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      03-21-2018, 12:18 PM   #67
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The investment in a M2 is for the enjoyment and experience of driving the car. If you always are concerned the next new widget will be cooler, more fun, and a better investment, why would you ever ever pull the trigger on anything? I can’t imagine an engine being more suited to a car than the one in my M2. I love this car and I love driving it. For an investment you park in the garage - for fun and thrills you drive the car!
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      03-21-2018, 12:18 PM   #68
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and.... This is why I don't frequent forums anymore?

What is wrong with guessing? If it satisfies some mental itch? If it bothers you that people like to speculate and enjoy doing it why get involved?

You don't like it? Great why do you have to give the OP or anyone else a hard time about it. (Not saying you specifically)
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      03-21-2018, 12:50 PM   #69

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I agree. Critical or contrary responses should never get personal. The focus should be on what was said, not on who said it. Unfortunately, the OP of any thread usually takes the hit because he or she started the discussion. That’s not fair, but it is life on the Internet.
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      03-21-2018, 01:51 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by afwares View Post
It's funny how these threads always seem to progress the same...

Someone will ask if the new M2 Comp is going to cause the N55 M2's value to plummet, or cause massive pension defaults, or cause widespread famine, or a recurrence of the Motaba virus, or an asteroid the size of Texas to hit the planet. And some will reply more enthusiastically than others, and they'll be accused of being defensive about their cars and told that they really need to relax and maybe buy a better pillow. Others will say don't worry, we can send a drilling team up to the asteroid, it will all be ok. And then everyone is told they completely missed the question, and they shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and they should eat more vegetables, and everyone pretty much wishes they could take back the 60 seconds they spent answering. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's ok, we aren't alone, this also happened when Little Debbie introduced the Swiss Cake Roll, and everyone is like "yeah but I just bought 6 boxes of Oatmeal Cream Pies" and people were saying it wouldn't affect Oatmeal Cream Pies too much but next thing you know Food Lion is doing a BOGO sale on Oatmeal pies and people are getting divorced and jumping out of windows and wishing they'd never heard of that asshole Little Debbie. Trust me, I was there.

This is probably the funniest post I have seen on this forum.

Originally Posted by Spa2k View Post
OMG - An asteroid is coming?
Texas sized bro !

Last edited by M3 Adjuster; 03-21-2018 at 02:00 PM..
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      03-21-2018, 02:04 PM   #71

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Back on topic, I think the N55 will take a bit of a hit on value, because of the fact that it isn't the 'latest and greatest'.

Personally, I decided to purposely pull the trigger on one of the last 2018's, so that I wouldn't get the Competition. It's not that I hate the Competition or anything - if I ended up having to get one, that would have been fine, but I would prefer the N55. As many have said, the amount of power just feels 'right' in that car, and I honestly don't know if it's going to be as endearing with an extra ~40hp. Fun, though - that's a different story.

That said, it's all about the price point of the Competition. If they come out and they have the enormous grilles, and sound like a fartmaster 5000, and cost $10k more... They'll still sell every one of them they can produce, but you might see them sitting at dealers for a few. If they're still sitting at dealers for a few, they'll start to get marked down to move. Once they start getting marked down, the price of a used M2 Competition will start to slide, because who is going to pay new money for a used car, when you can get the new one for less? Then people will research why they're sitting on lots, find out that they changed the engine for 2019, and that the 2018 sounds like sex on satin sheets, vs sex on a crate of spatulas. The value of the N55 M2 will increase, and we'll all buy McMansions and F90 M5s with the proceeds of selling our N55 cars.

Also, that MIGHT be a bit of a slippery slope argument. Or not.
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      03-21-2018, 02:47 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by afwares View Post
It's funny how these threads always seem to progress the same...
Someone will ask if the new M2 Comp is going to cause the N55 M2's value to plummet, or cause massive pension defaults, or cause widespread famine, or a recurrence of the Motaba virus, or an asteroid the size of Texas to hit the planet. And some will reply more enthusiastically than others, and they'll be accused of being defensive about their cars and told that they really need to relax and maybe buy a better pillow. Others will say don't worry, we can send a drilling team up to the asteroid, it will all be ok. And then everyone is told they completely missed the question, and they shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and they should eat more vegetables, and everyone pretty much wishes they could take back the 60 seconds they spent answering. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's ok, we aren't alone, this also happened when Little Debbie introduced the Swiss Cake Roll, and everyone is like "yeah but I just bought 6 boxes of Oatmeal Cream Pies" and people were saying it wouldn't affect Oatmeal Cream Pies too much but next thing you know Food Lion is doing a BOGO sale on Oatmeal pies and people are getting divorced and jumping out of windows and wishing they'd never heard of that asshole Little Debbie. Trust me, I was there.
ok, so I know that these days the "LOL" basically means nothing as it has been used ad nauseum, but sweet baby Jesus THAT ^^^ was f’n funny…I am still CTM (chuckling to myself)…whew! For sure, one of the Top 5 posts I have ever read on this forum… “Motaba virus” Kudos my friend, afwares. Kudos.
Originally Posted by M3 Adjuster View Post
Your value in this forum, yet to be determined.
This can be said about many in here…probably myself included.

