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      06-21-2008, 03:41 PM   #397
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Originally Posted by fthrower View Post
I see your point. Tell him you're online to find surprise accessories for his Prius. http://www.coastaletech.com/mudflaps.htm If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."

That has me tearing up from laughing! Hey, your not married by any chance are you?

If I tried that, I think my husband would be totally clueless as to a response. No, wait, he would probably jump in the car and go down to the nearest bar and complain to anyone listening "I thought a convertible was supposed to help menopause!"

As far as the Prius gifts, whaddya think he got for Fathers Day? All weather mats, window shade and a freezer for all the fish he plans to catch this year!

Hopefully, the car will be on the truck Monday morning. 2 days up here and one half a day for prep, should be a Wednesday morning call.

fthrower - see my new signature!

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-21-2008, 04:02 PM   #398
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I'm Honored to Be Part of Your Signature

I'm glad you enjoyed that - I might have some experience in that area (marriage).

I think your estimated schedule is right on the money. Or at least, I hope so. This may be the worst part. Today and tomorrow will certainly be long. Do you think those trucking company people will be bothered by all the calls? The person I spoke with sounded fairly helpful. He said they just need the last seven characters on the VIN. I think I'll wait until Tuesday.
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      06-21-2008, 05:05 PM   #399
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I'll call on Monday afternoon to see if we are moving yet. See? Toldja I'd wait till Monday!

As far as my signature, hope you don't mind, but both my husband and I figured that in that short little 2.5 line paragraph, there is a answer for every argument he could come up with! Especially the last line, I mean really... how could you argue that?

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-21-2008, 05:10 PM   #400
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My dealer is telling me a different story on my ED than the rest of you are hearing. I received this today:

<According to the my latest information your car has arrived at the port yesterday, 6/20. It looks like it has not yet made it to the VPC, and is most likely going through customs right now. That process usually takes 10 days to 2 weeks, at which point it's handed over to the VPC, who usually has the car for 3-5 days before releasing it to trucking. I would think the 2nd week of July would be good estimate for pick-up, and I will definitely let you know when the car hits the ground.>
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      06-21-2008, 06:00 PM   #401
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LesLazz - Yeh - Everything is there. It makes up a complete arsenal.

azbmwman - Is that a bmw man or a bm woman? Anyway, I suspect what slows down EDs is not only scratch repair but customs. Remember, you already took possession of the vehicle. So, what's to prevent you from hiding 323 kilos of cocaine in the frame (French Connection)? The rest of us haven't had the opportunity to smuggle anything-BMW doesn't generally do that. I hope it doesn't slow it down too much. They might spot check with dogs so hopefully you only ingested beer while overseas.
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      06-21-2008, 06:06 PM   #402
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You know, I was wondering about customs and when ED's go thru it. It makes sense though, after all, what if you drove through Amsterdam and picked up some extracurricular 'fun' and stuffed it in the run flat tires or something (along with a red light district worker in the trunk ).

Sorry about your extra delay. I had no idea how much extra time it took for customs! Driving the Autobahn is a once in a lifetime thing though and if you had to do it over again, my guess is you would do it again (>>>very jealous<<<) Is the phrase "You play, you pay" ringing any bells right now?

You'll have it sitting in your driveway before long. It'll seem brand new all over again too! Another bonus of ED.


EDIT: You beat me to it fthrower
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-21-2008, 06:30 PM   #403
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Yeh - We probably won't be able to drive 150 on Interstate 5. Actually, I got to thinking and I'm sure National Security is a priority over dope so there would be these types of checks as well. Anyway, I'm out till tomorrow. Only a few days more.
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      06-22-2008, 09:55 AM   #404
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I was bored this morning and thought of a couple of quick questions for anyone out there...

What color carpet will be in my car? The few pics I have seen of the Metallic Green don't have Saddle Brown upholstery (they were Jade/Lemon I think - I would call it an almost white) and the carpeting is light beige. On my BMW build site it looks black/dark grey. Anyone have an answer?

Also, since I am leasing, is there anything other than chips, scratches etc that I should check for before taking delivery? There is a list that is about as long as my arm on another thread, but I don't think I need to be quite so thorough. Since this is the first time I have ordered a BMW, I don't know if there is anything specifically I need to look for.

Thanks guys, the carpet just dawned on me this morning and the checklist thing is something I just ran across looking for an aswer to my carpeting question.

Oh, Good Morning! 5 more days for me!

