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      09-04-2013, 08:03 PM   #1
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DTEC V7 Review E90 LCI

Updated 9/5/13 Final Review

So let me start by saying Hello! Been a long time lurker of the forums and recently decided to purchase Angel Eyes from e92 - lighting. I have been waiting for a long time for a high output solution at a reasonable cost and still retains OEM functions like fade in, fade out. I've used eBay 4-led sets and was not impressed and figured the others would generally be the same. With the exception of lux which seems to be the highest output but loses oem, functions for higher output. I considered the V4 but the missing functions erked me for the price. Now I recently saw e92's new solution which is a 32 led in total set and decided why not. Now I am here to give me review on it. So lets get started.

P.S. All captured from a Lumia 920 so no DSLR goodness here just resized images is all.
P.S.S. I have no association with e92 just a new customer.
P.S.S.S. Sorry for the large resolution images! Forgot to size them down to more moderate.

Whats in the box!

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Inside is like any other set you might find except the heatsink and adapter are slightly larger with a neat design.

How big you ask? Lets do a size comparison!

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• Bulb next to keyfob
• Adapter next to keyfob
• LED next to OEM bulb

BONUS! Flash light My eyes!

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As you can see its not that big I was surprised actually when I opened the box. This is a nice compact solution.

Now output comparison by lighting situation. I havn't gotten all the types of situations I want like direct sunlight due to Florida having crappy weather but I will update just to be fair.

Pictures taken in the same format direct passenger, direct driver then about 10ft away and 20ft away simulating what someone would see in the rear view perse.

But lets do early in the morning just after dawn.

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From these images and lighting the output looks dead even but in person the DTEC have a higher output and uniformity.

Next setup is in the evening just before sunset.

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From 10 ft LED is a bit more uniform and clearer. At 20ft both seem to really shine with the LED having the advantage in light distribution.

Additionally the LED output doesnt fade when the Xenons are on. I dont know if you can tell in these sets.

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Max output

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Xenons on and matching the output if I might add but reduced power for OEM

Ill take more direct sunlight photos which there is actually sunlight. Today was a gloomy overcast kind of day. But if you want to see that they look like heres Accelorometers post on them(if you want me to remove it let me know since I didn't really ask just linked.)


But best regards and hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm not the best reviewer but I think its good enough.

Next update in a day or two. Depends if the weather wants to play nice.
AS a customer I am highly please and thanks again e92! Ill be back for the new ones ;]

Edit: resized images for viewing pleasure lol
Attached Images

Last edited by Nushibo; 09-05-2013 at 10:48 PM..
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      09-04-2013, 08:17 PM   #2
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Well Florida finally decided to cooperate with me and give me some light.

So same order as before Left LED, Right OEM, 10ft, 20ft and two close shots.

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In daylight the OEM in the photo have the advantage being off white. But the LED are still visible during the day even in direct sunlight. Which is what I was looking for. The outer ring is dimmer due to design of course but is still visible. Take a look at these two close up shots.

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My final conclusion on these bulbs will end on a positive note. At night the bulbs are stunning they can be seen quite a distance away and even with xenon on are still visible. AS for day light experience i was not let down at all. They have exceeded my expectations and are worth the extra coin compared to similar priced 4 LED. So if you can and are on the fence I say save a few extra and get these bad boys. Again thanks for looking, I apologize for the crap photos but I hope they give you an idea. AS for those in the Florida area if you want to see them in person im in Palm Beach and Boca most of my time.

A huge thanks to e92 for selling me a set and making sure it got here quick!

Again if you want these features.

•OEM function
•No fade with xenon
•Clean Upgrade
•Super White matching Xenon(6500k)

Then these are your set. Contact e92 for a pair thanks again to all and see you around.

Last edited by Nushibo; 09-05-2013 at 11:00 PM..
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      09-06-2013, 09:53 AM   #3
Icarus M
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Got my v7 kit a day ago and they just looks sharp and bright! Overall very satisfy with these AEs. However mine set doesn't fade on when I unlock and instant turn on instead (And 1 side faster than the other lol) Just wondering anyone of you having this situation or not

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      09-06-2013, 11:56 AM   #4
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how hard were these to install being as large as they are? pictures look promising. I wish we could easily take apart our headlights, even adding a backing to the outer ring would solve so many issues.
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      09-06-2013, 12:10 PM   #5
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nothing new
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      09-06-2013, 12:21 PM   #6
Icarus M
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Originally Posted by wdeerfield View Post
how hard were these to install being as large as they are? pictures look promising. I wish we could easily take apart our headlights, even adding a backing to the outer ring would solve so many issues.
the bulbs are easy to get it in place since they having large heatsinks (ease to turn) and then tuck the little power box in to the headlight housing and done
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      09-06-2013, 01:21 PM   #7
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What Tina said and they do fade on but when you first unlock its instant. Turn off is fade then if you do it again its on. Its not fool proof but it does work. For the output in not complaining. As for install it was same as any bulb in first adapters behind and close the cap. Real easy.

