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      01-20-2020, 07:40 PM   #1
Waycool Jr.
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Anyone running a Banks 1.8 gauge on 335D

I am looking to purchase a Banks 1.8 Super Gauge and was wondering if anyone had purchased it and what OBD parameters they can pull up. I seen in some older threads that someone posted the OBD2 list but was not sure if that included everything. I know the European versions have an oil temperature gauge and am curious if that sensor is on our 2011 D's. I like the looks of the gauge but I want some meaningful info. Trans temp, oil temp, oil pressure, EGT, MAF, Turbo Pressure, etc. If anyone has bought this or knows all the PID's my car has, please post a reply.
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      01-22-2020, 01:24 PM   #2
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Its a great idea and im pretty sure if they( Banks developers) see the torque thread ("Extended BMW 335d PIDs for Torque") they would easily be able to make it work with our M57s...
In one of the descriptions its mention the its NOT compatible with ~11 x5 35D so its probebly wont work with anything Bmw Diesel!
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      01-22-2020, 03:31 PM   #3
Waycool Jr.
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Talking to Banks, they said that it would communicate with any mode 1 PID's that were available. There was a forum member I think DWR who had posted the mode 1 PID's but it did not include anything for the trans or oil parameters. I am going to see if I can get any info out of my local BMW shop.
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      01-22-2020, 09:22 PM   #4
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Here is a quick dump off my idash on the x5d, my 335d shows the same.
There is a few things I wish they would show/support that I know other devices display already.

