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      07-12-2012, 07:03 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
Doubt it will fit. We have a tiny circle compartment on the back of our headlights. Don't think it will fit a ballast inside. What you can do it just install the bulbs and let the ballast hang outside. You do need to drill a 1 inch hole on the caps to run the wires through and fit the rubber grommet where the hole is. Fortunately the caps are about $10 from BMW so drilling shouldn't be a big deal if you ever want to go back to stock.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it's part #16

Part number 63127716862

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      09-10-2012, 11:03 AM   #200
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong but it's part #16

Part number 63127716862

Yes, this is the correct number for the cover. I did the mod this weekend and it works perfect!

Just incase anyone else trys this on a 2011 or up E90, the FRM module is different than rotary rasp's and you have to code it differently. Here is a write up on how to do it. I did not write this, and am not taking credit, but I dont want to get banned for giving credit where credit is due.

After pulling a few post together I have managed to change the voltage on my Angel Eyes so that with daytime running, sidelights, dipped or main beam they are constantly bright. The only exception are the parking lights which still operate at the factory preset voltage.

Firstly thanks to the original posters who pointed me in the right direction - Revtor & dadeppa

For the guide below I have assumed NCSExpert etc is working, you will however also need a copy of NCSDummy.

1. Start NCSExpert & Load FSW PSW MAN profile.
2. Press F1 then F3 and select E89 then select CAS
3. Press F6 then F4. From the modules listed select NFRM
4. Under the word 'JOBNAME' on NCSExpert you will now have something which starts FRM..................................... Note all this down as you will need it later.
5. Press F4 (read ECU). A box title NETTODAT.TRC will now open - you can close this.
6. You can now close NCSExpert
7. The above should have saved you a NETTODAT.TRC file in your NCSExpert Work folder. You are now going to change this file using NCSDummy.
8. Open NCSDummy - if it is the first time you have used it specify the path to your NCSExpert DATEN folder (I was using DATEN 46.1 for this)
9. In NCS Dummy select the following: Chassis - E89. Module - FRM3_E89.C32. FSW/PSW or Nettodata trace - the NETTODAT.TRC file you created above.
10. If you have done this correctly a new Tab appears labelled Trace Editor. Select this.
11. You now need to amend two entries: PWM_SL_1_FKT_BL_TFL & PWM_SL_1_FKT_SL_TFL. The entries are in alphabetical order so are easy to find.
12. For the first one mine had options wert 1 to 9 available with wert 3, 6 & 9 selected. In the second one wert 1 to 11 was available with 3, 4 & 10 selected. If you click on any of the selected ones the part you are interested in is listed as Data in the details section (this is what sepcifies the voltage)
13. On mine the BL showed Data of 0A,D7 and the SL showed Data of 06,66.
14. To override these if you right click on one of the selected entries you are given the option to add new custom parameters. The new custom parameter will be given the name <benutzerdefinierte> - <custom>.
15. Once added, click the box to the left to select it and this should deselect the previous 'factory' selected options
16. The Data option in details below should show as 00,00 and you can change this to any allowable entry. If you use 0C,2C you are specifying 13.7 volts.
17. Make sure this is done for both the BL and SL entries
18. Once completed click Editor Functions and Export Nettodata Trace File. You should now be able to save a NETTODAT.MAN file.
19. You can now close NCSDummy as we have just created a new MAN file which we are going to use to code the NRFM module.
20. Start NCSExpert & Load Revtor's NCE Expert Profile
21. Press F1 then F3 and select E89 the select CAS
22. Press F6 then F4. From the modules listed select NFRM
23. A popup window will now open and check the details to those listed in point 4. DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER IF THEY DO NOT MATCH AS YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG.
24. Assuming above is OK click OK and press F5 (basic functions). In the popup window select coapiCodeSgByNettoData.
25. For the CBD name make sure the correct module is already set & for Nettodatenliste enter NETTODAT.MAN (the file you created above)
26. Click OK to start the coding job.

If all goes OK you are done.
Hopefully this helps. Also, dont forget to change the WL_SL_1 to hart_einclashigntzslgsdiu(that one german word.)
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      09-20-2012, 01:57 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by Abear View Post
Yes, this is the correct number for the cover. I did the mod this weekend and it works perfect!

Just incase anyone else trys this on a 2011 or up E90, the FRM module is different than rotary rasp's and you have to code it differently. Here is a write up on how to do it. I did not write this, and am not taking credit, but I dont want to get banned for giving credit where credit is due.

