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      03-27-2015, 11:23 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
It was probably the weirdest of all our hunts. We used to break into old abandoned buildings, there was an old psych ward down the street from that exact bridge that was pretty intense. A lot of weird noises coming from rooms nobody was in like things clinking around, one sounded like a stone being dropped 5 feet behind us.

I haven't gone out hunting in a long time, but it was a shit load of fun. I've seen what I thought were entities, but I'll never be sure, the mind can do plenty of tricks on its own if your in the right situation.

The world is a strange place.
I couldn't agree more. There's a hospital that's abandoned here that hasn't been knocked down yet due to an asbestos problem. Couple buddies went inside and took some pictures. He had one that he showed me where you can see the right side of a head, a right arm and part of a right torso, standing in the doorway next to him, but he said there was no one there when the picture was taken.

Originally Posted by NickyC View Post
When I was 17 years old, I had been lying in bed for a few minutes when I had the feeling I was being watched. Very odd sensation, but I looked up and out into the hallway figuring it was my mom. Instead, for the briefest moment, I saw the image of a tall young man with a huge smile. I had no fear, no anxiety, nothing. It actually made me smile in a way. What was really neat is that my dog at the time always slept at the foot of my bed. Immediately after I saw the image, my dog got down from the bed and walked to the door and looked around. Seeing nothing, she went back to her spot on the bed and presumably tried to get to sleep. This dog would bark at *anything*, yet not so much as whimper. It was so odd.

In the morning, I woke up to find my mom and dad at the kitchen table and my dad was obviously consoling my mom. With tears in her eyes, she told me her father (my grandfather of course) had died last night of a sudden stroke.

Fast forward to the funeral where pictures of my grandfather's life were all around. Believe me when I tell you that for the first time I saw a picture of him when he was young, probably early 20s, and the image in the photo matched precisely the image I had seen in my doorway that night earlier in the week.

I pulled my mom aside at the funeral and told her what I had seen, and it was amazing the transformation it had on her. She was extremely close to her father, but after I told her what I had seen, she felt so much better and was able to deal with the situation with not sadness, but happiness. I personally believe my grandfather appeared to me that night for one simple reason, to make his passing easier on my mother and to not be worried about him, that he was OK.

Whether or not I actually saw what I saw, and whether or not there is an existence after this mortal coil, what happened helped my mom to cope with the passing of her father. I think that's a great thing.
That's a cool experience. Would explain why the dog didn't seem bothered. I've heard of this happening to a few of my friends as well. I've never had that happen to me, so far all my experiences have been more on the dangerous side.


After I had the incident of ole girl in my room and supposedly being attacked by her, I ended up putting out a bible and the Lion Dogs you see at a lot of Japanese temples. After that I never saw her again but I knew she was still there because weird shit would happen. I had a kevlar helmet that was thrown across the room, and an Assassin's Creed statue on my shelf that was thrown off, but everything else on the shelf was fine. I'd hear footsteps on the roof above me, but I lived on the top floor and access to the roof was locked. My friends and I would see shadows in the hallway and weird things of that nature.

Japan is a haunted ass place haha
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      03-27-2015, 11:30 AM   #24
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I once bought a house in San Diego and my wife thought something was watching her so I set up some cameras around the house. My wife hired a psychic who recommended a demonologist due to what was following her around. Poor Katie

The cameras I set up caught some flickering lights, doors moving and then Katie just walking around being all weird. Like standing and staring at the wall and shit. Maybe she just wanted some milk or maybe she was possessed by ghosts. Probably not milk.

One day I brought home a Ouija board just to piss her off. So we left to go to Applebee's for 1/2 priced appetizer day and a planter burned up. I don't know if it was ghosts or because I hid my cigarettes in the plant. probably ghosts.

Anyway, to make a long story short Katie got all Hulk on me and broke my camera. I ended up leaving that crazy bitch.
Originally Posted by Billup View Post
You know you're getting bacon, when you're cooking bacon.
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      03-27-2015, 11:31 AM   #25

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Originally Posted by 954Stealth View Post
I once bought a house in San Diego and my wife thought something was watching her so I set up some cameras around the house. My wife hired a psychic who recommended a demonologist due to what was following her around. Poor Katie

the camers I set up caught some flickering lights, doors moving and then Katie just walking around being all weird. Like standing and staring at the wall and shit. Maybe she just wanted some milk or maybe she was possessed by ghosts. Probably not milk.

One day I brought home a Ouija board just to piss her off. So we left to go to Applebee's for 1/2 priced appetizer day and a planter burned up. I don't know if it was ghosts or because I hid my cigarettes in the plant. probably ghosts.