,Category, Label, Description, Unit
0x00D6,Air Density, AAD, Density - Ambient Air, LB/1KFT3
0x00EC,Air Density, BAD, Density - Boost Air, LB/1KFT3
0x020B,Air Density, CAD, Density - Cylinder, LB/1KFT3
0x00DA,Air Density, MAD, Density - Manifold Air, LB/1KFT3
0x00D7,Air Density, AAD, Density % - Ambient Air (J607), %
0x020E,Air Density, CAD, Density % - Cylinder (J607), %
0x00DB,Air Density, MAD, Density % - Manifold Air (J607), %
0x0274,Air Density, DN-ALT, Density Altitude, FT
0x00DC,Air Density, D-RAT, Density Ratio - System,
0x00E7,Air Density, J607, Gas Correction Factor SAE J607,
0x0307,Air Density, MAD-RR, MAD % Response Rate, %/S
0x0275,Air Density, PR-ALT, Pressure Altitude, FT
0x02A2,Air Density, SAT-P, Saturation Pressure, INHG
0x02A3,Air Density, VAP-P, Vapor Pressure, INHG
0x0107,Diagnostics, MILDIS, Dist Traveled While MIL Active, MILES
0x0114,Diagnostics, DTCTRV, Distance Since DTCS Cleared, MILES
0x006A,Diagnostics, RUN TM, Engine Run Time, MIN
0x0100,Diagnostics, FLAG, Flag,
0x0064,Diagnostics, MIL, MIL Status,
0x0101,Diagnostics, TIME, Time Data Log, S
0x0113,Diagnostics, WARMUP, Warmups Since DTCS Cleared, COUNT
0x0067,Emissions, EGRCMD, EGR Commanded, %
0x0138,Emissions, EGRACT, EGR Duty Cycle Actual, %
0x0137,Emissions, EGRCMD, EGR Duty Cycle Commanded, %
0x0139,Emissions, EGRERR, EGR Error, %
0x01B5,Emissions, BPS M, Monitor - Boost Pressure System,
0x01AB,Emissions, COMP M, Monitor - Comprehensive Component,
0x01B8,Emissions, EGR M, Monitor - EGR and/or VVT System,
0x01B6,Emissions, EGAS M, Monitor - Exhaust Gas Sensor,
0x01AA,Emissions, FUEL M, Monitor - Fuel System,
0x01A9,Emissions, MIS M, Monitor - Misfire,
0x01B3,Emissions, HCCAT, Monitor - NMHC Catalyst,
0x01B4,Emissions, NCAT M, Monitor - NOx/SCR Aftertreatment,
0x01B7,Emissions, PMF M, Monitor - PM Filter,
0x0092,Emissions, NOX1/1, NOX Bank 1 Sensor 1, PPM
0x0173,Emissions, NOX1/2, NOX Bank 1 Sensor 2, PPM
0x0102,Engine Performance - Air, ABSTPS, Absolute Throttle Position, %
0x02A9,Engine Performance - Air, HPC-1K, Ambient Custom Fuel Power Potential per 1000 CFM, HP/1k
0x02A6,Engine Performance - Air, HPD-1K, Ambient Diesel Power Potential per 1000 CFM, HP/1k
0x02A8,Engine Performance - Air, HPE-1K, Ambient E85 Power Potential per 1000 CFM, HP/1k
0x02A5,Engine Performance - Air, HPG-1K, Ambient Gas Power Potential per 1000 CFM, HP/1k
0x02A7,Engine Performance - Air, HPM-1K, Ambient Methanol Power Potential per 1000 CFM, HP/1k
0x01F7,Engine Performance - Air, CFMAMB, CFM Ambient, CFM
0x01F8,Engine Performance - Air, CFMENG, CFM Engine, CFM
0x0065,Engine Performance - Air, MAF, Mass Air Flow, GRAM/S
0x0123,Engine Performance - Air, THRCMD, Throttle Commanded, %
0x0005,Engine Performance - Air, THRT-R, Throttle Position Relative, %
0x00B9,Engine Performance - Air, WG DC, Wastegate Duty Cycle, %
0x0109,Engine Performance - Fuel, AFR1/1, Air Fuel Ratio Bank1 Sensor1, AFR
0x0072,Engine Performance - Fuel, FUEL R, Fuel Flow Rate, GPH
0x0009,Pressure, AAP, Ambient Air Pressure, PSIA
0x0276,Pressure, AAP, Ambient Air Pressure (inHg), INHG
0x0006,Pressure, BOOST, Boost Pressure, PSIG
0x026B,Pressure, BST-VA, Boost/Vacuum Pressure, PSIG
0x006C,Pressure, DPFDP1, DPF Delta Press, PSI
0x0082,Pressure, EXH P1, Exhaust Back Pressure, PSIA
0x0144,Pressure, FRPCMD, FRP Commanded, PSIA
0x0145,Pressure, FRP, Fuel Rail Pressure, PSIA
0x02A4,Pressure, MAP, Manifold Air Pressure (inHg), INHG
0x014E,Pressure, MAP A, Manifold Pressure A, PSIA
0x014D,Pressure, MAPCMD, MAP Commanded, PSIA
0x00DD,Pressure, P-RAT, Pressure Ratio - System,
0x028A,Speed and Velocity, RPM-RR, Engine Response Rate, RPM/S
0x0003,Speed and Velocity, RPM, Engine RPM,
0x0004,Speed and Velocity, SPEED, Vehicle Speed, MPH
0x000D,Temperature, AAT, Ambient Air Temp, ∞F
0x0277,Temperature, AAT, Ambient Air Temp Absolute (in Rankin), R
0x015C,Temperature, CAC1/1, CAC Temp Bank 1 Sensor 1, ∞F
0x0206,Temperature, SYS-DT, Delta Temperature System, ∞F
0x000F,Temperature, ECT, Engine Coolant Temp, ∞F
0x0160,Temperature, EGT1/1, Exh Temp Bank 1 Sensor 1, ∞F
0x0161,Temperature, EGT1/2, Exh Temp Bank 1 Sensor 2, ∞F
0x0162,Temperature, EGT1/3, Exh Temp Bank 1 Sensor 3, ∞F
0x000E,Temperature, IAT, Intake Air Temp, ∞F
0x004A,Temperature, MAT, Manifold Air Temp, ∞F
0x0120,Vehicle Performance, APP D, Accelerator Pedal D, %
0x0121,Vehicle Performance, APP E, Accelerator Pedal E, %
0x02B4,Vehicle Performance, HP-AMB, Ambient % of Density, %
0x001C,Vehicle Performance, LOAD, Calculated Engine Load, %
0x0095,Vehicle Performance, DISP, Engine Displacement, L
0x02A0,Vehicle Performance, HP-MAX, Horsepower Maximum, HP
0x02A1,Vehicle Performance, HP-POT, Horsepower Potential, HP
0x012B,Vehicle Performance, TORQUE, Torque % Actual, %
0x012A,Vehicle Performance, TRQCMD, Torque % Commanded, %
0x0196,Voltage, BATT*, B-Bus Battery Voltage, V
0x0066,Voltage, BATT, ECU Battery Voltage, V
0x010A,Voltage, O2 1/1, WB O2 Volt Bank1 Sensor1, V
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      01-24-2020, 11:53 AM   #5
Waycool Jr.
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Thanks for the reply. I can't believe that BMW does not monitor water or oil temperature and oil pressure. These are the key parameters of a high performance engine. I thought there was a water sensor in the line/hose going to the radiator. The European 335D's have the oil temperature in gauge cluster. Do they not install it on the US versions and if that is the case, where is the port to put the sensor. I would like to find a good schematic of this engine with all its porting. The same goes for the 6HP28 trans. I was really hoping to find a sensor in it for trans temp. Based on some other posts, I might have to T off of the fluid going to the cooler. Let me know if you have any further insight on these challenges. Thanks for your help.
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      01-24-2020, 05:55 PM   #6
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Drives: 2011 335D | 2013 X5D
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Originally Posted by Waycool Jr. View Post
Thanks for the reply. I can't believe that BMW does not monitor water or oil temperature and oil pressure. These are the key parameters of a high performance engine. I thought there was a water sensor in the line/hose going to the radiator. The European 335D's have the oil temperature in gauge cluster. Do they not install it on the US versions and if that is the case, where is the port to put the sensor. I would like to find a good schematic of this engine with all its porting. The same goes for the 6HP28 trans. I was really hoping to find a sensor in it for trans temp. Based on some other posts, I might have to T off of the fluid going to the cooler. Let me know if you have any further insight on these challenges. Thanks for your help.
Engine water temp it does monitor
- 0x000F,Temperature, ECT, Engine Coolant Temp, F