OP…see what I did there? Multiple quotes in one post…yeah, it happened.

As for my input…and I know this will give Doug999 and Captain Mushroom an aneurism…but this is EXACTLY why I lease cars. If after the M2C arrives and everyone starts driving their 2016-2018 M2s off a cliff for insurance money because it’s “worthless”, then I simply hand the keys back to BMW and say “Thanks. Enjoy selling this.” However…if (as I suspect) the residual is below the market value at lease end, then I wire some $ to BMW and say “Thanks. I’ll keep it.” Either way, I’m covered. Insurance against excess depreciation.
No intent here to turn this into a “lease v. buy” thread ‘cause we need another one of those like we need another “Will the value of the M2 crash when the M2C comes out.” thread. Oh…wait a sec…

Last edited by F87_LCI; 03-21-2018 at 05:14 PM..
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      03-21-2018, 03:12 PM   #73
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I'm not sure what's so confusing about this to people.

The Competition M2 will devalue the N55 M2 in a significant way unless it's a lot more expensive, very limited, it's terrible, or a combination of those.

It seems unlikely that it's going to be terrible.

It seems unlikely it's going to be over 60 grand US, so it won't be a lot more expensive.

No one expects it to be limited, but obviously on day 1 there won't be many of them made, but eventually there will be.

If in fact the Comp M2 is a great car and desirable then in the future when people search out used M2s, they will be looking for the perceived "good" model not the perceived "weaker" model despite your or my opinion of the S55 sound or that the N55 is plenty as is.

Why are N55 owners worried about depreciation? I can't believe this is a question so many of you ask. In fact I can't even believe it's a real question because the answers are obvious. So many of you complain and get up in arms about a dealer mark up and don't want to pay 1 cent more far your car, but you don't know why anyone cares about depreciation? You wanted to find a good deal on the N55 M2 but you don't know why an owner would care about depreciation? You have such lack of imagination to understand that some OTHER people who are not you might not want their car to depreciate in case they need to sell it because of a medical issue, a loss of a job, or whatever curve ball life throws at them, or even just they get bored of it and want to sell it and get something else? Really you have no idea why someone might care about depreciation? Get the fuck out of here! You know why!

Last edited by akkando; 03-21-2018 at 03:21 PM..
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      03-21-2018, 04:47 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by akkando View Post
I'm not sure what's so confusing about this to people.

The Competition M2 will devalue the N55 M2 in a significant way unless it's a lot more expensive, very limited, it's terrible, or a combination of those.

It seems unlikely that it's going to be terrible.

It seems unlikely it's going to be over 60 grand US, so it won't be a lot more expensive.

No one expects it to be limited, but obviously on day 1 there won't be many of them made, but eventually there will be.

If in fact the Comp M2 is a great car and desirable then in the future when people search out used M2s, they will be looking for the perceived "good" model not the perceived "weaker" model despite your or my opinion of the S55 sound or that the N55 is plenty as is.

Why are N55 owners worried about depreciation? I can't believe this is a question so many of you ask. In fact I can't even believe it's a real question because the answers are obvious. So many of you complain and get up in arms about a dealer mark up and don't want to pay 1 cent more far your car, but you don't know why anyone cares about depreciation? You wanted to find a good deal on the N55 M2 but you don't know why an owner would care about depreciation? You have such lack of imagination to understand that some OTHER people who are not you might not want their car to depreciate in case they need to sell it because of a medical issue, a loss of a job, or whatever curve ball life throws at them, or even just they get bored of it and want to sell it and get something else? Really you have no idea why someone might care about depreciation? Get the fuck out of here! You know why!
This post hits the nail on the head, literally... The problem is that all the ones with their smart ass answers are just so insecure about their car and them selves that even suggesting that the current M2 will devaluate makes them getting childish and personal... you Sir, made the greatest post of all times
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      03-21-2018, 04:48 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by F87_LCI View Post
ok, so I know that these days the "LOL" basically means nothing as it has been used ad nauseum, but sweet baby Jesus THAT ^^^ was f’n funny…I am still CTM (chuckling to myself)…whew! For sure, one of the Top 5 posts I have ever read on this forum… “Motaba virus” Kudos my friend, afwares. Kudos.

