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      05-08-2009, 03:49 AM   #45
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Lol jeez didn't mean to start a war. The thing I love about the evo is it has soul. It has a POS interior but something about me still wants it. I'll be twenty in a couple of months and I don't think spending a lot of money on a car right now is a good idea. I just want something thats relatively cheap but very fun to drive.

As for the interior thing. I've seen evos with sickk in dash units and alcantara roofs and pillars that just shit on any BMW interior.

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      05-08-2009, 12:33 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
The E30, E36, E39 crowd is very different than the recent 3 series crowd(E46/E9X) which sadly includes a lot of new riches or rich kids acting like theyre shiznit doesnt stink. If the hat doesnt fit to you props but it does fit to a lot of people.

Theres a reason why my car doesnt have a damn dipstick and has stupid runflats. Most bmw owners dont know how to change a spare tire. Theyll call AAA or whatever. Im a car enthusiast.

M3 CSL > R8, F430 No AC no sunroof no BS pure driving and aural pleasure.
I agree with all of this. So true.
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      05-08-2009, 01:43 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by .:bHd:. View Post
Lol jeez didn't mean to start a war. The thing I love about the evo is it has soul. It has a POS interior but something about me still wants it. I'll be twenty in a couple of months and I don't think spending a lot of money on a car right now is a good idea. I just want something thats relatively cheap but very fun to drive.

As for the interior thing. I've seen evos with sickk in dash units and alcantara roofs and pillars that just shit on any BMW interior.
something only a TRUE car enthusiast will say, not a brandwhore, or a fanboy
03 Golf TDI w/ r32 conversion - 120bph/40mpg ftw for now..
06 Evo IX MR - 500whp,,,sold.....
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      05-08-2009, 08:18 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by bdkevoIX View Post
something only a TRUE car enthusiast will say, not a brandwhore, or a fanboy

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      05-08-2009, 11:12 PM   #49

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Originally Posted by twinturbo335 View Post
that's good for you.. and ill chill back and enjoy my leather interior..

If I want speed with no luxury at all, I might as well grab a K series and boost it. Probably will eat you all day..

none the less, stock for stock it's a pretty even race.. don't make it seem like your car is far superior than a 335i performance wise..

Talking about the interior of your car in a thread about an Evo makes you look like a complete tool.

If you can't understand why someone would want a no frills performance car, you should just exit the thread instead of cluttering it up with your babbling.

There are VERY few vehicles in the price range that will hang with a tuned Evo on a road course, and a 335i damn sure isn't one of them.

Even your username screams "tool." Twinturbo335.....well NO SHIT! Is there any other kind?
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      05-09-2009, 12:16 AM   #50

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My friend has one. I got a ride in his car at Buttonwillow and it was a monster. I thought I was going to die on every corner but the car just stuck to the road. It helps to have a good driver in it too. All he did was change the wheels to fit wider, stickier tires, and he was passing everybody.

He knows there is power potential in the engine but he has no power mods. I think it's because he knows HP masks bad driving (which is probably the case for most people on this forum).

My car is nicer than his but nowhere near as fun. I can't believe the way he corners to no abandon for a STOCK suspension and drivetrain.
"Yeah; well, my interior is better."
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      05-09-2009, 01:36 AM   #51

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Originally Posted by twinturbo335 View Post
If you are a car enthusiast, you wouldn't even street race.. unless you are young.. which sounds like you are base on your grammar..

I love when people critique other's grammar.
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      05-09-2009, 03:24 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
As for my grammar well ...Im billingual its 23h00 I dont feel like typing properly(Im talking to my friend on Msn in french right now so Im not focusing on writing properly as if I was writing a novel. Were on the internet anyways).
I just couldn't understand some parts of what you were saying on the last post..

Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
Ive been in the car business for 10 years trust me Ive seen my share of luxury car owners.....I'm 25 sand self made by the way. You sound like a spoiled kid. You basically told an other user to leave since (he cant afford a bmw) and youre saying that the EVO sucks and is a downgrade while in fact it is not.
Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
Where did I say that I street race??? I have nothing else to you sound like a badge whore. So the hats fits you I guess? Ive attacked you but I asked you a couple of questions. Like I said I used to own a car shop here are some proofs that I get my hands dirty.....Track bike, drag car, track car where the hell did I mentionned that I street race????
So you are assuming I am a spoiled kid through the internet? Good for you.. You can think what ever you want. I can give a rat's ass.. After all, this is the internet..

That is my opinion. It's a controversial topic. But it is a downgrade in my book maybe because I don't like a POS interior not because I am a badge whore?

Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
I didnt say that I dont like my car but wake up....You sound like your car is a 911 turbo. Give me a break its a 3 series for god sake. Sure its a nice car that not everyone can afford but you seem to spit on shitty civics, EVO etc. I came from nothing and like I said Im self made so I can still appreciate them. I worked my butt off in order to be able to afford some nice things. Would you be able to do 18 hrs a day and work until 3 am on a customer's car? My first car was a 1990 corolla in 99 with 200 000 miles sold it for 500$ had no money for one year started to work bought an EG civic swapped a B18 engine and it started from there(civic was parked in my driveway for 6 months had to gather 5K for the swap). Thats why I cant hate and Ill never talk trash about lesser cars(even a Kia) some people are waking up a 6 am and are doing 12 hrs shift with a broken back in order to put food on the table.
How am I acting like my car is a 911 turbo now?

That is your personal life. This is a online forum and... I don't care..

Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
I dont know about youre situation but sounds like its always been easy for you. Dont talk trash about lesser things...never know what happens in life. My friend went from millionaire to living in his mom basement and hes currently broke as a joke.

Way to go my friend. Most of the people on the planet are starving and cant afford food and youre saying fucking civic like it was Aids and you even laughed at 328's

Keep assuming.. I didn't have to work 18 hours a day but I had to work my ass off.. anyways, off topic?

Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post
The OP is 20 maybe hes buying a house and needs to go from a 335 to an Evo(or something cheaper). Maybe he has an opportunity to buy a business, his gf might be prego and needs funds for diapers who knows..... Why judge him or say that the Evo is crap.....
Originally Posted by mtla4 View Post

I agree that the Evo interior is different and not up to par but its not a reason to judge other people.
I didn't know the OP is 20. You like to get off topic much?

Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
Talking about the interior of your car in a thread about an Evo makes you look like a complete tool.
Why not? This is a thread basically about 335 VS. EVO if you didnt notice.. anyways that's nice to know..

Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
If you can't understand why someone would want a no frills performance car, you should just exit the thread instead of cluttering it up with your babbling.
from what I remember, this is a public forum. I can say what ever I want If you don't like it you can use the ignore button thanks..

Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
There are VERY few vehicles in the price range that will hang with a tuned Evo on a road course, and a 335i damn sure isn't one of them.
thank you and your 135 isn't on the list either. Good to know..

Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
Even your username screams "tool." Twinturbo335.....well NO SHIT! Is there any other kind?
I had it before I bought my car but thanks for letting me know. Doesn't concern you anyways..

Originally Posted by Nikolas View Post
I love when people critique other's grammar.
Not my fault I couldn't understand what he was saying.
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      05-09-2009, 02:50 PM   #53
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      05-09-2009, 03:15 PM   #54

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Originally Posted by twinturbo335 View Post
Why not? This is a thread basically about 335 VS. EVO if you didnt notice.. anyways that's nice to know..

from what I remember, this is a public forum. I can say what ever I want If you don't like it you can use the ignore button thanks..

thank you and your 135 isn't on the list either. Good to know..

I had it before I bought my car but thanks for letting me know. Doesn't concern you anyways..

What are you...12?

It's a public forum, and you can say whatever you want, but you can also be expected to be called an idiot for it. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away, it makes it worse.

This isn't a thread about 335i vs Evo, it's a thread about someone who's returning a leased car and considering a no-frills performance car to replace it with.

As for my 135i, I'm not the one in here bashing the interior of the Evo, now am I? Cars serve different purposes, but I guess that concept is too difficult for you to grasp.

And your excuse for your username doesn't even make sense. Even before you had a 335 they were all "twin turbo", so what does that have to do with anything?
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      05-09-2009, 05:26 PM   #55
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      05-09-2009, 05:46 PM   #56
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Thread as been ruined. The best thing to do would be to go on...
Originally Posted by corneredbeast
An engine from a Z06 Corvette. A differential from a Vespa. Damn

Originally Posted by Severious View Post
Its because a lot of BMW owners are housewives or business professionals and know little about cars other than BMW's are a status symbol in their own circles so that have to have one. But exotic car owners know cars, that's why they are willing to spend for a killer car and they know something different when they see one.
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      05-09-2009, 08:30 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by twinturbo335 View Post

I didn't know the OP is 20. You like to get off topic much?

