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      01-19-2009, 04:04 PM   #1

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Review Part 2: JB3 1.2 vs PROcede v3 Rev2

For those that dont know, I've had a Jb3 and V3 on and off now for awhile. I've compared the Jb3 1.1 to the PROcede rev1 v3 and have posted my experiences here...

Review: JB3 1.1 vs PROcede v3 rev1

While I had the JB3 1.1 on my car, aside from the Wastegate rattles, I began to notice oil on the driveway. I didnt think much of it and assumed it was someone elses car... After looking underneath the car, I noticed oil was dripping from the transmission area. After getting the car on a lift, it looked like the transmission seal was bad and creating the leaking. The leak was very minimal and would only leak if my car was parked on a hill. I thought it wasn't a big problem because the leak with minimal and the transmission felt normal. I assumed I could drive around without having to remove all my mods and taking it into the dealer etc.

After that was when I switched to the PROcede V3 for its rattle fix as mentioned in my first review (in the link above).
Eventually, I took off some of my mods and took the car to the dealer to get the wastegate actuators fixed/replaced and informed them of the leak as well. The SA told me they had replaced the turbo's... but now I dont think they actually replaced the turbos but only replaced the actuators (never got a printout). The SA also told me they pressure tested the Transmission and could not see any leaks. So I began to drive around and noticed no leaks for 2 or 3 days then it began again...

Anyhow after getting the car back, I sold my PROcede rev1 shortly after because I heard the Rev2 was being released... While waiting for it, I got in contact with Terry because after posting my review above, I got an email from him asking why I threw him under the bus and if I thought the JB3 1.1 was lacking something I could've worked with him on a solution. So this time around I wanted to give it another try because of the Jb3 1.2 beta testing going around. After a couple days I had the JB3 1.2F on my car, knowing it was a beta, I was expecting a limp here or there.

Much to my surprise, I was limping on JB3 1.2f like crazy. To my understanding the 1.2f was pretty much the final version minus the cold weather problems and something regarding the new software on some cars...

On the Jb3 1.2f, I would get limps in every single map, from map 1 to map 6 but could NOT get a limp on map 0 (stock). What worried me the most was when I would be going ~20-40mph and punching it, the car would drop a gear and would rev past 6800rpm when on my automatic car, it would normally change gears right at 6800. After passing 6800rpm and hitting 7k or ~7100rpm the car would change gears, and around 4k rpm in the next gear the car would get a limp.

I emailed Terry and told him exactly when/how the car would limp. We agreed to meet up and take a look at things. Once I arrived to his house, he asked me to park the car on his driveway. He took off the Jb3 and took it to his testing lab. He looked at the chip and entire Jb3 to see if anything was defective, but all looked good. He went ahead and reprogrammed the 1.2f chip. We went back to my car installed it and then hooked up his computer and a boost gauge to my car. I turned on the car and as I was about to reverse out of the driveway I noticed smoke coming from the hood. I asked him is that smoke? He opened the door or window and sniffed around and said yes something is burning. So I opened the hood and we began to look for what was burning... After 2 minutes he realized the smoke was coming from the tail pipe. Luckly my exhaust is divorced so my passenger side muffler is connected to my rear turbo and drivers side turbo is connected to the front turbo. The car was only smoking from the front turbo (drivers side muffler). We removed his OBD tool and the boost gauge and the car still smoked... We then removed the Jb3, but the car still smoked. We figured the turbo had a bad seal of some sort and was leaking into the exhaust piping and getting burned off...

The strange thing was, the car had not smoked before. Nor was it smoking when I drove up to his driveway. Anyhow, while discussing what could cause this problem, Terry was quick to offer a refund. Which could be taken two ways... 1) he was being a good guy and willing to refund me, or 2) his product damaged the car and just wanted clean his hands of the problem. At first I was thinking the latter because when I had complaints about the JB3 1.1 not being rev'y Terry told me I should've came to him and he would've helped fix the problem etc. But when my car began to smoke he was quick to offer a refund, and I rejected the offer. I said I'll get my car fixed and continue giving feedback on his product.

