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08-08-2021, 07:56 PM | #89 |
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Like anything we have our opinions...Then observable varifiable facts...
My personal opinions are pretty simple... We live in a bubble bath like multiverse of similar in scale universes...Some larger some smaller, maybe some will have different properties, for example could be made of something other than atoms, some have no flow of time, or time is differentt, or a countless amount of things being our humble grasp. I believe common sense dictates these (and our) universe is both infinitely large and infinitely small, and there are an infinite amount of them, perhaps some unknown force gives the multiverse a round or looping shape or a shape beyond 3 dimensions we could never understand... Now IF there are an infinite amount of universes at our relative scale in terms of physical size, but there NOT an infinite amount of combinations of matter/energy (while there are an unfathomable amount), that the human mind just can't even begin to come close to grasping... That means theoretically parrallel universes MUST and thus DO exist, even though we probably can't even grasp what that actually means... Using basic reasoning then IF the former statement is true then it logically it should be true that some of these other universes; because of the slightest variance in mass or potential energy of that original singularity, then properties of the eventual universe that comes into creation from that singularity must be at least slightly different (as small a variance as the amount of hairs on my head or grains of sand on the that Universes version of Earth) and on the flip side, some of these "parrallel" would be so different we cannot even come close to grasping the notion... To be clear I mean different laws of quantum and or solid state physics, totally different forms of the most fundamental aspects that make "our" universe like different flows of time, and outside of those concepts I believe the human brain cannot and would not be able to come close to comprehending, things happening at different scales or the possibilities in a mutiverse thats infinitely large and infinitely small, and has an infinite number of variables... Beyond these educated guesses based on what we see, I believe thinking we could ever understand the who what where when and hows are impossible, as to know or guess these things, one must know the proper question, and a human knowing what question to ask would be like believing a cockroach could grasp quantum physics...In fact I think a cock roach has a better chance of inventing a quantum computer than we have of understanding even what question to ask... While this may seem silly to some, keep in mind if you wave a basic math equation in front of a fish, it thinks it knows the proper question...Propably thinking "what is this flat white creature in front of me"... __________________________________________________ _______ Moving on from my humble ramblings of my primitive guesses of what, where and how we may exist, There are scientific facts we know to be true based on decades or even centuries of experiments and repeatable, verifiable data...And weve now confirmed through the use of the Hubble Radio Telescope, TPF, Plank observatory, Hadron collider, etc... Although sadly in 2021 even facts, have become like opinions and some people can't even agree on the most basic verifiable, provable points...Or can firmly hold 2 beliefs that directly contradict eachother, yet believe both to be true, and inable to esacpe the cycle of self reinforcing information and confirmation bias. Anyway, as many have stated previously mentioned here scientists have have determined our "big bang" is expanding and expanding at an increasing rate of speed, and that the expansion is happening at the same rate in every direction and at or near the speed of light... The further and farther we look back in space time the slower that rate of increased expansion...(Also that its space/time itself expanding or better described as inflating, not simply objects travelling through space time...Weve also established that rate of change is linear and constant and is known simply as the "Hubble Constant" We know these things by means of 2 main methods.. 1. The Doppler Effect A simple, reliable, and easy to understand principal in physics that allows us to predict within 1% the scale, and age of our universe... As with any type of observable and quantifiable waves on the EMF scale, which is just a basic propery we observe in any type of waves from waves formed in a pond to EMF, to air pressure waves (sound waves) in and out of humans sonic audible range... Best example for someone not well versed in basic newtonian physics is an ambulance siren... Notice it sounds like its pitch (and volume) increase as it approaches and decreases as it moves further away ie. frequency appears to decrease while amplitute increases, and vice versa...I say appears to because the wave length doesn't really change in distance or frequency just in relation to an observer standing still, as the further away the observation the more red the shift in spectrum, as the more space/time is stretched. Gamma rays, X-rays and everything inbetween, including visable light waves do the exact same thing... So by using extremey sensitive instruments namely the Hubble Telescope, which because of the incredible distances, it must collect this data over days, sometimes even more...We observe a "red shift" indicating a movement away from us, as opposed to a "blue shift" which we only see in bodies very close to us (on a cosmic scale)... We've also observed that the further out we look, the slower the rate of change and this constant rate of change in acceleration is whats known as Hubbles law or the Hubble Constant. Which to be clear is a constant change in acceleration...Its summed up mathetically simply by the equation H=V/D or Hubbles Constant = Velocity / Distance. 2. Cosmic Background Radiation This method, I dont think Ive seen mentioned surprisingly... Using Hubbles microwave collecting ability to look back to what scientists believe is a period just minutes to a few hundred million years following the big bang before even the formation of the first celetial bodies...Mostly just hydrogen atoms at varying energy/densities =, seemingly without any pattern or structure...These variation in densities slowly gather over time becoming more dense and eventually forminging various elements, isotopes, and eventually molecues complex combinations of atoms forming more and more complex chemicals, organics and eventually plant, animal life, and who knows what else... Because of the basic laws of optics or the behaviors of light, we also observe a blurring effect, as the telescopes must collect light over days or weeks to get such images as the hubble deep and ultra deep field..The further back they look the groupings get slightly less tightly grouped over large distances, and we experience gravitational lensing and other optical phenomenon... Now based on the observed rate of movement through space and time, scientists hypothesize that this expansion is accelerating. However, not the way we woud picture it would with objects travelling through space/time but rather spacetime itself expanding. An analogy often used is to picture a balloon and draw a bunch of dots, than inflate the balloon... Sorry for the rambliong post and grammar errors, im exhausted after a long shitty day...
