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      10-06-2011, 10:03 AM   #2619
korben dallas
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Anyone ever have issues with the OBDII readiness checks for emissions tests with cobb installed? Was only getting 5 of the required 6 readiness codes with v301 installed. Uninstalled and will get scanned again tomorrow, just curious if this was expected or not?
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      10-06-2011, 10:51 AM   #2620
Alan l.
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Not sure about stage 2 but stage 1 was fine for me. Keep in mind every time you change maps it takes a certain number of miles for the car to be emissions ready. I had to go back to my shop 2 weeks later to get my inspection done because i updated my map right before going the first time around.
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      10-06-2011, 10:56 AM   #2621
korben dallas
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Originally Posted by Alan l. View Post
Not sure about stage 2 but stage 1 was fine for me. Keep in mind every time you change maps it takes a certain number of miles for the car to be emissions ready. I had to go back to my shop 2 weeks later to get my inspection done because i updated my map right before going the first time around.
Yea I'm stage 1, put maybe 300 miles on since my last map change so I figured I'd be good. I'll probably end up putting 60-80 on before I try to get rescanned as stock tomorrow.
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      10-06-2011, 12:38 PM   #2622
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Originally Posted by korben dallas View Post
Yea I'm stage 1, put maybe 300 miles on since my last map change so I figured I'd be good. I'll probably end up putting 60-80 on before I try to get rescanned as stock tomorrow.
Hmm...I'm pretty sure I had my Cobb installed when I got my car inspected in May and had no problems. Would've been something like the 2.00 beta maps back then maybe...

Will be interested to see if more people run into this with 3.01
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      10-06-2011, 03:20 PM   #2623
Alan l.
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Having the Cobb installed shouldn't be a problem....its just that every time you update the map it wipes out your emission readiness and you have to drive it X number miles before its ready again.
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      10-06-2011, 04:31 PM   #2624
korben dallas
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Originally Posted by Alan l. View Post
Having the Cobb installed shouldn't be a problem....its just that every time you update the map it wipes out your emission readiness and you have to drive it X number miles before its ready again.
That's what I assumed so I didn't think twice about it. I thought there was talk of putting some logic in there to constantly clear (or otherwise disable) CELs thrown due to running catless. I have no idea if that ever happened on stage1 (or 2 for that matter) or if that would even result in constantly wiping out emissions readiness or certain components or not.

I didn't bother to ask what wasn't ready as I was in a hurry, but I'm going to throw an OBDII scanner on when I get home and see how I look now, approx 50 miles since uninstall (will also hit the generic OBDII drive cycle on the way).
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      10-06-2011, 09:33 PM   #2625

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Got my cobb yesterday, thanks jeff at topgear...First thing i did was update firmware to 3.01, didn't add any maps cause i didn't know what rom i had yet. I live in CA and only have crap ACN 91 out here so i tried Drive first and wasn't too impressed, but only drove with that map for maybe 60 miles. Went down to Ventura and they have an e85 station and decided to fill up with 3/4 tank 91 and got 4.5 gallons of e85 in there. Switched to Aggressive and holy crap! That's more like it!

One thing that happened after i switched maps to agressive was the brake malfunction came up on the i drive so I turned the car off then back on and it was still there, then without shutting the car off it went away a few seconds later. Went in the the check control and it said car was all good. Kinda wierd, then i go to put it into reverse, I have a 6at, and it clunks into gear real loud. Put it back in park, try reverse again same clunk. Kinda like when you park on a hill and go to put it into gear and will clunk, but at the time I was on a level parking lot. Drove for another hour or so and now its shifting nice and quite when going into reverse.

I did do one quick log but microsoft office isn't working on my laptop and i wouldn't know how to plot them either. So if I can email the log to someone and have them post it and tell me if the car is running okay that would be most appreciated. Never threw any codes and pulled like a mofo, but i did feel some slight hesitations, perhaps throttle closures. I saw boost as high as 15lbs and lambada was mid 11's at wot. I dont know if that's even accurate though because of the e85. When logging the lambada it shows the max/min at the bottom i noticed it got as low as 10.8 but i doubt it was for more than a milli second.
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      10-06-2011, 09:36 PM   #2626
Pseudo Nim
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rofl you keep saying lambada. hahaha
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      10-06-2011, 09:46 PM   #2627

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I don't know how long i searched through the logging channels looking for a/f ratio to no avail. Finally i just started logging every channel till i found LAMBDA and was like "ohhhhh there u are" Also whats the difference between bank 1 and 2?
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      10-07-2011, 01:47 AM   #2628
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Originally Posted by 805beemer View Post
I don't know how long i searched through the logging channels looking for a/f ratio to no avail. Finally i just started logging every channel till i found LAMBDA and was like "ohhhhh there u are" Also whats the difference between bank 1 and 2?
the difference is that 1 is cyl 1-2-3 and 2 is 4-5-6....
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      10-07-2011, 10:59 AM   #2629
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Originally Posted by Pseudo Nim View Post
rofl you keep saying lambada. hahaha
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      10-07-2011, 11:04 AM   #2630
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There is an AP update available
AP-BMW-001 v1.6.5.0-2751
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Last edited by enrita; 10-07-2011 at 11:10 AM..
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      10-07-2011, 11:07 AM   #2631
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Got my car on the rollers (dynojet) with Stage 1 Aggressive... couldn't be happier! With only having exhaust from downpipe back and secondary cats removed the car laid down ‎338hp/375lbft SAE 354hp/392lbft uncorrected (dyno room temp was about 88-95 deg), very happy!

