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      01-10-2010, 05:31 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by yoyeewee View Post
you said this may be racial profiling...what ethnicity are you?
I am latino btw

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      01-10-2010, 06:14 PM   #24
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hah well let me guess, the cops were white?
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      01-10-2010, 07:20 PM   #25
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To the OP- I'd do some research on the 4th amendment as applicable to search/seizure of an automobile in CA, just in case you cannot afford or do not want to pay a lawyer. Based on what you have provided, however, I think the only ticket you will avoid is a tint ticket. Not sure if you're looking for some sort of compensation from the city regarding the matter, but the unsafe turn and running the red light will likely remain if a) it becomes your word v. police officer because he didn't light you up until after you had supposedly committed these crimes or b) you don't have a lawyer who can put up some sort of insanely good argument. Again, look into the 4th and laws regarding search and seizure of vehicles in CA. Good luck!

P.S. While the info I post may be marginally helpful, please seek real legal advice, haha.
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      01-10-2010, 07:33 PM   #26
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      01-10-2010, 07:49 PM   #27
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Damn...there are some many Latinos who drive Bimmers. What's that cops deal???
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      01-11-2010, 02:57 AM   #28
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Really sorry to hear of a fellow bimmer owner being dealt an injustice! Don't worry about your grammar, you needed to vent. I found the story to be very interesting and anyone who has a problem reading this doesn't need to address that to the public. If it troubles anyone to the point of not wanting to read this story I will rewrite it so people can understand your experience.

If there is one that troubles me more than anything else in life, it is cases of people being taken advantage of by people of higher authority, providing that it is unjustifiable, of course.

I recently have had similar problems and they have taken a toll on my life at the moment and it just gets me so steamed!

Almost a year ago I was pulled over for speeding over twice the speed limit and I went through the process of getting out of my vehicle, being searched, etc. As I was doing so, one of the four cops framed me with grass/pollen in my car to make it appear I had marijuana in my car. He thought that because I made the stupid mistake of doubling the speed limit that I would probably be involved with other stupid things including illegal substances. This gave him the idea to make it look like marijuana was in my car and when he tried to get me to admit to possession of illegal substances, I refused any involvement because I had never handled, consumed, nor made any contact with any illegal substances in my life. His pathetic attempts of claiming to be in the field of narcotics for over 30 years almost pushed me over the edge and I really wanted to follow up on this injustice but I decided to drop the issue as it resulted from an action I had taken illegally (speeding). Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, eh?

In some areas of Houston and LA, cops are notorious for racial profiling. Sorry this has happened to you and best of luck!
I hope this incident is brought to justice!
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      01-11-2010, 04:32 AM   #29
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They cant raise your windows to check your tints. Take the video to court, show the judge that they violated your rights by raising your windows, and if everything is exactly like you said it is, you could claim that the cops fabricated everything else based on the unprofessional behavior caught on the video.
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      01-11-2010, 05:55 AM   #30
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theres a video?
~loud noises~

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      01-11-2010, 10:46 AM   #31
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There seems to be more dick cops then nice ones from experience, with alot of them racial profiling...
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Originally Posted by e1000 View Post
After buying the M, I now consider oil companies drug dealers.
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      01-11-2010, 12:08 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Z22Z View Post
They cant raise your windows to check your tints. Take the video to court, show the judge that they violated your rights by raising your windows, and if everything is exactly like you said it is, you could claim that the cops fabricated everything else based on the unprofessional behavior caught on the video.
Yes they can raise your windows to check for tint, but they couldn't go in to your car without consent. That's all I will say.
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      01-11-2010, 01:10 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by ra2fanatic View Post
theres a video?
Most police cars these days, especially LAPD's police cars are equipped with automated cameras that are activated when the emergency lights are switched on. The tapes are usually located in a "safe" type of recorder in the trunk that can only be accessed by the supervisor, so no one can tamper with the tapes. In most cases the recordings save an officer from outrageous claims/lawsuits, but in some circumstances, can work against the officer if they were abusing their power in some way or another.
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      01-11-2010, 09:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by lambtron View Post
Most police cars these days, especially LAPD's police cars are equipped with automated cameras that are activated when the emergency lights are switched on. The tapes are usually located in a "safe" type of recorder in the trunk that can only be accessed by the supervisor, so no one can tamper with the tapes. In most cases the recordings save an officer from outrageous claims/lawsuits, but in some circumstances, can work against the officer if they were abusing their power in some way or another.

