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      03-19-2008, 08:09 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by E82tt6 View Post
Steve Millen is a world class driver in general. Just because he used to do testing for Nissan, doesn't mean he can't drive a Turbo or Z06.
no one is questioning his driving ability, what makes it unfair comparison is the fact that he is much more aware of what the Nissan is capable of then the other two and will drive it differently then the Z06 or the 911. The same argument would apply if they used a GM or Porsche driver to test all three. Bottom line, they brought a Nissan "ringer" to test the cars, so people should not be surprised the Nissan performed at a level which is above what we've been seeing. The driver they used should have been independent and had NO connection to any of the carmakers involved. By doing so they have brought the integrity of the test into question.
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      03-19-2008, 09:11 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997 View Post
Now who's badge dissing?

If you didn't care about badges you wouldn't have bought BMW. If you could afford something more, you would've gotten it. It's just that BMW is the best badge you could afford.

I notice you didn't answer my question about a higher performing Hyundai. I think we both know why you skipped over it.

Get over yourself. We get it, you can afford a Porsche.


The GTR is a very special car, especially considering the sticker price. Nothing but respect for this car, just wish the exterior was more appealing.
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      03-19-2008, 09:44 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997 View Post
That wasn't the point Bill Preston, if you feel insecure because I own a better car than you, that's not my fault.

My point was that "badge" means a LOT, otherwise why didn't you guys just buy a souped up Civic?
Nowhere did I imply any insecurities. I'm a young guy and extremely proud of what I own. Someone will always have more expensive toys than I, but your attitude was so negative I couldn't bite my lip.

That you can assume all car drivers purchase a car because of the 'badge' is just ridiculous. The fact that you 'don't care' about the GTR because its a Nissan is also ridiculous.

I don't really know how to answer the Civic question you are asking, but I will try. I think I speak for a vast majority of people here when I say that I got the 335 because of the strong engine, good looks, crisp handling, and high tuning potential. A souped-up Civic does not offer those things.
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      03-19-2008, 09:59 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Loyalist View Post
This GTR isn't some Civic that's pushin 500 to the wheels. It's a masterpiece of engineering, almost as much and arguably moreso than any P-car on the market at the moment. The technology it posesses is remarkable. Don't dismiss it because of the badge please.

Originally Posted by Bimmer Loyalist View Post
Badges don't get in the way of my enthusiasm for cars.
+2....Thanks for not being a badge Wh0re! There should be more BMW drivers like you.
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      03-19-2008, 10:11 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997 View Post
No dice there either bill.

A Mugen modded Civic has all of those things, and I've seen ones with 800 hp after mods, you couldn't mod that out of a 335i even if BMW themselves were helping you.

No matter how much you try to dance around the topic, part of your decision to buy a 335i was because it was BMW. Any other answer is just dishonesty.
Give me a break man. You're arguing for the sake of arguing.

I knew the second I mentioned 'tuning potential' you would blow it completely out of proportion...

I'm done feeding the troll
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      03-19-2008, 10:14 PM   #28
bubbletea 4 me
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and u bought a porche just cuz it's a porche? not cuz it's a real driver's car. so u r just a badge whore??

I don't get your logic. u think u have a p-car so u are above everyone else.. even thought the GTR is an engineering master piece - u bash it cuz it's a Nissan? lol.. then u should know p-cars are just a real expensive, souped up VW bug (read some history and u'll see the relation).
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      03-19-2008, 10:16 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by billspreston View Post
...Someone will always have more expensive toys than I, but your attitude was so negative I couldn't bite my lip...

GTR has a great reputation and history behind it and its performances are a proven fact. I just don't see how can it be an overprice nissan, when it perform so similiar to the porsche with almost half the price tag. There is no doubt that porsche makes great car, but just because of that u can't disregard other cars. Its kinda like saying because i have a 335 so the evo is just an over price mitsubishi. Even though the 335 perform very similiar compare to the evo and the evo maybe alittle cheaper. Also if you don't have anything positive to say, u can always don't say anything. If you really don't care like you said before, why keep responding to this thread???
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      03-19-2008, 10:27 PM   #30
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because he can't hide his "insecurity" - his almighty p-car gotten beat by a "Nissan" :/

i can assure you that many current 335i driver wouldn't give a shit about a bmw if it weren't for the tt engine. I'm a great example. other than the M cars, none of bme cars ever give me much desire to own. 325, 328, and 330 were nice cars but not real "emotional" cars.. only BMW M cars stir emotion because of its true performance, but now a 335 delivers similar performance for slightly less money (and the modding potential is a huge reason too)

true car lovers won't love a car just cuz it's a "bmw" or porche or Merc... badge whores do that. true car lovers love it cuz it's worth loving (be it styling, performance, or whatever that stirs one's emotion) - badge is not everything.
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      03-19-2008, 10:36 PM   #31
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bmw m cars stir emotion cuz it's performance, not cuz it's a M.. my god. u just want to keep on arguing. just admit your insecurity.

if a honda civic performs like a bmw M, then i had drive that. it's not about the badge, it's about how well a car is made.
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      03-19-2008, 10:44 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997 View Post
...I highly doubt any of you could afford the GTR anyway....

