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      06-04-2008, 11:12 AM   #45
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I do plan to do some work today but I wanted to post this tidbit of info before I left. A phone call or two today to the Port of San Diego revealed that the dates they post come from the ships agent. This person works for the shipping company but is at the port and in communication with the ship. So one could assume that at the time, that date (currently 6-18) should be accurate. Changes in this date are mostly due to weather and/or mechanical problems.
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      06-04-2008, 11:26 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by fthrower View Post
I do plan to do some work today but I wanted to post this tidbit of info before I left. A phone call or two today...
You called San Diego Port?

I'll bet it wasn't the first time they have received a phone call like that! Did you happen to find out who owns/manages the Maersk Welkin? I am having no luck trying to find it on any of the shipping lines sites. Just trying a new angle of finding our ship.

Have a great day!

P. S. Wait until my husband sees your post! and he thought I was OCD!
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-04-2008, 11:26 PM   #47
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OK fthrower, my husband got a good chuckle outta your post. He is convinced that we are ALL a bit OCD about our cars. (Did I mention that he doesn't understand my preoccupation of cars? Ok, ok... didn't want to bring out the big guns but we just bought a Prius for him, does that help?)

Did you happen to get any more on the Maersk Welkin? The San Diego vessel schedule says that VWT is the owner. I have no clue who that is, looked all over Google too.

Let me know

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-04-2008, 11:36 PM   #48

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Thanks for the kind words on the Independence thread...I honestly feel real bad that our boat updates every three hours and yours hasnt radioed in coordinates in months.. Maybe you will be pleasantly suprised at the end when it just shows up at port early. Heres to getting your car fast and driving it faster
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      06-04-2008, 11:57 PM   #49
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Thanks Eddie, keep your fingers crossed for our poor old ghost ship! I do find both you guys entertaining and live vicariously through you. Good luck with your new cars (>>>envious<<<) that will be here sooner than ours!
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-05-2008, 12:33 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by LesLazz View Post
Did you happen to get any more on the Maersk Welkin? The San Diego vessel schedule says that VWT is the owner. I have no clue who that is, looked all over Google too.

Let me know

I always thought Maersk Welkin was just owned by Maersk Shipping Lines.
5-2-08 e93-35 ED Montego w/Jade Grey, Step w/Paddles, PP, SP, CA, hot seats and iPod.Awaing re-delivery soon.

Debadged 330xi ED 11/14/05 Auto/Mystic Blue/Gray leather with Alum/PP/SP/CA/Fold-down rear seats/Alarm. Sold to Carmax on 6/7/08 with 50,624 miles on clock
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      06-05-2008, 01:34 AM   #51
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Leslie - Yes - I spoke to someone at the Port of San Diego that I believe they called a "wharfer". He wasn't a bureaucrat or an administrator - he sounded like someone that actually knew something. He convinced me that the arrival info that they post should be pretty accurate but that it could change day to day. I neglected to ask about ownership.

He did say that 57 bimmers on the ship sustained sheet metal damage when a giant crane arm came loose and swung around with abandon. The carnage only ceased when the arm became wedged between a forklift and a 328 convertible.

Please disregard that last paragraph. I couldn't resist.

My internet search has led me to believe that 216 different companies own the Maersk Welkin (perhaps not quite that many). And then there may be companies that don't own it but use it. Check out this site. I can't get much info from it as to tracking but it clearly shows our ship is used by that company.

(http://www.hoegh.com:80/autoliners/ )

The good news is that there are no hurricanes in the mix yet. I think we can assume that the ship is getting close to the Caribbean.

L - You DID pull out the big guns. Just tell your husband not to poke around under the hood. Those things are like 240 volts and can fry the owner.
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      06-05-2008, 09:19 AM   #52
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Cocktails last night + no coffee yet this morning = Herculian effort to read forums.

What I can glean from your post is that:
I have a new website to wander around in this morning;
I really do have a reason to visit the port schedule sites every day;
My chicken blood worked and now I have to go shopping for a rabbits' foot;
and I don't think there is a chance in hell that Jim even knows (or for that matter - wants to know) how to open the hood on the Prius!

I have also learned that in my poor state this morning, my sense of humor is a little slow to respond or I just don't find you funny... (Just kidding )

I'll go looking around the Hoegh site today, I have been there before just not on that specific page. It would be interesting to find out how many stops this ship has/will make on her journey, and where she goes after Oxnard.

Have a great day guys!
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-05-2008, 09:42 AM   #53
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I was going to ask you about the chicken - I thought maybe you were planning on strangling it.

This may be an interesting day as the Port Hueneme schedule should be updated. Let's hope that, if changed, the date is sooner rather than later.

Sorry about the crane thing.

I noticed on some web site (who knows which one) that vessels negotiating the Panama Canal have to make reservations like 48 hours before they arrive or some such stuff. Anyway, that would seem to imply that even ghost ships may have to actually key their microphones or fire up their iphones or whatever, revealing their location so that we don't have to purchase live chickens. We might even be able to see a map coordinate in, say, three days. Leslie - Do they need to be free range?
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      06-05-2008, 09:55 AM   #54
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No apologies necessary, after all, how were you to know I was going to wake up in this state this morning? I didn't even know!

