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View Poll Results: So Wait 5-6 months for Monty Blue? Or go for the Alpine White at months end?
Stick with the Blue, it's what you really want. 14 48.28%
Go for the Alpine White, It's about the Drive, not Colors. 7 24.14%
They are only colors, get over it, It's just a damn car. 2 6.90%
STFU Newbie you talk to damn much, and need to think for yourself. 6 20.69%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

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      03-11-2007, 01:15 AM   #1
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NEXT Move??? Order MY E92 and Wait till AUG, or take another E92?

So, there it is. It appears that there are no E92 allocations again in March for the NW, and nobody knows when there will be. Delivery dates are getting pushed further and further back and hell, I cannot even get an allocation, let alone a production slot/delivery date.

Eventually, THERE will be an allocation and I can Order my Monty Blue over Saddle Brown optioned how I want.


I can take delivery of a customers canceled E92 That is Alpine White, over Red-Black. Identically optioned accept for the heated seats. It's already inbound and is all mine if I say so, due at the end of the month.

I was starting to dig the Monty Blue, but in truth I wasn't to overjoyed with ANY of the available colors. But White wasn't one of my considerations. I don't think it's a bad color, but I am not too certain about the AW over Black and Red. Although the rest of the car is optioned right.

I am tempted to go for it cause it means I do not have to wait for 6 months or so potentially. OR do I Wait it out, not get in a hurry, and get the Exact colors I want.

Remembering of course that it's a lease, and I'll be giving it back in a few years anyway. I'm in a mood to take my E92 and drive the wheels off it regardless of color. It's not Pink, so I'm good.

Opinions, comments, or a hearty STFU we are tired of answering these freaking Newbie Damn questions...
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      03-11-2007, 01:32 AM   #2
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I know the wait is going to stink, but stick with the color you want. In the end it is your money. I think you will regret it if you get a car that is not 100% what you want.

I've been waiting since the middle of December for my car. It's tough...I'm sure it'll be worth it when it arrives!

P.S. Did you see the post from the guy a few months ago with Montego Blue/Saddle Brown? Check it out in the pics gallery. I have it as a favorite so I can go look at what my car is going to look like when it arrives!
07 335i Coupe 6MT, Montego Blue, Saddle Brown, Dark Burl, Premium Package, Sports Package, Cold Weather Package, Rear Park Distance, Rear Sun Shade, IPod Adapter (6FL)

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      03-11-2007, 03:25 AM   #3
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Yeah I suppose you have a point, it's just that at this point, I am a little concerned about being able to get one at all. If there really is a shortage of Turbos, production slows, demand stays high, and with delays I am a little concerned that there may not be an 07 available for me at all if I wait.
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      03-11-2007, 09:12 AM   #4
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That may be true. On the bright side...you might be one of the first on the block to get a 2008.
07 335i Coupe 6MT, Montego Blue, Saddle Brown, Dark Burl, Premium Package, Sports Package, Cold Weather Package, Rear Park Distance, Rear Sun Shade, IPod Adapter (6FL)

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      03-11-2007, 11:38 AM   #5
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Since it's a lease, you need to ask yourself it is a "must have right now". If you have something to drive for the time being, place the order and get what you want...I can say the majority of the people here place their orders and wait. I'm still waiting for it to get to the dealership. It's true that the engine supply is short, since they are putting the engine into a 5 series too.
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      03-11-2007, 02:00 PM   #6
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Well I have a 2005 RX-8 that I bought new in early 06. It's a fantastic and fun car but just a little rough and too small for me. (Didn't really know it at the time of purchase) But the Thing is a hoot, in perfect shape, and gets the job done.

My 1.5 mile commute to work helps with the RX's terrible gas milage and lack of head room, so I CAN wait without problem.

I think what I am going to do is wait till I get the call about the Alipine White being delivered. I'm going to head down, take a look and see what my heart does. If it does back flips and I am just giddy? Then Screw it, Alpine white for me and I'm a Happy guy.


If I see the Alpine white and I don't get that WOO-HOO Homer Simpson Style Donut feeling of elation? Then NO, I'll camp out, Continue to embarrass STi's, Honda's and EVO's in the corners with the RX and wait. I'll let the emotions of the moment decide my fate.

This car is hardly necessary, so it's not something that HAS to be here soon.

