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      06-18-2013, 02:20 AM   #45

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Originally Posted by tony20009 View Post
Really? I'm sure you aren't prevaricating when you say that, but that you did say that is telling...
What is there to avoid? Everyone who has owned both cars prefers the E90... And like I said, for ever nice E92 you show me I will show you a nicer E90. Feel free to call my bluff.

At the end of the day, the ONLY reason to buy the coupe is if you like the way it looks. The reasons for buying the Sedan can range from looks to a myriad of things.

Jus' sayin'..
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      06-18-2013, 07:23 AM   #46
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I have made my mind up and I am going with a E92 simply for the fact that I don't carry as many people around. To me having a four door car and not driving people around on a regular basis is a waste of those seats! So the E92 is WAY more practical for me. Also if I need to switch to an E90 I can at any time via trade in or just by selling the vehicle.
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      06-18-2013, 09:36 AM   #47
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The E92 is the better option, if you don't carry anyone around and it looks better. I may be selling mine, here's a link. http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=556320
E90 LCI M3 Jerez Black

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      06-18-2013, 11:04 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by 335obsession View Post
I have made my mind up and I am going with a E92 simply for the fact that I don't carry as many people around. To me having a four door car and not driving people around on a regular basis is a waste of those seats! So the E92 is WAY more practical for me. Also if I need to switch to an E90 I can at any time via trade in or just by selling the vehicle.

I drive an e90 and initially bought it because it was the only style available when I decided to buy BMW. Why do I like it? Let me count the ways:
  • It cost less to insure,
  • could "potentially" carry family, clients, golf bags, wheels, and other extraneous goods, and
  • looked responsible enough to fly under the police radar
  • I could also put wider wheels and tires in the rear than the coupe for a really aggressive look.
As it turned out, I am really, really, really glad that I have a nice sleeper car that is practical, yet powerful enough to compete with those other four door sport sedans from Audi and Mercedes.

If you look at both, the dimensions of the e9x series had to accommodate either 2-door or 4-door models on the same platform. From the side, the e90 looks more balanced, because visually, the two doors on the sedan look less cumbersome than the very long, stretched and bloated looking, single door of the non-M coupe (whereas, the lines of the M3 coupe solve the bloated look of the non-M, and are far more flattering).

I liked the LCI M Sport so much, I installed it on my pre-LCI for even more aggression.


BMWCCA Member # 414198 |E90|SGM|6MT|Premium|Cold|Sport|Tint|LCI MSport Conversion|MTech|Blacklines|219M|PSS|Quaife|Helix FMIC|M3 Suspension|Megan Racing|GC Camber Plates/Coilovers|Eibach 440/800#|AR Catted DP|Cobb AP|StopTech Drilled/Slotted|SS Brake Lines|DWS
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      06-18-2013, 03:29 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
What is there to avoid?
What-choo talkin' 'bout, Willis? Avoid what? I didn't say anything about avoidance.

Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
Everyone who has owned both cars prefers the E90... And like I said, for ever nice E92 you show me I will show you a nicer E90. Feel free to call my bluff.

At the end of the day, the ONLY reason to buy the coupe is if you like the way it looks. The reasons for buying the Sedan can range from looks to a myriad of things.

Jus' sayin'..
If you don't need the convenience of four doors and you can afford the price hike for the coupe, why would anything other than liking the looks matter? The OP said he doesn't carry people around int he back. If you aren't putting people back there, there is no advantage to the sedan.

'07, e92 335i, Sparkling Graphite, Coral Leather, Aluminum, 6-speed
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      06-18-2013, 11:37 PM   #50

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Originally Posted by tony20009 View Post
What-choo talkin' 'bout, Willis? Avoid what? I didn't say anything about avoidance.

If you don't need the convenience of four doors and you can afford the price hike for the coupe, why would anything other than liking the looks matter? The OP said he doesn't carry people around int he back. If you aren't putting people back there, there is no advantage to the sedan.

Lemme guess, you like throwing around big words like "prevaricating" without actually knowing wtf it means?

And affording the price hike on the coupe? Maybe in DC, the land of the bland.. Here in CA you can find a coupe for cheaper than a Sedan because its the less desired car. And affording it? Everyone who has owned both preferred the E90.

I will repeat.. EVERYONE who has owned BOTH prefers the E90. Its your lop sided biased opinion vs people who are in the proper position to answer the OPs question.

