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      08-11-2014, 01:33 PM   #1
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Can someone please walk me thru (or link me) JB4 wastegate adjustment?

I have a rattle (fbo 08 335) on light throttle cruising at low rpm, usually around maybe 1800-2000 or so? I know there's some kind of adjustments thru menu 10 and 12, but I don't understand what either does so I'd rather not mess with them blindly.

Can anyone explain or link me to some kind of explanation of these functions? Would be greatly appreciate... thanks!
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      08-12-2014, 01:15 PM   #2
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somebody has to understand this stuff... bump
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      08-12-2014, 01:39 PM   #3
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Default Wastegate Position (DWP): This determines the positions of your wastegate during cruise and low throttle. This can be adjusted in dash using menu 10 or via the laptop interface. The default value is 4000rpm in menu 10 & 80 in the JB4 interface. Higher values can make the car feel more responsive but in some vehicles will make it more prone to "wastegate rattle". Lower values of say 800rpm are sometimes preferred to reduce rattle. Wastegate rattle is a hardware problem in nature and the software settings can only attempt to mask this issue. In some cases no setting can fully mask the rattle.
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      08-12-2014, 01:40 PM   #4
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do you know what that means tho? basically, unless there's signifigant throttle position, the computer will try to keep the wastegate closed? and this function lowers the rpm for shutoff?
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      08-12-2014, 02:29 PM   #5

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You take the number and multiply it by 20. So lets say Menu 10 is set to 2 on the tach, this is saying the default wastegate position is 40% closed. 0 on the tach would be fully open, 5 would be fully closed. As lease this is how I understand it. I am not sure how Menu 12 works, but it can also be used to reduce rattle. I suggest starting with Menu 10.

Even with my brand new OEM turbos, I could only reduce the rattle about 80% with the JB4 settings. Something about the JB4 overriding the factory software causes the WG's to rattle. I think I'm using the default settings which are 4.0/3.2 for menus 10/12.
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      08-12-2014, 02:32 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ferocity02 View Post
You take the number and multiply it by 20. So lets say Menu 10 is set to 2 on the tach, this is saying the default wastegate position is 40% closed. 0 on the tach would be fully open, 5 would be fully closed. As lease this is how I understand it. I am not sure how Menu 12 works, but it can also be used to reduce rattle. I suggest starting with Menu 10.

Even with my brand new OEM turbos, I could only reduce the rattle about 80% with the JB4 settings. Something about the JB4 overriding the factory software causes the WG's to rattle. I think I'm using the default settings which are 4.0/3.2 for menus 10/12.
can you tell me the best method for working my rattle out? ie start with menu 10, keep reducing the tach value by xx till it disappears, then back off a little and adjust menu 12.... etc?

I thought menu 10 was RPM based, you're saying it's the % open value? at idle or whenever there isn't enough vaccum to pull closed, or something?
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      08-12-2014, 03:04 PM   #7

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Try searching on n54tech, way more information there.


Here is a thread I made on n54tech, a guy responded with what seems like a reasonable method for adjusting these menus: http://www.n54tech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26206

Last edited by ferocity02; 08-12-2014 at 03:14 PM..
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      08-13-2014, 12:55 PM   #8
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When mine started rattling, I lowered menu 10 to 1K RPM and menu 12 automatically goes to 2K RPM once you drive around a little. Try that and see what you think. Car still drives like a beast but there is a bit of turbo lag. No more rattle noise and the exhaust sounds throatier and burbles a lot with that setting which to me is an added bonus.
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      08-13-2014, 01:28 PM   #9

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Originally Posted by kseyfi86 View Post
When mine started rattling, I lowered menu 10 to 1K RPM and menu 12 automatically goes to 2K RPM once you drive around a little. Try that and see what you think. Car still drives like a beast but there is a bit of turbo lag. No more rattle noise and the exhaust sounds throatier and burbles a lot with that setting which to me is an added bonus.
I don't think Menu 12 adjusts itself. But the allowed range of Menu 12 does depend on Menu 10. What that allowed range is I don't know. When you get Menu 10 to 1 it may have allowed Menu 12 to be a lower value than before.
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      05-08-2017, 01:24 PM   #10
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wtf is a wastegate :)

I know that the software gets complicated on these cars, but just going off the basics of what a wastegate does, wouldn't you want it to be closed all the time, up until the desired pressure is achieved?

I have been experiencing the rattle since I installed my catless dps...It was probably already there but maybe couldn't hear it?

I just set my menu 10 to 1000, down from 3000 and my rattle is gone. I have only driven up and down the road once so I am not vetting the success or any affects on performance, but it's nice to hear my exhaust pop without that hideous rattle.

Anyways, figured maybe someone with some deeper knowledge of the DWP and why it would be default set to 3000 (Edit: 60% closed it sounds like that means?), so if so please chime in and educate me lol

Edit: mathematics is hard

Last edited by unktone; 05-08-2017 at 01:40 PM..
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      09-21-2019, 02:07 PM   #11

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Originally Posted by ferocity02 View Post
You take the number and multiply it by 20. So lets say Menu 10 is set to 2 on the tach, this is saying the default wastegate position is 40% closed. 0 on the tach would be fully open, 5 would be fully closed. As lease this is how I understand it. I am not sure how Menu 12 works, but it can also be used to reduce rattle. I suggest starting with Menu 10.

Even with my brand new OEM turbos, I could only reduce the rattle about 80% with the JB4 settings. Something about the JB4 overriding the factory software causes the WG's to rattle. I think I'm using the default settings which are 4.0/3.2 for menus 10/12.
Originally Posted by ferocity02 View Post
You take the number and multiply it by 20. So lets say Menu 10 is set to 2 on the tach, this is saying the default wastegate position is 40% closed. 0 on the tach would be fully open, 5 would be fully closed. As lease this is how I understand it. I am not sure how Menu 12 works, but it can also be used to reduce rattle. I suggest starting with Menu 10.

Even with my brand new OEM turbos, I could only reduce the rattle about 80% with the JB4 settings. Something about the JB4 overriding the factory software causes the WG's to rattle. I think I'm using the default settings which are 4.0/3.2 for menus 10/12.

If I have menu 10 set to 2K do you believe I would loss to much boost pressure for my blow off valve to go off?

I have a Tial Blow off Valve that doesn't seem to be making the pressure release sound going off even after building 12psi of boost. I'm in Map 5 & suspect it has something to do with menu 10,11,12
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