Originally Posted by .:bHd:. View Post
damn! I'm turning 20 this year everyone will laugh at me
He wrote it....I dont have reading problems...do you? Before running my mouth(or typing) I make sure that I get my facts right. You couldnt come up with a valid argument against the Evo. Once you get past the interior and calling the car a shitbox or crappy car we'll be able to have a car enthusiast discussion.Only thing you did in this thread was insulting (lowly)328's, other people and make sure that we know that you drive a twin turbo 335. I dont have a problem with you....You might be a good guy but the way you approched this thread didnt help you much to make friends around here.
Originally Posted by corneredbeast
An engine from a Z06 Corvette. A differential from a Vespa. Damn

Originally Posted by Severious View Post
Its because a lot of BMW owners are housewives or business professionals and know little about cars other than BMW's are a status symbol in their own circles so that have to have one. But exotic car owners know cars, that's why they are willing to spend for a killer car and they know something different when they see one.

Last edited by mtla4; 05-09-2009 at 08:46 PM..
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      05-09-2009, 11:25 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
Talking about the interior of your car in a thread about an Evo makes you look like a complete tool.

If you can't understand why someone would want a no frills performance car, you should just exit the thread instead of cluttering it up with your babbling.

There are VERY few vehicles in the price range that will hang with a tuned Evo on a road course, and a 335i damn sure isn't one of them.

Even your username screams "tool." Twinturbo335.....well NO SHIT! Is there any other kind?
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      05-10-2009, 01:58 AM   #59
Dave Mac
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Buy it and enjoy. I had and Evo IX RS and I loved that car. Superb performance on the autocross course, terrible daily driver (for me). When I can afford to have a "race car" to take to the track and autocross as a secondary car I'd buy another one in a minute. Don't worry about people's opinions on a message board. Do what your gut tells you to do.
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      05-10-2009, 02:27 AM   #60
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I think if you want to buy a $25K car when your 335i comes off lease, you should just buy your 335i. That's what I did. You can negotiate yourself a huge break off the residual.

The Evo 9 is a blast to drive, but compared to the 335i, it is:
1) Very loud
2) Very rough riding suspension
3) Has a TON of turbo lag. You thought 29.2 was bad?
4) Is predominantly a FWD car most of the time and the forward weight bias is very obvious from behind the wheel. The engine sits out in front of the front axle and you can feel it up there when you turn the wheel.
5) Probably gets worse MPG than the 335 if anything

You'll be unhappy in the long run. After a week of driving it, the fun will wear off and you'll wish you had the comfort and all around excellence of the 335 back.

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      05-10-2009, 02:31 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by andy92782 View Post
I think if you want to buy a $25K car when your 335i comes off lease, you should just buy your 335i. That's what I did. You can negotiate yourself a huge break off the residual.

The Evo 9 is a blast to drive, but compared to the 335i, it is:
1) Very loud
2) Very rough riding suspension
3) Has a TON of turbo lag. You thought 29.2 was bad?
4) Is predominantly a FWD car most of the time and the forward weight bias is very obvious from behind the wheel. The engine sits out in front of the front axle and you can feel it up there when you turn the wheel.
5) Probably gets worse MPG than the 335 if anything

You'll be unhappy in the long run. After a week of driving it, the fun will wear off and you'll wish you had the comfort and all around excellence of the 335 back.

At least this gentleman was able to give out some valid points
Originally Posted by corneredbeast
An engine from a Z06 Corvette. A differential from a Vespa. Damn

Originally Posted by Severious View Post
Its because a lot of BMW owners are housewives or business professionals and know little about cars other than BMW's are a status symbol in their own circles so that have to have one. But exotic car owners know cars, that's why they are willing to spend for a killer car and they know something different when they see one.
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      05-10-2009, 03:37 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by andy92782 View Post
I think if you want to buy a $25K car when your 335i comes off lease, you should just buy your 335i. That's what I did. You can negotiate yourself a huge break off the residual.

The Evo 9 is a blast to drive, but compared to the 335i, it is:
1) Very loud
2) Very rough riding suspension
3) Has a TON of turbo lag. You thought 29.2 was bad?
4) Is predominantly a FWD car most of the time and the forward weight bias is very obvious from behind the wheel. The engine sits out in front of the front axle and you can feel it up there when you turn the wheel.
5) Probably gets worse MPG than the 335 if anything

You'll be unhappy in the long run. After a week of driving it, the fun will wear off and you'll wish you had the comfort and all around excellence of the 335 back.

Good points.. i just gotta drive one and see if I can live with it. You said you bought your 335 for 25k? How did you buy it for so cheap? The car will be worth like 30k when my lease is up. It's an 07 with 43k miles.

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      05-10-2009, 06:12 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by .:bHd:. View Post
Good points.. i just gotta drive one and see if I can live with it. You said you bought your 335 for 25k? How did you buy it for so cheap? The car will be worth like 30k when my lease is up. It's an 07 with 43k miles.
My 24-month lease was up in December '08. The residual was $34.9K. I bought it for $26K, although it wasn't CPO'd. Brush up on your negotiating skills...
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