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      03-31-2022, 12:20 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by Wills2 View Post
You don't attend your industries annual awards show, slap a presenter, shout and swear and then later on get a standing ovation and the "Salesman Of The Year" award.

You get thrown out and probably a final warning or the sack..

Clearly what happened at the Oscars proves that Hollywood thinks it's OK to do this stuff and they have a history of enabling and covering up bad behaviour and they're still doing it.

This isn't a drunken tussle at a bar on a Friday night, context is everything.
There is probably more drug use and alcoholism that night than at your local sports bar. Funny, people go to bars and get ripped on then said people get butthurt about it and start fights. Just because they have suits/dresses on at the Oscars/awards show and one is labeled a comedian/presenter it’s any different? I’m only surprised it happened on live tv and that is hasn’t happened behind the scenes more. Maybe people shouldn’t be expected to go to posh award shows and have comedians rip on them? Why is that ok? Where is the line? It’s ok to rip on her for her alopecia? What if it went racial and he started calling people crackers and the N word like in some of his movies or other acts? Or called a special needs person a retard? All good? What are the rules?

A few injustices occurred but it is on the lower end of what goes on everyday/everywhere that nobody makes a big deal about.

Last edited by minn19; 03-31-2022 at 12:34 PM..
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      03-31-2022, 12:22 PM   #200
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Still the biggest irony/hypocrisy to me is Hollywood built an empire on glorifying violence and sex. Does life imitate art or the other way around?
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      03-31-2022, 01:05 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by minn19 View Post
Still the biggest irony/hypocrisy to me is Hollywood built an empire on glorifying violence and sex. Does life imitate art or the other way around?
Exactly. You wouldn't see this at the AVN s. Might see a few others things being slapped in some faces. Hey-oooooooo
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      03-31-2022, 01:06 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by G MONEY View Post
Exactly. You wouldn't see this at the AVN s. Might see a few others things being slapped in some faces. Hey-oooooooo
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      03-31-2022, 01:20 PM   #203
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Originally Posted by No one View Post
Well, if you insist.

CR put his hands behind his back and stuck his head forward before WS probably got up. I haven't watched the show, but wasn't it his "main stance" during it? It looks like that. He seemed to look at and address someone else ignoring WS's appearance just because it wasn't supposed to happen, he kept working.

WS smiled because he liked how it had gone and thought he was looking good. Like a man, or something. Had it been staged he wouldn't have "slipped up", such a mature actor.

CR didn't convert it into a fight being professional and not wanting to ruin the show. Nor did WS lose his mind and forget where he was. He wanted to insult/"punish" CR physically, not to cause a damage to him.

Unlike your "analysis" video based on assumptions, where the slap was real but light, with fingers only and the victim went down on his own, WS' slap was hefty, almost throwing CR off balance (he had to take a step to compensate). And it was a full hand contact (on the jaw/neck so no mark on the face, you asked before).

It's not easy to stage a fight, they say. Even with qualified actors involved. It takes many takes. Just for example: John Saxon talks on making "Enter the Dragon". Or a "The Big Boss" blunder when Bruce Lee avoids a move long before it happens (he wasn't a big star then and couldn't demand making it properly). This also must be why they barely show a single move completely these days, slicing fights into accelerated sequences of "flashes".

So my conclusion is it looked convincing. Will Smith has some fighting skills. Chris Rock took the slap fair and square (no defence!). Well done, if staged!
Well, if we just focus on the slapping act itself, I think everyone would say at that pt they thought it was fake, it was only when he sat down and started shouting ppl thought it was real.

The slap didn't look real, play it back in slo-mo, they both squared off to each other, Chris clearly sticks his head out and Will's right wrist was cocked back @90 degrees, the whole thing smells. Also, they had like 50+ cameras there but only released that single angle.

Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
4:10 in the video "Will Smith had just won an Oscar..." Wrong.

He won the Oscar 40 minutes later and delivered his emotionally erratic acceptance speech.

This whole video bases every claim on people not acting "naturally." That's it? That's the proof? People do unnatural shit all the time when they are in unnatural situations.
Sure, that made me raise my eyebrow too but, no, the video dude was talking at the time of making his video, not when the slap occurred. Anyway, not really relevant to this debate.

The acting unnaturally is not the sole pt, it's part of the whole thing taken in totality. If you don't wanna believe, so be it.

