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      06-06-2016, 05:27 PM   #331
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Originally Posted by Moutamid
it will be an option on MHD Flash only ? or it can be done on BB Flash also
I asked something similar and somebody called me illiterate : lol
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      06-06-2016, 05:51 PM   #332
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Originally Posted by SlimE92 View Post
I asked something similar and somebody called me illiterate : lol
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      06-06-2016, 10:09 PM   #333
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Originally Posted by Moutamid View Post
it will be an option on MHD Flash only ? or it can be done on BB Flash also
you can most likely do it on BB Flash after jyamona defines it on the xdf provided you know what to change
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      06-06-2016, 10:46 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by JustDriveIt View Post
Oh, okay, that's pretty cool. I didn't realize this added horsepower/torque, I thought it just changed timing to allow more unburnt fuel to ignite in the exhaust.
And what I mean by "everything is a compromise" is that it's silly to point out how this and that is a compromise to something. Because MHD gives me more HP as a compromise to MPG. E85 gives me cooler temps and increased HP as a compromise to MPG as well. Hence - everything is a compromise, but it's certainly not a bad thing. PPK will give you a cool sounding car as a compromise to pissing off my neighbors when I come home late at night (worth it)
Originally Posted by LMB335IS View Post
...I could care less if my car had it or not. But for the guys that do care it's apparently a Godsend. I just didn't know the community had such a pent up desire for exhaust burbles being my only point in my first post...
I get that everyone has an opinion and everyone has the right to share said opinion, but in a thread discussing the development of a legitimate tuning option..especially one that allows for a certain result as though the factory designed it that way, what is the point of being a nay sayer? There are plenty of things I don't particularly like about other people's cars and some things I wouldn't be caught dead owning, but I can still appreciate someone else's passion for it.

If you don't like it or you have a "better" work around, awesome! I'm glad for you! Share it! But don't pee in everyone else's Cheerios just because you didn't get picked for t-ball.

If I misunderstood your posts and they were meant to be productive and help develop products/options for the platform for everyone to enjoy at their leisure, then please accept my sincere apology.

Originally Posted by tofu? View Post
Hopefully based on load so I don't sound like a jackass parking my car at 2am
Yes this can be really loud, but if you ease off the throttle and drive neighborly, you won't piss off your neighbors..in fact, they probably won't notice a difference (mine don't..in fact I've gotten nothing but compliments on the car). But, if you drive like a douche in your neighborhood, then this will point it out and every will hate you for it if they don't already.
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      06-07-2016, 01:19 AM   #335
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Originally Posted by jyamona View Post
I've looked at the values in the IS bins. I am giving even more flexibility on top of that. Most likely an MHD slider for duration time, and one for aggressiveness.

You will be able to make your IS much more aggressive, and increase duration if you'd like.
God damn it yes MHD Tuning
I'm putting mine on most aggressive with longest duration. I want everyone to say "is that an f type I hear decelerating?" No bitches. It's an e92
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      06-07-2016, 05:17 AM   #336
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Originally Posted by jimmie004
Here is a trimmed version with more burbles.

I know it's supposed to pop on throttle let off, but are you having to be over a specific rpm for it? I guess what I'm asking is, what's the minimum rpm for you to hear it?
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      06-07-2016, 05:31 AM   #337
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Originally Posted by J. Dub View Post
God damn it yes MHD Tuning
I'm putting mine on most aggressive with longest duration. I want everyone to say "is that an f type I hear decelerating?" No bitches. It's an e92
Don't know about the N55, but i have seen a couple m4's at the track last weekend and they sounded sick on decelertion!

Dont know if this is going to be anything like that, but i'm going to try it for sure!
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      06-07-2016, 07:58 AM   #338
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Originally Posted by 3000GT MR View Post
Want. this. NAOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!
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      06-07-2016, 08:09 AM   #339
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Originally Posted by LMB335IS View Post
I'm not sure what your point is regarding my post and I don't want to misinterpret it. I know Jake is invaluable to this platform. His work with the XDF is second to none. His work moves this platform forward as much or more as anyone else out there. That being said, I personally just don't see the added value to all this exhaust burble stuff. Not saying it's not important to the next guy, just not me and it's just my opinion, nothing more. I could care less if my car had it or not. But for the guys that do care it's apparently a Godsend. I just didn't know the community had such a pent up desire for exhaust burbles being my only point in my first post.

