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      12-25-2007, 02:56 PM   #1
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BLACK SMOKE/ Oil residue...

Started my car early morning yesterday and it was surging...so i figured it was gas, which i only pump gas at shell and use 93 v-power. So i went to the gas station and filled up my tank, which was half way empty to begin with. So i started my car the surging went away, got to my bank. The line to the atm was pretty long so i was in the line for i would say 10 minutes car's idle was fine. I drove off the banl with less than 50% throttle and in first gear my car was going and about 2500rpm it stoped and 2 seconds later the car started going again....i found that really strange so i replicated the scenario again and it did the same this but this time it did it every gear...but after second gear it would only surge like if it was a misfire...Came home turn it off and back on and drove around the block same thing 1st gear it would go and stop 2500rpm and then when i would change gears it would just surge like if it had a miss fire......so i decided to go back home, no check engine light or anything. So i called my service advisor and as i was talking to her i was walking around my car, and it had black OIL RISIDUE on the tips, like if it was smoking with condensation!!!......so i told my advisor and she said i would have to bring it in...but that it could be a faulty oxygen sensor??? Oh and i tried to start the car this morning and it starts for 3 seconds and dies!!!....Have any of you guys experiened or heard about something like this before???
335i Space Grey on Coral Red / Grey Poplar Trim, Sport Pckg, Premium, Navi, 6MT, and OEM Aero Lip......07/09/07 Production....08/15/07 Delivery Date...08/18/07 Picked her up.
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      12-25-2007, 03:17 PM   #2
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Could be the fuel pump on its way out. Black smoke isnt a sign of severe damage.If it was blue smoke i,d say uh oh. Just bring it in.
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      12-25-2007, 03:34 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Rusty's508whp View Post
Started my car early morning yesterday and it was surging...so i figured it was gas, which i only pump gas at shell and use 93 v-power. So i went to the gas station and filled up my tank, which was half way empty to begin with. So i started my car the surging went away, got to my bank. The line to the atm was pretty long so i was in the line for i would say 10 minutes car's idle was fine. I drove off the banl with less than 50% throttle and in first gear my car was going and about 2500rpm it stoped and 2 seconds later the car started going again....i found that really strange so i replicated the scenario again and it did the same this but this time it did it every gear...but after second gear it would only surge like if it was a misfire...Came home turn it off and back on and drove around the block same thing 1st gear it would go and stop 2500rpm and then when i would change gears it would just surge like if it had a miss fire......so i decided to go back home, no check engine light or anything. So i called my service advisor and as i was talking to her i was walking around my car, and it had black OIL RISIDUE on the tips, like if it was smoking with condensation!!!......so i told my advisor and she said i would have to bring it in...but that it could be a faulty oxygen sensor??? Oh and i tried to start the car this morning and it starts for 3 seconds and dies!!!....Have any of you guys experiened or heard about something like this before???
Are you sure you did not put diesel fuel in it?

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      12-25-2007, 10:25 PM   #4
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Yea i was thinking the same the fuel pump, but not sure why it cranks right up and then cuts off? I am positive i did not put diesel fuel in it.
335i Space Grey on Coral Red / Grey Poplar Trim, Sport Pckg, Premium, Navi, 6MT, and OEM Aero Lip......07/09/07 Production....08/15/07 Delivery Date...08/18/07 Picked her up.
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      12-25-2007, 10:53 PM   #5
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Something along the lines of this happened to my dad 2 times. Once, someone put sugar is his gas tank, causing a syrup to form at the bottom of the tank and caused his car to sputter, etc. He had to have practically his whole fuel system (lines, tank, injectors, etc) replaced. Another time the gas was really watered down during the hurricane and he had to get the gas siphoned out of it and put better gas into it. The car would kinda produce smoke and a weird residue. Something fuel related I suppose, but I sure hope not. GL with this and keep us updated.
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      12-27-2007, 12:11 AM   #6
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Ok my sa should call me tomorrow and give me a update on my car, i will keep yall guys updated as well.
335i Space Grey on Coral Red / Grey Poplar Trim, Sport Pckg, Premium, Navi, 6MT, and OEM Aero Lip......07/09/07 Production....08/15/07 Delivery Date...08/18/07 Picked her up.
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      12-27-2007, 09:36 AM   #7
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The black residue (unburnt fuel) at the tailpipe usually indicates the car is running rich.
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      12-27-2007, 02:51 PM   #8
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I have noticed black residue on my 335i exhaust as well. I don't believe it is a problem, I just wash it off when I wash the car. It seems to me others have experienced this as well and it is not generally considered a problem.
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      12-27-2007, 03:18 PM   #9
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everyone with an exhaust has the black on there tail pipes...but not a thicker residue!!!! he is talking about smoke coming from his exhaust!!!!! i hope it gets taken care of without a hitch!!!
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      12-27-2007, 03:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by purplewidow View Post
everyone with an exhaust has the black on there tail pipes...but not a thicker residue!!!! he is talking about smoke coming from his exhaust!!!!! i hope it gets taken care of without a hitch!!!
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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      12-27-2007, 03:36 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by kyleh4852 View Post
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You too!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!? !??!?!?!?
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      12-27-2007, 03:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by sambonator View Post
You too!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!? !??!?!?!?
Yes, me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
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      12-27-2007, 04:46 PM   #13

