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      05-02-2019, 11:47 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by NoGuru View Post
Another option for you is to just install an Ethanol sensor that has Bluetooth or Wifi and have an app on your phone tell you how much Ethanol is in the car.
How do those kind of sensors mount, like the one you linked? I thought it was something you attach to the fuel pump or something but it seems they mount in line to your fuel lines?

Also since we on subject of fuel lines, I saw post dating back from 2009 that people were worried about the E85 mixes corroding or destroying fuel lines and things like that.

Has any of that been proven true, except maybe the pre idnex 12 injectors which was rumored ethanol F'ed them up.
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      05-02-2019, 11:51 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by type-dRew View Post
I take notes on how much I fill up with on any given position on the dash whenever I fill up, that way I know how many gallons i'll have to play with when I blend and how much ill need of each.

For example; as soon as my gas light comes on, it takes 13.7 gallons for me. So if I am aiming for a E40 blend, with the 2.2 gallons left in the tank, I know I need about 6.5 gallons of ethanol and the rest gas.

That figure changes slightly if I already have E40 blend in the tank, but the idea is the same. I just subtract the current mix amount out(if gas light is on, i remove the remaining 2.2gals of e40 from my equation) and plan a blend of strictly what I am adding.

This is based off of a full quality 85% ethanol and 10% pump gas availability. But thats normally what my local stuff tests at. So I just fill up and watch the fuel trims for irregularities. I like to wait about 20 miles and do a log so it has time to mix and I can get an idea for the quality that way also.
Ok I'll keep an eye out and measure like that. Although I think pumping out the old fuel when I'm at the drag, from the tank under the seat might not be a bad idea IMO and just you having your E30 mixed in gas can just pour it back in haha.

Or even better, if there is a way to force activate the fuel pump, just disco the fuel line and attach a longer one going into a receptacle?

I think the place that sells it should be true to their testing since it's a Motorsport track compared to a regular gas station.

For the logging I might need a bit if pointers, I know LPFP rating should be always 55 or more. You mentioned fuel trims as well are to look for?
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      05-02-2019, 12:00 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
How do those kind of sensors mount, like the one you linked? I thought it was something you attach to the fuel pump or something but it seems they mount in line to your fuel lines?

Also since we on subject of fuel lines, I saw post dating back from 2009 that people were worried about the E85 mixes corroding or destroying fuel lines and things like that.

Has any of that been proven true, except maybe the pre idnex 12 injectors which was rumored ethanol F'ed them up.

It just connects somewhere in the fuel line. Very easy to install.
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      05-02-2019, 12:18 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by NoGuru View Post

It just connects somewhere in the fuel line. Very easy to install.
But I need this in addition to the other part you linked eh? It starts to get costly for a few drag runs.
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      05-02-2019, 01:53 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
But I need this in addition to the other part you linked eh? It starts to get costly for a few drag runs.
Buy a meth kit and a 55 gallon drum, then use twisted tunings new DME meth flow integration sensor to run two tunes in one. Better off for you not having ethanol access regularly.
2009 335i xDrive AT / 177k+ miles
PSP 750ic / Fuel-It! Stage 1 / BMS CP / Sutphin Tuning / RFP E50
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      05-02-2019, 02:08 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by type-dRew View Post
Buy a meth kit and a 55 gallon drum, then use twisted tunings new DME meth flow integration sensor to run two tunes in one. Better off for you not having ethanol access regularly.
I'll try the E85. I'm not looking something to daily tbh more for drag run and a one time thing.

I'll go fill a 25 litre gas can with E85

That will be enough for almost 1.5 tanks of E30 mix. I'll premix my gas so in the gas can it's E30 ready to pour. I'll only bring like 25L or maybe a bit more at the drag.

At the drag, I'll pop my back seat and pump out using the car's pump (If ISTA-D keeps the pump on long enough) or pop off the ring and pump out the gas using this. This honestly seems like a good idea no? I used a similar pump for my diff oil and it went great. With gas it's gonna be much faster since it's not as thick to.

