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      07-09-2020, 08:18 PM   #1
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BMW Throwing Codes Pump/IBS ?

Wondering if anyone has run into a similar situation and what the fix was. Getting Error Codes: 2E84, 2E8E, 2E83, 2E7C, 2E8B. To my understanding this is a mix of Water pump and IBS related codes. Backstory is replaced Gaskets on Oil filter housing and did Oil pan gasket along with some other repairs, Battery drained itself. Boosted the car to start it. Started and ran fine oil and coolant temp were fine. Finished other suspension mods, during this time i took the battery out to give it a full charge. Go to start the car and the car would not start checked codes and was given the above codes I cleared them 3x to make sure the codes would reappear and these are the only ones i am getting.
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      12-30-2021, 05:02 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Brucha850i View Post
Wondering if anyone has run into a similar situation and what the fix was. Getting Error Codes: 2E84, 2E8E, 2E83, 2E7C, 2E8B. To my understanding this is a mix of Water pump and IBS related codes. Backstory is replaced Gaskets on Oil filter housing and did Oil pan gasket along with some other repairs, Battery drained itself. Boosted the car to start it. Started and ran fine oil and coolant temp were fine. Finished other suspension mods, during this time i took the battery out to give it a full charge. Go to start the car and the car would not start checked codes and was given the above codes I cleared them 3x to make sure the codes would reappear and these are the only ones i am getting.
Did you ever figure this out mate my cars doing the exact same thing...
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      12-30-2021, 06:18 PM   #3
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I've solved this with my car recently. Errors are because of a fault in the BSD circuit. Components in the BSD circuit are: water pump, alternator, IBS and oil level/condition sensor. Basically a fault/problem with any of the four components will trigger one of a number of BSD related codes (those listed in the first post and others). The fix is to determine which component is causing the fault by unplugging them one at a time. In my case it was the alternator, specifically the voltage regulator. The fix was a new voltage regulator even though I was having water pump communication/power codes (2E83 &2E85). This video does a nice job explaining the BSD circuit and even shows some wiring diagrams. Good lucK.

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      12-30-2021, 07:19 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by dmckmc View Post
I've solved this with my car recently. Errors are because of a fault in the BSD circuit. Components in the BSD circuit are: water pump, alternator, IBS and oil level/condition sensor. Basically a fault/problem with any of the four components will trigger one of a number of BSD related codes (those listed in the first post and others). The fix is to determine which component is causing the fault by unplugging them one at a time. In my case it was the alternator, specifically the voltage regulator. The fix was a new voltage regulator even though I was having water pump communication/power codes (2E83 &2E85). This video does a nice job explaining the BSD circuit and even shows some wiring diagrams. Good lucK.

Iv tried to diagnose like this already so it all started when my car randomly started to overheat it was throwing waterpump codes so I changed the wp &tstat out (oem) the car then wouldn't do the purge procedure & was still showing the codes 2ec7,2e83,2e84,2e8b,2e8e & 2e98 I unplugged each of the components on the bsd line one at a time & cleared codes the last one I done was the waterpump I then plugged the pump back in cleared codes & the purge procedure worked & no codes reappeared... I then started the car & it was running perfectly coolant was serculating & there was no codes I thought let me take it for a little drive so I did & was monitoring the coolant temps via MHD & the coolant temp went way over what they should I then got the overheating warning light so I coasted home. Re scanned for codes & they was all back. So I have now brought a oem Battery hoping this may be the culprit. Sorry for the essay Just wanted to give you a insight in to what is happening. Any further suggestions would be appreciated.
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      12-30-2021, 07:47 PM   #5
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Even if the BSD is down or faulted, the water pump and temperature control will still work and be controlled by the computer via a default or failsafe strategy. The fact that your car over heated, even with a new pump would point toward an ongoing pump/cooling system problem. I would double check the pump is working via the purge procedure (easy to hear the pump and see the coolant stream into the overflow tank). Sounds like you know your way around the car, I include basic stuff to help others too. Thermostat working? Air lock? Keep at it and let us know when you figure it out.
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      12-31-2021, 04:37 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by dmckmc View Post
Even if the BSD is down or faulted, the water pump and temperature control will still work and be controlled by the computer via a default or failsafe strategy. The fact that your car over heated, even with a new pump would point toward an ongoing pump/cooling system problem. I would double check the pump is working via the purge procedure (easy to hear the pump and see the coolant stream into the overflow tank). Sounds like you know your way around the car, I include basic stuff to help others too. Thermostat working? Air lock? Keep at it and let us know when you figure it out.
Yes the purge procedure works I done this before driving it yesterday & also the pump was pumping coolant even when I don't have the bleed procedure activated. So what I don't get is why its overheating... unless the coolant stops pumping when I start driving?? But that just seems silly.. could be the radiator? But then why would I be getting bsd codes etc.... I'm going to try the new battery today code it in & then report back I know when a battery isn't at full capacity on these cars they do weird things.

Last edited by Markoss96; 12-31-2021 at 04:39 AM.. Reason: Bsd
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      12-31-2021, 09:19 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Markoss96 View Post
Yes the purge procedure works I done this before driving it yesterday & also the pump was pumping coolant even when I don't have the bleed procedure activated. So what I don't get is why its overheating... unless the coolant stops pumping when I start driving?? But that just seems silly.. could be the radiator? But then why would I be getting bsd codes etc.... I'm going to try the new battery today code it in & then report back I know when a battery isn't at full capacity on these cars they do weird things.
Your battery may be old and your vehicle may benefit by replacement but I'd be very surprised if a weak battery is responsible for this highly specific set of errors.