2020 BSM X4///M-2016 BSM ///M2- 2011 668 ///M3 |
08-08-2021, 10:23 PM | #90 | |
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08-09-2021, 03:51 AM | #91 |
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One of my biggest hurdles when trying to understand all of this is I am too much of a visual understanding kind of person. To understand how something works I need to visualize it, and a lot of this can't be visualized. I was just trying to read more on the multiverse theory and cosmic inflation and every time I think I understand it (somewhat), I read on and everything I pictured before no longer makes sense. I'm trying to break out of this "physical" mindset but I just don't understand all this quantum and cosmic talk enough to break free.
Building on that, so many people, myself included, can't escape the mindset that everything that exists has to exists within something else. The atom exists within the cell, the cell exists within the body, the body exists within our world, our world within our solar system, our solar system within our galaxy, galaxy within our universe.... but what does our universe exists within? And what does that exists within? Again, that's the limitations of a physical picture to understand something. I think thats the case with a lot of people, if we can't see it, or build a picture of how something is with physically, then it can't be so. This also causes issues understanding the Big Bang because so many people can't "picture" how something comes from nothing. I just had this conversation with a co-worker the other day when talking about existence and the Big Bang and what caused it, they were asking where did the Big Bang come from because you can't create something from nothing. He also asked what was before the Big Bang? How can you have something before the start of everything? I tried to explain the theory of cosmic inflation but I don't understand it enough my self to be able to explain it to someone else. I've noticed with a lot of people it always boils down to time, what was before the Big Bang? Does time exists outside of our own concept or creation of it? Science says yes because we can observe time, but we also created how we understand that observation. Are we limiting ourselves on how we understand everything because we can't let go of our concept of time? Moving away from the crazy in-depth super smart people talk, I have an extremely difficult time accepting that we are the only life in the universe. Theres just too much out there to think that it doesn't exist anywhere else. Life was created on Earth, why couldn't it have happened somewhere else? I personally also like the idea of alternate realities, that our reality is one of many that exist all at once, all at the same "time", but also be all at different "times". We always get reports and stories about aliens, how they seem to appear out of no where, and disappear without explanation. We have stories of ghosts, unexplainable phenomenons. Could these be blending of realities? Could aliens be visitors from another reality that have figured out how to travel back and forth? Maybe they aren't from another planet or solar system, maybe they are from the same Earth as ours but just a different reality. If we get into the multiverse theory and how physics as we it could be different for each universe, then different realities could have different laws of physics which would lead to different forms of life, different technological advancements, different concept of time. This might be a little more "Marvel" but in my head I can make some more sense of it. |
08-09-2021, 07:30 AM | #92 | |
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What none of us can visiuslize, or truly coceptualize including myself is infinities....We her that word and subconciously think to ourselves, it means just REALLY REALLY BIG... However, I think to have a shot at understaning in out place in our local physical Universe, you have to just accept that we MAY exist in an infitely large/small universe....Even though the mind cant grasp it, it can use logic to say "everytime throught history, man thought he knew where the finite limit was, we were wrong"... For the universe or multiverse not to be infinite, we have to step outside the edge of spcetime to a place or dimension where neither you or even the thought of you can exist, and then ask, for there to be a place where the thought of u cannot exist, means that it's still not a nothingless void...I just dont think our brains can really handle conceptualiing thse thigns sthis point....lol
2020 BSM X4///M-2016 BSM ///M2- 2011 668 ///M3 |
08-09-2021, 10:39 AM | #93 |
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What really keeps me up at night is the fact that I will be dead well before any of my questions about the Universe get answered!