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      05-02-2019, 02:32 PM   #51

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you are OVER COMPLICATING THINGS for yourself

run your gas down to reserve , doesnt matter if its 5L or 6L or 8L left.. fill up 50/50 e85 and pump gas and log, and see where the lpfp psi is... very simple, no need to drain tank
1/4 tank is 15 L half is 30... easy to figure out whats left in the tank

Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
I'll try the E85. I'm not looking something to daily tbh more for drag run and a one time thing.

I'll go fill a 25 litre gas can with E85

That will be enough for almost 1.5 tanks of E30 mix. I'll premix my gas so in the gas can it's E30 ready to pour. I'll only bring like 25L or maybe a bit more at the drag.

At the drag, I'll pop my back seat and pump out using the car's pump (If ISTA-D keeps the pump on long enough) or pop off the ring and pump out the gas using this. This honestly seems like a good idea no? I used a similar pump for my diff oil and it went great. With gas it's gonna be much faster since it's not as thick to.

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      05-02-2019, 02:43 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by shanker604 View Post
you are OVER COMPLICATING THINGS for yourself

run your gas down to reserve , doesnt matter if its 5L or 6L or 8L left.. fill up 50/50 e85 and pump gas and log, and see where the lpfp psi is... very simple, no need to drain tank
1/4 tank is 15 L half is 30... easy to figure out whats left in the tank
Yes but the dragway is not next to the pump. The pump is 2 hours away from the drag. I don't want to waste E fuel on the way there when it's 2$ per litre.

And how is doing a 50/50 mix good? That will result in about a E40 to E48 mix. No bueno if I run a E30 tune no?

I just want one time slip on a E30 tune to see how much time I run it.
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      05-02-2019, 03:18 PM   #53

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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
Yes but the dragway is not next to the pump. The pump is 2 hours away from the drag. I don't want to waste E fuel on the way there when it's 2$ per litre.

And how is doing a 50/50 mix good? That will result in about a E40 to E48 mix. No bueno if I run a E30 tune no?

I just want one time slip on a E30 tune to see how much time I run it.
e35 or e40 is not gonna make a difference if you are running a e30 tune

also e28 or e29 wont make a difference if you are running a e30 tune

so E85 is 2$ a L where u live... how much money do you think you will save in that 2 hour drive.. 3$ ? 5$ ?? is it worth it buying a siphon for gas, and doing all that ??

you bought the wrong car if you are pinching pennies

you also need to drive for a bit for the gas to mix properly... i wouldnt recommend putting in E85 and drag it right away... mixture wouldnt be close to e30
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      05-02-2019, 03:34 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by shanker604 View Post
e35 or e40 is not gonna make a difference if you are running a e30 tune

also e28 or e29 wont make a difference if you are running a e30 tune

so E85 is 2$ a L where u live... how much money do you think you will save in that 2 hour drive.. 3$ ? 5$ ?? is it worth it buying a siphon for gas, and doing all that ??

you bought the wrong car if you are pinching pennies

you also need to drive for a bit for the gas to mix properly... i wouldnt recommend putting in E85 and drag it right away... mixture wouldnt be close to e30

You're right. It might be to worth it. I still need to fill the car from the jerry can though beacuse the pump is to far and closed on weekends.

And you make it seem like it's a huge pain to pump gas out but it's pretty easy. And I already have the pump, it's like 5$.

Haha trust me, you can always pinch pennies what ever car you own!

But you're right about the gas needs time to reach the engine. It's just to wait until you are almost out of gas thing might be a pain.

I rather fully empty the tank when I'm on location and just put my mix in honestly rather than think and try to get the tank to hit reserve by the time I'm at the drag location. And then trying to find a petro canada nearby? Forget about that there is none nearby.
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      05-02-2019, 04:05 PM   #55
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I can always measure the weight of the gas can before and after once it's full and go by weight to know how much litres I'm putting in.

20L of E85 gives me abour E35 mix.

I'll just get a 20L of E85. Once I arrive near location I'll go further until i find a gas station, dump my E85 then fill with normal gas and I would get a full tank of ~ E35 running on e30.

Now that sounds the easiest and simplest.
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      05-02-2019, 04:10 PM   #56

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Have you ever tried E30 map ?

Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
I can always measure the weight of the gas can before and after once it's full and go by weight to know how much litres I'm putting in.

20L of E85 gives me abour E35 mix.

I'll just get a 20L of E85. Once I arrive near location I'll go further until i find a gas station, dump my E85 then fill with normal gas and I would get a full tank of ~ E35 running on e30.

Now that sounds the easiest and simplest.
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      05-02-2019, 04:13 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by shanker604 View Post
Have you ever tried E30 map ?
No, why? It will be first time trying a E mix map.
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      05-02-2019, 04:35 PM   #58

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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
No, why? It will be first time trying a E mix map.
well id suggest to try it before the drag strip.

You dont know if its gonna take the added power , not sure what mods you have but i would try it and make sure you dont get no ch. engine light, also dont forget to reset lambda adaptations when switching from gas tune to E tune

Log and Log, maybe your lpfp cant even take e30 ?? better to test it out before you do a pull through all the gears
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      05-02-2019, 04:41 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by shanker604 View Post
well id suggest to try it before the drag strip.

You dont know if its gonna take the added power , not sure what mods you have but i would try it and make sure you dont get no ch. engine light, also dont forget to reset lambda adaptations when switching from gas tune to E tune

Log and Log, maybe your lpfp cant even take e30 ?? better to test it out before you do a pull through all the gears
Oh yeah for sure, I wasn't meaning to test it at the drag. It's mainly why I wanted to start with a smaller quantity of E30 mix.

My performance mods are 7" FMIC HD VRSF, VRSF catless DPs, BMS DCI, second cat delete.

Let's say the pump can't handle it, is it ok to revert back to stage2+ and I can run the remaining of the fuel or it won't be good either?

Ok thanks I'll reset lambda when I switch.
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      05-02-2019, 04:43 PM   #60

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it should be ok going back to gas tune with E in the tank because there will be a smaller load requested, but i would add some more pump gas on the way home for sure

Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
Oh yeah for sure, I wasn't meaning to test it at the drag. It's mainly why I wanted to start with a smaller quantity of E30 mix.

My performance mods are 7" FMIC HD VRSF, VRSF catless DPs, BMS DCI, second cat delete (soon, before trying E30).

Let's say the pump can't handle it, is it ok to revert back to stage2+ and I can run the remaining of the fuel or it won't be good either?

Ok thanks I'll reset lambda when I switch.
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      05-03-2019, 07:50 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
I'll try the E85. I'm not looking something to daily tbh more for drag run and a one time thing.

I'll go fill a 25 litre gas can with E85

That will be enough for almost 1.5 tanks of E30 mix. I'll premix my gas so in the gas can it's E30 ready to pour. I'll only bring like 25L or maybe a bit more at the drag.

At the drag, I'll pop my back seat and pump out using the car's pump (If ISTA-D keeps the pump on long enough) or pop off the ring and pump out the gas using this. This honestly seems like a good idea no? I used a similar pump for my diff oil and it went great. With gas it's gonna be much faster since it's not as thick to.
I suggest meth because you can keep it at your house, you dont have to worry about mixing and it will only run the meth map when you turn the kit on.

You can LEAVE IT OFF 100% of the time except for the drags. Dont have to change anything, the tune will auto switch(with twisteds meth flow sensor) as soon as you turn the kit on and it sees meth flow.

Also, at the drags, what this is primarily for. It will cool your intake temps from sitting in the staging lanes.

For you, it seems like your absolute best bet is meth for your purposes. Leave the kit off 98% of the time, when you want extra power, turn it on, DME sees meth flow and it switches maps on the fly with some custom tuning and you're set.

No blending, no draining, no waiting for fuel to mix, no wasting fuel driving to the track, when its such an apparently precious resource. And then you still have heat soak issues at the track because ethanol isnt cooling intake charge like meth would.

In most cases I would recommend both, or if thats not possible, then ethanol. But in your case, id say meth is the ticket for sure.

And shanker is right, you are making this wayyyyyy more complicated than it needs to be. This is my daily driver and I blend fuel all the time. You need to just do it and see, over thinking is killing it.