Last edited by rbsileighty; 10-07-2011 at 11:16 AM..
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      10-07-2011, 11:14 AM   #2632

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I don't even see the update on their website
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      10-07-2011, 11:16 AM   #2633
Pseudo Nim
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Has anyone done a dyno from stock to Stg2+ no FMIC?

Also: apologise for a n00b question, but a FMIC in and of itself does not provide hp gains - it's more for avoiding heatsoak in higher temps and flowing cooler air to the turbos at high boost, ya? I.e., if it's 5 degrees outside and you aren't tracking then, technically, you wouldn't a) gain anything by having a FMIC and b) Stg2+FMIC can be used on the stock intercooler?
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      10-07-2011, 11:20 AM   #2634
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Originally Posted by 805beemer View Post
Kinda wierd, then i go to put it into reverse, I have a 6at, and it clunks into gear real loud. Put it back in park, try reverse again same clunk. Kinda like when you park on a hill and go to put it into gear and will clunk, but at the time I was on a level parking lot. Drove for another hour or so and now its shifting nice and quite when going into reverse.
Same thing happened to me every time I changed a map. http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=528833

I don't know if the problem has disappeared because I make sure to park the car in such a way that I do not need to put it in reverse after changing maps. COBB said that this is because the transmission adaptation is reset during a map change. However, this has only happened with the COBB AP; this does not happen if I flash the car back to stock, for example, or if I reset the transmission using the BT tool. I would expect more people to experience this if it was normal. It definitely feels like something that should not be happening.

Have you experienced any issues with the transmission not shifting into the next gear at redline at lower gears? This is another issue that is common in my car, but not present in most other COBB cars.
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      10-07-2011, 11:20 AM   #2635
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Originally Posted by sdstatestud88 View Post
I don't even see the update on their website
AP update, not maps. maybe they fixed the boost bug? or preparation for official Stage 2 with stock throttle ?
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      10-07-2011, 11:34 AM   #2636
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Originally Posted by Pseudo Nim View Post
Has anyone done a dyno from stock to Stg2+ no FMIC?

Also: apologise for a n00b question, but a FMIC in and of itself does not provide hp gains - it's more for avoiding heatsoak in higher temps and flowing cooler air to the turbos at high boost, ya? I.e., if it's 5 degrees outside and you aren't tracking then, technically, you wouldn't a) gain anything by having a FMIC and b) Stg2+FMIC can be used on the stock intercooler?
A FMIC will provide gains. They offer less restriction / flow more than the stocker. With load tuning it is a little different as the car will hit a desired load but with the FMIC it does so more efficiently (as well as allowing you to target higher loads as a result of being more efficient).
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      10-07-2011, 11:47 AM   #2637
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Originally Posted by FlyLow335i View Post
A FMIC will provide gains. They offer less restriction / flow more than the stocker. With load tuning it is a little different as the car will hit a desired load but with the FMIC it does so more efficiently (as well as allowing you to target higher loads as a result of being more efficient).
Ahh, I see - thanks. I'm seeing whether it's ok to run Stg2+FMIC on a car with a stock FMIC (but upgraded DPs and intakes) - or whether it's being given unrealistic loads that it'll never reach.
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      10-07-2011, 02:28 PM   #2638

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Originally Posted by interpol View Post
Same thing happened to me every time I changed a map. http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=528833

I don't know if the problem has disappeared because I make sure to park the car in such a way that I do not need to put it in reverse after changing maps. COBB said that this is because the transmission adaptation is reset during a map change. However, this has only happened with the COBB AP; this does not happen if I flash the car back to stock, for example, or if I reset the transmission using the BT tool. I would expect more people to experience this if it was normal. It definitely feels like something that should not be happening.

Have you experienced any issues with the transmission not shifting into the next gear at redline at lower gears? This is another issue that is common in my car, but not present in most other COBB cars.

No, other than the clunk going into reverse the tranny seemed to shift normally. I didn't drive the car hard for the first 20 minutes or so to let the e85 mix with the 91. And only did 2 wot pulls. Need to do some more logging to make sure shes running okay. I did find a cool website that has a calculator for determining octane when mixing e85 with regular gas.

check it out: http://www.intercepteft.com/calc.html
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      10-07-2011, 02:48 PM   #2639

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Originally Posted by korben dallas View Post
Anyone ever have issues with the OBDII readiness checks for emissions tests with cobb installed? Was only getting 5 of the required 6 readiness codes with v301 installed. Uninstalled and will get scanned again tomorrow, just curious if this was expected or not?
What readiness code has not been set ready? What mods do you have?

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      10-07-2011, 02:52 PM   #2640

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Originally Posted by enrita View Post
AP update, not maps. maybe they fixed the boost bug? or preparation for official Stage 2 with stock throttle ?
We will put out updates that simply add new ROM support. For those already supported there is no change.

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