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      07-11-2007, 09:18 AM   #1
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Badge Whoring

so what gives these chumps to actually speak on behalf of bmw's? They dont know jack squat and then try to act like they know what they are talking about because they drive a bmw haha..
Wanted to share a story with you guys, one of my buds started arguing with me in regards to how the new 535 simply cannot have the same engine as the 335i. Why would a "5-series" have the same engine as a lowly 3. This was when one of my other buddies was contemplating a 550 or a 335. Dont you hate it when badge whores just open their mouth about certain things when they dont have anything to add. Needless to say I put an end to his stupidity.
He is bored of his ride, and of all makes, is contemplating getting an audi now. Figures.
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      07-11-2007, 10:14 AM   #2
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it's the same "flamboyant" people who are all excited about designer jeans or $900 purses

they're buying BMW's because they're perceived as "expensive" not because they like to drive.

if you have a pair of pants that cost as much as a car payment, but have never been to a trackday.........
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      07-11-2007, 04:20 PM   #3
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hey, it wasn't too long ago that this forum went beserk over the "lowly" 1 series having the same engine as our 3
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      07-11-2007, 04:51 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ward View Post
it's the same "flamboyant" people who are all excited about designer jeans or $900 purses

they're buying BMW's because they're perceived as "expensive" not because they like to drive.

if you have a pair of pants that cost as much as a car payment, but have never been to a trackday.........
+1 i'll drink to that!
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      07-11-2007, 05:02 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by SpecC View Post
hey, it wasn't too long ago that this forum went beserk over the "lowly" 1 series having the same engine as our 3
Wasn't the entire forum... Just a a good number of the Status seekers...
A BMW is Just a Car, it doesn't make you smart, handsome, clever, better, cool, or wealthy.
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      07-11-2007, 05:09 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by EHDEN View Post
+1 i'll drink to that!
must..... have.... high res pic ..... of ur avatar...
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      07-11-2007, 05:11 PM   #7
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      07-11-2007, 05:19 PM   #8

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Originally Posted by ward View Post
it's the same "flamboyant" people who are all excited about designer jeans or $900 purses

they're buying BMW's because they're perceived as "expensive" not because they like to drive.

if you have a pair of pants that cost as much as a car payment, but have never been to a trackday.........
I have to completely disagree with you on that one.... people who buy those jeans are into fashion and like to dress well. Lots of girls check out how guys dress and what clothes they wear. Now, I have clothing that costs as much as a car payment, i have been to the track a few times, and i am by now means VERY well off. i live comfortably and choose to buy expensive clothing because it looks good and is good quality. some of us just care about the way we dress....
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      07-11-2007, 11:22 PM   #9
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i have yet to see a pair of jeans thats 900$ bones. 400 tops
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      07-11-2007, 11:40 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by euro2low View Post
I have to completely disagree with you on that one.... people who buy those jeans are into fashion and like to dress well. Lots of girls check out how guys dress and what clothes they wear. Now, I have clothing that costs as much as a car payment, i have been to the track a few times, and i am by now means VERY well off. i live comfortably and choose to buy expensive clothing because it looks good and is good quality. some of us just care about the way we dress....
hmm it appears that you dont understand what he meant. see, you buy the clothes because you buy it for the quality, and maybe because u like em or/and looks good on you. you have every right to buy them. so let me try to put this in a way you will understand. there are people that buy those clothes because its high priced, and they will be preicieved as rich and in style. they dont care how good, nor ridiculous it looks, nor the quality.

in other words, some people buy these cars just for that reason, they want to be precieved as they are rich and "in". do you get what he is trying to say or do you need me to say it again in an even more infant way?
"AMG What! S-Line Who? If you ain't got that M I got no respect for you!"
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      07-11-2007, 11:59 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by euro2low View Post
I have to completely disagree with you on that one.... people who buy those jeans are into fashion and like to dress well. Lots of girls check out how guys dress and what clothes they wear. Now, I have clothing that costs as much as a car payment, i have been to the track a few times, and i am by now means VERY well off. i live comfortably and choose to buy expensive clothing because it looks good and is good quality. some of us just care about the way we dress....

well, you my friend have been to a trackday... so I'm not talking about you
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      07-12-2007, 01:16 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Kiemyster View Post
hmm it appears that you dont understand what he meant. see, you buy the clothes because you buy it for the quality, and maybe because u like em or/and looks good on you. you have every right to buy them. so let me try to put this in a way you will understand. there are people that buy those clothes because its high priced, and they will be preicieved as rich and in style. they dont care how good, nor ridiculous it looks, nor the quality.

