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      01-15-2009, 02:08 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by encee View Post
Mate, I have a Superchips re-map on my 330d, which was done by Ant at Speedreligion, who provides great service.

The map honestly is fantastic, and the car is pretty special now.
Speedreligion is tempting as its local compared to Evolve - do you mind me asking how much did you pay and what bhp did you get (or PM me) ?

Would also really like a go in a mapped 330d to compare....if anybody fancies showing off ?
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      01-15-2009, 08:50 AM   #24
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This is a bit of a weird pop up for a first post, but this thread is going in a handy direction for me.

I wanted to use Speedreligion for my 335D - and go for their stage 2 tune which just includes an exhaust as well.

No reply to emails or PM's yet so I am a little dissapointed, I dont doubt for a second its because Ant is somewhere else and therefore unavailable but I was really keen and have now been put off a bit.

I dont wanna use Evolve etc because they are nowhere near local, and inevitably I will have to have the car re-remapped at some point because the dealer will surely wipe me during a service sooner or later.

Anyway, the other option I have locally is a bloke who works for ChippedUK.

However it now seems ChippedUK have a 50/50 sort of reputation where some people say they are so truly bad that cars are being destrroyed, others saying that they are perfectly ok.

It seems us up in the North have limited options - I could drive to DMS or Evolve but I just dont wanna to be honest and then of course there are the aftersales implications I have touched upon.

Warranty, value and service are all important to me, but I just dont feel I have many options!!!

Sounds like this thread starter is similar geographically to me if he is interested in Speedreligion, hence me joining in now....

I wonder if anyone can advise us lot up North?

Remember - from a personal point of view I dont want another thread about who is quickest or claiming best figures, in reality I just want to know the options I have up here so I can contact each and make a decision based on my own research.

It seems to me that everyone is going to claim a good sounding figure and then underline it with a sort of disclaimer saying 'others can get more but we want to be safe' etc

The fact is the 335D is already quite a weapon, remapped its a giant killing axe of +2 Porsche Bane... Or something...


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      01-15-2009, 08:54 AM   #25
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Matt, welcome to e90post firstly.

Number two DMS have agents all over the country who can map your car and also when your map is wiped will always have an agent close by within a week or so and you could meet them etc.

I have done this myself.

Also thirdly have you actually tried to call Ant at Speed relidgeons?

He does not use the forum that much so will not get PM's for ages.

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      01-15-2009, 08:58 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by RagingKileak View Post
This is a bit of a weird pop up for a first post, but this thread is going in a handy direction for me.

I wanted to use Speedreligion for my 335D - and go for their stage 2 tune which just includes an exhaust as well.

No reply to emails or PM's yet so I am a little dissapointed, I dont doubt for a second its because Ant is somewhere else and therefore unavailable but I was really keen and have now been put off a bit.

I dont wanna use Evolve etc because they are nowhere near local, and inevitably I will have to have the car re-remapped at some point because the dealer will surely wipe me during a service sooner or later.

Anyway, the other option I have locally is a bloke who works for ChippedUK.

However it now seems ChippedUK have a 50/50 sort of reputation where some people say they are so truly bad that cars are being destrroyed, others saying that they are perfectly ok.

It seems us up in the North have limited options - I could drive to DMS or Evolve but I just dont wanna to be honest and then of course there are the aftersales implications I have touched upon.

Warranty, value and service are all important to me, but I just dont feel I have many options!!!

Sounds like this thread starter is similar geographically to me if he is interested in Speedreligion, hence me joining in now....

I wonder if anyone can advise us lot up North?

Remember - from a personal point of view I dont want another thread about who is quickest or claiming best figures, in reality I just want to know the options I have up here so I can contact each and make a decision based on my own research.

It seems to me that everyone is going to claim a good sounding figure and then underline it with a sort of disclaimer saying 'others can get more but we want to be safe' etc

The fact is the 335D is already quite a weapon, remapped its a giant killing axe of +2 Porsche Bane... Or something...



Give Ant a little time - believe me the results are worth the wait. He doesn't sit on this forum much as he's so busy, so the best thing is to actually call Speedreligion.net on 01925 850796

And avoid ChippedUK at all costs... I've only ever seen damaged cars from them (as in completely and utterly blown up engines) as historically they've removed all safety parameters from the engine and just gone chasing big numbers... The result? Sure, the engine makes big power gains... then goes BANG later as it self-destructs!!!

I'll give you an example - previous generation 2.0d engine at 150bhp. All the respectable tuners were going to 175-185 bhp with that engine from a remap alone, maintaing drivability and reliability. Very few, if any at all, went wrong due to the increased power. On speaking to ChippedUK, I was told "we'll make it 225bhp no problem, and might even get 230bhp depending how hard we push it". On asking them of it's continued reliability, "sure there's no problem.. trust us"

Um... are they having a laugh?!!!
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      01-15-2009, 09:01 AM   #27

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Originally Posted by E92Fan View Post
And avoid ChippedUK at all costs... I've only ever seen damaged cars from them
Very good advice.