And I already told you the advantage to the Sedan, better insurance prices, better wheel selection, better tire selection, and the space thats available when one day you might need it. Guys like you who seem like you don't have many friends might never have to carry a few extra friends or ladies around but it has came in handy in a pinch.

Like I said, other than your own opinion that the coupe looks better which is debatable as I myself disagree then you have not stated a single reason why the E92 is better yet person after person, even those who own E92s can count the many pros of the Sedan.

My Maseratti is a coupe as are the rest of my REAL sports cars I own. My 3 series is absolutely perfect as a 4 door. As a 2 door to someone like me who can as you say "afford" the luxury of having purposed cars it would be pointless. Hell I wound up with a coupe because the wife thought it was cute and it was the only F available that day at the dealership and she's already tired of it. But thats my own personal problem..
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      06-19-2013, 06:20 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
Lemme guess, you like throwing around big words like "prevaricating" without actually knowing wtf it means?
I know exactly what it means. I guess you don't, so because I know you won't believe me:

Evasiveness is one way to interpret the word; however, it's not the only definition of the word, and inasmuch as evasiveness isn't appropriate given the context of the discussion (because what would there be to avoid?), I suspect it is you who doesn't know the meaning of the word. What I'm guessing, in addition, is that you Googled it, and because the evasiveness definition is the only that appears, you went with it and levied you aspersion toward me.

Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
And affording the price hike on the coupe? Maybe in DC, the land of the bland.. Here in CA you can find a coupe for cheaper than a Sedan because its the less desired car. And affording it? Everyone who has owned both preferred the E90.
If you say it's cheaper in CA to buy a coupe, I'll believe you because I'm not spending the time to find out. Aside from preferring to buy a car within one's budget, what does affording it have to do with one's preferring it?

Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
I will repeat.. EVERYONE who has owned BOTH prefers the E90. Its your lop sided biased opinion vs people who are in the proper position to answer the OPs question.
Well now I know you are wrong about this. "Everyone" is very easy to refute. It only takes one.

Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
And I already told you the advantage to the Sedan, better insurance prices, better wheel selection, better tire selection, and the space thats available when one day you might need it. Guys like you who seem like you don't have many friends might never have to carry a few extra friends or ladies around but it has came in handy in a pinch.
You didn't need to. I have already said that if the OP doesn't need the space and entry/egress advantages of the sedan. get the coupe.

  • Better insurance -- maybe, I haven't bothered to compare
  • Better wheel selection -- I really doubt that's so. Even if it is, as the OP didn't mention it as being a concern (unlike the ease of folks entering the back seats, which he did mention), it's an assumption about the OP that would be unfair to make as neither of us can know what merit it holds.
  • Space -- As I said, there's no denying there's more space in the rear of the sedan. Now, if one likes the look of the coupe better, one'd be nuts to buy the sedan on the off chance that "one day" one needs that extra space.
As for friends, mine don't need me to drive them around. Just as we each have our own homes, children, careers, hobbies, interests, and so on, we each have our own means of transportation. Each of us has those things in accordance with our own desires and needs, not those of the world around us. And were I to pick up a hitch hiker, if s/he didn't like having to sit in the back seat, they can keep walking.

Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post

My Maseratti is a coupe as are the rest of my REAL sports cars I own. My 3 series is absolutely perfect as a 4 door. As a 2 door to someone like me who can as you say "afford" the luxury of having purposed cars it would be pointless. Hell I wound up with a coupe because the wife thought it was cute and it was the only F available that day at the dealership and she's already tired of it. But thats my own personal problem..
And how is any of this germane to what the OP asked?

My very first post in this thread said that if the OP didn't need any of the advantages of the sedan, get the coupe. The primary reason if that I think it looks better, and I have already given my reasons for thinking that.

As for your personal problem, it's not the only one. You seem to want to pick a fight where there is none. You also seem to have trouble reading and interpreting what you tried to read. I say this last thing because you couldn't understand one of my earlier posts, which despite the absence of the word "don't" in one place, was perfectly well written and punctuated. It seems you struggle with subordinate phrases and clauses, parenthetical comments, and appositives. Your weakness at reading comprehension was further illustrated when you applied the incorrect meaning of one of the words you did read, failing as you did to consider the context of the discussion in choosing from among the possible meanings of the word prevaricate. Lastly, you keep stating the obvious as though I'm going to disagree with you. I'm not going to disagree with you about the advantages of the sedan, but I maintain that if one doesn't need them, get the coupe.