Originally Posted by nyalpine90 View Post
if it was "staged" why would any actor risk of getting banned from Oscar or getting stripped if they won . Winning an Oscar is like winning Super Bowl or World Series to any actor.
Will Smith screwed up big time, yelling and cursing while its was live on TV and the slap... he might have to return his trophy.
That's what I was thinking but maybe that was ironically the carrot/stick/whatever ppl wanna call it, if he *does* this thing he's guaranteed the Oscar. I don't see why he would do this stunt and hurt his image, that's a good question.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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      03-31-2022, 01:20 PM   #204
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https://www.newsweek.com/chris-rock-...-smith-1693297 <--scroll down 1/2 way to see video

Look at his face. That is not fake.

WS is at the highest of his popularity, why would he do this to draw more attention to himself? His career does not need this.
CR is hosting the oscars, has a new comedy tour, etc. Seems to be doing just fine. I can't see either staging this. This is not a Jussie Smollett

Last edited by Torgus; 03-31-2022 at 01:29 PM..
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      03-31-2022, 01:26 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by M5Rick View Post
I think that it may have been staged, from Rock's side for some reason, Rock didn't seem at all shocked and he looks strong and tough.. 'wow' he said holding his hands at the back, I don't know I guess it's just Hollywood so beyond normal reasoning oh I forgot about the I Robot.
If it was staged, then what's the end game for WS? How could he fathom jeopardizing his career, respect, etc. for such a staged stunt? It makes no sense on so many levels that this was staged.

WS has a very deep hole to dig himself out of now because of this. My guess is people will soon be coming out of the woodwork claiming he's not the nice guy many people believe he is. Also, it sure looks to me like he has practice slapping people and his son's tweet of "And That's How We Do It" after the Oscars may be telling of violence in the household which he may believe is normal and a way of dealing with people that disrespect you.
The forest was shrinking, but the Trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.
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      03-31-2022, 01:28 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by M5Rick View Post
I think that it may have been staged, from Rock's side for some reason, Rock didn't seem at all shocked and he looks strong and tough.. 'wow' he said holding his hands at the back, I don't know I guess it's just Hollywood so beyond normal reasoning oh I forgot about the I Robot.
If it's staged, and I believe it was, it wouldn't only involve Chris - the Academy, Will and Jada for sure. Not sure how one can 'stage' being slapped for real "pffft, it was nothing, I didn't get hit!" LOL.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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      03-31-2022, 01:29 PM   #207
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People seriously STILL think this was staged? Every body language and behavioral expert will tell you it's simply not possible to stage the responses they had, no matter how good of an actor either of them are.

I sort of get now why we have flat earthers and moon landing conspiracists running around.
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      03-31-2022, 01:40 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by wtwo3 View Post
People seriously STILL think this was staged? Every body language and behavioral expert will tell you it's simply not possible to stage the responses they had, no matter how good of an actor either of them are.

I sort of get now why we have flat earthers and moon landing conspiracists running around.
Yes, I still think there is a good chance it was staged. But I don’t really care that much either way and definitely don’t feel nearly as strongly about it as some on both sides of the staged vs. non-staged debate. Some of you need to get a grip. People feel compelled to insult each other over this nonsense? Geez. Just enjoy the memes.
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      03-31-2022, 02:01 PM   #209

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Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
Originally Posted by minn19 View Post
Of all the shit going on in the world I can't believe this has this many pages with no end in sight. Especially by people here who historically claim that they don't give a shit about celebrities/can't stand them. It's funny this thread has turned into TMZ.
To be fair it's because we are no longer allowed to discuss actual matters of substance. Because this crew can turn nearly anything into a political rant, all but the most superficial of topics have been banned as you know. This particular thread is at least moderately more interesting than all the the mindless "What are you having for dinner", "Poll - Do you like your bacon crispy or not", and "Rate my toothpaste choice" threads.
I fucking lost my shit at this. Thank you. This was essentially what I conveyed last night.

What is the obsession with rep points? Banning people? Passive aggressive posts? Stupid ass memes with hidden meaning? Y'all can talk shit all day all night amongst each other but can't discuss civil?

Is it that much of a burden to X out of the app or close your browser window if it gets too much? Surely one's ego cannot be that delicate?