This can be said about many in here…probably myself included.

OP…see what I did there? Multiple quotes in one post…yeah, it happened.
I'm too lazy for that prefer to spend my energy more productive
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      03-21-2018, 04:49 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Spa2k View Post
I agree. Critical or contrary responses should never get personal. The focus should be on what was said, not on who said it. Unfortunately, the OP of any thread usually takes the hit because he or she started the discussion. That’s not fair, but it is life on the Internet.
It is, but I really don't care and I have a thick skin... just feel sorry for a few here, life must be hard on them
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      03-21-2018, 05:12 PM   #77
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Actually, the biggest hits to the value of a N55 M2 are likely to be things that no one is discussing. These are entirely independent of the imminent arrival of the S55 version.

We haven't had a recession in a very long time. When we do get one, it could last for years, especially if the government intervenes. Just about no one "needs" an expensive small sporty coupe. I would venture to say that at least 98% of the car buying public has no interest in buying cars like an M2, and that's now, in good economic times. Just wait until the Ritz Carlson crowd starts staying at the Holiday Inn Express, and the Michelin Starred restaurant customers get forced instead to order take-out from Dominos.

Your M2, regardless of flavor, will be virtually unsaleable.

It could, however, be a good time to pick up a 1M :-)
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      03-21-2018, 05:39 PM   #78
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I've stayed away from these discussions because I really didn't care, and like the M2 as it is. An S55 M2 will be cool, and I look forward to reading about it and watching videos. Having said that, I like the idea behind the N55 M2.

I'm probably in the minority, but I'm sort of a tech geek, combo amateur gear-head. I like technical stuff and also mechanical stuff. I've always liked the way BMW took the N55 and tweaked/re-engineered it to make the 2 series version of an M car. It's the same way I feel about I they developed the 1M after reading about it.

On the subject of the N55 M2 value plummeting, LOL ( that wording is funny to me although I'm not sure it was meant to be). It won't matter to me because I plan on keeping this car for awhile. The only mistake I made was not being patient, and getting it two years ago.

Last edited by qnet; 03-21-2018 at 08:07 PM..
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      03-21-2018, 07:17 PM   #79
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2019 M2 will start at 65k
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      03-21-2018, 07:28 PM   #80

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I have a 2017 M2 with all of the factory M Performance upgrades (apart from the exhaust where I went with the Akrapovic)--I have wondered if I will regret the purchase when the "Competition" version comes out but honestly I am enjoying my M2 so much and it seems so well balanced I doubt I will care.
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      03-21-2018, 08:08 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by babym2 View Post
2019 M2 will start at 65k
I'm hoping for $85 or $90K

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      03-21-2018, 09:01 PM   #82

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My crystal ball says all the M cars will go down in price... but the Gen 1 M2 will likely become somewhat of a collectors item for what it represents...back to basics...the ultimate driving machine.
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      03-21-2018, 09:06 PM   #83

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Originally Posted by akkando View Post
I'm not sure what's so confusing about this to people.

The Competition M2 will devalue the N55 M2 in a significant way unless it's a lot more expensive, very limited, it's terrible, or a combination of those.

It seems unlikely that it's going to be terrible.

It seems unlikely it's going to be over 60 grand US, so it won't be a lot more expensive.

No one expects it to be limited, but obviously on day 1 there won't be many of them made, but eventually there will be.

If in fact the Comp M2 is a great car and desirable then in the future when people search out used M2s, they will be looking for the perceived "good" model not the perceived "weaker" model despite your or my opinion of the S55 sound or that the N55 is plenty as is.

Why are N55 owners worried about depreciation? I can't believe this is a question so many of you ask. In fact I can't even believe it's a real question because the answers are obvious. So many of you complain and get up in arms about a dealer mark up and don't want to pay 1 cent more far your car, but you don't know why anyone cares about depreciation? You wanted to find a good deal on the N55 M2 but you don't know why an owner would care about depreciation? You have such lack of imagination to understand that some OTHER people who are not you might not want their car to depreciate in case they need to sell it because of a medical issue, a loss of a job, or whatever curve ball life throws at them, or even just they get bored of it and want to sell it and get something else? Really you have no idea why someone might care about depreciation? Get the fuck out of here! You know why!
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      03-21-2018, 10:31 PM   #84

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Originally Posted by akkando View Post
I'm not sure what's so confusing about this to people.

The Competition M2 will devalue the N55 M2 in a significant way unless it's a lot more expensive, very limited, it's terrible, or a combination of those.