But the White and Red does kinda remind me of my 1975 Cadillac Coupe' Deville. It was White with a red leather interior, 500CI motor, 19.5 Feet Long, and 6600lbs. There is a bit of Irony, or Maybe just a freakish similarity that I find amusing...
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      03-11-2007, 02:18 PM   #7
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Have a good drive and the color you want parked in your driveway. Good luck man.
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      03-11-2007, 08:53 PM   #8
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Go look at the AW pics..here, there are both coupes & sedans. I for one order a AW 335i sedan. I think (my opinion) the AW coupes are sweet...But I needed a sedan for practical reasons. If not that, I would have order the coupe instead.
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      03-11-2007, 09:37 PM   #9
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Could go with the European Delivery if you can get time off from work. ED cars don't come out of dealer allocations, so depending on how the pickup dates are in Munich you could possibly get it sooner with all the options you want. Might want to check it out. Let me know if you need a contact for a good ED specialist in the Pac NW.
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      03-12-2007, 12:23 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by ifaudi View Post
Could go with the European Delivery if you can get time off from work. ED cars don't come out of dealer allocations, so depending on how the pickup dates are in Munich you could possibly get it sooner with all the options you want. Might want to check it out. Let me know if you need a contact for a good ED specialist in the Pac NW.
Hmm, Might be an option, but Spring/Summer is our seriously busy time of year in the Motor sports Industry, won't be any significant time off for me for another couple of months... At least not enough to take Worth While trip to Europe... could be an option though.
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      03-12-2007, 12:48 AM   #11
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Some people do it same day (fly in, pick up the car, immediately drop it off, fly out) but that kinda defeats the purpose.
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      03-12-2007, 06:34 AM   #12
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Almost hate to chime in on such a subjective topic, but the mere fact that you are asking leads me to believe that you care about the difference. As painful as waiting can be, I think you should hold out for what you want. I love Alpine White and can easily recommend it, but if it's not the color you want you should wait. Also, the heated seats are great if you have cold mornings! I don't ever want another car without bun warmers.

Can't your dealer trade for allocation with another dealer? Good luck, and hope you are happy with whatever you decide.

I think it is bad luck to be superstitious
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      03-12-2007, 01:01 PM   #13
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Thanks LedZep,

The more I think about it, the more I am certain I am incapable of reasoning out a decision on this one. Part of the problem is that NONE of the e92s available colors leaped out at me and said BUY ME NOW! I've been all over the place with this as you know... TiAg, Arctic Metallic, then Monty Blue, now considering white.

When It comes down to it, Right down to it, it's a toy, and it's for fun and the fun is about the drive and the comfort. The AW over the Red/Black is a little bit Disco, but it's also a little bit fun as well. It's like the Red Silk lining on my muted Gray rain coat. Subtle on the outside, party on the inside...

Besides, Tint the windows dark, and some black wheels with summer rubber on em'? I'm thinking I'll be a happy camper and won't be missing a thing. I'll have my cake and eat it too, its just that instead of German chocolate, it's going to be Red Velvet with vanilla Icing...


It all comes down to first contact. It's still a spendy toy, and if I don't immediately go WHOA!!! Then Nope, I'm waiting or buying an Audi S4 and calling it good... But I found the e92 to be a revelation, almost a religious experience it was so good, so I will prolly wait.

I appreciate the patience folks... I know I am not the first to deal with these decisions, nor the last.
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      03-12-2007, 01:05 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ifaudi View Post
Some people do it same day (fly in, pick up the car, immediately drop it off, fly out) but that kinda defeats the purpose.
I wonder if I could have a concierge service do that for me??? simply have an agent with a limit POA sign for and take delivery of my car? Would simplify things.
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      03-12-2007, 01:07 PM   #15
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"STFU Newbie you talk to damn much, and need to think for yourself." 5 votes, you all are hardcore.
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      03-12-2007, 04:45 PM   #16

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Originally Posted by Revlis View Post
I wonder if I could have a concierge service do that for me??? simply have an agent with a limit POA sign for and take delivery of my car? Would simplify things.
Someone else may correct me here, but I am pretty sure the name of the person picking it up has to match the name on the purchase order.

I am one of those folks mentioned above that is flying in/out, although not in one day, but rather the weekend. I wish I could stay longer, but I am too busy these days. Regardless, you can not deny the incredible savings, especially if your dealership is still asking MSRP for the 335i coupe for US delivery.

However, I get the impression that ED is pretty packed for the next few months, so it might get to the point where it would be better just to wait for the MY2008 for resale value alone. Unless, ofcourse you are just planning to lease it.

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      03-12-2007, 04:53 PM   #17
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Isn't there another dealer you can go to? I'd rather pay a little more and just get the car sooner than wait that long or get a color I don't want.

I'm in favor of sticking with what you want...but that's way too long to wait for me. Either go with another dealer and pay more, or do ED for a weekend.
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      03-12-2007, 07:18 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Brett View Post
Someone else may correct me here, but I am pretty sure the name of the person picking it up has to match the name on the purchase order.
Pretty sure thats how it works. I'm also doing it over the weekend, flying out of Seattle on Thursday and getting into Munich on Friday and then flying out on Monday to be back to work on Tuesday. Works out good since I have every other Friday off and only have to take two days off. Probably won't be nearly enough time to really experience Germany, but I guess that means my next BMW will have to be ED also
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