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      06-01-2022, 07:40 AM   #1
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Is Washington State a really no stop state?


Even more infuriating, these criminals know exactly what they’re doing. Steve Strachan, executive director of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, cited a suspect driving on a suspended license who was being pursued by officers in Redmond. The guy called 911 and told the dispatcher they had to call off the chase because of House Bill 1054. He refused to stop, believing the law was on his side.
Found this one amusing.

Crazy to think we have gone such extreme opposite direction.
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      06-01-2022, 09:41 AM   #2
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My understanding is that it's not so much a "no stop" state as it is a "under almost all circumstances, no high speed pursuit" state. There are certain, very narrow, circumstances that allow officers to pursue at high speeds. At least that's how I understand it.

But yes, effectively, its so narrow that in nearly all cases a high speed chase is off the table. The incidents of people fleeing from the police has gone up exponentially.

A few points on why the law was enacted that I think are important to consider when judging the merits:

- The law still allows for high speed pursuits in cases where an escaped felon, sex offender, someone who has committed a violent act, or poses an imminent threat.

- 30+ deaths in WA state directly attributed to high speed chases since 2015, nearly 50% bystanders or passengers in the fleeing vehicle.

- High speed chases are the #2 cause of death in police encounters in WA.

Bottom line, they are dangerous and the thinking is that with all the technology we have at our disposal now, the person is going to get caught one way or another. Maybe not today, right now, but they will be found and arrested...eventually.

I have mixed feelings on it. My gut tells me that more guardrails around how and when pursuits are conducted were needed, but the new law went too far. Just my opinion. Would be interesting to hear from Sedan_Clan or Murf the Surf.
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