I know that from experience. One of those tapes was used against me but then the whole case was turn around to the other officer. Enough said. I used to be a federal law enforcement officer but it has been a while and I can't remember the regulations as I used to sorry.
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      01-11-2010, 10:01 PM   #35

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Hey man, one of the few reasons I don't miss LA. Sorry about what happened and good luck with the case; I would definitely go to court over the issue; if not a learning lesson early; then to experience the judicial process. There's a lot of speculation and I don't know cicumstances, so I just wish you the best in whatever way your going to pursue this BUT if you do go to court then TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!
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      01-11-2010, 11:17 PM   #36
Bimmer Nerd
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Sorry this happened to you OP.

I know more than a few friends that drive BMW's at your/lower age and get pulled over for random checks. One of my friends set in a pouring rain once, while his car was being searched for illegal substances for 30 minutes, they did a full body search on him, searched his car and after the cop couldn't find anything she said "your lucky i have to go back to the station now" to use it as an excuse cause she couldn't find anything on him nor his car. LA COPS and young kids with expensive cars = bad relationship.
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      01-12-2010, 03:11 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by BaMBaM4002 View Post
hah well let me guess, the cops were white?
Actually the one that gave me the most trouble was Hispanic/Latino himself and his partner was white.

Originally Posted by lambtron View Post
To the OP- I'd do some research on the 4th amendment as applicable to search/seizure of an automobile in CA, just in case you cannot afford or do not want to pay a lawyer. Based on what you have provided, however, I think the only ticket you will avoid is a tint ticket. Not sure if you're looking for some sort of compensation from the city regarding the matter, but the unsafe turn and running the red light will likely remain if a) it becomes your word v. police officer because he didn't light you up until after you had supposedly committed these crimes or b) you don't have a lawyer who can put up some sort of insanely good argument. Again, look into the 4th and laws regarding search and seizure of vehicles in CA. Good luck!

P.S. While the info I post may be marginally helpful, please seek real legal advice, haha.
The thing is i didn't run a red light i was turning left at a light and possibly didn't have my signal to turn left but in most cases you have to wait till you turn left for cars that have the right of way no? and the light can go red at times but as long as your at the intersection already waiting or in the process of turning right? that's about it but yea anyways I will seek legal advise my friend, but its always nice for someone to give their opinion from experiences themselves have encountered ,and or dealt with not saying you have or haven't but yea you get the point ,and or throw some nice information your way

Originally Posted by yoyeewee View Post
Damn...there are some many Latinos who drive Bimmers. What's that cops deal???
i know right

Originally Posted by Z22Z View Post
They cant raise your windows to check your tints. Take the video to court, show the judge that they violated your rights by raising your windows, and if everything is exactly like you said it is, you could claim that the cops fabricated everything else based on the unprofessional behavior caught on the video.
Yea i definitely want the video presented at court because it will show him entering my car and raising the windows without my permission, the questions that were asked that led me to be taken out of my car idk if it'll catch the rest as i was standing next to the wall which was to the side of the car but if the audio can catch it im GOLDEN if not then im not sure yet but i do plan on seeking legal advise from a lawyer i just haven't had time because of work.

Originally Posted by aznshrek88 View Post
Hey man, one of the few reasons I don't miss LA. Sorry about what happened and good luck with the case; I would definitely go to court over the issue; if not a learning lesson early; then to experience the judicial process. There's a lot of speculation and I don't know cicumstances, so I just wish you the best in whatever way your going to pursue this BUT if you do go to court then TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!
i will try to update this later but thanks again.

Originally Posted by Bimmer Nerd View Post
Sorry this happened to you OP.