'07, e92 335i, Sparkling Graphite, Coral Leather, Aluminum, 6-speed
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      06-19-2013, 04:23 PM   #52

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Originally Posted by tony20009 View Post

So let me get this right, I interpret what you say according to the most known definition of a particular word but then I am wrong and must have googled it. - What a joke.

Then you go back to the same BS that I must be comprehending things wrong and I am picking a fight.

You must be some special kind of stupid.

Do you remember how this all started?


Post #36, your little rant against me that you decided to write a novel about. People like you annoy the living hell out of me. You hop into something, bite off more than you can chew then cry foul like a child by the end of it when you started it to begin with.

Bottom line, my "EVERYONE" comment was relating to the 4-5 of us in this thread who have posted and all preferred the sedan. Also if you knew anything about the Sedan which I doubt you do since you come off as a bit ignorant, the E90 has a much wider wheel well. This of course means you have an increase in wheel and tire selection. For those of us who like performance and aggressive looks this is a HUGE plus. Its not a minor thing to fit a 285 in the rear for the track or some nice aggressive wheels for a show.

The rest of the crap you said is more dribble. You could have done yourself a favor in the first place and never have responded directly towards me and you wouldn't be stuck where you are now. You like your coupe, we get it.. You also cant formulate any argument as to why the coupe is a better car other than you liking how it looks. So go play in the sandbox while the adults discuss this with facts and not opinions.

At the end of the day the OP getting a coupe is perfectly fine to me just like if he got a sedan. I don't really care what he picks, he simply asked a question over which is the better car and we all answered it. The E90 is the better car, fact. Now if you think the coupe looks better and you prefer it then that is your right.

Now stop bothering me unless you have some factual information to utilize.
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      06-19-2013, 08:26 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by flip4335 View Post

Man, those 219m wheels look so sweet on an E90.
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      06-19-2013, 09:55 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Speed_Force_e92 View Post
Man, those 219m wheels look so sweet on an E90.
Why, thank you for the kind words! I'm glad I could fit them in my rear wheel well! LOL

Just following in the footsteps of one of my inspirations, Cali dude XDEEDUBBX, who had the same color e90 with those awesome wheels!

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Last edited by flip4335; 06-19-2013 at 10:00 PM..
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      06-19-2013, 10:10 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post

And I already told you the advantage to the Sedan, better insurance prices, better wheel selection, better tire selection, and the space thats available when one day you might need it. Guys like you who seem like you don't have many friends might never have to carry a few extra friends or ladies around but it has came in handy in a pinch.
wait wait wait... sir I must say that you are wrong there. I can guarantee you that any wheel that can fit an e90 can fit on an e92. I've yet to see a wheel made that can fit an e90 but not e92. Sure you have a wider wheel well in the e90 but fitments fitment and last I checked people are running 19x12s on the rears of e92s. Same thing goes for tires thats just another fitment thing. So realistically no, your not limited to wheel or tire selection due to which body style you prefer.
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      06-19-2013, 11:48 PM   #56
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Coupes look good. E90's with the Msport package look better than the coupe with or without that package imo. otherwise they are the similar in my eyes.
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      06-20-2013, 04:15 AM   #57

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Originally Posted by hawaiianeze View Post
wait wait wait... sir I must say that you are wrong there. I can guarantee you that any wheel that can fit an e90 can fit on an e92. I've yet to see a wheel made that can fit an e90 but not e92. Sure you have a wider wheel well in the e90 but fitments fitment and last I checked people are running 19x12s on the rears of e92s. Same thing goes for tires thats just another fitment thing. So realistically no, your not limited to wheel or tire selection due to which body style you prefer.
Reread what you wrote and then tell me how anything you said makes sense.

You contradicted yourself...

Originally Posted by hawaiianeze View Post
Sure you have a wider wheel well in the e90
So explain to me how it is PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE that you can fit the same wheel on both cars? Either the wheel well on the E90 is bigger or its not...

BTW, Pics of the guy running 12s on the E92. Sounds nice.
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      06-20-2013, 07:49 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Jay_TSM24
The E92 is the better option, if you don't carry anyone around and it looks better. I may be selling mine, here's a link. http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=556320
I would buy your car sir BUT its not a manual so it's not the Bimmer I will buy. Also how cheap are 2008 E92's in Cali anyway? I am talking M sport package 20k-40k miles all the bells and whistles and manual gearbox of course?
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      06-20-2013, 10:16 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
Reread what you wrote and then tell me how anything you said makes sense.

You contradicted yourself...

So explain to me how it is PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE that you can fit the same wheel on both cars? Either the wheel well on the E90 is bigger or its not...