Regardless, lines were crossed last night. You don't wish ill on another human being ESPECIALLY over what I wrote. There was NOTHING in there to warrant bodily injury. The most mindboggling part of it all is? That person also rides motorcycles and that's one of those unwritten rules like, you don't ever sell a motorcycle that has issues to someone else - without disclosing said issues. That's bad juju. Much like wishing another fellow rider ill. That's a curse I wouldn't wish to bring upon myself. Comes back 10 fold on the individual.

PS - bacon needs to be crispy?
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      03-31-2022, 02:41 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
Originally Posted by minn19 View Post
Of all the shit going on in the world I can't believe this has this many pages with no end in sight. Especially by people here who historically claim that they don't give a shit about celebrities/can't stand them. It's funny this thread has turned into TMZ.
To be fair it's because we are no longer allowed to discuss actual matters of substance. Because this crew can turn nearly anything into a political rant, all but the most superficial of topics have been banned as you know. This particular thread is at least moderately more interesting than all the the mindless "What are you having for dinner", "Poll - Do you like your bacon crispy or not", and "Rate my toothpaste choice" threads.
I fucking lost my shit at this. Thank you. This was essentially what I conveyed last night.

What is the obsession with rep points? Banning people? Passive aggressive posts? Stupid ass memes with hidden meaning? Y'all can talk shit all day all night amongst each other but can't discuss civil?

Is it that much of a burden to X out of the app or close your browser window if it gets too much? Surely one's ego cannot be that delicate?

Regardless, lines were crossed last night. You don't wish ill on another human being ESPECIALLY over what I wrote. There was NOTHING in there to warrant bodily injury. The most mindboggling part of it all is? That person also rides motorcycles and that's one of those unwritten rules like, you don't ever sell a motorcycle that has issues to someone else - without disclosing said issues. That's bad juju. Much like wishing another fellow rider ill. That's a curse I wouldn't wish to bring upon myself. Comes back 10 fold on the individual.

PS - bacon needs to be crispy?
Ummmm, did I miss something around here last night? :
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      03-31-2022, 02:53 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
PS - bacon needs to be crispy?
On a lighter note, lol, there's a Legends Burgers close to me that I sometimes go to and order their bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with avocado. I always ask for crispy bacon. They stuff this sandwich. It is so delicious, and with seasoned fries.

PS - and I think you mean bad karma.
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      03-31-2022, 02:54 PM   #212

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Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
Originally Posted by shoei View Post
Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
Originally Posted by minn19 View Post
Of all the shit going on in the world I can't believe this has this many pages with no end in sight. Especially by people here who historically claim that they don't give a shit about celebrities/can't stand them. It's funny this thread has turned into TMZ.
To be fair it's because we are no longer allowed to discuss actual matters of substance. Because this crew can turn nearly anything into a political rant, all but the most superficial of topics have been banned as you know. This particular thread is at least moderately more interesting than all the the mindless "What are you having for dinner", "Poll - Do you like your bacon crispy or not", and "Rate my toothpaste choice" threads.
I fucking lost my shit at this. Thank you. This was essentially what I conveyed last night.

What is the obsession with rep points? Banning people? Passive aggressive posts? Stupid ass memes with hidden meaning? Y'all can talk shit all day all night amongst each other but can't discuss civil?

Is it that much of a burden to X out of the app or close your browser window if it gets too much? Surely one's ego cannot be that delicate?

Regardless, lines were crossed last night. You don't wish ill on another human being ESPECIALLY over what I wrote. There was NOTHING in there to warrant bodily injury. The most mindboggling part of it all is? That person also rides motorcycles and that's one of those unwritten rules like, you don't ever sell a motorcycle that has issues to someone else - without disclosing said issues. That's bad juju. Much like wishing another fellow rider ill. That's a curse I wouldn't wish to bring upon myself. Comes back 10 fold on the individual.

PS - bacon needs to be crispy?
Ummmm, did I miss something around here last night? :
Yep. You most certainly did. The story circulating through peoples DM's should be taken with a grain of salt. It's obvious some of it is as I was greeted from a bunch of messages myself.

We can have differences. We don't all have to get along. But I'll be damned if someone narcissistic and vile can post up disgusting shit and then go through this entire charade of feigning innocence.