Jake said "Let there be burbles", and there were burbles.
You're entitled to your own opinion, but sometimes your opinion is best kept to yourself (like alot of things in life).

You know that all exhaust systems for the N54 make pretty much no power right? Yet how many systems are out there?
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      06-07-2016, 11:13 AM   #340
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Originally Posted by joeinsd View Post
I know it's supposed to pop on throttle let off, but are you having to be over a specific rpm for it? I guess what I'm asking is, what's the minimum rpm for you to hear it?
I'll have to drive around some more and pay more attention to the rpm's. The biggest thing that is going to affect the sound is the rate at which you decel. As stated earlier, if you ease off the throttle to coast without engine braking (keeping very minimal pressure on the throttle), you won't hear it. I have Steptronic, so that's the technique I need. Obviously if you're MT, then you can just push in the clutch or slide in to neutral. This technique is what I use in my neighborhood and the sound is minimal. Converse, if you're hard on the throttle and then completely let off the throttle to engine brake, then the pops/gurgles will be loud. The loudest I've heard is roughly between the 3-5.5k rpm range. I don't do a lot of engine braking above 6k...
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      06-07-2016, 11:18 AM   #341
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Originally Posted by jimmie004 View Post
I'll have to drive around some more and pay more attention to the rpm's. The biggest thing that is going to affect the sound is the rate at which you decel. As stated earlier, if you ease off the throttle to coast without engine braking (keeping very minimal pressure on the throttle), you won't hear it. I have Steptronic, so that's the technique I need. Obviously if you're MT, then you can just push in the clutch or slide in to neutral. This technique is what I use in my neighborhood and the sound is minimal. Converse, if you're hard on the throttle and then completely let off the throttle to engine brake, then the pops/gurgles will be loud. The loudest I've heard is roughly between the 3-5.5k rpm range. I don't do a lot of engine braking above 6k...
This is very interesting, it will be more pronounced with no input and lightly touching the throttle will eliminate the noises. Opposite from current. I will have to retrain my right foot to leave the peddle alone while coasting, as I usually flick it once or twice to hear those gurgles
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      06-07-2016, 11:36 AM   #342
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Originally Posted by _ink View Post
You're entitled to your own opinion, but sometimes your opinion is best kept to yourself (like alot of things in life).
I like that. See what you did there? Criticized my opinion with yours. Burbles are a gimmick, albeit a very popular one (16 pages of posts). It's also a calculated business decision by Martial and it's commendable that it will be offered at no cost because he could make at lot of coin up front for this. Up until now MHD had no gimmicks. Everything was straightforward tuning options. JB4 offers gimmicks. Take gauge sweep for example. Absolutely no reason to have it other than some people think it's "cool". Lets face it, a lot of people like gimmicks. Kind of like picking that box of cereal with a prize over the one that doesn't. I believe (warning, opinion coming) that burbles are something that can and will be used to sway those on the fence between the two tunes to come to the MHD side, or at the very least purchase the MHD BEF to get it and that's were the cost and profit will be covered. I could be wrong but it's certainly something to think about and certainly nothing to take personally. This is just a different perspective than yours, and that's all it is. Don't read anymore into it than that. Hell, I'm sure I'll try it at some point and may even like it. Never say never.

You know that all exhaust systems for the N54 make pretty much no power right? Yet how many systems are out there?
That may be the reason after 8 yrs and 3 different 335i's I've never changed my exhaust. But as P.T. Barnum so eloquently put it...well, you know.
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      06-07-2016, 12:04 PM   #343
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Originally Posted by LMB335IS View Post
I like that. See what you did there? Criticized my opinion with yours. Burbles are a gimmick, albeit a very popular one (16 pages of posts). It's also a calculated business decision by Martial and it's commendable that it will be offered at no cost because he could make at lot of coin up front for this. Up until now MHD had no gimmicks. Everything was straightforward tuning options. JB4 offers gimmicks. Take gauge sweep for example. Absolutely no reason to have it other than some people think it's "cool". Lets face it, a lot of people like gimmicks. Kind of like picking that box of cereal with a prize over the one that doesn't. I believe (warning, opinion coming) that burbles are something that can and will be used to sway those on the fence between the two tunes to come to the MHD side, or at the very least purchase the MHD BEF to get it and that's were the cost and profit will be covered. I could be wrong but it's certainly something to think about and certainly nothing to take personally. This is just a different perspective than yours, and that's all it is. Don't read anymore into it than that. Hell, I'm sure I'll try it at some point and may even like it. Never say never.