You don't say how far up north you are?
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      01-15-2009, 10:29 AM   #28
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I am in Leeds gents.

I actually saw a DMS mobile guy and had a little test drive, I loved it - but the price puts me off a touch.

I realise the warranty is a big thing, and I once had a Wolf Racing WR330 Focus ST - I went for Wolf because of the warranty but in truth it was probably a little OTT - people soon saw similar power for much less money and I felt a little silly. Dont get me wrong, I am a horses for courses kinda guy - but I think in hindsight I could have had more for less, if you see what I mean.

The Speedreligion situation reminds me of that. I can get an exhaust and remap for give or take the same as a DMS map - I totally understand people getting DMS maps, and I will never, ever partake in a remap slanging match because I have been there and done that - but I feel for me I want a reputable seller, but I dont want to pay for it - credit crunch and all that lol.

Anyway, I was also once employed gainfully as a games reviewer - I was hoping to find someone who apparently has less exposure than other companies and then I could write them up a review and get some word around, for more discount possibly - hehe!!!

I even have a professional photographer who works in the same place as me, we wanted to meet Ant at the upcoming track day and take some pics, do a full before and after review etc.

I feel that would save a lot of the usual 'rolling road says what' type discussions and also with some pics to introduce my car to your good selves.

PS thanks for the welcome.

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      01-15-2009, 11:34 AM   #29
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Matt, how much exactly were you quoted from DMS.

Some of have been with DMS for quite a while. Can put in a good word for you.
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      01-15-2009, 11:37 AM   #30
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Okay, for the guys asking about SpeedReligion (TMP and RagingKileak ?), firstly, if you have had no contact by PM, from Ant, that will be because, as others have mentioned, he doesn`t spend too much time on here. As Tony (E92fan) suggested, just give him a ring at his premises in Warrington.

I have dealt with Ant now on two occasions, ie "dealt with", as in buying his products, and I cannot praise him highly enough. The bloke is a true gent.

If he hasn`t replied to PM`s and emails, etc, there will be a good reason.......!

Secondly, the re-map he provides (stage 1) for the 330d, doesn`t make any spellbinding claims, ie: the map takes BHP up to approx 275BHP, and the torque figure to approx 430lbs ft. Nothing to write home about, figures-wise, certainly compared to some I`ve seen on the `net, but nice and safe, and nothing too stressful on all the other components involved.

What I can tell you is that if you forget the figures for a minute, and let the old "arse-dyno" do the talking, eg: what you feel from the driving seat, you will find that the engine is much more responsive, whilst still remaining smooth and driveable. I would describe it as feeling identical to the standard 330d map in the way that it delivers the power, with just much more of the same....................it just does it better, simple-as !

All I will warn you about, not sure if I`ve mentioned it on this thread already without re-reading, is that I`ve had a definite decrease in MPG, of approx 4MPG. Again, nothing to write home about, and could be down to nothing more than the headlamps and aircon/heater being on 95% of the time, due to the weather being fecking rubbish ! (Then again, it is winter...)

But there you go, in summary:- SpeedReligion; excellent to do business with, and their 330d Superchips re-map...........the mutts-nutts !
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      01-15-2009, 11:42 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by TMP View Post
Speedreligion is tempting as its local compared to Evolve - do you mind me asking how much did you pay and what bhp did you get (or PM me) ?

Would also really like a go in a mapped 330d to compare....if anybody fancies showing off ?

TMP: Was that you, by chance, behind me on the East Lancs a couple of nights ago, around 9.15PM ?

I only ask, because it was a silver/grey E90 M-Sport, which yours appears to be from your avatar ? We parted company at Haydock Island.
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      01-15-2009, 11:54 AM   #32
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lol Encee - come on now, read my posts!!

I have already credited Ant with no doubt being unable to respond to PM's and Email for some very good reason and I have most certainly made my point regards how little I care for Dyno's and the like.

I hate Remap vs Remap threads - they are the height of tedium.

Its a lot like the age old PS3 vs 360 argument... oh no actually, the 360 pi$$es on the PS3 lol...

Its a lot like the age old Mega Drive vs SNES argument - there really is no way to choose a winner, so just buy both... oh yeah. You cant have two remaps at once.... hmm.

OK so its not like that, but the bottom line is its down to choice... Ant hasnt lost brownie points for not answering, he has merely lost the momentum I had when I emailed him last week - had he said yes then, he would have been £1000 happier on Friday afternoon.

I have no real strong opinions about anyone yet with regards to remaps.

