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      12-14-2012, 10:48 PM   #1
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Short shift Lever and ZHP ///M knob Install for E90 330i

-DIY for OEM BMW Performance Short Shift Lever and ZHP ///M Shift Knob Install- (Installed on a E90 330i)

*Note i did NOT have to go under the car, I did everything from inside the car*

The Install takes about 30mins to an hour depending on how well you can take everything apart and put it back together.

This install is not hard at all just takes some patients and time.

1. Two flat head screwdrivers
2. Needle nose pliers
3. Tack / Nail Remover Pry Lifter Bar Tool
4. Craftsman Magnetic Pick-Up Tool
5. Automotive grease suitable for vinyl/plastic
6. Rag and a cleaning solution

1. Shift knob ( I Used a ZHP ///M-6speed Knob)[you can reuse the stock knob]
2. Short Shift Lever (I Used a BMW Performance Short shift lever)
3. Nylon Shift Lever Bearing (new one comes with the kit but you can reuse the stock one if removed carefully)
4. Circlip (new one comes with the kit but you can reuse the stock one if removed carefully)


1) Remove Shift Knob. Put the shifter in second gear and pull up with some force. It may seem hard but you just need to use some strength and pull hard. Don't worry you wont break it. No tools are needed. it is just held by a grove in the shift lever.

2) Remove the shift boot. It is held in by 4 clips that are located in the corners of the boot . Be careful when removing the boot to not break the clips. Start from the back, there are 2 clips to the side located in the rear corner of boot. Pull inward one at a time and they should come loose. Then there are 2 clips in the front of the boot, that should come out easy since the back is already out(refer to Picture for help locating clips). Then pull boot off the lever which is kind of tough but just take your time and shimmy it off. No tools needed

3) Remove the foam padding.(this is the easiest piece to remove)

4) Remove the foam carpet Start from back, than side to side and move to the front. It is attached by just little pieces of material that is meant to be pulled apart. No Tools needed.

5) Remove the Rubber insulation from around the shift lever. This may seem very difficult and may seem its not gonna come out but it will, it goes back in easier than taking out. I used the Pry Lifter Bar Tool and worked my way around and it came out pretty easy.

*Now that you got everything removed you can start to uninstall the Shift Lever*

**Put the shifter in reverse to make the next step easier**

6) Remove The Circlip. Which is located at the end of the pin that goes into the bottom of shift lever. I used a screw driver and Craftsman Magnetic Pick-Up Tool to hold the circlip from falling. I held the Circlip with the magnetic tool and pried it off with the screw driver. ( i would make sure you have an extra Circlip just in-case you drop it)

* After Removing the Circlip put shifter back into Neutral*

7) Remove Selector rod from the shift lever. Use a screw driver to push the selector rod away from the Shift lever and it should just pop out. (refer to Pic)

8) Remove the Nylon Shift Lever Bearing along with the shift lever . use the needle nose pliers. Position its on opposite sides of the groves on the shift lever bearing and turn it clockwise until it come loose freely. and pull the shift lever out on.

* Note* Keep in mind to remember the position the Lever sat in the shift arm, so when you install the new lever you have it in the proper postition sitting in the shift arm**

9) Now clean off all dirt and debris with rag and cleaning agent

10) Use the automotive grease to lube up the the inner part of the new nylon shift lever bearing and the ball of the new shift lever.

11) Put the shift bearing and lever back together. place it back into the slots of the shift arm and turn the the shift bearing counter clockwise till it locks in. Keep in mind to properly position the shift lever in the correct direction.

12) Now Use a screw driver to put the pin of the selector rod back into the hole in the bottom of the shift lever. make sure it is siting in the right position in the shift arm. once the pin is properly in all the way select reverse with the shifter.

13) Put the circlip back on. might seem a little tricky but just stay calm and use the magnetic pick up tool to position is and push it down with a screw driver or if you have small hands or know someone that does have them do it by hand it will be much easier.

**Now the new lever is installed make sure it is in the right position and you can select all gears before putting everything back on**

14) reverse Step 1-5 and put everything back. Make sure the rubber insulation is put back properly. and than put the foam carpet in. Next the foam bed. then properly put the shift boot back on and clip it in properly. first clip the front in and then the back. Place your new shift knob on and make sure it is secure and all the way in.

Now you are finished and have successfully installed your Short shift Lever and knob!
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E90 330I
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      12-15-2012, 09:30 AM   #2
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Thanks for the excellent write-up and pictures. Looks a lot easier than I thought it would be.
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      07-28-2013, 02:10 AM   #3

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Where did you buy your parts? Looking for a SSK with ZHP knob
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