Originally Posted by NorthernDancer
I guess you have to join the club to get on the mailing list. Club has been going to Top Karting 2 or 3 times every winter. Next event 28 March. Limited to 12 people.
I organized many events for the Club over the years. Non members were allowed to join in our events in hopes they would join the club. Some did but many did not. I lot of work goes into organizing the events and it's all volunteer so if you want to participate, join the club.
Oh ok, I was accepted in the group maybe few weeks ago but did not get any email about that event. I do see a lot of posts of people selling stuff tho lol.
EDIT: Ohhhh I think I just realized, when you mentioned BMW Car club you mean the website eh?
https://bmwccottawa.org/ . Thought it was just a FB group.