiring since there are 3 separate sensors that are reporting issues. If you still happen to have warranty, then uninstall and drive the car for a few miles. You should trigger the codes again as I don't think this is tune related at all.

Feel free to send me some logs if you'd like me to take a look and see if there's anything bad there.

Well changed the tune to

Stg2+FMIC ST Sport IJE0S v402
Stock Throttle

insted of Agresive and went all out with instructor pushed the car to the limit for four 30 min sessions at Gingerman Raceway, Michigan and no issues. So how do you explain that? It must be tune related. I checked everything no leaks no boost leaks no nothing. So i'm lost at what the issue was other then i changed the tune. I went 1 session with TCS and the other 3 TCS off. So you would think that pushing the car that hard even harder then last time would throw codes with a SPORT tune but it didn't.... so there are the codes but I have no logs unfortunately. SPORT TUNE WORKED FOR ME. I also see other people with similar problems and codes online but they stated when they went back to stock tune problem is gone so this is saying something.

BTW I put shell 93 octane when i got the codes and the map suppose to be for that but the map I ran (SPORT stage 2 map) only requires 91 octane so maybe that has something to do with it? Don't know but I would like to find out before I waste multiple sessions at the track just to find out that the other tune worked.

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      09-30-2013, 09:49 AM   #8214
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These codes don't have anything to do with a boost leak.

2C7F AfterCat 02 sensor trim control, Bank 2
2C6B AfterCat 02 sensor system check, Bank 1

These cannot be an issue related to our tuning as we do nothing with those codes. Those sensors strictly report on what they see and the codes are thrown due to an issue in the reporting. Common issues for O2 codes are swapping sensors harness plugs during downpipe installation, exhaust leak pre-cat, or damaged sensors.

29D1 misfire, cylinder 5

Misfires are common on these cars and are normally either plugs, coils, failing injector, or carbon build-up on the intake valves.

2ABC charging pressure sensor, electrical
3100 Air charge control, shut-down

These two are the main cause of the limp mode. The 3100 code is basically just letting you know that the boost control was shut down and a limp mode was initiated. You need to look for other codes to indicate what the problem actually was. In the case, the DME reported an error with the MAP sensor. This could be as simple as a loose harness connection, but it's reporting a loss of signal.

If you had seen under or over boost codes, that could be due to a tune not working well with your particular vehicle (assuming there wasn't an actual leak), but these codes are not something that should be tuning related. When running a tune, problems can become exaggerated due to the entire system doing more work. As I said I'd be happy to view some logs if you'd like to send them over.

Either way, I would start by checking connections to the MAP sensor and verifying there are no exhaust leaks. If you log STFTs and LTFTs, it should give you a good idea of why the O2 sensors are throwing codes.

I'm happy to help, but you'll get a lot faster responses if you email me or call one of the techs.

- Josh

Originally Posted by labedra View Post
Well changed the tune to

Stg2+FMIC ST Sport IJE0S v402
Stock Throttle

insted of Agresive and went all out with instructor pushed the car to the limit for four 30 min sessions at Gingerman Raceway, Michigan and no issues. So how do you explain that? It must be tune related. I checked everything no leaks no boost leaks no nothing. So i'm lost at what the issue was other then i changed the tune. I went 1 session with TCS and the other 3 TCS off. So you would think that pushing the car that hard even harder then last time would throw codes with a SPORT tune but it didn't.... so there are the codes but I have no logs unfortunately. SPORT TUNE WORKED FOR ME. I also see other people with similar problems and codes online but they stated when they went back to stock tune problem is gone so this is saying something.

BTW I put shell 93 octane when i got the codes and the map suppose to be for that but the map I ran (SPORT stage 2 map) only requires 91 octane so maybe that has something to do with it? Don't know but I would like to find out before I waste multiple sessions at the track just to find out that the other tune worked.
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      09-30-2013, 09:52 AM   #8215
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Originally Posted by cwarren View Post
had to go and check myself lol. you are correct anything stage 1 without a fmic is v 4.01 sorry for the bad info thought they all changed to v4.02
any logs would help determine what's going on.
Loaded the sport ST Stage 1 for the heck of it.. same immediate issue. I get a Cylinder 1 misfire code so before I ask for anymore help I'm gonna start with the basics, change plugs, and diagnose any coil issues.