The thing of it is? Every iteration of BP? There's always ONE. Each and every time with the exact same MO. The act of innocence, the doctoring of posts to paint this image of innocence, the constant poking and toxic behavior, the passive aggressiveness of it all. For what? For fucking rep points?!!! And then you have to gall to suggest to people you could give a professional assessment on me? LOL. Take a long hard look in the mirror before making such suggestions. Who's the one DM'ing all the forum members, sending out friend requests trying to change the narrative - news flash. My screenshots are already making the rounds. Surely you can't possibly think you're somehow the ONLY person to come onto a forum and act this way? Like I said, there's always one in every cycle here. For some odd reason that person most always tends to be a woman. Usually in her 30's. Usually single. But man, the toxic behavior is ALWAYS identical. They always have more connections than the usual or average and they ALWAYS whisper to male forum members in private and paint this tale of woe and innocence. Hiding behind passive aggressive messages and pictures.
"I don't know what he's talking about. All I did was post a picture of a motorcycle like I always do." - *bat eyelashes
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      03-31-2022, 02:55 PM   #213

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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Originally Posted by shoei View Post
PS - bacon needs to be crispy?
On a lighter note, lol, there's a Legends Burgers close to me that I sometimes go to and order their bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with avocado. I always ask for crispy bacon. They stuff this sandwich. It is so delicious, and with seasoned fries.

PS - and I think you mean bad karma.
Right. Karma should be crispy too. Nobody wants karma to be soft and pliable.
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      03-31-2022, 03:01 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
Yep. You most certainly did. The story circulating through peoples DM's should be taken with a grain of salt. It's obvious some of it is as I was greeted from a bunch of messages myself.

We can have differences. We don't all have to get along. But I'll be damned if someone narcissistic and vile can post up disgusting shit and then go through this entire charade of feigning innocence.

The thing of it is? Every iteration of BP? There's always ONE. Each and every time with the exact same MO. The act of innocence, the doctoring of posts to paint this image of innocence, the constant poking and toxic behavior, the passive aggressiveness of it all. For what? For fucking rep points?!!! And then you have to gall to suggest to people you could give a professional assessment on me? LOL. Take a long hard look in the mirror before making such suggestions. Who's the one DM'ing all the forum members, sending out friend requests trying to change the narrative - news flash. My screenshots are already making the rounds. Surely you can't possibly think you're somehow the ONLY person to come onto a forum and act this way? Like I said, there's always one in every cycle here. For some odd reason that person most always tends to be a woman. Usually in her 30's. Usually single. But man, the toxic behavior is ALWAYS identical. They always have more connections than the usual or average and they ALWAYS whisper to male forum members in private and paint this tale of woe and innocence. Hiding behind passive aggressive messages and pictures.
"I don't know what he's talking about. All I did was post a picture of a motorcycle like I always do." - *bat eyelashes
Wow. Yikes.

I miss the Good Old Days of BP when you could just speak your mind and move on. We've literally devolved to sending coded messages in images and DM whisper campaigns. Sad.
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      03-31-2022, 03:08 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
Right. Karma should be crispy too. Nobody wants karma to be soft and pliable.
Clean up your inbox so you can receive more messages. They're fun! And your inbox is full.
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      03-31-2022, 03:12 PM   #216
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Originally Posted by shoei View Post
Right. Karma should be crispy too. Nobody wants karma to be soft and pliable.
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      03-31-2022, 03:12 PM   #217
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Doesn't matter how you slice it, Will Smith is toast
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      03-31-2022, 03:27 PM   #218
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Originally Posted by 330indy View Post
Doesn't matter how you slice it, Will Smith is toast
Looks like Shoei is too.
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      03-31-2022, 03:45 PM   #219
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Originally Posted by DETRoadster View Post
Wow. Yikes.

I miss the Good Old Days of BP when you could just speak your mind and move on. We've literally devolved to sending coded messages in images and DM whisper campaigns. Sad.
Same here. This site has become a literal shell of what it was, and what drove new members here. It is no longer fun, no longer vibrant, its just wokeism perpetrated by the admins and the mods lest they somehow offend one of the money contributing sponsors.

All in the name of the almighty dollar - that's the American way isn't it? But what they seem to fail to realize is that is ultimately going to work just as well as communism works. In theory, not in practice. And if they lose / ban enough members, that's going to decrease the ad revenue...but there is no coming back at that point, because nobody will want to come back.

Oh well, doubt anything will change. I miss the old days though. Oh, and goodbye Shoei if you are reading this, you've joined the legion of countless others who made this place fun but are now excommunicated.
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      03-31-2022, 04:03 PM   #220
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What?? Shoei's gone? The infraction can't be that bad...what happened? Wow.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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