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      02-25-2010, 01:18 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Sniz View Post
glad someone posted this, I see an astonishingly small amount of data posted on JB3 tuning info. Its almost like the users dont care what boost levels they run, they just want the highest mph in the 1/4 regardless of how (obviously stereotying here).

so map 5 is a 15-16psi tune, hmmm higher than I thought.

what does map 7 hit? I thought I saw hotrod post 17 to almost 18psi on map 7 once.
mine was between 13.5 and 14.5 sustained on map 5 on my other datalogs.
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Last edited by FotiosF90M5; 02-28-2010 at 12:29 PM..
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      02-28-2010, 08:01 AM   #24
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8.5 psi on stock e92 w/rix vent gauge
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      02-28-2010, 08:24 AM   #25
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it's not a bad thing to use the peak recall button if you want to see your peak boost... but most tuners don't advertise the peaks, they advertise the sustained peak...

A tiny spike will register on the gauge... we let it all hang out. The moment we start hiding peaks or modifying the readout, we loose the point of being the most DEAD-ON freaking accurate digital boost gauge most people will ever see. We show you the pressure in your manifold, whether you like it or not!

Some of the reason our gauge is different is because we don't use a MAP sensor or a slow pressure transducer like other digital gauges... those sensors are slow to respond and have margins of error.

In the P3 vent gauge we use a highly sensitive peizo-electric sensor, it is temperature compensated and extremely fast... the sensor itself is over 20% of the cost of the entire gauge.

just keep in mind, jb3 logs are showing PRE-boost, which is the intercooler pipe pressure before the throttle... the RiX/P3 gauge will show you "REAL" boost (what is in the intake manifold).... either way there is a good way to do a boost check run... I suggest the following:

3rd gear, 2000rpm , ease into WOT (no kickdown), let it run up to 6000rpm and then ease out of the gas....

When I check my peak recall after a run like that, it is the same EVERY time.
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      02-28-2010, 11:44 AM   #26
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All mine are spike peeks no data logs. I still have no idea how my peek on map 0 is over10psi but all my other spikes seem normal for ̃he other maps. ??

Dropbox - please
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      02-28-2010, 03:14 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by chinoxs203 View Post
All mine are spike peeks no data logs. I still have no idea how my peek on map 0 is over10psi but all my other spikes seem normal for ̃he other maps. ??
The stock boost control program is actually more prone to spiking... there are a few reasons why.

The stock boost control system allows for up to 2-3psi spikes during shifts, especially on automatics... also, the hotter it get's outside, the more "peaky" your boost will be... because the turbos are working harder to hit those pressure targets with the less dense air... more inertia of the turbo... higher spike.

Because you are already boosting 14-15psi with the jb3, a spike/peak is harder to see in the manifold simply because the turbos would have to push more air... not to mention, the jb3 maps employ some tapering of the boost before shifts, preventing some of these spikes.

When you are boosting only 8psi, the turbos are more prone to spiking because they have a lot of headroom left... you see this on shifts because you are shoving the same amount of air into an engine that all the sudden dropped by 3000rpms, pushing less air out, takes a split second to correct. And the stock boost control program allows for these spikes because they add to the "no lag" feeling, and they are quick enough to not do any damage.

None of this really matters, as it is not harmful to the engine, but it explains some of the difference in peaks you may see.

You can really see this in action if you log manifold boost.... all the logs you see around here are "pre-boost", or the t-map sensor. Even doing something as simply as video taping your boost gauge while driving around can show you a lot about how and when the engine sees boost spikes.

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      03-01-2010, 09:58 AM   #28
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Thanks for the responses. My 15.2 peak/hold was on a 2000-6000 rpm 3rd gear run, FWIW.
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      03-01-2010, 10:42 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Sniz View Post
glad someone posted this, I see an astonishingly small amount of data posted on JB3 tuning info. Its almost like the users dont care what boost levels they run, they just want the highest mph in the 1/4 regardless of how (obviously stereotying here).

so map 5 is a 15-16psi tune, hmmm higher than I thought.

what does map 7 hit? I thought I saw hotrod post 17 to almost 18psi on map 7 once.
Depending on the month he was also running a non-standard Jb3... aka 180hm which would increase boost and reduce boost taper so hes not in the realm of a normal JB3 user. Just some food for thought.
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      03-01-2010, 10:45 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by primetim View Post
Make 2.0 work with the BMS gauge please
There is a DIY on N54tech on how to make it work.

In essence you buy a cable, and it splits the 2.0 and the gauge to make it work.

Let me see if I can get it for you.

Originally Posted by yandyr View Post
Got my BMS Tuning Gauge to work successfully today, I've missed being able to see boost and IATs. I did logging, making changes with the laptop, while monitoring my boost, IATs in the gauge.. not all at the same time

It's really simple all you need is one of these:

And I got it from here:


And a couple of these at least, 4 is ideal:

Get them here

Works like a charm! Again only for viewing, you can't make any changes.. but that's good enough for me..
r: :drinking:
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      03-13-2010, 07:54 AM   #31
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Just wanted to bump this since the weather is getting better. I am consistently hitting 15.2-15.6 for peak/hold.
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