Thanks for the help guys
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      09-30-2013, 09:55 AM   #8216
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Originally Posted by e46beater View Post
Loaded the sport ST Stage 1 for the heck of it.. same immediate issue. I get a Cylinder 1 misfire code so before I ask for anymore help I'm gonna start with the basics, change plugs, and diagnose any coil issues.

Thanks for the help guys
Send me some logs once you get the basic maintenance done and I'll see if I can help you with any issues.

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      09-30-2013, 03:49 PM   #8217
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Originally Posted by COBB Tuning View Post
These codes don't have anything to do with a boost leak.

2C7F AfterCat 02 sensor trim control, Bank 2
2C6B AfterCat 02 sensor system check, Bank 1

These cannot be an issue related to our tuning as we do nothing with those codes. Those sensors strictly report on what they see and the codes are thrown due to an issue in the reporting. Common issues for O2 codes are swapping sensors harness plugs during downpipe installation, exhaust leak pre-cat, or damaged sensors.

29D1 misfire, cylinder 5

Misfires are common on these cars and are normally either plugs, coils, failing injector, or carbon build-up on the intake valves.

2ABC charging pressure sensor, electrical
3100 Air charge control, shut-down

These two are the main cause of the limp mode. The 3100 code is basically just letting you know that the boost control was shut down and a limp mode was initiated. You need to look for other codes to indicate what the problem actually was. In the case, the DME reported an error with the MAP sensor. This could be as simple as a loose harness connection, but it's reporting a loss of signal.

If you had seen under or over boost codes, that could be due to a tune not working well with your particular vehicle (assuming there wasn't an actual leak), but these codes are not something that should be tuning related. When running a tune, problems can become exaggerated due to the entire system doing more work. As I said I'd be happy to view some logs if you'd like to send them over.

Either way, I would start by checking connections to the MAP sensor and verifying there are no exhaust leaks. If you log STFTs and LTFTs, it should give you a good idea of why the O2 sensors are throwing codes.

I'm happy to help, but you'll get a lot faster responses if you email me or call one of the techs.

- Josh
Ya I will check everything tonight but like I said 2 hrs of track sessions and 180 miles back home no issues, no codes on sport tune. It's really hard to log something when it doesn't happen again and I will try the Aggressive tune once more later this week, and start logging if issues occur. I will give you guys a call when that happens. Right now i have something with brakes, might have bent brake plates from braking too hard, so once i fix that will try Aggressive tune. BTW - BMWCCA folks helped me push this thing to the limit . Thanks for the replies.

Also let me ask you this stupid question i was flowing MR2 turbo, that was loosing coolant bad, it happened 2 times and thats right before i got 2 limp modes, could this have caused the sensor to malfunction since might have gotten coolant fumes in the intake?

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      09-30-2013, 04:49 PM   #8218
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Originally Posted by labedra View Post
Ya I will check everything tonight but like I said 2 hrs of track sessions and 180 miles back home no issues, no codes on sport tune. It's really hard to log something when it doesn't happen again and I will try the Aggressive tune once more later this week, and start logging if issues occur. I will give you guys a call when that happens. Right now i have something with brakes, might have bent brake plates from braking too hard, so once i fix that will try Aggressive tune. BTW - BMWCCA folks helped me push this thing to the limit . Thanks for the replies.

Also let me ask you this stupid question i was flowing MR2 turbo, that was loosing coolant bad, it happened 2 times and thats right before i got 2 limp modes, could this have caused the sensor to malfunction since might have gotten coolant fumes in the intake?
Hmm, I guess that's possible, but I would expect it to get absorbed into the filter first. It could have just been the fact that the connections were loose and the track day shook everything around a bit. You can always log even without having the issue and I could look to see if the readings look off for AFR or MAP. If there's an intermittent signal drop I may be able to see it in a log without it actually triggering a limp mode or DTC. Of course you're right that the logs may look perfect until the issue happens again. Just let me know if I can help.

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      10-01-2013, 03:28 AM   #8219
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p29e0 p29e1...p0171 SES!

