Originally Posted by Mr Tonka
Mark, call Verizon and tell them what countries you're going to. I'm pretty sure most of the EU support their travel pass program. Then you'll call their Intl. department and sign up for "Travel Pass" You pay them $10/day and you can use your phone, on your plan, as if you were home. It basically enables your phone to work in any country that supports the travel pass. They will send you an email explaining everything including dialing instructions for the country you're in. It stays dormant and charge free until your phone is detected on a foreign network. Once detected, you get the $10 charge for every day your phone is detected in such network.
It was seamless on the last two trips to Spain/France and Barbados.
No need to change sim in that scenario.
Thanks, but $10/day for a 10 day trip would have been $100 at least. Twice that if they charge per phone. The sims were 15BP each, so about $40 for the trip. The Verizon thing would be useful if we ever travel to several different countries on one trip.