The heart of your problem is clearly a persistent BSD (bit serial device) bus fault:
2e7c - BSD line fault
2e83 - coolant pump reduced power
2e84 - coolant pump missing
2e8B - IBS missing
2e8e - IBS, interference on BSD bus
2e98 - alternator missing

Although the DME sometimes has control of the water pump (i.e. purge sequence can be activated), my guess is that pump is still not being controlled properly and that accounts for the overheat. The 2e83 code is informative here: the pump is reporting low power operation mode i.e. it's not going to move enough coolant when the engine has a significant load.

This looks like an intermittent BSD issue to me for two reasons: first, the coolant pump purge can be activated which requires DME communication. Second, you never seem to register an oil sensor fault - the oil level/condition sensor is the remaining device on the BSD bus. Since (I believe) level checking itself is episodic, I'm guessing that the BSD fault has not yet been present when level is checked.

It might be useful to evaluate the patency of the BSD bus wires using a DVM. This is easy to do if you have ISTA or newtis access to obtain wiring diagrams and pinouts for the various components and costs nothing. If you don't have access, post your VIN and I can provide diagrams.

Originally Posted by dmckmc View Post
Even if the BSD is down or faulted, the water pump and temperature control will still work and be controlled by the computer via a default or failsafe strategy.
Not clear to me what you mean by "computer". If you mean the DME then no. The water pump itself has a built-in controller with a default program for when BSD input is not available but in the absence of a functioning BSD bus the DME cannot control it. The fact that the OP can activate the purge sequence means that communication between DME and water pump is present sometimes which makes me think about intermittent electrical connections

Last edited by dpaul; 12-31-2021 at 10:34 AM..
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      12-31-2021, 01:09 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by dpaul View Post
Your battery may be old and your vehicle may benefit by replacement but I'd be very surprised if a weak battery is responsible for this highly specific set of errors.

The heart of your problem is clearly a persistent BSD (bit serial device) bus fault:
2e7c - BSD line fault
2e83 - coolant pump reduced power
2e84 - coolant pump missing
2e8B - IBS missing
2e8e - IBS, interference on BSD bus
2e98 - alternator missing

Although the DME sometimes has control of the water pump (i.e. purge sequence can be activated), my guess is that pump is still not being controlled properly and that accounts for the overheat. The 2e83 code is informative here: the pump is reporting low power operation mode i.e. it's not going to move enough coolant when the engine has a significant load.

This looks like an intermittent BSD issue to me for two reasons: first, the coolant pump purge can be activated which requires DME communication. Second, you never seem to register an oil sensor fault - the oil level/condition sensor is the remaining device on the BSD bus. Since (I believe) level checking itself is episodic, I'm guessing that the BSD fault has not yet been present when level is checked.

It might be useful to evaluate the patency of the BSD bus wires using a DVM. This is easy to do if you have ISTA or newtis access to obtain wiring diagrams and pinouts for the various components and costs nothing. If you don't have access, post your VIN and I can provide diagrams.

Not clear to me what you mean by "computer". If you mean the DME then no. The water pump itself has a built-in controller with a default program for when BSD input is not available but in the absence of a functioning BSD bus the DME cannot control it. The fact that the OP can activate the purge sequence means that communication between DME and water pump is present sometimes which makes me think about intermittent electrical connections

FIXED FINALLY!! The ground wire for the water pump/tstat was loose as hell on the front of the engine! Took it off cleaned it all up put it back on BINGO! £800 On & it was a damn ground wire! This is why we love n54s! BTW thanks for both of your help really appreciate it. These cars take a joint effort at times especially with these little niggly bits. now to enjoy the NEWYEAR! Have a good one people!
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      12-31-2021, 01:27 PM   #9
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Thanks for following up. Glad you got it working properly. Attaching an article on testing the water pump/wiring for those that end up here via search.

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      07-26-2023, 04:57 PM   #10

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Originally Posted by Markoss96 View Post
FIXED FINALLY!! The ground wire for the water pump/tstat was loose as hell on the front of the engine! Took it off cleaned it all up put it back on BINGO! £800 On & it was a damn ground wire! This is why we love n54s! BTW thanks for both of your help really appreciate it. These cars take a joint effort at times especially with these little niggly bits. now to enjoy the NEWYEAR! Have a good one people!
Hi im having the same issue as you with 2e84 2e83 codes. how difficult is it to access/clean the ground wire to the waterpump/thermostat?
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      10-14-2023, 11:44 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by mubiiii View Post
Hi im having the same issue as you with 2e84 2e83 codes. how difficult is it to access/clean the ground wire to the waterpump/thermostat?
After changing out my radiator on my 2007 335i, the car was going into limp mode after about 15 minutes of driving. The car was throwing the following codes: 2e98 2e83 2e81 2e8b 2e8e. I found the ground wire to the water pump and it was loose and I tightened it up and it resolved all of the codes and no more limp mode.

To access the water pump ground wire, you have to access it from under the front of the engine. The ground wire bolts to the engine and is located directly under the harmonic balancer. You will need an E10 socket to tighten the bolt to the ground wire.
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