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-22-2008, 04:06 PM   #405
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Originally Posted by eluder View Post
I'm in Boise actually too.
Too bad, that's a 300 mile drive for me. How is the BMW dealer there? The nearest to me is Camp BMW in Spokane, which is 90 miles from Moscow. I saw a new 135 driving around my town, but I've been surprised there aren't more Spokane area people on the forum.
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      06-22-2008, 06:27 PM   #406
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Local dealer is hit and miss. They have a reputation for being worthless asses, but I put the screws to them pretty hard and ended up with the best deal I've seen yet, anywhere, on a new M3, $1,000 over invoice on an ordered sedan. So, they've redeemed themselves with me for now.
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      06-23-2008, 02:15 AM   #407
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Blah....called my CA. He said mine is in Customs too and estimate is 7-10 days...
European Delivery on April 28, 2008
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      06-23-2008, 07:49 AM   #408
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I didn't realize they had that detailed information. Too bad we can't access it.

LesLazz - I am of absolutely no use in advising you on leasing or carpet. My colors aren't close to perfect. That's probably why I chose montego blue cause I've had so many non-offensive silver/champagne color cars, I wanted a real color, and one I could identify. I had a Volkswagen years ago when I was a teenager that was "Bahama Blue" - I never could figure out whether it was green or blue.
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      06-23-2008, 08:11 AM   #409
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Originally Posted by fthrower View Post
I had a Volkswagen years ago when I was a teenager that was "Bahama Blue" - I never could figure out whether it was green or blue.

Did you live up here in SF? If so, you probably saw me in my Lemon Yellow 'Super Beetle'. I think I saw you handing out some 'homemade brownies' during a Grateful Dead concert! You looked something like this?

So, fthrower, are you calling Wagoneer this morning? If so, let us know if we have been loaded on the truck yet. I am hoping for a Wednesday delivery. My daughter wants me to take everyone to Discovery Kingdom in my new car, I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't have any intention of parking my brand new car in that hella parking lot! (It's already starting, the first ding anticipation and I don't even have the car yet!)


4 more mornings!
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-23-2008, 08:43 AM   #410
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Where did you find my picture? I knew when I mentioned the VW, I was opening myself up to all sorts of possibilities.

Actually, I will not call today cause I need to go to the saltmines and I'm still working on selling a car. On the positive side, my garage is all ready for a new friend.

I'm out of here but tonight I will be anxious to see what you learned. G
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      06-23-2008, 08:48 AM   #411
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Done deal fthrower, I'll give a call later this morning (and this afternoon if necessary!)

We parked the Prius in the garage yesterday just to see if it would fit, then I went online to find a comparison of body measurements. My car is 3 inches wider and 5 inches longer, but I'm pretty sure it'll fit with a little manipulation of that 12' Christmas tree I bought 8 years ago (stupid purchase and a PITA to put up!) Great, another reason to hate that tree!

Have a good day, we have everything under control here.

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-23-2008, 10:14 AM   #412
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I just called Wagoner. Mine has not been loaded yet, but he says they load throughout the day. He said BMW stops loading at 4PM, so if you call back around 5PM, he'll be able to say whether they have it yet or not. You need the last 7 of the VIN.
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      06-23-2008, 10:50 AM   #413
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Pardon me for missing this if it was in the thread earlier...what is Wagoner's number?
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      06-23-2008, 11:08 AM   #414
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I'm trying not to harass them too much though. They probably get a lot of calls from punks like me.
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      06-23-2008, 11:53 AM   #415
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I'm trying to hold off till 3:00 our time (5:00 their time?) before calling. Eluder, did you happen to get Wagoneers closing time? I could probably (that may ba a bit optimistic, how about maybe) hold out one more hour if they still pick up the phone at 6:00 p.m.!

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-23-2008, 12:02 PM   #416
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He said they close around 7.

I could check multiple VINs when I call if you want. Only takes a second and I can do them all so we know the final count for the day. Probably better than us all calling.

Copy and add to the list below if you want. I'm calling at about 6PM MST.

E215952 (mine)
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      06-23-2008, 12:15 PM   #417

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The last 7 of my VIN is VF23271
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      06-23-2008, 12:17 PM   #418
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Eluder, can you also find out a destination time/date since I know it is stopping somewhere before Berkeley? (I checked mapquest and it is about a 6 hour, 386 mile drive). Since I don't want to be bombarding them with phone calls either here is my last seven.


If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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