I just hope we get a visit from a higher level of intelligence before I die. It would be nice to wake up one day and see one (ambassador from another galaxy) on every TV channel telling us about the universe and our roll in it all. It would change our world and thinking for the better. Or would it create chaos from religious nuts? |
08-09-2021, 12:26 PM | #94 | |
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08-09-2021, 12:35 PM | #95 | |
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![]() I often wonder if the universe is simulated are we all part of this "experiment" together or is each one of our consciousness it's own simulation and everything and everyone we encounter are not other consciousness, but part of the simulation? Like is this a massive multiplayer game or are we all playing in single player mode? ![]() If the later then I would imagine we ARE the experiment vs say the universe getting set in motion and we just emerged from that as an "accident" in which case the universe itself is the experiment. However if we ARE the experiment does whatever created it have the same ethical thoughts that we do? When the game is over do we get some credits that explain WTF is going on? Sooooooo many questions arise no matter which way you go. |
08-09-2021, 01:09 PM | #96 |
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Assuming aliens are thousands of years more advanced than us, and assuming space travel is a "been there, done that" kind of thing for them - would it not make sense for our little part of the universe to be labelled "Exhibit A, please don't tap on the glass"?
I'm not completely useless, I can be used as a bad example.
08-09-2021, 01:34 PM | #97 | |
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I do believe that they are monitoring us. They have probably sent probes to our planet and are monitoring the health of our planet. That video is probably a recording of the probe, hence why it is hovering over the ocean and dives in. Will they come wipe us right before the point of no return??? Will they come and warn us before the point of no return??? They probably dont give a fuck, there are infinite earths and why are we worth saving? |
08-09-2021, 01:59 PM | #99 |
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08-09-2021, 02:10 PM | #101 | |
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Isn`t this the story line to the film - The day the Earth stood still ![]() I quite liked the Keanu remake. |
08-09-2021, 02:42 PM | #102 | |
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And "If" there are aliens is a pretty niave thing to say...1st of there are more Earth size planets in our tiny little local group of stars in our very unremarkable neighbohood of our very unremarkable galaxy... "If " we are an accident, then probability still suggests hundreds of thousands of other life creating accidents in our galaxy alone , let alone the Universe or multiverse... And safe to predict we werent the first accident considering the if the Universe (13.7 Billion Light Years old (186,0000 miles per second x 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hr, 24 hrs per day, 365 days a year...So Travelling at the speed of light, It would still take almost 32 million years to travel from end to end... Now. the DOD has recently admitted to chasing UFOs, and poccessing meta materials, not naturally occuring on Earth, as well as whistle blowers like Bob Lazzar who has passed multiple FBI lie detectors that claims to have been working for EG&G reverse engineering (or tryting to) the propulsion mechanism on 1of 9 crashed ET craft... Even going so far as saying in the 80s the fuel is an element that was not on the table of elements when he made this claim and said by the scientific community to be theoretically impossible...Saying an element with an atomic weight over 88 could never be stable and thus exist... He claimed that atoms with an atomic weight of 114-116 were deemed "an island of stability" by Above Top Secret private DOD contractor physicists... Yet in 2013, Russian scientistists using an advanced particle accellerator synthesized element 115 and it is now on the Periodic table with elements 114 and 116... And this is one of a few seemingly far fetched claims that ended up being true... One was that these craft travel faster than light, without breaking rules of special relativity by warping space time around them, and actually not moving at all...He described in detail how they increase the amplitutute of gravity waves (which even today scientists have almost no understanding of how gravity even works)... One more claim he made was that once a destination is determined some of these craft turn 90* and move bottom pointed in the direction of travel...And one of the 3 declassified videos released by the Pentagon known as the "gimble footage" taken in 2013 by the FLIR mounted camera mounted on the front of the most advanced non classidfied fighter jets the Nazy has, by a "top gun" pilot and witnessed by 3 other pilots a the time and dozens in the weeks before and after that specifoc incident... I think its likely life is just a by product of the universe...Look at the pattern...After the big bang, the universe is void and made up 1 element with a single proton, floating around without form, and over 10s of billions of light years, more and more complex molecuels form, scientists have even synhesized very basic organics seemingly in a sterile enviorment made up of elements thought to be present in our early atmospere... Then look at the Earth, Life is EVERYWHERE from the hottest boiling undersea geothermal vents, where organic creatures in the dark turn heat into energy....To tartagrates which live in ice in the coldest parts of the world... And scientists, think they may have found eveidence of organic molecules on mars, and say theres a schance it could exist on Europa or even Titan 2 of the 8 moons of Jupiter... That would be 4 bodies orbitting our unremarkable star...Then the Terrestrial planet finder, and other new advanced methods stro physisists have been using for just a few years to find planets similar in size and in the habitable zone of their starts where water can exist in liquid form... They have found thousands in just a few short years...And thats just conditions that could sustain life similar