in other words, some people buy these cars just for that reason, they want to be precieved as they are rich and "in". do you get what he is trying to say or do you need me to say it again in an even more infant way?
What we have here seems to be, in my opinion, a target consumer for Rolex's. Seriously, the amount of gaudiness the brand carries nowadays is out of control, and it's people that wear Rolex's (in general) that also where the gold-brimmed sunglasses, the $500 jeans, etc.
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      07-12-2007, 09:30 AM   #13
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To each their own. I just cant stand cheap idiots who like to badge whore around a bmw.
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      07-12-2007, 12:05 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by SpecC View Post
hey, it wasn't too long ago that this forum went beserk over the "lowly" 1 series having the same engine as our 3
LMFAO---------the funniest part is I was reading the OP post and thought yeah I hate those type of people, then I realized, fuck, I sound just like that badge whore when I bitch about the 135 having the same engine as my 335i.

Guess there is only one thing for me to do, meme
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      07-12-2007, 12:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by mesier1111 View Post
LMFAO---------the funniest part is I was reading the OP post and thought yeah I hate those type of people, then I realized, fuck, I sound just like that badge whore when I bitch about the 135 having the same engine as my 335i.

Guess there is only one thing for me to do, meme
WHOA.... A painful revelation for certain. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

Seriously though, we all BADGE WHORE once in awhile... The key is that you're buying X or Y branded "thing" because it is better and there is some inherent value. Be it performance, looks, feel, etc. It is often the Badge or label that and what it SHOULD represent that has us looking in the first place.

Someone was cry babying about Rolex, and while it has become a parody and a classic Hallmark of idiots "TRYING" to look like they have it all together, They are never the less well built, durable, and accurate time pieces. They have the same bad "Rap" as Mercedes I think. There is an automatic revulsion towards the brand for many because it has become such a cliche'.

All you have to do is suffer through an episode of "Cribs" to get a sense of just how far the pathetic "Bling" culture has become, and the notion that you can buy respect, or class. Just plain sad, an entire culture built and marketed to by corporations.

Hang out in a Mall for a little while, watch and you'll see this sad mindset in action. Ladies with their "LV" handbags, "Gucci" Sunglasses, and "Prada" Sneakers squeezing out of a freaking $2 Corolla. Florida was an amazing venue for slaves to Marketing and image.

Lack of Identity, Lack of Self Image, self Worth, leads folks to believe that if they buy this or that, they WILL BE this or that. So ignorant, so clueless that they believe you can purchase class, character, and personality.

Someone mentioned dressing nice, "because women pay attention" O'rly?

If a lady IS in fact paying attention to you because you have a label on that says your clothes cost a lot of money? YOU WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT WOMEN... Promise. Nothing wrong with buying expensive clothes accept of course for the tools that buy expensive clothes that LOOK like shit... But folks should stop worshiping labels and start focusing on living a real life, not a parody. Educate yourself, travel, experience new things, and open your mind. Work on growing as a person, NOT attempting to gain some sort of status or sense of worth through a purchase...

Sorry too much caffeine...
A BMW is Just a Car, it doesn't make you smart, handsome, clever, better, cool, or wealthy.
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      07-12-2007, 01:02 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ward View Post
it's the same "flamboyant" people who are all excited about designer jeans or $900 purses

they're buying BMW's because they're perceived as "expensive" not because they like to drive.

if you have a pair of pants that cost as much as a car payment, but have never been to a trackday.........
Originally Posted by bornfishy View Post
Which brings me neatly to the strange, strange people that take photos of all their shit, and post them up here. How insecure must you be to take a photo of your purse, sunglasses, car keys and gawd knows what other crap, and put it on an internet forum!?

[/End of rhetorical question]

I think a good portion of this kind of posting would be cleared right up if we just went ahead and had a "Show and Tell" thread...

Just go ahead, line up all the "Cool" stuff you dig on and post it up... Some will see at as an opportunity to try and look impressive, others with post up their hobby related stuff cause it's fun, and some will simply post up in an attempt to out do the other Guy, measure his e-penis, and keep ahead of internet "joneses"... Cause by and large Americans are Toolbags and cannot help themselves.
A BMW is Just a Car, it doesn't make you smart, handsome, clever, better, cool, or wealthy.
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