Port of Hueneme hasn't changed the schedule yet, but bad news, panama canal has... We are still arriving on the 10th but now we aren't scheduled to transit through until the morning of the 12th. Lazy captain, I'll bet he got pushed back because he refused to call anyone and let them know where the ships location is.... AND it STILL isn't booked!

I wonder if that is going to push back the other port dates, I'm thinking maybe I should just stop looking! Instead I will go looking for a free range chicken, maybe that was the problem. I concentrated on no storms yesterday, now I have to concentrate on no more delays. Just keep thinking that today; no more delays, no more delays, no more delays... Oooooommmm. I think I am going to take up yoga

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-05-2008, 06:29 PM   #55
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Good News! The updated Hueneme schedule is out and we are still scheduled for the 20th! Woo Hoooo!

My rabbits foot, voodoo chicken, shamrock, salt, etc... worked! If no one minds, I think I will take full credit for that!

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-05-2008, 10:25 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by LesLazz View Post
Port of Hueneme hasn't changed the schedule yet, but bad news, panama canal has... We are still arriving on the 10th but now we aren't scheduled to transit through until the morning of the 12th.
2-day waiting period is typical for the PC crossing.
5-2-08 e93-35 ED Montego w/Jade Grey, Step w/Paddles, PP, SP, CA, hot seats and iPod.Awaing re-delivery soon.

Debadged 330xi ED 11/14/05 Auto/Mystic Blue/Gray leather with Alum/PP/SP/CA/Fold-down rear seats/Alarm. Sold to Carmax on 6/7/08 with 50,624 miles on clock
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      06-06-2008, 12:07 AM   #57
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Do we get to see video of the ship passing through the PC?
European Delivery on April 28, 2008
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      06-06-2008, 07:42 AM   #58
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So, my car is supposed to be done being buillt on 6/11. How long do you guys think until I take deliver? I'm guessing the second week of July (and I'm in Houston that week, which is going to KILL me)
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      06-06-2008, 08:27 AM   #59
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JDiddy - well lets see, I was through with production on the 17th of May and I am looking at a delivery of about the 27th of June (maybe a couple of days sooner) I don't know how long it takes once your car is dropped off at Port Hueneme to where you are in Texas, but it takes about 3 +/- days to process the car in Oxnard.

You must remember though, I think the Maersk Welkin is probably the S... L... O.... W... E... S... T... ship in the entire fleet of PCCs (pure car carriers - thank you CAL for that pic and info).

RICH - As far as a video for watching the MW going through the Panama Canal, I'm afraid my computer skills fall waaaaay short of that capabillity. And since I haven't seen any pics on this thread, I am not going to hold my breath for it either! But then again, the reason I don't see pics is probably because there is nothing to take pics of. (We have sadistic captain that likes to keep us in suspense!)

Have a great day guys.
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."

Last edited by LesLazz; 06-06-2008 at 11:49 AM.. Reason: We are back on the Panama Canal schedule for the 11th transit, yipee!
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      06-06-2008, 11:41 AM   #60
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JDiddy - You will have to excuse LesLaz. She has been eating lots of live chickens lately. I'm hoping she meant 6-27 (Please Leslie - that's what you meant? right?). Is your vehicle going west of the Mississippi or to Cleveland? If it's Cleveland, we need help from our east coast customers. Most of our efforts have been tracking this d...m ship to California.

The webcam at the canal works. It's just a few frames a second but one shot even displays high resolution. Now the trick is to figure out when to look at it.
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      06-06-2008, 11:49 AM   #61
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oops, my bad fthrower. I have had that mind set since I ordered the stupid thing! Will fix it.
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-06-2008, 12:05 PM   #62
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fthrower - well since we are back on at the Canal for the 11th in the morning and taking into the fact that they are two hours ahead, I think we should take shifts watching out for her. I would guess they start crossing at what, 6:00 am their time? That would be 4:00 our time, you take the first shift, ok? I'll take the shift after you have to go to work. How's that sound?

Thinking again, the a.m. shift could feasibly start at one minute past 12 midnight on the 10th. So, ummm, lets see,.... that would put your shift starting time at 10:01 on the night of the 10th. WOW, thats gonna be one long shift! I'll try to relieve you after my first cup of coffee, that would be around 7:00 am our time. Deal?

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-06-2008, 12:09 PM   #63
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Ha Ha - This is a little scary. I was preparing to write you a very similar post.
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      06-06-2008, 12:11 PM   #64
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Snooze you loose. I guess that means you will be taking that first shift?
If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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      06-06-2008, 12:20 PM   #65
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Well you know I'm there for you - but I think that's when my computer goes in for service and I have friends coming in from out of town and I may have to perform delicate brain surgery during that time slot.
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      06-06-2008, 12:31 PM   #66
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Brain surgery??? Brain Surgery??? Unless it is on you, that is just NO excuse!

Oh, did I mention in my spare time I work for the CIA and that is a critical time frame. We are doing some top secret, hush-hush spying, that I am not allowed to talk about.... suffice to say, I am unavailable for that first loooooong shift.

Maybe you can reschedule?

If he doesn't buy that, tell him (in an assertive but borderline tears voice) "At least you could support me in this one thing. Please don't quell my excitement. Anticipation is half the fun. It wouldn't hurt you to indulge me now and then anyway. If you really loved me, you would support me in this."
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