Anyway, to make a long story short Katie got a Hulk on me and broke my camera. I ended up leaving that crazy bitch.
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      03-27-2015, 11:44 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by 954Stealth View Post
I once bought a house in San Diego and my wife thought something was watching her so I set up some cameras around the house. My wife hired a psychic who recommended a demonologist due to what was following her around. Poor Katie

The cameras I set up caught some flickering lights, doors moving and then Katie just walking around being all weird. Like standing and staring at the wall and shit. Maybe she just wanted some milk or maybe she was possessed by ghosts. Probably not milk.

One day I brought home a Ouija board just to piss her off. So we left to go to Applebee's for 1/2 priced appetizer day and a planter burned up. I don't know if it was ghosts or because I hid my cigarettes in the plant. probably ghosts.

Anyway, to make a long story short Katie got all Hulk on me and broke my camera. I ended up leaving that crazy bitch.
lmao xD
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      03-27-2015, 12:04 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
PCP used to be very pure back in the day...
There's meth nowadays
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      03-27-2015, 12:10 PM   #28
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Let me preface these stories by saying that I still do not believe in ghosts. As far as I'm concerned these are events for which I have no explanation.

I live close to one of the most allegedly haunted places in America (Chapel of the Cross in Madison, MS). It's an old church with Gothic architecture and a nearby cemetery. We used to take girls there in high school to try to scare them, drink some beer, get some action, whatever. One night we were running our racket on this couple of girls and sitting on the steps of the church telling stories to get them worked up. We started hearing strange noises from inside the doors, and then the creepiest feeling came over my entire body. It felt like someone freezing cold was hugging me from behind. Nobody else described feeling this sensation. After about 10 seconds it went away and we got the hell out of there.

Fast-forward to my first job out of college. I was working as a community outreach organizer in Mississippi State Hospital, a severely underfunded and understaffed psychiatric facility. The creep factor was immense. I'm talking withering red-brick buildings with rusty bars on the windows and shit. It's basically straight out of the 40's because the funding is so poor.

Anywho, all kinds of creepy goings-on all the time in that place. People complaining constantly about sheets being ripped off them in the middle of the night, lightbulbs blowing out (we chalked it up to old buildings with shoddy wiring), glass panes breaking inexplicably and of course all manner of noises which shouldn't have been. The strangest thing was that multiple orderlies said that their vision had gone to black and white for a few seconds in one particular hall in one of the buildings. I always felt uneasy going into that building.

And now today. I have a china cabinet with glass display doors and one of those lighting systems where you knock on a part of the door and the light gets brighter as you knock. I always knock to turn off the light before bed, and probably 1/10 mornings I will go down there and the light will be back on. It was my grandfather's cabinet and it only started happening after he passed away. Again, could be something completely explainable but the timing of it all is just odd.

Last edited by PINeely; 03-27-2015 at 12:17 PM..
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      03-27-2015, 01:07 PM   #29
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      03-27-2015, 01:27 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Whostheboss View Post
There's meth nowadays
It thought it was still all about the soapers and bath salts
Originally Posted by Billup View Post
You know you're getting bacon, when you're cooking bacon.
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      03-27-2015, 01:33 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by 954Stealth View Post
It thought it was still all about the soapers and bath salts
Nah, that's old news, it's all about peyote, son. Trip for days.
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      03-27-2015, 01:40 PM   #32