I know more than a few friends that drive BMW's at your/lower age and get pulled over for random checks. One of my friends set in a pouring rain once, while his car was being searched for illegal substances for 30 minutes, they did a full body search on him, searched his car and after the cop couldn't find anything she said "your lucky i have to go back to the station now" to use it as an excuse cause she couldn't find anything on him nor his car. LA COPS and young kids with expensive cars = bad relationship.
Damn that sucks i hope he/she fought it because i am really tired of people being abused by the police and i really hope i can win this

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      01-12-2010, 04:35 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by e90kiddo View Post
The thing is i didn't run a red light i was turning left at a light and possibly didn't have my signal to turn left but in most cases you have to wait till you turn left for cars that have the right of way no? and the light can go red at times but as long as your at the intersection already waiting or in the process of turning right? that's about it but yea anyways I will seek legal advise my friend, but its always nice for someone to give their opinion from experiences themselves have encountered ,and or dealt with not saying you have or haven't but yea you get the point ,and or throw some nice information your way

Yea i definitely want the video presented at court because it will show him entering my car and raising the windows without my permission, the questions that were asked that led me to be taken out of my car idk if it'll catch the rest as i was standing next to the wall which was to the side of the car but if the audio can catch it im GOLDEN if not then im not sure yet but i do plan on seeking legal advise from a lawyer i just haven't had time because of work.

I have dealt with situations similar (minus the being handcuffed part), but it definitely pays to have a father who is a retired Police Officer As far as the audio goes - if I'm not mistaken the officers are required to wear some sort of mic that transmits the audio to the recorder. I think you'll be ok because the whole audio/video system is made to record every detail of an encounter to protect the officer, agency, and city from malicious accusations/lawsuits.
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      01-12-2010, 05:08 AM   #39
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Tough situation and honestly recently it has been getting worse recently. Going to court is not going to help you. Filing a complaint with IA is your best bet. You have a 5% chance anything will come of it but a 100% chance it will end up being in the officers jackets for their careers and at the very least a nuisance to them.

That said on the Morning of Jan 1 at about 10AM I was pulled over by LAPD. It is myself (32) my 23 yr old brother and my 60+ father and Uncle in the M3, all white, all very sober in the morning causing no trouble, not driving crazy. Surface street and we are not the fastest car on the block as we were in the middle of the pack. A LAPD Passes us and flips a bitch, gets behind me out of 10 cars, follows for 2 blocks and pulls me over right as I want to get on the freeway. Their Reason, They could not run my California plates in their system (I have press plates). Total BS since I have been pulled over several times in 3 separate cars with the same plates over the years in SoCal and they are Cal issued plates. Ultimately they were nice and no ticket, but a lecture on no front plates ad front tint. Still embarrassing with your brother, Dad and uncle in car.

Last year, same plates on my S4, pulled over and DUI checked because they said I was racing, yet I came from a left turn red light about 50 yards behind them (they had another car stopped at the time) and I knew they were there. Let me go and immediately stopped another car going the opposite direction.

If you want to give them a headache then go IA. I probably wont go anywhere, but it will be a hassle for them and will be on file for future reference.
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      01-12-2010, 07:37 PM   #40
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That really sucks and I hope you get this straightened out.

As the saying goes, "Nothing good happens after midnight"
: Ken
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      01-13-2010, 03:57 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by neoduffer View Post
That really sucks and I hope you get this straightened out.

As the saying goes, "Nothing good happens after midnight"
i agree with that quote. I got my ticket at 12:01AM... -.-x
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      01-13-2010, 06:16 AM   #42
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tell ur friend to get a taxi home next time...
but serious.

LA POPO got u good for a moving violation u didn't do.
that's total BS - racial profiling, indeed.

oh btw, u gave them permission to enter ur car once u were handcuff'd
and they asked where ur registration and insurance was.
u said glove compartment...

try to fight the ticket and see if u can win the case.

I give u credit for pressing the officers at that
moment. With authority, when u talk back u get it
harder back. Whether you're right or wrong.
At that moment they had you by the balls.
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      01-13-2010, 10:34 AM   #43
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i usually get shit from cops in Glendale, its because I'm Armenian lol, a cop tried to convince me that i was drunk for like 20min, I'm like NO I'm not give me the dame test and let me go!!! he was like OK but i have to give you a ticket, you want no front plate or exhaust?...

but there are good cops too. one time a cop stopped me in east LA and was like what are you doing here at 2 am there is gangsters here lol
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