Now if you want oil temp and pressure you need to add a sensor, same for trans and diff. You can add sensors to the idash you just need to buy the analog module which is about the same price as another gauge.

Looking at using torque you have the same parameters to read/display

Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
0-0 BMW 335d Ambient Air Temperature,AAT,146,((A-40)*1.8)+32,0,50,°F,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Intake Air Temperature,IAT,10F,((A-40)*1.8)+32,0,100,°F,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Charged Air Cooler Temperature,CACT,177,((B-40)*1.8)+32,0,100,°F,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d AFR,AFR,124,((A*256)+B)*0.00044225,0,30,AFR,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Air Mass,Air Mass ,110,((((A*256)+B)/100)*0.132276),0,50,lb/min,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Ambient Air Pressure,Baro,133,A*14.6959/100,13,15,psi,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Intake Boost Pressure,Boost,170,(((((D*256)+E)*0.3125)-1000)/1000)*14.6959,0,35,psi,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Exhaust Manifold Pressure,Exh Press,173,(((((B*256)+C)/10)-1000)/1000)*14.6959,0,50,psi,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d DPF Pressure,DPF Press,17A,((B*256)+C)*0.00146959,0,5,psi,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Drive Pressure,Drive Press,,(VAL{0-0 BMW 335d Exhaust Manifold Pressure})-(VAL{0-0 BMW 335d DPF Pressure}),0,50,psi,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d H2O/Meth Target,H2O/Meth Target,015E,((A*256)+B)*25/60,0,2000,cc /min,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Fuel Flow,Fuel Flow,015E,((A*256)+B)*0.0938,0,160,lb/hr,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Exhaust Temperature Pre DOC,EGT Pre DOC,178,(((((D*256)+E)/10)-40)*1.8)+32,0,1400,°F,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Exhaust Temperature Post DOC,EGT Pre DPF,178,(((((B*256)+C)/10)-40)*1.8)+32,0,1400,°F,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d Exhaust Temperature Pre SCR,EGT Pre SCR,178,(((((F*256)+G)/10)-40)*1.8)+32,0,1400,°F,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d NOX Conc Pre SCR,NOX Pre SCR,183,(((B*256)+C)*0.032044)-100,0,1000,ppm,Auto
0-0 BMW 335d NOX Conc Post SCR,NOX Post SCR,183,(((D*256)+E)*0.032044)-100,0,1000,ppm,Auto

So there is no way around adding either separate gauge(s) for oil/tran/diff or pay for the expansion module and sensors with banks. For me it was not worth the cost of adding sensors.
I use the following monitors and it usually would flag if something is odd. I will add a trans temp and oil pressure when I start towing in the x5, but they cover the bases on the 335d

- Boost
- Back/Drive Pressure
- Fuel Rail Pressure
- Water Temp
- Intake Temp
- Exhaust Gas Temp.

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      01-25-2020, 09:46 AM   #7
Waycool Jr.
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Thanks for the info. This is exactly what I was looking for. My bad on not seeing the ECT line. Eyes just aren't as good as they use to be. I would like to pick your brain on some other issues. I have a 2011 335D and was looking to purchase a X5 also, 609-234-1480 (Marty)
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