I started getting these codes while running E40 Cobb with a protune:
p0171 SES
So I ran the tank down to empty, filled with Shell 93 VPower and flashed back to Stage 0. Continued to get these codes. On second tank of Shell 93/Stage 0 and continue to get these codes like this every time:
First p29e0, then p29e1 (fuel mixture) and then eventually p0171 (lean condition). Typically when cold, less frequently when warm, but every day now. Once the third p0171 occurs then the SES light comes on. All clear fine but it repeats. Here are two logs:



Does anybody have any idea what could be causing these codes?
MHD Self-Tuned Scaled FlexFuel Map | M-Boost | N20 Tmap | Helix IC | Fuel-It Stage 2 LPFP | BMS DCI | BMS Thermostat Delete | CP-E Charge Pipe | Tial-Q BOV | Apex Arc-8 Hyper Silver | Michelin PSS | Cool Carbon Brake Pads R/T | SS Brakelines | ECS 2-Piece Rotors F/R | xHP Stage 3 | xDelete Sport | KW-V1 Coilovers | Turner Strut Brace | Lux Angel Eyes | CF Kidneys | Scoops
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      10-01-2013, 10:55 AM   #8220
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Originally Posted by Jeffman View Post
I started getting these codes while running E40 Cobb with a protune:
p0171 SES
So I ran the tank down to empty, filled with Shell 93 VPower and flashed back to Stage 0. Continued to get these codes. On second tank of Shell 93/Stage 0 and continue to get these codes like this every time:
First p29e0, then p29e1 (fuel mixture) and then eventually p0171 (lean condition). Typically when cold, less frequently when warm, but every day now. Once the third p0171 occurs then the SES light comes on. All clear fine but it repeats. Here are two logs:



Does anybody have any idea what could be causing these codes?
just for shits, have you tried uninstalling the COBB?

SOLD:: PTF Pro eTune by Dzenno / COBB S1+ E50
Alpina B3 Flash / ETS FMIC / ER CP / CPE DCI
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      10-01-2013, 01:04 PM   #8221
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Originally Posted by VNeBLOB42 View Post
just for shits, have you tried uninstalling the COBB?
Yes. I actually did that first. But got the SES code. I don't have a BT cable to diagnose so I installed the Cobb Stage 0 so I could read the codes. I also pressed "Reset ECU" on the Cobb, thinking this would reset the adaptations, but I'm not sure if this really resets adaptations.

Today I don't have any codes, yet...it figures, as I was going to uninstall the Cobb anyway as I'm due for rear rotors and brake pads at my neighborhood BMW service center.
MHD Self-Tuned Scaled FlexFuel Map | M-Boost | N20 Tmap | Helix IC | Fuel-It Stage 2 LPFP | BMS DCI | BMS Thermostat Delete | CP-E Charge Pipe | Tial-Q BOV | Apex Arc-8 Hyper Silver | Michelin PSS | Cool Carbon Brake Pads R/T | SS Brakelines | ECS 2-Piece Rotors F/R | xHP Stage 3 | xDelete Sport | KW-V1 Coilovers | Turner Strut Brace | Lux Angel Eyes | CF Kidneys | Scoops
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      10-01-2013, 04:21 PM   #8222
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Originally Posted by Jeffman View Post
Yes. I actually did that first. But got the SES code. I don't have a BT cable to diagnose so I installed the Cobb Stage 0 so I could read the codes. I also pressed "Reset ECU" on the Cobb, thinking this would reset the adaptations, but I'm not sure if this really resets adaptations.