Hopefully this helps. Also, dont forget to change the WL_SL_1 to hart_einclashigntzslgsdiu(that one german word.)
Thanks for that. I will attempt it later this week. In addition to coding the FRM module and also changing WL_SL_1, would I also need to do the other 2 steps for the 2011 and up E90?

disable angel eye bulb check
NFRM module - change CC_MELD_RL_BL_1_ALS_TFL to nicht_aktiv

disable angel eye dimming
NFRM module - PWM_RL_BL_1_FKT_SL change value to wert_01
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      09-21-2012, 01:24 AM   #202
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
Thanks for that. I will attempt it later this week. In addition to coding the FRM module and also changing WL_SL_1, would I also need to do the other 2 steps for the 2011 and up E90?

disable angel eye bulb check
NFRM module - change CC_MELD_RL_BL_1_ALS_TFL to nicht_aktiv

disable angel eye dimming
NFRM module - PWM_RL_BL_1_FKT_SL change value to wert_01
Ok so I tried this just now and will answer my own question in case others encounter. For my car e90 LCI 2011, there wasn't CC_MELD_RL_BL_1_ALS_TFL or the PWM_RL_BL_1_FKT_SL option in NFRM. There was however the WL_SL_1 option which I set to hart_einschalten ( I tried to set it to hart_einclashigntzslgsdiu per Abear's suggestion but it gave me an error) I then went through and change the NETTODAT file per above directions. Plugged in my HID lights in the AE slot and everything works great. One thing I do notice is the courtesy lights when I first unlock the doors, normally my AEs will turn on. It doesn't now, I don't mind. But the AEs turn on for day time running lights and also when the headlights are on. Thanks Rotary Rasp and Abear for the info. Very happy and saved a ton of money.
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      09-21-2012, 04:22 AM   #203

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You lost me at step six . No where close to being technologically savy like u
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      09-21-2012, 10:31 AM   #204
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
Ok so I tried this just now and will answer my own question in case others encounter. For my car e90 LCI 2011, there wasn't CC_MELD_RL_BL_1_ALS_TFL or the PWM_RL_BL_1_FKT_SL option in NFRM. There was however the WL_SL_1 option which I set to hart_einschalten ( I tried to set it to hart_einclashigntzslgsdiu per Abear's suggestion but it gave me an error) I then went through and change the NETTODAT file per above directions. Plugged in my HID lights in the AE slot and everything works great. One thing I do notice is the courtesy lights when I first unlock the doors, normally my AEs will turn on. It doesn't now, I don't mind. But the AEs turn on for day time running lights and also when the headlights are on. Thanks Rotary Rasp and Abear for the info. Very happy and saved a ton of money.

Lol, sorry bro, that was my attempt at being funny. Einschalten was a hard word to spell without actually looking at it.

Im glad everything worked though, Ive been running mine now for 3 weeks with no problems. They fire up every time and it looks good. I went with 3000K to match my fogs, but it still looks good.

The other thing is that the in order for the lights to turn on when you hit the unlock, the switch either has to be in the auto position or the on position. Try that, it should be working, mine does when I leave the switch in auto.

Oh, and as far as the disable the PWM and bulb check, the coding on the NFRM is different. It is there, but it is not necessary to change it since we are hard changing the PWM anyway.
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      09-21-2012, 12:57 PM   #205
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You are right, I had the light switch to off since I was working at night and did not want the headlights on. It is set to Auto now and when I unlock the doors, the HIDs turn on. It actually fades on since it takes a few seconds for the ballasts to warm up so it does fade! Kinda
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      09-21-2012, 01:15 PM   #206
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Btw, do you have any pictures of the 3000k HIDs AE you mentioned?
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      09-21-2012, 01:44 PM   #207
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      09-21-2012, 02:08 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
Btw, do you have any pictures of the 3000k HIDs AE you mentioned?
I will take some tonight after I wash the car, its been raining the past couple weeks, but this weekend is supposed to be nice, so I can finally wash it.

