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      12-05-2006, 11:58 AM   #1
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Do ED cars have priority?

My car is on its way to US from my ED last month (it's on Courage) My CA told me that ED cars have priority over non-ED cars for US distribution. He says ED cars do not wait at VPC for more than a few days (unless there's a damage) and send to respective dealers in small closed trucks evenif the truck is not full (whereas non-ED cars are distributed by huge open trucks)

Any ideas?
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      12-05-2006, 12:00 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Ucan
My car is on its way to US from my ED last month (it's on Courage) My CA told me that ED cars have priority over non-ED cars for US distribution. He says ED cars do not wait at VPC for more than a few days (unless there's a damage) and send to respective dealers in small closed trucks evenif the truck is not full (whereas non-ED cars are distributed by huge open trucks)

Any ideas?
Besides the whole transport thing that is the same information my dealer provided me with.
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      12-05-2006, 02:48 PM   #3
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I don't think he's being straight with you.

Priority-1 cars (cars with customer deposits on them, but not yet delivered or paid for) actually get top priority. That's why they're called Priority-1. ED cars get a lower priority because ED inventory has already been paid off, whereas Priority-1 cars are expensive inventory that BMW must carry until delivered to the customer.

Hopefully yours will move right along, but it's better to have low expectations than to have unrealistic expectations dashed later on.
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      12-05-2006, 04:01 PM   #4
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I tracked cars off of a couple of ships unloading at Port Hueneme as the members reported receiving theirs. The ED cars definately get out of VPC on average about 4 days after priority one cars. Wagonner seems to take their time putting them on trucks as well. FYI, my car got off the Huyndai 206 on the 18th of November and just got to dealer in Salem yesterday. Priority 1cars were delivered off of that ship as early as the 23rd of November in Arizona.

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      12-05-2006, 04:29 PM   #5
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My dealer scheduled an estimated delivery date of Dec 11th for my car..... Kassel docked at PH on Dec 1st and car checked into VDC the same day per BMW's tracking system, according to my dealer it takes 9 days for them to get ED cars after they check in to VDC.....I will keep you all posted for sure.
2020 G20 M340 xDrive - Portimao Blue - ZDA|ZPP|ZPX|1CR|1PE|6NW|6WD
2016 F10 535i xDrive - AW - Retired
2011 E92 M3 - AW……………....ED April 29th, 2010 - Retired
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      12-05-2006, 06:14 PM   #6

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My ED sat on the dock for nearly 3 weeks before boarding the Courage.

Courage is the slowest boat I think.

It will have sat at the VPC for an entire month by next weekend.

I have been told they will NOT fix the scratch on my wheel because that is considered wear and tear.

People on these boards say that everything is covered and gets fixed. Might take 1-2 weeks longer though. We will see.

I am going to be pissed if I had to waite a month for it to get from VPC in NJ to MD and the wheel is not fixed.
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      12-05-2006, 06:40 PM   #7
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ED cars priority is BS then. Anyways, I now totally understand why redelivery is the worst part. Luckily, I will be out of US for 3 weekes during Christmas & New Years. I will not have free time to think about the car and count the days. I hope my car will be waiting for me when I'm back.

By the way, I had a small scratch underneath the side skirt during ED. My CA recommended me to not to report it, as he said it might lengthen the redelivery significantly. He says if they realize the scratch at VPC, they will fix it anyways. Otherwise, they will fix it at the dealer. It's a small scratch and difficult to see so I don't care that much.
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      12-05-2006, 11:41 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by 67bmer
I have been told they will NOT fix the scratch on my wheel because that is considered wear and tear.
Your CA is bs-ing you. Did you get the damage marked on the condition report when you dropped it off in Europe? You should notify Allianz. Do you still have the contact info?

I had rim damage and my CA noticed it and called me the day the car arrived at the dealership. I just faxed him a copy of my condition report and they took care of it with no problems at the dealership. Rim damage/scratch is too minor for the VPC to take care.
5-2-08 e93-35 ED Montego w/Jade Grey, Step w/Paddles, PP, SP, CA, hot seats and iPod.Awaing re-delivery soon.

Debadged 330xi ED 11/14/05 Auto/Mystic Blue/Gray leather with Alum/PP/SP/CA/Fold-down rear seats/Alarm. Sold to Carmax on 6/7/08 with 50,624 miles on clock
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      12-08-2006, 10:26 AM   #9
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An ED car should arrive back at your dealer approximately 6 weeks from the day you dropped it off in Europe.Once it docks,it has to go through customs,then wait for a full load coming to the Mid West ( approx. 2 weeeks ),so 6 weeks is normal,if it has damage and it's being repaired at the port,that can slow up redelivery a bit.
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      12-11-2006, 03:15 PM   #10
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YEAH, ED PRIORITY BS.. I dropped off October 30th, ship arrived NY Nov 26th, while many regular inventory cars were delivered 4 days later, another guy and me in S. Fla are still waiting for our cars. Apparently they released the car Dec 9th, that's a full 13 days, plus now my SA says truck goes from New Jersey to South Carolina, to join other cars that are coming to S. Florida. That will add another 7-10 days for a total of about 7 weeks, that is ALMOST 2 MONTHS !!, without a car that has been paid in full. You got a generous discount, I do not think they will spend more to give your car faster . And then there is customs, transport logistics, etc...

By the way, I've been asking customer service and my SA if the delay was due to damage, they all said no, until today that I called again the customer service number and a nice lady went the extra mile and found out that there was damage, left rear rim, she told me the rim was replaced. My car did not had any damage, it was en route during transport. Now I will cautiously inspect the car upon redelivery, when I dropped off it was immaculate, like the day I picked it up, I expect it the same way.
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      12-11-2006, 03:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by 250XFOS
By the way, I've been asking customer service and my SA if the delay was due to damage, they all said no, until today that I called again the customer service number and a nice lady went the extra mile and found out that there was damage, left rear rim, she told me the rim was replaced. My car did not had any damage, it was en route during transport. Now I will cautiously inspect the car upon redelivery, when I dropped off it was immaculate, like the day I picked it up, I expect it the same way.
So, VPC replaced the rim eventhough you have not reported the damage when you've dropped it off? It may be the reason for your car's extra time at VPC.
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      12-11-2006, 03:28 PM   #12
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Do you think Christmas and New Years are going to affect the delivery process at all? I'm thinking about VPC may be closed during New Year's week or transportation company not working those days etc.
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      12-11-2006, 03:31 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by CALIF65GM
Your CA is bs-ing you. Did you get the damage marked on the condition report when you dropped it off in Europe? You should notify Allianz. Do you still have the contact info?
I got the damage marked but did not notify Allianz based on my CA's suggestion. He recommended me to hold on to it until the car arrives to the dealer. We will let Allianz know after then (He thinks notifying Allianz now might lengthen the car's process at VPC)
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      12-12-2006, 08:21 AM   #14
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Ucan, my car had absolutely no damage when I dropped off, it was immaculate, just as the day I took delivery. Damage must have occured during loading\unloading. The whole time of the delay was in customs, it was released Saturday 9th and that same day damage was repaired (i.e. they put a new rim ). So the delays mostly is on customs, I suppose there are many ED cars in line to be inspected. Good Luck.
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