After a couple of days of driving without the Jb3, I noticed the car would not smoke anymore. After waiting a week for the PROcede Rev2, it finally arrived I installed it to see if I could get similar limps like I would on the Jb3 1.2f, or if my car would smoke. What I determined was the car would not get limps on the PROcede and it would not smoke. After a week or so, I figured out the car would smoke once in awhile and it was not related to how hard I had driven the car or not.

What I've learned now is the leaking that I originally thought was a leaking transmission is actually a leaking turbo, from what I understand now is the turbo is not only is it leaking externally and dripping oil on the street but its also leaking inside and thus burning oil inside the turbo making the white smoke. What actually caused/created this problem is unknown and I dont think its fair to point fingers, but the problem did begin when I had the JB3 1.1 on the car. And since then its been getting worse very slowly.

Okay enough of the JB3 1.2f troubles, but getting to comparing the JB3 1.2f to the PROcede Rev2 v3.

JB3 1.2f beta
- car feels like its easier to rev compared to the JB3 1.1
- Map 6, is just insane the car just boosts once you touch the gas pedal and car goes wild.
- Gas pedal map switching is cool, I impressed a couple friends with it, but noticed it got annoying after awhile counting how many times I had pressed the pedal and which map I had selected.

Overall I think the JB3 is a great product, aside from how or if it controls timing, the car feels nutty. The power just throws you into the seat from bottom to top end of the power band. I would say the power delivery is "raw". And theres no way you can drive the car civilly, only thing it knows is go fast.

PROcede v3 3.2 beta Rev2
- My car with this system just Rev's so much free'er than the JB3, I'm not sure how or why but it just does. The car seems like it wants to be rev'ed compared to the Jb3 1.2f. (car doesnt feel as heavy to the motor )
- The PROcede has better Drivability compared to the JB3 1.2, I think the reason for this is based on HOW the power is delivered. As I mentioned the JB3 just seems like it only knows how to go fast and doesn't want to be civilized. Where as the PROcede will civilized until you request the power and then it'll put you into your seat.
- Map switching on the fly is good because you can switch between both maps and really feel the difference back to back. (good for testing settings)
- Builtin 02 sims are great, saved me about $100.
- Downloading & Updating maps within minutes of being released adds to the fun of modding a car. Nothing like downloading maps at 11pm and going for a late night drive.

What I suggest is everyone on the forum drive a car with both JB3 and PROcede then make a choice on what to buy. Both tunes change the cars characteristics and both REALLY drive differently.

There are people that say Vishnu has horrible Customer Service and that BMS replies to emails within minutes and is on the phone right away no matter the time to help out. But in my experience, both Vishnu and BMS have not stood up... I've come across times where a BMS customer had problems & questions but Terry would not reply to phone calls or text messages until way later in the night. There have been times where I've texted Shiv but have not received a reply. In most part both have been prompt in their replies. And have always been willing to help answer or resolve any problems.

So it pretty much boils down to, how you want your car to feel when you drive it. Some people daily drive others dont, to me drivability means alot since I drive around town too much. Another thing is knowing what your tune does or doesnt do. Majority of us dont care how the chip is making power, but there are those that really want to make sure their car is being "tuned" properly...

FWIW, I'd like to note that I never checked the MPG I was getting on the JB3 1.2f, but currently I'm using the PROcede rev2 3.2 beta map and I'm getting ~40mpg while cruising and keeping the RPM's below 2k.

For those that dont know I am parting out my car... Motor mods + Suspension + wheels, search or PM me for details
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      01-19-2009, 04:23 PM   #2
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You selling the car for parts? Why because you have a bad Turbo? Not sure what you just said there except what you said about the tunes.
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      01-19-2009, 04:33 PM   #3

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This review is a joke!!