It seems unlikely that it's going to be terrible.

It seems unlikely it's going to be over 60 grand US, so it won't be a lot more expensive.

No one expects it to be limited, but obviously on day 1 there won't be many of them made, but eventually there will be.

If in fact the Comp M2 is a great car and desirable then in the future when people search out used M2s, they will be looking for the perceived "good" model not the perceived "weaker" model despite your or my opinion of the S55 sound or that the N55 is plenty as is.

Why are N55 owners worried about depreciation? I can't believe this is a question so many of you ask. In fact I can't even believe it's a real question because the answers are obvious. So many of you complain and get up in arms about a dealer mark up and don't want to pay 1 cent more far your car, but you don't know why anyone cares about depreciation? You wanted to find a good deal on the N55 M2 but you don't know why an owner would care about depreciation? You have such lack of imagination to understand that some OTHER people who are not you might not want their car to depreciate in case they need to sell it because of a medical issue, a loss of a job, or whatever curve ball life throws at them, or even just they get bored of it and want to sell it and get something else? Really you have no idea why someone might care about depreciation? Get the fuck out of here! You know why!

haha... the real confusing thing here is that someone assumed certain cars would be an appreciating asset.
And need to come on here and whine about it when it didn't pan out the way they hoped.


Real enthusiast don't buy cars to then sell it later hoping you'll get some money back.
Real enthusiast buy the car, drive it and know it's worth every time it is driven.

How about this. Buy an M2, any M2 and don't drive it.
Sell it in 20 years. Guaranteed appreciation.

tomwac akkando aren't bright enough to understand what most people already know, that worrying about a depreciating asset depreciating is moronic and this thread is worthless.
Get some help kids (btw still worthless after changing the title)

Last edited by Mstigator; 03-24-2018 at 02:48 PM..
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      03-21-2018, 11:02 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Mstigator View Post
How about this. Buy an M2, any M2 and don't drive it.
Sell it in 20 years. Guaranteed appreciation.
Unfortunately, in 20 years a Big Mac is going to cost $27
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      03-21-2018, 11:39 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Mstigator View Post
Originally Posted by akkando View Post
I'm not sure what's so confusing about this to people.

The Competition M2 will devalue the N55 M2 in a significant way unless it's a lot more expensive, very limited, it's terrible, or a combination of those.

It seems unlikely that it's going to be terrible.

It seems unlikely it's going to be over 60 grand US, so it won't be a lot more expensive.

No one expects it to be limited, but obviously on day 1 there won't be many of them made, but eventually there will be.

If in fact the Comp M2 is a great car and desirable then in the future when people search out used M2s, they will be looking for the perceived "good" model not the perceived "weaker" model despite your or my opinion of the S55 sound or that the N55 is plenty as is.

Why are N55 owners worried about depreciation? I can't believe this is a question so many of you ask. In fact I can't even believe it's a real question because the answers are obvious. So many of you complain and get up in arms about a dealer mark up and don't want to pay 1 cent more far your car, but you don't know why anyone cares about depreciation? You wanted to find a good deal on the N55 M2 but you don't know why an owner would care about depreciation? You have such lack of imagination to understand that some OTHER people who are not you might not want their car to depreciate in case they need to sell it because of a medical issue, a loss of a job, or whatever curve ball life throws at them, or even just they get bored of it and want to sell it and get something else? Really you have no idea why someone might care about depreciation? Get the fuck out of here! You know why!

haha... the real confusing thing here is that someone assumed certain cars would be an appreciating asset.
And need to come on here and whine about it when it didn't pan out the way they hoped.


Real enthusiast don't buy cars to then sell it later hoping you'll get some money back.
Real enthusiast buy the car, drive it and know it's worth every time it is driven.

How about this. Buy an M2, any M2 and don't drive it.
Sell it in 20 years. Guaranteed appreciation.
Oh yeah? Give be names then. Give me the names of the people who thought it was an appreciating asset. Let's see this list of people.

Last edited by akkando; 03-22-2018 at 12:15 AM..
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      03-21-2018, 11:51 PM   #87

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Generally speaking, there are two times you can make money on a car. First, when it’s new to the market, rare, in high demand, dealers are marking them up and you buy at or below MSRP. That chance only lasts a few months. Second, at a collector car auction 20-25 years later, but only if the car is in pristine original condition or well-restored. Between those two opportunities, you can sit and watch your vehicle depreciate - unless it’s an extremely rare, high-end vehicle like the last generation of Ford GT, which shot up in value for several years after it was released but has settled down a little in the last couple of years.
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      03-22-2018, 08:28 AM   #88
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2020 ///M4 CS, Alpine White, DCT

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