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      08-16-2008, 12:34 PM   #1
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Drives: 2008 e92 335i
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Los Angeles

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Unhappy Poorly Pumped Petrol

So I've been venting on another thread about the fact that I had to go through hell to get my car because I pissed off a dealer. Well, now, after 400 miles, my brand new 335i coupe is in the shop for what seems to be a fuel pump failure. I am about to lose my mind.

I was driving home when I get this mild sensation that the car is jerking on acceleration. Curious, I accelerated and decelerated to see if it was the drive line or the road. Sure enough the problem escalated and the engine malfunction light came on in yellow, followed by the service engine soon light. I wasn't too far from home so I decided to go the rest of the way (as the manual states that it is OK to drive if it is lit in yellow but not ok if it is RED). I got home, about 10 miles away, but by that time the whole car was shaking pretty violently when I was at a stop light. It was as if a cylynder was mis-firing or something. It was VERY disheartening as I had at that point been the proud owner for less than 48 hours.

So I took it to the dealer by me yesterday morning and told them about it. It seemed like a simple enough case of fuel pump failure; the long cranks had happened but I thought it was just the engine getting settled. Now that this happened, I was pretty sure it would be a fuel pump issue. However, after having my car for two days the service center said they need to send codes to BMW for further evaluation. What does that mean? I'm kind of becoming a conspirator at this point. My feeling is that my car has a refurbished pump in it from back when they were scrambling to get enough new cars out while simultaneously replacing the pumps in the 07s with the high rate of failure.

I guess I want to know what to look out for. Why would a dealer have to check with the big brother? It seems fishy that a mechanic can't figure it out on their own unless there is some sort of proprietary information out there and I really don't feel comfortable with that possibility. I didn't even know this was still an issue for many people as it seems to have died off on e90post toward the end of 2007. Are any other people STILL having this problem?

How long before I should expect a solution these days? Any Service Advisors out there? Anybody know of a link to send me that would specify the new part number for the newer (bosch?) units going in 09s so that I can make sure that's what gets put in?


Last edited by downstrung; 08-16-2008 at 01:02 PM..
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      08-16-2008, 08:33 PM   #2

Drives: AW/CR 335i Coupe
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Palm Springs, CA

iTrader: (0)

That's shitty man. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. My car is a couple months old and I'd hate to go through something like this.

Here's hoping it all works out.

/sips beer
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