Today I don't have any codes, yet...it figures, as I was going to uninstall the Cobb anyway as I'm due for rear rotors and brake pads at my neighborhood BMW service center.
I have had this issue intermittently ever since I ran E85 on PROcede and now occasionally on my Cobb after switching back to a pump gas map after running E40. I couldn't open your logs but when my car isn't running lean or maxing fuel trims. I suppose it could also be an O2 sensor issue but that is just a guess on my part. Usually I just clear it and doesn't come back.
Cobb E40 PROtune by Jake@PTF/RR catless DPs/aFe DCI/ETS 5" FMIC/ER CP/Forge DVs/Alpina B3 TCU flash/BMW Perf. Exhaust./BMW Performance Style 313s/M-Tech Rear
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      10-01-2013, 05:28 PM   #8223
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Originally Posted by sickem View Post
I have had this issue intermittently ever since I ran E85 on PROcede and now occasionally on my Cobb after switching back to a pump gas map after running E40. I couldn't open your logs but when my car isn't running lean or maxing fuel trims. I suppose it could also be an O2 sensor issue but that is just a guess on my part. Usually I just clear it and doesn't come back.
Thanks for your input. @Jake@PTF is my tuner, too. I'm suspecting oxygen sensors, as well. Is there any reason why ethanol would f$&@-up an oxygen sensor? Dammit, there are four of them and each cost about $200, not including installation!
MHD Self-Tuned Scaled FlexFuel Map | M-Boost | N20 Tmap | Helix IC | Fuel-It Stage 2 LPFP | BMS DCI | BMS Thermostat Delete | CP-E Charge Pipe | Tial-Q BOV | Apex Arc-8 Hyper Silver | Michelin PSS | Cool Carbon Brake Pads R/T | SS Brakelines | ECS 2-Piece Rotors F/R | xHP Stage 3 | xDelete Sport | KW-V1 Coilovers | Turner Strut Brace | Lux Angel Eyes | CF Kidneys | Scoops
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      10-01-2013, 09:06 PM   #8224
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Originally Posted by Jeffman View Post
Thanks for your input. @Jake@PTF is my tuner, too. I'm suspecting oxygen sensors, as well. Is there any reason why ethanol would f$&@-up an oxygen sensor? Dammit, there are four of them and each cost about $200, not including installation!
Oembimmerparts.com has them for $150 , but probably not o2 sensors...wait till you throw codes...our cars have complicated dme's could just be the car reacting to changes in the fuel mixture. If logs are good then I wouldn't worry.
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      10-01-2013, 09:11 PM   #8225
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Clem charges $250 for a DP install and you have to pull all four sensors for that. That's probably your cheapest option for install.
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      10-01-2013, 11:50 PM   #8226
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I just upgraded from a V2 to a V3 (because my V2 screen shat itself!) and since loading the V3, I get a yellow check engine light on startup and code: P2A18 - DMTL diagnosis module tank leakage, heating: input signal.

I was running a PTF map prior, however since my AP serial numbers don't match, I had to flash the 2+ agg map instead. The code didn't show prior to loading the V3.

Any thoughts?

Also, COBB: With unit measurements on the V3, is there a way to set temps as Celsius and boost at PSI?

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      10-04-2013, 11:26 AM   #8227
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Is there anyway to run stage 2 maps without getting down pipes? I live in IL and I wouldn't pass emissions and my car is still under the BMW warranty for 2+ years. This month I plan on upgrading the car with a Dinan FMIC and Dinan Exhaust. anything else that will allow me to run the Stage 2 maps? I am CRAVING more power.

2010 335xi Coupe | M Package
COBB Stage 1+ Aggressive FMIC | aFe DCI | Helix FMIC | VRSF CP
2011 535diI
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      10-04-2013, 11:31 AM   #8228
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Originally Posted by buylongterm View Post

Is there anyway to run stage 2 maps without getting down pipes? I live in IL and I wouldn't pass emissions and my car is still under the BMW warranty for 2+ years. This month I plan on upgrading the car with a Dinan FMIC and Dinan Exhaust. anything else that will allow me to run the Stage 2 maps? I am CRAVING more power.

In terms of off the shelf maps, just run stage 1+fmic once you get the FMIC. This is a very powerful map, moreso than stage 2. There's a big difference between stage 1 and stage 1+ in terms of boost and timing advance.

Other option would be to have PTF or the like make you a custom map for your car. This could be done either on a dyno or via an etune. This will maximize the power your car makes better than an OTS map, particularly if you have E85 at your disposal...

On another note, why the Dinan FMIC? There are much more cost-effective options on the market and while I have had dealers squawk about my downpipes they've never said anything about the ETS intercooler.
Cobb E40 PROtune by Jake@PTF/RR catless DPs/aFe DCI/ETS 5" FMIC/ER CP/Forge DVs/Alpina B3 TCU flash/BMW Perf. Exhaust./BMW Performance Style 313s/M-Tech Rear
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