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      12-27-2007, 05:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Rusty's508whp View Post
Started my car early morning yesterday and it was surging...so i figured it was gas, which i only pump gas at shell and use 93 v-power. So i went to the gas station and filled up my tank, which was half way empty to begin with. So i started my car the surging went away, got to my bank. The line to the atm was pretty long so i was in the line for i would say 10 minutes car's idle was fine. I drove off the banl with less than 50% throttle and in first gear my car was going and about 2500rpm it stoped and 2 seconds later the car started going again....i found that really strange so i replicated the scenario again and it did the same this but this time it did it every gear...but after second gear it would only surge like if it was a misfire...Came home turn it off and back on and drove around the block same thing 1st gear it would go and stop 2500rpm and then when i would change gears it would just surge like if it had a miss fire......so i decided to go back home, no check engine light or anything. So i called my service advisor and as i was talking to her i was walking around my car, and it had black OIL RISIDUE on the tips, like if it was smoking with condensation!!!......so i told my advisor and she said i would have to bring it in...but that it could be a faulty oxygen sensor??? Oh and i tried to start the car this morning and it starts for 3 seconds and dies!!!....Have any of you guys experiened or heard about something like this before???

Same exact thing happened to me 3 days ago... No idea what it is.. I havent had time to take it in. let me know if you find out what it is.. Black smoke on the tips here too!!
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      12-27-2007, 09:54 PM   #15
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Ok my sa called me today and said it could be the fuel pump, but that i could have pumped bad gas....so they pumped all my fuel out today and tomorrow they are going to pump fresh fuel in it and see if the car will actually stay on.....my sa said if it does stay on they will clean my fuel system out and my car should be ok.....Im not too knowledgeble on fuel related issues but, will cleaning my system after bad fuel clean everything out??? Will i have long term issues???

Oh and he asked me if i had the receipt where i last pumped gas, he wanted to make a copy.....luckily i did have it on me it was from shell 93 v power...
335i Space Grey on Coral Red / Grey Poplar Trim, Sport Pckg, Premium, Navi, 6MT, and OEM Aero Lip......07/09/07 Production....08/15/07 Delivery Date...08/18/07 Picked her up.
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      12-27-2007, 11:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Rusty's508whp View Post
Ok my sa called me today and said it could be the fuel pump, but that i could have pumped bad gas....so they pumped all my fuel out today and tomorrow they are going to pump fresh fuel in it and see if the car will actually stay on.....my sa said if it does stay on they will clean my fuel system out and my car should be ok.....Im not too knowledgeble on fuel related issues but, will cleaning my system after bad fuel clean everything out??? Will i have long term issues???

Oh and he asked me if i had the receipt where i last pumped gas, he wanted to make a copy.....luckily i did have it on me it was from shell 93 v power...
Good luck. I don't think you will have any long term issues if they flush your system out. Ask them to add in some fuel system cleaner in your tank of gas. If they/you add in the fuel injector cleaner additives, then it should clean it out over time. I would say 2 - 3 times of fuel injector cleaner to be safe, but follow the directions on the bottle each time. It shouldn't ruin your fuel pump or anything, the N54 is just really picky on gas.
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      12-28-2007, 12:06 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by rideelement247 View Post
It shouldn't ruin your fuel pump or anything, the N54 is just really picky on gas.
Have to disagree..monkey brained gas station dude pumped my car full of 87. Nothing happened,just burned it up real quick and didnt have any boost for a day or two (drove around with the A/C on and the windows down trying to burn it off )

Also the Fuel Injectors on these cars are known to take a crap sometimes...I replaced a few myself back in the day...could be that or the fuel pump.
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      12-28-2007, 03:32 AM   #18
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I don't think the black residue is any big deal even with a totally stock exhaust system. One of these days I am going to clean mine, and have chrome exhaust tips again!
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      12-28-2007, 08:19 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by itsbrokeagain View Post
Have to disagree..monkey brained gas station dude pumped my car full of 87. Nothing happened,just burned it up real quick and didnt have any boost for a day or two (drove around with the A/C on and the windows down trying to burn it off )

Also the Fuel Injectors on these cars are known to take a crap sometimes...I replaced a few myself back in the day...could be that or the fuel pump.
Nothing really to worry about is what I said, and the N54 is picky on gas seeing as you didn't have any boost. At the very worst the OP will have to change his injectors, etc. a little earlier than he would have had to.
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      12-28-2007, 08:20 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by hotrod182 View Post
I don't think the black residue is any big deal even with a totally stock exhaust system. One of these days I am going to clean mine, and have chrome exhaust tips again!

I would rather have burnt exhaust tips than the burnt up bodykits like I see on some Evos, STis, civics, etc.
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      12-28-2007, 01:39 PM   #21
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It was my fuel pump!!!!

They replaced it, i am picking the car up this weekend!
335i Space Grey on Coral Red / Grey Poplar Trim, Sport Pckg, Premium, Navi, 6MT, and OEM Aero Lip......07/09/07 Production....08/15/07 Delivery Date...08/18/07 Picked her up.
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      12-28-2007, 01:40 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Rusty's508whp View Post
It was my fuel pump!!!!
got a call from the dealer just now? FKN FUEL PUMP.. BMW FIX IT AND GET IT RIGHT
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