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      10-11-2011, 11:55 PM   #111

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Man I only meant to ask for some advice. Never intended to start something like this. I was just wondering whether my experiences were to be expected.

The only reason I mentioned the Procede was to compare the sound of the exhaust between the two. I think it's safe to say this thread got derailed haha
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      10-12-2011, 12:00 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by themyst View Post
Would you like to log into my account and read my PMs? Perhaps read my post history from even today? I get those help-me requests via PM as often as you did before you became a vendor. "what meth kit should I get?" "are you misfiring on Procede too" "what kind of meth mix are you using"? We even exchanged these instances personally.

Back OT, those problems are the same ones I've been having, and the whole point here is to push for a solution as Vishnu does not have one as of today. Shortcomings of the hardware are masked as tuning philosophy, another thing I do not agree with. Perhaps drive the vendor into improving his product. Do you think I'd sit here and defend Cobb if there was a safety or performance-impacting issue with their tune?

I was quick to bash Vishnu when it turned out his tune misfired on numerous 6AT cars at redline, to the point he did something about it.

The whole point here, Jeff, is to have everyone happily running their tune of choice problem-free. I have never preached to the Procede masses to switch tunes, as I personally don't care.

The challenge we are faced with, as I stated (again) is the explanation provided by the vendor (tuner, to exclude you) in these common issues and cases, is not accurate.
You make it sound so warm and fuzzy but your approach is far from it. If you believe your approach is as down to earth as you make it sound I dont know what else to say.

Honestly a large portion of us are tired of seeing the same individuals in the same threads derailing the topics. And by derrailing the topics I mean blatantly attack vishnu in every theard regardless of topic. Unfortunately I'm the only one with the large enough mouth to voice it.

If you want to help Vishnu's customers perhaps you need to make a specific thread or handle them on a PM business, however, I still strongly feel the customer should approach Vishnu at their discretion and use their customers service that they payed for when they bought the tune from them.

I'm done with this discussion in hopes all the haters take a step back and MOVE ON.

IF you like your tune, GREAT. Talk about your tune. If you dont like another tune, dont buy it.
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      10-12-2011, 12:16 AM   #113

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Originally Posted by Jeff@topgearsolutions View Post
Those are beta logs. Of course they aren't perfect.
I'm not entirely believed that these wars can be avoided. There are a select few people that will never be happy. In fact I think their intentions are quite obvious. To simply provoke and push for no apparent reasons. You dont own the tune, and apparently you are happy with your choice. Voice about your tune and your choice then. Maybe even grow up?

Please dont come in here with your fancy talk and claim indirectly that i have financial concerns with what shiv does... PLEASE.

Cobb is my number 1 seller and even Shiv knows this.... PLEASE.

None of your business btw. If that's what you werent trying to say then please just spell out what you want. This above all is the biggest problem. Too many people BEATING AROUND THE BUSH.

What do you want? Dont confuse what do you want with actually intending on getting it btw.. You have a tune that works.... what else do you want from another tuner? How would another tune effect you?
Arent you kinda making it everyones business posting about it..you tune personally but your invested financially in all of this. Your posts are generally neutral and rarely critical... which is what we need..we need for users to be critical of the tunes they run so we can learn what works and what doesnt....

At least with the tuners we know where they stand but the vendors go with whichever way the wind or in this case (the dollars) blow. just saying..u opened the door.
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      10-12-2011, 12:19 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Jeff@topgearsolutions View Post
You make it sound so warm and fuzzy but your approach is far from it. If you believe your approach is as down to earth as you make it sound I dont know what else to say.

Honestly a large portion of us are tired of seeing the same individuals in the same threads derailing the topics. And by derrailing the topics I mean blatantly attack vishnu in everytheard regardless of topic. Unfortunately I'm the only one with the large enough mouth to voice it.

If you want to help Vishnu's customers perhaps you need to make a specific thread or handle them on a PM business, however, I still strongly feel the customer should approach Vishnu at their discretion and use their customers service that they payed for when they bought the tune from them.