I never had a limp. I had 1.0, 1.1, 1.2b and now 1.22. And you were limping like crazy?? I am pre 29.2.

You would not leak oil and see no smoke when you were in stock map or running the V3, how can that be?!?! Those are signs of bad turbos. Regardless of what tune you have, it wouldn't mysteriously go away once you remove the JB3. You must really think some of us are too dumb to realize you are fudging the truth. You just screwed up your car regardless of what tune you used.

What if the reason you were not getting limp codes w/ another tune because the other tune does not send the true signals to the ecu??
Your friendly SF Bay Area JB3 Installer
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      01-19-2009, 04:35 PM   #4

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Originally Posted by vase330 View Post
You selling the car for parts? Why because you have a bad Turbo? Not sure what you just said there except what you said about the tunes.

No I'm selling my mods... and not because I have a bad turbo but because my goals/plans have changed. Will be getting rid of the car, once the turbo is replaced.

Sorry if my post got confusing... Had a lot to say and kept going back and forth making sure details were included.
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      01-19-2009, 04:37 PM   #5

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Originally Posted by mmmotornutz View Post
This review is a joke!!

I never had a limp. I had 1.0, 1.1, 1.2b and now 1.22. And you were limping like crazy?? I am pre 29.2.

You would not leak oil and see no smoke when you were in stock map or running the V3, how can that be?!?! Those are signs of bad turbos. Regardless of what tune you have, it wouldn't mysteriously go away once you remove the JB3. You must really think some of us are too dumb to realize you are fudging the truth. You just screwed up your car regardless of what tune you used.

What if the reason you were not getting limp codes w/ another tune because the other tune does not send the true signals to the ecu??

Take the time and re-read my post before going off like a bomb. You're obviously skipped or didnt understand a big part of my post.
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      01-19-2009, 05:11 PM   #6
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thanks for the reviews!
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      01-19-2009, 05:29 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by SfValley335i View Post
Take the time and re-read my post before going off like a bomb. You're obviously skipped or didnt understand a big part of my post.
although i dont agree with anybody bombing anybody, he brings up a valid point. If you have a bad turbo, regardless if you are running stock, JB3, V3, SSTT, my nuts, your nuts, anyone's nuts, you still have a bad turbo. A good point he brings up tho... how terry keeps on claiming that dummying the solenoids is bad blah blah blah.... if your limping with the jb3, and dont with the v3, but you KNOW your car is jacked up, can it be that the V3 isnt limping and is missing out on some signals?
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      01-19-2009, 05:33 PM   #8
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Too bad Customers have to sell the Rev I to get a Rev II...should be a nominal upgrade fee...no more ground connection and ready for potential future upgrades.
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      01-19-2009, 05:33 PM   #9
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Was that the "turbo melter map"? haha just joking. I had a similar problem with my first 335 completely stock. My car would produce white smoke from the hood. It wasnt too noticeable but I could see it at stop lights. Ended up having to get a turbo replaced that was leaking oil. It only took a couple days though.
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      01-19-2009, 05:41 PM   #10

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Originally Posted by mmmotornutz View Post
This review is a joke!!

I never had a limp. I had 1.0, 1.1, 1.2b and now 1.22. And you were limping like crazy?? I am pre 29.2.

You would not leak oil and see no smoke when you were in stock map or running the V3, how can that be?!?! Those are signs of bad turbos. Regardless of what tune you have, it wouldn't mysteriously go away once you remove the JB3.
Originally Posted by Vyruz Reaper View Post
although i dont agree with anybody bombing anybody, he brings up a valid point. If you have a bad turbo, regardless if you are running stock, JB3, V3, SSTT, my nuts, your nuts, anyone's nuts, you still have a bad turbo. A good point he brings up tho... how terry keeps on claiming that dummying the solenoids is bad blah blah blah.... if your limping with the jb3, and dont with the v3, but you KNOW your car is jacked up, can it be that the V3 isnt limping and is missing out on some signals?