I like DMS but they are dear (To answer you DXB they quoted £850)
I was sceptical about Chipped UK and still am - seemingly for good reason.
EMAPs seem fine...
Evolve seem fine...
Superchips seem fine...
Speedreligion are selling Superchips map and it happens they have an exhaust package I want too - hence they are leading the chase even though they dont know it and have not yet answered - amusing really!!!

Anyway, enough digression - I think I replied just to tell DXB how much DMS quoted, because if they suddenly wanna charge me £500 then things change immediately - such is life!!!

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      01-15-2009, 01:38 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by encee View Post
TMP: Was that you, by chance, behind me on the East Lancs a couple of nights ago, around 9.15PM ?

I only ask, because it was a silver/grey E90 M-Sport, which yours appears to be from your avatar ? We parted company at Haydock Island.
Hey, sorry mate I was down in London Mon/Tues. Plus, I am Manchester side of Cheshire - take it you are more Merseyside? My car is indeed a E90 TiAg M-Sport though

Thanks for the write up on the Speedreligion map, your are right, the 'arse dyno' () is made happy by any good remap, as opposed to bragging about a few more BHP here or there on a thread!
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      01-15-2009, 02:01 PM   #34
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Mate, I did read your post, and I would suggest you re-read mine again !!

You clearly expressed some concern about the fact that Ant had not got back to you, as, indeed, you do again in the post above. I merely tried to allay your concerns by relating my positive experience with Speedreligion ?

You also mentioned the fact that choice in the North is limited, and again, in the same vein, I merely posted in respect of Speedreligion, purely because I have had good service from them, and as such, they were a reputable, viable alternative for the North. I just thought I was helping you here ?

Lastly, I mentioned the quoted figures I`d had from the tune (Superchips figures), again to demonstrate that Superchips weren`t necessarily striving for high figures, but rather a smooth, driveable map. I certainly wasn`t engaging in some sort of tuner-discrediting; a. because I wouldn`t anyway, these guys are just making a living like the rest of us, and b. I haven`t any experience of anyone else`s remap on a BMW, and am therefore not qualified to comment on anyone else`s map ?

I apologise if I have got you wrong here, but you don`t appear to have picked up on the help I was trying to give ?
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      01-15-2009, 02:08 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by TMP View Post
Hey, sorry mate I was down in London Mon/Tues. Plus, I am Manchester side of Cheshire - take it you are more Merseyside? My car is indeed a E90 TiAg M-Sport though

Thanks for the write up on the Speedreligion map, your are right, the 'arse dyno' () is made happy by any good remap, as opposed to bragging about a few more BHP here or there on a thread!

Nice one TMP; it would seem that at least YOU interpreted my post in the spirit it was intended !

Thanks for the reply mate.
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      01-16-2009, 05:38 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by encee View Post
Mate, I have a Superchips re-map on my 330d, which was done by Ant at Speedreligion, who provides great service.

The map honestly is fantastic, and the car is pretty special now.

The only downside that I noticed immediately was the INCREASE in fuel consumption, which I`m a bit disappointed in, as everyone else seems to experience gains in their mpg........not a reduction !??

My mpg has probably dropped by about 4mpg, quite a lot really, so that`s not great.

Other than that though, the power delivery is fantastic, and just as I would have wanted.

I must admit though, I remain VERY curious about what Imran and the lads at Evolve can do, as somebody else on here (Mob, I think ?), has had a re-map done by them, and the figures are phenomenal.

I might get the map re-done, by Evolve, maybe in about 12 months, for the price it costs....................we`ll see.
i had the same map by the same people as you have & was very happy with it,but yesterday i went to evolve for a remap & it is amazing changed the car totaly much more usable &more power by far the best !!
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      01-16-2009, 05:44 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by virtuoso View Post
i had the same map by the same people as you have & was very happy with it,but yesterday i went to evolve for a remap & it is amazing changed the car totaly much more usable &more power by far the best !!
LOL! Virtuoso, don`t do this to me mate; I can already feel the "Evolve net" drawing me in..........!
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      01-17-2009, 08:16 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by virtuoso View Post
i had the same map by the same people as you have & was very happy with it,but yesterday i went to evolve for a remap & it is amazing changed the car totaly much more usable &more power by far the best !!
Can the two maps be that different, i mean isnt there only 10bhp between them
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      01-17-2009, 09:39 AM   #39
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Ive just been on the chipped uk site, and the st3 system seems interesting?.
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      01-18-2009, 05:59 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by TMP View Post
Can the two maps be that different, i mean isnt there only 10bhp between them
when you look at the numbers they dont look that different but its whats in the box,before my power was a bit like pinging a rubber band wait wait then bang,it was never on the button more midrange but now its on the button & smoking my tyres like never before i love it hail evolve !!! you only have look at the before & after dyno results to see how great this map is,its exsplosive
smoth & very usable.now i need to fit the LSD to really make the most of my car & tyres !!
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