I'm done with this discussion in hopes all the haters take a step back and MOVE ON.
This is my last response to your statements,

I do help these Procede folks out often. I sometimes take time out of my day personally to diagnose someone's Procede-installed car, offer installation advice on meth kits, look at datalogs, decipher Procede DME codes, and all I can do is echo my experiences with the tune when they ask. Heck, I even helped a vendor installer out with an installation challenge pertaining to Shiv's tune he was faced with while I was at work. So don't make it sound like my day job is to sit here hurting Vishnu. If anything, I'm helping THEM out when they take 2-3 days to respond to a simple e-mail or voice mails that go unanswered as many of their customers who choose that route can attest to.

Perhaps the verbiage I use in some of my posts may come off as passive-aggressive, but the whole point here is to make the tuner realize a problem or shortcoming exists with their product instead of sugarcoating these issues as hardware-related or tuning philosophy.

If Vishnu resolves these real-world problems and shortcomings with his tune which I have been pointing out since last winter, and still persists, there will be plenty of users with cars running as expected and less focus on lauding the pros and cons of one tuning solution over another.

I'm done.
E90 LCI N54 6AT
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      10-12-2011, 12:26 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by tibra1 View Post
Arent you kinda making it everyones business posting about it..you tune personally but your invested financially in all of this. Your posts are generally neutral and rarely critical... which is what we need..we need for users to be critical of the tunes they run so we can learn what works and what doesnt....

At least with the tuners we know where they stand but the vendors go with whichever way the wind or in this case (the dollars) blow. just saying..u opened the door.
I have no money put into any tuner tunes so I have no financial interest in that regards. I sell all of them so customers can come to me and I can point them to a tune that fits their needs. I'm one of the most respected vendors because of this. I dont just sell Cobb, I dont just sell BMS and I dont just sell Vishnu. (the top 3 sellers typically on this forum). I'd be more then happy to sell others if I could but thats for a different day.

If anyone has a question they can certainly ask and I will respond with the most unbiased response as possible.

I will not be forced to sling mud about any tune as I feel none of them are perfect. So therefore I dont take sides. However, give the recent conditions of this forum board in the past few weeks I feel it is only time to atleast jump with a reminder what we are all here for.

I did open the door and now I'm closing it.
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      10-12-2011, 12:36 AM   #116

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So after 7 pages..are we any closer to understanding why Brey maybe running rich?

Black soot ,,exhaust popping noise..is this something common to others running COBB 2
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      10-12-2011, 12:37 AM   #117

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      10-12-2011, 12:39 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by tibra1 View Post
So after 7 pages..are we any closer to understanding why Brey maybe running rich?

Black soot ,,exhaust popping noise..is this something common to others running COBB 2
I have secondary cats I don't have any of those issues. My tailpipes are dirty because I haven't washed it in two months
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      10-12-2011, 12:41 AM   #119

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Originally Posted by themyst View Post
I have secondary cats I don't have any of those issues. My tailpipes are dirty because I haven't washed it in two months
Well it would be cool to hear from fully catless users..we all know cats mask it..
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      10-12-2011, 12:57 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by tibra1 View Post
Originally Posted by themyst View Post
I have secondary cats I don't have any of those issues. My tailpipes are dirty because I haven't washed it in two months
Well it would be cool to hear from fully catless users..we all know cats mask it..

I was running stage 2 while fully catless for a week (135i) and noticed a small increase in buildup (more than normal in the past 3 years) on my exhaust tips and some louder popping(as compared to before full catless and now with my secondaries back in). But I think it was more a result of being fully catless and not as much tuning related.

Mind you while fully catless I was beating the piss out of the hard to hear the sound and feel the power. 2 tanks of gas over 229 miles.
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      10-12-2011, 01:00 AM   #121

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I noticed my exhaust was louder (ie. more gurgling and popping sounds) running Cobb's stage 1 than stage 2+ aggressive.
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      10-12-2011, 01:01 AM   #122

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Originally Posted by scott135i View Post
I was running stage 2 while fully catless for a week (135i) and noticed a small increase in buildup (more than normal in the past 3 years) on my exhaust tips and some louder popping(as compared to before full catless and now with my secondaries back in). But I think it was more a result of being fully catless and not as much tuning related.