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thanks M/// power Belgium
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      03-27-2015, 01:41 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Billup View Post
Nah, that's old news, it's all about peyote, son. Trip for days.
Originally Posted by Billup View Post
You know you're getting bacon, when you're cooking bacon.
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      03-27-2015, 03:21 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by angryshortbloke View Post
A few months later towards the end of a weird and somewhat hard to explain dream, I woke up in Sleep Paralysis (which every culture has a different explanation for), and I know I was awake because of was aware of everything going on in my room, when suddenly I felt a very heavy weight on my back. After that came punches, as if something was sitting on me and throwing blows at my back. I eventually shook myself awake and went to work three hours early just so I wouldn't have to be in my room. After about two days, I had started to pass it off as just a really vivid dream, when I noticed in the mirror bruises on my back. [/INDENT]
I always have sleep paralysis. I had one this morning around 3-4 am!
They used to scare me because you start to freak out and hallucinate.
Just wiggle your toe and you'll wake up.
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      03-27-2015, 03:47 PM   #35
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Sleep paralysis occurs because your brain chemically shuts off some of your motor neurons during REM sleep. This is so that you don't act out your dreams, ie getting up and running around the room while you are asleep. Sometimes your brain just wakes up before these motor neurons are reactivated so you feel paralyzed.
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      03-27-2015, 04:05 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by PINeely View Post
Sleep paralysis occurs because your brain chemically shuts off some of your motor neurons during REM sleep. This is so that you don't act out your dreams, ie getting up and running around the room while you are asleep. Sometimes your brain just wakes up before these motor neurons are reactivated so you feel paralyzed.
So do I have a problem if it occurs frequently?
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      03-27-2015, 04:17 PM   #37
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There is a thread about this. A lengthly one at that. Kind of translucent looking, humanoid shape, mainly appears at night and in random photos as an "apparition". Right up the OPs ally.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      03-27-2015, 04:19 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by MG 228i View Post
So do I have a problem if it occurs frequently?
Haha, no. If anything it means that your brain works more quickly than others. The shutoff is chemical. Your brain secretes a neurotransmitter called GABA which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter (incidentally this is why alcohol makes you make poor choices, because it blocks the receptors that GABA normally occupy, thus reducing its inhibitory effect). Until that neurotransmitter leaves the synapse between your motor neurons you won't be able to move, simple as that. So if sleep paralysis is common for you, it likely means that your frontal lobe (higher thinking) wakes up before all of the GABA is gone.
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      03-28-2015, 12:44 PM   #39

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When I was 17, a friend of mine and I brought a couple of girls out on a double date. By double date, I mean getting some beer at a 7-11 and taking them off to an abandoned lace mill to hang out. My friend and I go to pay some guys that were getting us the beer and start heading back to the girls. Some guy is there talking to them and I see that the one with me is getting agitated. I hurry up to see what's going on, and this guy starts with "In the name of JC I loose the spirit of satan over you...etc"

And this girls starts FREAKING OUT - flailing, screaming "F*CK YOU G*D," throwing up, the works. Eventually, she passes out. My friend, his girl and I are nervously glancing at each other like "holy shit, this bitch is fucking crazy..."

I ask "what do we do now?" and my pal goes "she's with you, dude - we'll be at the lace mill" and they fuck off with the beer.

So here I am stuck holding the bag. I found a stick and kind of poked her (as gently as you can with a stick) to wake her up, took her home and went about finding another girlfriend.

Here was the look on my face the entire way back to her house:
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      03-29-2015, 01:09 PM   #40

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I do believe in them, and here's my experiences...

When I was about 10, I lived in Taiwan, and my aunt found a cheap studio apartment across from a cemetery. In Taiwanese culture, we have a tradition where a temple opens the gates of a temple (Wiki explains best), and during this month, all sorts of strange things happened, especially at my aunt's apartment: The intercom/buzzer would ring randomly throughout the day, but the camera would not show that anybody is there: Keep in mind the lens had a fairly wide angle so you can see if someone was hiding, not to mention the intercom sequence is having to punch in a 6-digit number and you'd have to press and hold the button to have it ring, and it would keep ringing even when we're looking right at the intercom monitor... Also lights would flicker, I'd come over and a bowl is broken, and the most weirdest of all: At night, I still have never saw a dog do this: She stared out the porch towards the cemetery, her eyes were wide open, and her tail would stick straight up (when it usually curls towards her back) and wag to about a 45° angle left to the side and hold, then about 2 seconds later, to the right, and make a quieter-than-usual drawn-out bark (it wasn't quite a howl, growl, and it wasn't the usual loud and short bark dogs do; hard to explain), and I'd see a purplish glow.

Fast forward to about 12 and back in the US: In my dad's house I never bothered to redecorate my room yet, and there was a painting of a ram glued to the wall (which I later found out was used to hide a hole he punched in the wall when my diagnosed-antisocial mom pissed him off)... Anyway, I wake up for something routine (bathroom or water, I forgot), and I see its eyes glowing green in the dark. I panic and try to turn on the light, which was a fluorescent fixture that used a glow-type lamp starter instead of an instant-on ballast or even electronic starter. This time, it took 5-6 seconds just to warm up, and the flickering is more slower and pronounced and took almost 4 seconds (when usually it warms up for half a second at the most and is on within 2 seconds). When the light eventually came on, the whole side of the closet wall had all these quarter-inch black dots, and they disappeared one by one. Needless to say, that ram was covered up by a poster of an E46 M3 and bought an electronic starter that weekend.
Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
NEFARIOUS would totally rock the dreads if he could.
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