Also if you leave the lights off for about 3 seconds it will revert to instant on. Guess its the design of the adapter but again it does fade in.

Also to Tina I'm not sure as to why your set turns on at different times. Mine is even. It may be the adapter or BMW system itself try asking e92. You can trouble shoot by putting OEM bulbs back in in place of the slow one, if they come on at the same time then its the adapter. If not its a system. That would be my reasoning.

Last edited by Nushibo; 09-06-2013 at 01:44 PM.. Reason: side note
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      10-14-2013, 08:20 AM   #8
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I just got a pair of DTEC V7 LEDs and had them installed. Can't say much on how well it fairs in the day because I just installed em and it's evening already. However I got the same issue as Tina where the set turns on at different times. So it's not an isolated problem. Waiting for Derrick to reply on this. Could be the adaptor issue. Shipping n communication was good though.
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      10-14-2013, 11:31 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by m3ngsta View Post
I just got a pair of DTEC V7 LEDs and had them installed. Can't say much on how well it fairs in the day because I just installed em and it's evening already. However I got the same issue as Tina where the set turns on at different times. So it's not an isolated problem. Waiting for Derrick to reply on this. Could be the adaptor issue. Shipping n communication was good though.
I see. Let me know how well they work for you, they satisfy my need for day but im sure you love them at night like I do. As for the separate bulb i really don't know as i have no issues with timing. It may be the adapter or the batch of adapters as the bulb does not control timing. I'm sure E92 can work something out with you.
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      10-15-2013, 10:47 AM   #10

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You go to ucf?
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      10-15-2013, 11:05 AM   #11
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Yeah Derrick mentioned it's a faulty batch. Its not too big a deal but I'm really hoping it can be replaced because it's not exactly cheap and I would really like my angel eyes to turn on in sequence when I unlock the car.

Day time seems pretty good.. Oem brightness. I'd be silly to hope for it to match the audis or the new corona lights. Installation was pretty straight forward cept I was twiddling with the led bulb rotations blindly to get it attached firmly. Just enough space to fit everything into the casing.
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      10-18-2013, 11:12 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by theblackmamba View Post
You go to ucf?
Nah FAU i'll be moving to USF or UCF after undergrad.

Originally Posted by m3ngsta View Post
Yeah Derrick mentioned it's a faulty batch. Its not too big a deal but I'm really hoping it can be replaced because it's not exactly cheap and I would really like my angel eyes to turn on in sequence when I unlock the car.

Day time seems pretty good.. Oem brightness. I'd be silly to hope for it to match the audis or the new corona lights. Installation was pretty straight forward cept I was twiddling with the led bulb rotations blindly to get it attached firmly. Just enough space to fit everything into the casing.
Yea, I knew id never be able to compete with OEM for the F30s and such but these are a well worth replacement and there maybe an even better set soon so hope its good. As for Derrick he seems to be very responsive so im sure hes doing a good job working with you. My set happens to be fine. I understand you want a good set as would I. So let me know how it goes !
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      11-14-2013, 03:41 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Tina C View Post
Got my v7 kit a day ago and they just looks sharp and bright! Overall very satisfy with these AEs. However mine set doesn't fade on when I unlock and instant turn on instead (And 1 side faster than the other lol) Just wondering anyone of you having this situation or not

fade in and out fade issues have already been fixed with our latest batch.

to recap

1) DTECs now fade in and out like stock, NO FLICKERING UPON STARTUP OR SHUTDOWN.

2) both angel eyes will sync evenly now with NO DELAY.

3) Mimics factory fading in and out exactly like like OEM, so all OEM functions will remain the same but with even brighter pure white output.
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      11-25-2013, 02:47 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by E92-Lighting View Post
fade in and out fade issues have already been fixed with our latest batch.

to recap

1) DTECs now fade in and out like stock, NO FLICKERING UPON STARTUP OR SHUTDOWN.

2) both angel eyes will sync evenly now with NO DELAY.

3) Mimics factory fading in and out exactly like like OEM, so all OEM functions will remain the same but with even brighter pure white output.
issue has been fixed E90post members, please dont worry
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