BTW, Pics of the guy running 12s on the E92. Sounds nice.
19x10.5 et15
19x12.5 et27

So unless your trying to run a 13 or 13.5 wide rim in the back or 11.5 in the front I think it's safe to say that the rim selection is the same for both body styles. Just have to use some math to figure out how to fit everything.
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      06-20-2013, 11:23 PM   #60

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I thought we were talking about real fitment, not the over stretched horrendous jelly bean affect.

Any one running 12s that actually fit? Or anyone running 285 tires?
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      06-21-2013, 09:06 AM   #61
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Buy whichever one YOU think looks better. At the end of the day, you are the one looking at it in your garage....you are the one that is driving it. It only matters what you like.

if it is a tossup, drive both (if you haven't already) and let know me if you can tell the e90 is not a 2 door from the drivers seat, foot on the pedal. But if you rarely have back seat passengers, then get the e92 while you can. There will be plenty of time for a sedan in the future. Now that I own the e90, I personally like the looks better than the e92...just personal preference.

The e90 is the 1st 4 door car I have ever owned. I was skeptical, especially since I have owned several other BMWs. I knew I needed the e90 because of my family, but my head still wanted the 2 door. Now that I have the e90, I LOVE it...I can't tell it is a sedan when I am driving and I love modding the sedan...

And as was said above....Montego Blue or Lemans Blue is the way to go IMO. I get more compliments on the Montego than any other color I have owned. If you are open to search the country, you can find one fairly easily...good luck with your decision.
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      06-21-2013, 09:39 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by C9A1L1L View Post
I thought we were talking about real fitment, not the over stretched horrendous jelly bean affect.

Any one running 12s that actually fit? Or anyone running 285 tires?
that is real fitment... does his car not do all the same functions as a stock car??? And here's your "real fitment" 285/30/20
And back to the original point, it wasn't about whether the tire is stretched or not your point was that e90s have a better wheel and tire selection. And as shown in the recent posts is that anything an e90 can fit an e92 can as well making your statement invalid


Last edited by hawaiianeze; 06-21-2013 at 09:45 AM..
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      06-21-2013, 11:10 AM   #63

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Originally Posted by hawaiianeze View Post
that is real fitment... does his car not do all the same functions as a stock car??? And here's your "real fitment" 285/30/20
And back to the original point, it wasn't about whether the tire is stretched or not your point was that e90s have a better wheel and tire selection. And as shown in the recent posts is that anything an e90 can fit an e92 can as well making your statement invalid
Its crap fitment. And when I say 285 I am talking 285s with an actual side wall on em. (They have done 315 with enough fender work and low enough profile, even in the coupe. With enough work you can get anything to fit within reason) Lol, I don't even know why I am arguing with you when you are contradicting yourself.. You would be saying your own statement is invalid, not mine.. Again YOU are the one who also stated that the E90 has a larger wheel well.

So I ask again, how is it physically possible that the E92 can fit the same size wheels under such circumstances? Inserting something that exceeds ones stated area, in this case a wheel well is physically and mechanically impossible. I don't see how that concept escapes you when you're the one who said it.

There is no way you can roll with this... As an engineer maybe I am stumped to how you are even attempting to formulate an argument against facts you yourself stated, but it might just prove to be entertaining in the end...

Last edited by C9A1L1L; 06-21-2013 at 11:32 AM..
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      06-21-2013, 01:33 PM   #64
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Isn't this a somewhat silly argument? It is like asking someone which of your children are better looking. Both are great looking cars - it really just boils down to personal preference. I could be happy with either, but I prefer my E93 simply because the top goes down. Coupes, sedans and convertibles al have their trade offs and advantages and it just depends on what your individual needs are at the time. One is not better than the other. They are just different.
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      06-21-2013, 01:35 PM   #65
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I picked up an E92 a couple of weeks ago after driving both. Being that I'm a bit more 'mature' now & not carrying anyone around in the back seats I opted for the coupe. And I'm quite happy with my decision.
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      06-21-2013, 01:48 PM   #66
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[QUOTE=C9A1L1L;14201842]Its crap fitment. And when I say 285 I am talking 285s with an actual side wall on em.

An actual Sidewall???? Any BMW on this forum running 19's will have a 30 sidewall in the rear if you want it to look right no matter if it's a coupe are sedan... What point are you trying to make? Hawaiianeze is right, the sedan has the same wheel selection as the coupe just some with more aggressive offsets. Which is possible to run on both vehicles.
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