Mind you while fully catless I was beating the piss out of the hard to hear the sound and feel the power. 2 tanks of gas over 229 miles.
Originally Posted by ccbad View Post
I noticed my exhaust was louder (ie. more gurgling and popping sounds) running Cobb's stage 1 than stage 2+ aggressive.
Thats interesting hopefully we can keep this going..as I am fully catless n see no smoke/popping and very minor soot build up..just as when I was stock.
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      10-12-2011, 01:02 AM   #123
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I wonder if anyone has stopped to think that the Cobb AP has a different wastegate position than say the Procede or JB, causing the exhaust note to sound "different"?
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      10-12-2011, 01:04 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by themyst View Post
I wonder if anyone has stopped to think that the Cobb AP has a different wastegate position than say the Procede or JB, causing the exhaust note to sound "different"?
It must be at least somewhat different. And that would Most certainly do it. Anyone who has some facts care to chime in?
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      10-12-2011, 01:05 AM   #125

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Originally Posted by themyst View Post
I wonder if anyone has stopped to think that the Cobb AP has a different wastegate position than say the Procede or JB, causing the exhaust note to sound "different"?
can't you change cruising wastegate position?

on jb i think it's the lagfix variable?

on proceed, something else
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      10-12-2011, 01:08 AM   #126
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Originally Posted by tofu- View Post
can't you change cruising wastegate position?

on jb i think it's the lagfix variable?

on proceed, something else
Procede you can adjust wastegate position. Unfortunately, not on the Cobb ap.
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      10-12-2011, 01:15 AM   #127

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should be simple for someone to muck around with the wastegate position settings on a procede then to see if that is what is causing the OP's issues.

although you'd have to find someone with both tunes
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      10-12-2011, 01:17 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by tofu- View Post
should be simple for someone to muck around with the wastegate position settings on a procede then to see if that is what is causing the OP's issues.

although you'd have to find someone with both tunes
I think the OP has both tunes. Easy enough to find out

He can try NA mode on the Procede as the wastegates are wide open at all times. That exhaust note on NA mode was quite sexy!
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      10-12-2011, 01:51 AM   #129
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Damn. What a thread.

How are wastegates altered with COBB? I remember the PROcede adjusting the wastegates automatically and that the user can change the parameter too.
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      10-12-2011, 01:54 AM   #130
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Also, I remember that one of the biggest pros of the PROcede was that it was able to adjust wastegates individually on each car (due to different stiffness) and was the reason why it could control boost better than other tunes.

It was also said that it would be a big issue for flash tunes since they cannot adjust the wastegate parameters for each car and this was the reason why there are so many throttle closures on flash tunes.
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      10-12-2011, 06:39 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by Rob@Cobb View Post
Your knack for spinning topics is fantastic. I'm not sure what your description above has to do with stratified fuel mode at medium to high load or Cobb advertising our fuel curve per the original post I quoted.

Our tuning is results driven. Having full control over the ECU we have the ability to, and do, test different tuning strategies. In tuning the N54 we have found it to be timing sensitive around and just after boost onset. Adding fuel in this section quieted the talking cylinders showing the motor likes the extra fuel. We have also seen the N54 to be tone def to fuel at high load meaning it does not loose power running a 12.x vs. a leaner AFR at boost onset. While the N54 is a fantastically efficient motor along with direct injection designed to take some detonation on a daily bases while cruising, I prefer to stay away from sensitive areas of the motor at high load. If adding fuel early makes for a safe tune to have confidence in, it's what we will do. You are welcome to implore your strategy.

I do realize in the past it has been difficult for piggiebacks to run the same richer fuel curve repeatedly all while looking at timing output on a single cylinder where the ECU runs independent timing per cylinder. It would make a clear picture of what the motor wants more difficult to determine.

I have the Jb4 and Cobb, but everytime i read Cobbs answers i feel more assured that i have made the right decision. It just makes sense.

And as for the tuner bashing/wars, i find it informative, because then both sides will come out with their best of knowledge and lay out for us to learn from, when two or more are competing they bring their A game and the spectators sit and learn

COBB S2+ - Mr.5 CAI, Catless DP, Catless MP, AMS FMIC.
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      10-12-2011, 08:10 AM   #132
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Where is Clap135? Did he get banned again?
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