Yes, but if he read my post thoroughly then he would've read that, I initially thought my car was only smoking with the JB3 but afterwards realized it was more of a on and off thing, where it would smoke at times and then go away for days and pop back up smoking randomly. (Still occurs like this)

FYI, from what Terry has told me, he believes my LIMPS on JB3 1.2 were probably because of my cars software being more recent, and it seems like this was one of the fixes hes done before releasing the 1.22 chip... Unfortunately mmmotornutz thinks if he doesnt get limps no one does
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      01-19-2009, 05:44 PM   #11
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so do you feel the JB3 is not as progressive w/ throttle application? More of an on/off feeling? Curious.

thanks for the continued review.
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      01-19-2009, 05:47 PM   #12

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Originally Posted by 335lvr View Post
Too bad Customers have to sell the Rev I to get a Rev II...should be a nominal upgrade fee...no more ground connection and ready for potential future upgrades.

Unfortunately, the rev2 is a totally new hardware so theres no real way of providing a cheap upgrade path.

Same goes for buying a 52" Tv and a year later seeing they made a 55" and you want a way of upgrading for a nominal fee... Business just doesnt work like that. What do you expect Vishnu to do with all the left over Rev1's?

But as for now, both Rev1 and Rev2 are able to use the same maps, so no big need to get rid of the rev1 to get the rev2.
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      01-19-2009, 05:48 PM   #13
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I think it was very bad form for you to mix your product review with your personal interaction with Terry...especially since you castigate him without really knowing his intentions. Seems like you had an agenda from the very beginning of this "review".

I think you come across as a pathetic tool who has messed with his car so much it's jacked up...and you're trying to blame one of the greatest tuners out there.

Come on.
"SYONRA" is for sale! http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=366678 BSM '09 e92 335i | Performance: JB3, RR Catted DP's, INJEN DCI, Britalman Exhst, AA FMIC, FORGE DVs | Suspension: ST-V1 Coils, Hotchkis Chassis Brace & F/R Sways | Wheels: Bremmer Kraft BR03s, Brake Performance Rotors, Cool Carbon Pads, ECS Lines | Exterior: OEM Aero Lip/Rear, ****** CF Trunk Lid, BLUX5 Angels, M-Force M3 Sides | Interior: Passport 9500ci, Black Trim, M3 Wheel
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      01-19-2009, 05:50 PM   #14
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Greatest tuners out there!...wow that celebrity status right there!!! And by the way I have the only E93 on this forum
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      01-19-2009, 05:50 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by ThorsHammer View Post
I think it was very bad form for you to mix your product review with your personal interaction with Terry...especially since you castigate him without really knowing his intentions. Seems like you had an agenda from the very beginning of this "review".

I think you come across as a pathetic tool who has messed with his car so much it's jacked up...and you're trying to blame one of the greatest tuners out there.

Come on.
thats a BIT of a stretch.
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      01-19-2009, 05:53 PM   #16
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i have to agree that coming to teh conclusion that the JB3 was the cause of your smoke is not valid. You also stated you took teh car in for service to replace your wastegates, its possible the dealer didnt put things back the right way which would've caused the leak you talk about.

Regardless, your under warranty, and you were serviced by teh dealership, which I assume must have checked for a tune? It would be good if we can have people with fuel pump problems and wastegate actuator problems document IF in fact the dealers scanned for a tune and found any codes. That way we can once and for all PROVE/DISPROVE the dyagnostic 'invisibility' of ALL tunes.
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      01-19-2009, 05:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by cn555ic View Post
Greatest tuners out there!...wow that celebrity status right there!!! And by the way I have the only E93 on this forum
you mean right after me of course e93 FTW...

btw thanks for the long review sfvalley... you obviously took time outta ur day to write that up!
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      01-19-2009, 05:57 PM   #18

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Originally Posted by GeorgiaTech335coupe View Post
Was that the "turbo melter map"? haha just joking. I had a similar problem with my first 335 completely stock. My car would produce white smoke from the hood. It wasnt too noticeable but I could see it at stop lights. Ended up having to get a turbo replaced that was leaking oil. It only took a couple days though.
Good to know... I'm lucky to have a cool SA and dealership doesnt give me too much trouble for having mods.