Most 335i end up 55+ grand... I am sure most of us are more then able to collect another 20 grand if want to. YOu think pple get a 50 grand car because they only have 50 grand? Please stop making you self look like a fool that drive a porsche. More over, All you want us to know is that you are "Rich", and if you are REALLY THAT rich you should be driving a F430 or Veryon and not only a Porsche. There is only one thing u said right in the whole thread, that is you are done with this thread but that should have happen long time ago.
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      03-19-2008, 10:48 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997
Now who's badge dissing?

If you didn't care about badges you wouldn't have bought BMW. If you could afford something more, you would've gotten it. It's just that BMW is the best badge you could afford.

I notice you didn't answer my question about a higher performing Hyundai. I think we both know why you skipped over it.
Are you kidding me? I just used a modded up Civic as an example because that's the generic vehicle that one normally uses in reference to $5k rockets. In fact, my last car WAS a Civic. So your points against me are null and void. Good job.

Originally Posted by porscheboy997
no matter how much you try to dance around the topic, part of your decision to buy a 335i was because it was BMW. Any other answer is just dishonesty.
Man, I must be one dishonest guy. I mean why else would I have picked a 335i? Oh, not because it's the car that has the overall best package in its class. Why didn't I go with the C-class? I'm pretty sure that the Benz badge carries more cache than the roundel. I bought my car because the engine is flexible and highly capable, because the chassis makes me push it every day, and because I enjoy its styling and spartan interior. Your logic puzzles me.

Originally Posted by porscheboy997
Wow, a bunch of hypocrites. I'm done with this thread.
Bye bye then.
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      03-19-2008, 11:00 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by bubbletea 4 me View Post
because he can't hide his "insecurity" - his almighty p-car gotten beat by a "Nissan" :/

i can assure you that many current 335i driver wouldn't give a shit about a bmw if it weren't for the tt engine. I'm a great example. other than the M cars, none of bme cars ever give me much desire to own. 325, 328, and 330 were nice cars but not real "emotional" cars.. only BMW M cars stir emotion because of its true performance, but now a 335 delivers similar performance for slightly less money (and the modding potential is a huge reason too)

true car lovers won't love a car just cuz it's a "bmw" or porche or Merc... badge whores do that. true car lovers love it cuz it's worth loving (be it styling, performance, or whatever that stirs one's emotion) - badge is not everything.
It's true you can't love all Ferraris just because they are a Ferrari, look at the Ferrari 400. It looks like a Buick IMO.
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      03-19-2008, 11:01 PM   #35
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I don't know if this horse is lovable... The badge doesn't make it awesome.
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      03-19-2008, 11:09 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997 View Post
Yeah this bickering is stupid, I should've just ignored the fanboys and went on my way.

I do agree that part of what you pay for with the 997TT is that you might see one once in about 3-6 months.

When I'm in my 335i I see at least twenty on my way to the office and some of them wave to me. It's ridiculous.
Am I one of the fanboys? jk jk let the arguing stop.
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      03-19-2008, 11:19 PM   #37
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No probs man. We all get like that sometimes.
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      03-19-2008, 11:27 PM   #38
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I have heard you cannot tune the GTRs.....any truth to this?

To Porscheboy997..... The 997TT is the end of the rear engine platform, no room to go. The best Porsche today is the Cayman....I just hope they put in a hot motor....this is where the 911 needs to go if they want to compete against the Vettes and GTRs.
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      03-19-2008, 11:39 PM   #39
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I know, right?
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      03-20-2008, 12:28 AM   #40
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As much as I want to like the GTR, I feel like the car is cheating on the track. The computer is far too critical to it's success and AWD as well as front engined seems so wrong on a sports car. Give me a cheaper, slower car that doesn't have any electronics on it to speak of (save ABS) any day of the week. (I'm thinking Exige) Purity 4tw.
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
shit, if i had that kind of money id buy a gtstreet for monday, an ascari a10 for tuesday, a DBS for wednesday and id just ride jessica alba the rest of the week.
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      03-20-2008, 02:31 AM   #41
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Ahh... the pleasures of 111 mph limiters and no possible way to tune engine components

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      03-20-2008, 02:58 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by porscheboy997 View Post
I buy Porsche because I like it and I can afford it. Why other reason do I need?

I don't like Nissans. Deal with it or don't. I just stated my opinion, if you don't agree, then don't.

I highly doubt any of you could afford the GTR anyway, so why get pissy?

Wow... Your effrontery is exceeded only by your behindery. You are a presumptuous snob.
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      03-20-2008, 02:34 PM   #43
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      03-20-2008, 04:53 PM   #44
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Well, you DID sound snobbish back there porscheboy, so don't YOU get pissy when people call you up on it.

Besides, since you are apparently an investment banker, you should know that people who have REAL money are the last ones to admit it publicly.
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