That may be the reason after 8 yrs and 3 different 335i's I've never changed my exhaust. But as P.T. Barnum so eloquently put it...well, you know.
You are quite the philosopher! So the only thing that matters is car performance? There are plenty of people, even some on this forum, who would call that a gimmick, your car was perfectly capable of getting you around before the mods. Why do you need to go faster anymore than we need to make noise? I sure hope all 1100 of your posts were not as useless as this one...

Just like _Ink said, you are entitled to your own opinion, but if you're so concerned with the lack of "added value" then you should consider the "added value" of your comments...

Now lets get back to being really excited
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      06-07-2016, 12:15 PM   #344
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Originally Posted by 89mustaine View Post

Now lets get back to being really excited

Too many people like to hear themselves talk
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      06-07-2016, 12:19 PM   #345
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Originally Posted by 89mustaine View Post
You are quite the philosopher! So the only thing that matters is car performance? There are plenty of people, even some on this forum, who would call that a gimmick, your car was perfectly capable of getting you around before the mods. Why do you need to go faster anymore than we need to make noise? I sure hope all 1100 of your posts were not as useless as this one...

Just like _Ink said, you are entitled to your own opinion, but if you're so concerned with the lack of "added value" then you should consider the "added value" of your comments...

Now lets get back to being really excited
LMAO. Says the guy with 2 months and 56 posts under his belt! I'm sorry for raining on the burble parade. Carry on. Out
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      06-07-2016, 04:55 PM   #346
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close thread, re open when available in MHD. k thx.
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      06-07-2016, 05:09 PM   #347
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Originally Posted by Torgus View Post
close thread, re open when available in MHD. k thx.
Yea, as the OP, I'm in agreement.
In memory of Robert E. Flynn (AR)
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      06-07-2016, 05:18 PM   #348
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Was there an ETA as to when this will be available as an MHD option?
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      06-07-2016, 05:29 PM   #349
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Originally Posted by J. Dub View Post
Yea, as the OP, I'm in agreement.
I keep wanting to unsubscribe but I would like to know when the feature is released. temporarily closing it works for me

Thanks for making the thread btw!
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      06-07-2016, 05:35 PM   #350
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Originally Posted by Torgus View Post
I keep wanting to unsubscribe but I would like to know when the feature is released. temporarily closing it works for me

Thanks for making the thread btw!
Agreed! It's a roller-coaster of emotion when I get an email about this thread, 50/50 it's new information or some rude/inflammatory comment. It does seem like Jake is pretty close to a beta release based on that video though. I assume it will be relatively simple for Martial to add the selector to MHD when it's ready?...
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      06-07-2016, 05:38 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by OzCoE92 View Post
Was there an ETA as to when this will be available as an MHD option?
It's when Martial MHD Tuning & Jake@MOTIV decide. No ETA. And I really discourage against reaching out to them for an ETA or the whole "free" thing is gonna go out the window. My two cents.
While on the subject, Jake is the only one that said it was going to be free. So it may in fact be an in app purchase from Martial since martial has to code the apk file for android app.
Time will tell. Let's all be patient.
Originally Posted by Torgus View Post
I keep wanting to unsubscribe but I would like to know when the feature is released. temporarily closing it works for me

Thanks for making the thread btw!
Likewise. I will PM a moderator.
In memory of Robert E. Flynn (AR)
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      06-07-2016, 05:51 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by J. Dub View Post
It's when Martial MHD Tuning & Jake@MOTIV decide. No ETA. And I really discourage against reaching out to them for an ETA or the whole "free" thing is gonna go out the window. My two cents.
While on the subject, Jake is the only one that said it was going to be free. So it may in fact be an in app purchase from Martial since martial has to code the apk file for android app.
Time will tell. Let's all be patient.

Likewise. I will PM a moderator.
Thanks, will definitely not reach out to anyone, that's not my style, I was merely curious.
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