Originally Posted by Sniz View Post
so do you feel the JB3 is not as progressive w/ throttle application? More of an on/off feeling? Curious.

thanks for the continued review.

The JB3 isnt on and off like the old Xede's but its STILL not as smooth or as easy to drive as the PROcede. Everyone describes what they feel using different words so the easiest and best way to see the difference is to drive a car with both tunes. Pretty damn noticeable.

JB3 1.2 with lag fix is a big big improvement over JB3 1.1, when it comes to the car reving freely... The Jb3 1.1 felt as if it didnt want to be rev'd and was just a lazy tune.
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      01-19-2009, 06:05 PM   #19

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Originally Posted by ThorsHammer View Post
I think it was very bad form for you to mix your product review with your personal interaction with Terry...especially since you castigate him without really knowing his intentions. Seems like you had an agenda from the very beginning of this "review".

I think you come across as a pathetic tool who has messed with his car so much it's jacked up...and you're trying to blame one of the greatest tuners out there.

Come on.

I've kept this review behind the scenes because I didnt want to upset anyone with my thoughts. But in another thread, someone mentioned something so I felt like it would only be right if I cleared things up.

Actually I havent "messed" with my car too much, I dont see how installing/removing different Tunes is messing around.

Btw thanks for calling me a tool... Shows your maturity.

Originally Posted by Sniz View Post
thats a BIT of a stretch.
+1 lol

Originally Posted by Vyruz Reaper View Post
you mean right after me of course e93 FTW...

btw thanks for the long review sfvalley... you obviously took time outta ur day to write that up!

Welcome, yes it did take awhile to type up... almost gave up on it
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      01-19-2009, 06:25 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SfValley335i View Post
Good to know... I'm lucky to have a cool SA and dealership doesnt give me too much trouble for having mods.

The JB3 isnt on and off like the old Xede's but its STILL not as smooth or as easy to drive as the PROcede. Everyone describes what they feel using different words so the easiest and best way to see the difference is to drive a car with both tunes. Pretty damn noticeable.

JB3 1.2 with lag fix is a big big improvement over JB3 1.1, when it comes to the car reving freely... The Jb3 1.1 felt as if it didnt want to be rev'd and was just a lazy tune.
i havent driven the JB3 1.1 so i cant comment. But i can comment on the new maps on the V3 rev 2 and the JB3 1.2f:

the procede was def more jumpy and ready to be rev'ed in lower rpms. Maybe i feel it more than other cause im a 6MT. It was a cool feeling, but for everyday normal driving it got annoying. I wanted it to calm down a bit.

The JB3 is a different story. Map 4 and 6 are the maps i am gonna talk about:

Map 4: Great map, VERY SMOOTH -> actually smoothest tune i have ever used, great throttle response, very strong, just the lagfix isnt as good as i want it to be. For everyone else i think its great, but im very picky

Map 6: Lagfix is the best i have felt on a tune . But the problem now is its not as smooth as map 4 above 4000-5000 rpm. One thing to note is that I am in Cali and only on 91..

Maybe thats why you and I are getting the same feeling on map 6 in cali?
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      01-19-2009, 06:32 PM   #21

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Originally Posted by Vyruz Reaper View Post
i havent driven the JB3 1.1 so i cant comment. But i can comment on the new maps on the V3 rev 2 and the JB3 1.2f:

the procede was def more jumpy and ready to be rev'ed in lower rpms. Maybe i feel it more than other cause im a 6MT. It was a cool feeling, but for everyday normal driving it got annoying. I wanted it to calm down a bit.

I think I might know what you're talking about when you say the V3 is jumpy at lower RPMs... But have you tried the V3 3.2 map?
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      01-19-2009, 07:07 PM   #22
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