Your other option is to do all of the above, run a blend map on TOP of the meth kit and get the best of both worlds. And since you dont want a flex sensor, it seems like that could work well(since the meth flow sensor uses the flex integration in the dme, so you cant do both).
2009 335i xDrive AT / 177k+ miles
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      05-03-2019, 12:01 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by type-dRew View Post
I suggest meth because you can keep it at your house, you dont have to worry about mixing and it will only run the meth map when you turn the kit on.

You can LEAVE IT OFF 100% of the time except for the drags. Dont have to change anything, the tune will auto switch(with twisteds meth flow sensor) as soon as you turn the kit on and it sees meth flow.

Also, at the drags, what this is primarily for. It will cool your intake temps from sitting in the staging lanes.

For you, it seems like your absolute best bet is meth for your purposes. Leave the kit off 98% of the time, when you want extra power, turn it on, DME sees meth flow and it switches maps on the fly with some custom tuning and you're set.

No blending, no draining, no waiting for fuel to mix, no wasting fuel driving to the track, when its such an apparently precious resource. And then you still have heat soak issues at the track because ethanol isnt cooling intake charge like meth would.

In most cases I would recommend both, or if thats not possible, then ethanol. But in your case, id say meth is the ticket for sure.

And shanker is right, you are making this wayyyyyy more complicated than it needs to be. This is my daily driver and I blend fuel all the time. You need to just do it and see, over thinking is killing it.

Your other option is to do all of the above, run a blend map on TOP of the meth kit and get the best of both worlds. And since you dont want a flex sensor, it seems like that could work well(since the meth flow sensor uses the flex integration in the dme, so you cant do both).
While meth would be great for sure even for IATs, it's something I need to go out and buy and install.

You're right, I'll just get a 20 litre gas can of the E85. Dump it when I'm 1/4 of tank, then go refuel to full. It should give between a E30 to E38 mix since when full I know for sure the tank is about 61 litres.

One last question, the guy said the E85 octane is 115. Does that mean I can blend it with a lower octane fuel since the base is already so high? What octane is needed to run the E30 mix map?
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      05-03-2019, 12:03 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
While meth would be great for sure even for IATs, it's something I need to go out and buy and install.

You're right, I'll just get a 20 litre gas can of the E85. Dump it when I'm 1/4 of tank, then go refuel to full. It should give between a E30 to E38 mix.

One last question, the guy said the E85 octane is 115. Does that mean I can blend it with a lower octane fuel since the base is already so high? What octane is needed to run the E30 mix map?
I wouldn't blend with lower octane fuel unless you were over 50% ethanol content.

And nothing, just blend fuel and flash the map. Might need to replace coils due to the increased load the blend maps call for, so watch out for misfires.
2009 335i xDrive AT / 177k+ miles
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      05-03-2019, 12:09 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by type-dRew View Post
I wouldn't blend with lower octane fuel unless you were over 50% ethanol content.

And nothing, just blend fuel and flash the map. Might need to replace coils due to the increased load the blend maps call for, so watch out for misfires.
Right now I was using Petro 94 octane with the 91 since Canada gas isn't super great.

I guess I'll do 94 as well?

And yeah that's why I like this ehtanol idea, just dump a different liquid in the tank and run a map and more HP rather than installing something.

I just put in brand new coils and plugs but I went with OE Bosch, should've went with one step colder NGK plugs I think... only one way to test it though
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      05-03-2019, 12:13 PM   #65
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My car hasn't complained aside from one coil with up to E50 mapping on new stock OE bosch plugs.

Going to try RSLs idea of new S55 plugs eventually.
2009 335i xDrive AT / 177k+ miles
PSP 750ic / Fuel-It! Stage 1 / BMS CP / Sutphin Tuning / RFP E50
11.61 @ 117.5
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      05-03-2019, 12:14 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by type-dRew View Post
My car hasn't complained aside from one coil with up to E50 mapping on new stock OE bosch plugs.

Going to try RSLs idea of new S55 plugs eventually.
Happy to hear that, maybe I'll run it great.

I watched a video of budget bimmers and theirs were misfiring a lot, maybe because they weren't new though.
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