to humans...And again life exists here on Earth literally everywhere, millions of species from bacteria to humans...Lastly consider if the universes age was reprented by a 12 month calander, humans as we exist now have been around for about 1 day... And we went from horse and buggies to space tourism, primitive AI And quantum computing, and traveling to other the moon, and soon Mars in in less than 100 years...Thats like a millisecond in cosmic time...Imagine a civilization a thousand years older than us... I think scarier, harder to imagine thought with the the Universe and its hundreds of trillions stars ( and our star has 9 planets) which eah have between 1 and 6 moons orbitting them. That we are the ONLY life, or intelligent life...The statistic probability of that is just about 0... Much more likely the Universe is teaming with creatures, many literally light years ahead of us....And If they have the warp space and time to traverse hige distances and move faster than light, if they wanted to destroy us, w ewould not be having this conversation...LOL... The best movie on the subject of UAP (new term for UFO) which I highly recommdnd for anyone eho wants to see a well made, very detailed, documentary packed with hundreds of governemnt insiders who have come formard to from police, pilot (commercial and military), radar operators, all guys risking their career and reputation telling stories of govt knowledge and even communication with various different species....Is either "Unacknowleged" or "CE5 .... Filled with witnesses from: President Eisenhauers grand daughter police scientists working for DARPA compartmentalized defense contractors Military personelle, like minutemen operstord with their finger on the atomic trigger fighter pilots radar observers Presidents like Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr (Longest erving Head of CIA) World Leaders past and present from other countiries Former Senior Intelligence Officials Jackie Gleason who claimed Nixon showed him recovered crashed UFOs and even bodies of ETs Dorothy Killgalen (well respected injestigative journalist assiniated by the CIA kill related to JFK and Marylin Monroe assinations (many say both John and Bobby Kennedy wanted to disband CIA and come clean on UFO cover up Buzz Aldrin, ( first man on the moon) Michael Collins (orbited moon while ldrin and Shpard walked on the moon Edgar Mithchell (6th man on the moon) Ben Rich, Head of skunkworks top secret head of Lockhead Martins most top secret aircraft designedr (From F-117 Stealth bomber to blackbird Voerner Von Braun, Nazi scientist who wa sgiven in immunity in the US after ww2 to head NASA and our manned moon missons. Nick Pope (Former head of UK Ministry super top secret UFO Defense UFO research program) David Fravor (Pilot who chased ufo IN DECLASSIFIED uss NIMITZ footage and MANY MANY more "These are the most credible trained observers, some of which have logged thousands of hours flying 20 million dollar top secret jets and hold top secret clearences high enough to carry operational nuclear warheads and the know how to use them..." Many with similiar stories or guys who dont know eachother and witnessed the same events.... IMO the evidence in overwheming, and the US Govt is basically partaking in soft disclosure, slowly releasing this stuff to us... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBtMbBPzqHY
2020 BSM X4///M-2016 BSM ///M2- 2011 668 ///M3 Last edited by DKX4///M; 08-09-2021 at 03:12 PM.. |
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08-09-2021, 02:44 PM | #103 |
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60 mins story on decleslasssified footage
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08-09-2021, 05:25 PM | #104 |
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If anything, our neighbors from other galaxies are monitoring the danger level. As long as we cannot get out of this Solar system, we are just a source of amusement to them. Sorta like monkeys in a zoo. Lord help us if we ever attain Warp drive capability, then we will be a danger to them. "There goes the neighborhood"
I'm not completely useless, I can be used as a bad example.
DKX4///M770.00 |
08-09-2021, 06:09 PM | #105 | |
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08-09-2021, 06:18 PM | #106 | |
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08-09-2021, 06:53 PM | #107 | |
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![]() ![]() Can't say I care much about aliens... I care more about understanding WTF all this crazy shit we call the universe is (assuming it's even possible for those living IN it to ever truly understand it). If there are aliens in it or not doesn't make much of a difference to me. Unless they want to come proclaim me ruler of the galaxy or something? ![]() |
08-10-2021, 02:45 PM | #108 |
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I have spent countless night contemplating all of this, my current thought on the matter....
We will die and thats it, doesnt matter how much knowledge we gain, our physical nature will succumb and thats it, regardless of how much information is passed down, our mortality is the end game, and theres no way beyond that, so.... take a puff, relax, and enjoy life while you're here, its not forever. My hopeless romantic\optimist side tells me theres a higher dimension we will transfer to in the afterlife... but reality kicks in, whats more likely is that we are but a fart in the grand scheme of things, humanity is just a blip of action in a tiny blue dot, surrounded by nothingness in a cosmic scale, we are finite, we are small, we are insignificant, we are\will be forgotten by time, space, consciousness in a grander scale. |
08-10-2021, 03:11 PM | #109 |
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thats the appeal of religion in some ways. we want to believe there is meaning to all this. that we will see loved ones again and that they go to a better place after they die.
i'm not thoroughly convinced that we will always 'die'. human life span has nearly doubled in the last 3000 years. once we create artificial or lab grown hearts living past 100 may be commonplace. perhaps one day we can download our consciousness into a computer/robot. |
08-10-2021, 03:21 PM | #110 | |
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