Originally Posted by Tim603 View Post
I love my LUX
I love your LUX too. This is just a cheaper option for those of us that can code.
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      09-22-2012, 01:03 AM   #209
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Just now started to drive around at night and park and look from a distance. Wow these things are bright! I think wayy to bright at night. I'm afraid it might produce glare for incoming traffic and attract attention from the authorities. Any tips on how to code them to turn off when the headlights are on?
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      09-23-2012, 11:14 AM   #210
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
Just now started to drive around at night and park and look from a distance. Wow these things are bright! I think wayy to bright at night. I'm afraid it might produce glare for incoming traffic and attract attention from the authorities. Any tips on how to code them to turn off when the headlights are on?
To my knowledge, it's not possible through coding. However, you can buy 25 watt ballasts which would be dimmer.

10 months of trouble free HID angel eyes so far.
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      09-23-2012, 12:29 PM   #211

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You can code it out, my M3 have coded AE to not working with xenons on. Guys from CMB team install HID's in AE for me and do all the needed coding remotely.

Using 25 ballast would not make it any better at night they will be still freaking bright
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      09-23-2012, 03:56 PM   #212
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Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
You can code it out, my M3 have coded AE to not working with xenons on. Guys from CMB team install HID's in AE for me and do all the needed coding remotely.

Using 25 ballast would not make it any better at night they will be still freaking bright
nice, ask them what they changed to disabled AE at night and let us know.
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      09-24-2012, 02:33 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by Rotary Rasp View Post
nice, ask them what they changed to disabled AE at night and let us know.
For my car I was able to do this by changing the PWM_SL_1_FKT_SL_TFL value to wert_06 I believe which is 10,00 which is 0%. By doing this, the AE's don't turn on when the Xenons are on. However, there is a drawback as now the AE's don't turn on during the welcome lights. I'm guessing since this variable is for dimmed AE's. I went ahead and just coded to have my turn signals turn on instead during welcome lights.
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      09-24-2012, 03:57 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by sohcpunk View Post
For my car I was able to do this by changing the PWM_SL_1_FKT_SL_TFL value to wert_06 I believe which is 10,00 which is 0%. By doing this, the AE's don't turn on when the Xenons are on. However, there is a drawback as now the AE's don't turn on during the welcome lights. I'm guessing since this variable is for dimmed AE's. I went ahead and just coded to have my turn signals turn on instead during welcome lights.

very clever.
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      09-25-2012, 10:49 AM   #215

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VA state troppers sucks - I got pulled over bc of my HID halos but the funny thing is the trooper didn't even know WHAT was the issue - he just said some bullshit about my inboard lights not being on and what not - to make it worse my lights have to be re-coded bc when I turn them on and try to turn back on they don't work so he thought I had a switch - I wanted to be like YES THEY ARE MODIFIED YOU DUMB FUCK - but I let him try to lecture me on how "this model bmw lights work" and how the halos AND low beams shouldn't be on together - sigh - so he gave me a "defective equipment" ticket - total $91 haha I should go to court just fuck with him.
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      12-18-2012, 04:58 PM   #216
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Just a follow up for all the naysayers out there...

It's been just over a year since I installed the HID angel eyes and everything is still working great. I believe we can finally conclude that they are safe to run.
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      12-19-2012, 08:47 AM   #217

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hi does any 1 have pics of the hid kit angels with 4300k or 5000k colour bulbs? i wanna see how they look before i purchase a pair.

ive seen 6k but think they are too blue for my taste i want a pure white ring....preferably 5k.
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      12-20-2012, 01:04 AM   #218

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It sucks that pre lci e90 doesn't have the same setup
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      12-21-2012, 02:36 PM   #219
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Originally Posted by eg9_dc2 View Post
hi does any 1 have pics of the hid kit angels with 4300k or 5000k colour bulbs? i wanna see how they look before i purchase a pair.

ive seen 6k but think they are too blue for my taste i want a pure white ring....preferably 5k.
Mine are 5000k
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      12-23-2012, 03:58 PM   #220

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ive managed to do this without anycoding, ised a relay and a canceller, the only thing i cant do is dim the lights and no codes

however, ive put some 6k bulbs in now.i tried 4300 first but they just came out yellow.

i see yours are full white rasp even your outside ring...my outside has a slight green effect as my angel tubing seems to have a slight yellowing..the inside ring is too bright and the outside ring not so much however we both have the same cars and your rings look way better (in the pics)..any reason why? (i looked at mine during the night with the full drl's on. i supose if i had them dimmed with a dimmer switch or something they might look abit better? im considdering oss style rings now i kind of feel like ive wasted 80-90pounds with this..however 60pounds for the led angels would have left me feeling worse as they are just dull. lol.
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