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      06-17-2008, 10:20 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Sparkplug View Post
It must not be too bad because I believe this is the same poster who boasted about taking down an M3, with his Mom!
Ah yes, thanks for the refresher Sparkplug
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      06-17-2008, 10:39 PM   #68
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If you read the fine print every tuner discloses that when they develop a tune its based on their equipment and their ideal condtions not yours. Nobody will give you a money back warranty that you can dyno at your local Mickey Mouse hang out and get the same as the engineers do

Using a Dyno is just a tuning aid for the tuner. If you wanted max power on the rolling road you need live dyno tuning and most tuners will charge you double of the 2k of DINANS price. If you wanted more fancy #s and an unsafe method get the piggyback and kiss your warranty goodbye if you have deep pockets to fix blown turbos and other driveline parts in the future.

DINAN does use good fans and I have yet to see any dyno shop in the USA use real fans, why> they cost too much and most dyno shops are bogus in their set ups. So I suggest you seek a MAHA LPS300 facility that is properly set up and I think you will get better results. Cars need lots of CFM in the room regadless of being a turbo.

Its so annoying with this numbers game all the time on all the boards just be happy with the tune and warranty man If you want to brag about dyno numbers buy a Viper and add NOS or something. 335 is not some drag race machine. I have two AMG's 63 and 65 and a few M's and its so foolish when guys on the other boards drag race 4000lb + cars, i mean just buy a real race car and call it a day.

As for my experience anyone please fly to HAMANN in Germany and check out their set up. They tuned my brothers Lambo LP640 LIVE on the MAHA LPS3000 and you cant even be 10 feet near the fans you will fly out the room from the force its that sick. Its worth the trip trust me their shop is just wild.

Guys talk trash on all the boards about cars I own as well my M3 and M5 dyno versus the AMG cars I could care less I didnt buy any of these cars to post dynos and drag race.
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      06-17-2008, 10:45 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by vegasspeed View Post
I think this guy is just F'n with us. He can't be serious about this.
I am totally serious! I wouldnt waist my time to just come on here and post things that were made up.
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      06-17-2008, 10:46 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by ybbiz34 View Post
I know you are upset man and I'm not trying to downplay your situation but I think you might be jumping the gun with the notion that your tune isn't putting out the proper power.

I mean, how does the car feel power wise? Is it confirmed that you indeed have the Stage II flash and not Stage I? Whatever you do, DO NOT base your judgement solely on dyno numbers. That would be a mistake. I second the idea of you checking things out with a boost guage.
it is for sure stage II because there is no way that stage 1 would dyno that high, so it has to be stage 2.
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      06-17-2008, 10:51 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by M3Rob212 View Post
If you read the fine print every tuner discloses that when they develop a tune its based on their equipment and their ideal condtions not yours. Nobody will give you a money back warranty that you can dyno at your local Mickey Mouse hang out and get the same as the engineers do

Using a Dyno is just a tuning aid for the tuner. If you wanted max power on the rolling road you need live dyno tuning and most tuners will charge you double of the 2k of DINANS price. If you wanted more fancy #s and an unsafe method get the piggyback and kiss your warranty goodbye if you have deep pockets to fix blown turbos and other driveline parts in the future.

DINAN does use good fans and I have yet to see any dyno shop in the USA use real fans, why> they cost too much and most dyno shops are bogus in their set ups. So I suggest you seek a MAHA LPS300 facility that is properly set up and I think you will get better results. Cars need lots of CFM in the room regadless of being a turbo.

Its so annoying with this numbers game all the time on all the boards just be happy with the tune and warranty man If you want to brag about dyno numbers buy a Viper and add NOS or something. 335 is not some drag race machine. I have two AMG's 63 and 65 and a few M's and its so foolish when guys on the other boards drag race 4000lb + cars, i mean just buy a real race car and call it a day.

As for my experience anyone please fly to HAMANN in Germany and check out their set up. They tuned my brothers Lambo LP640 LIVE on the MAHA LPS3000 and you cant even be 10 feet near the fans you will fly out the room from the force its that sick. Its worth the trip trust me their shop is just wild.

Guys talk trash on all the boards about cars I own as well my M3 and M5 dyno versus the AMG cars I could care less I didnt buy any of these cars to post dynos and drag race.
Thats all well and great , but if i paid all that money i want to make sure i got what i am paying for and after i got the results, they are definatly not the same numbers as what dinan has posted of what they should be. You can say conditions and humidity and all that great stuff but that is still not going to put me at 365 to the crank compared to the 385 that they say it should be. So there is something that is not right.
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      06-17-2008, 10:53 PM   #72


Originally Posted by JY335i View Post
Thats all well and great , but if i paid all that money i want to make sure i got what i am paying for and after i got the results, they are definatly not the same numbers as what dinan has posted of what they should be. You can say conditions and humidity and all that great stuff but that is still not going to put me at 365 to the crank compared to the 385 that they say it should be. So there is something that is not right.
Maybe you should run a boost gauge then. To see if you are mis-boosting. I got one installed like 2 days after I got the flash just to make sure nothing seems fishy. Everything has been on point.
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      06-17-2008, 10:53 PM   #73
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Use a boost gauge to check the values.

When in doubt get a boost gauge, to see what your values look like.
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      06-17-2008, 10:54 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Bubbles View Post
No sarcasm, just a joke. Going "VROOOM" in a straight line for a 1/4 mile just doesn't do it for me.
Really...what have you done to your suspension to make it so much better? Did you add coil-over's or larger sway bars? Please tell us.

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      06-17-2008, 10:55 PM   #75
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You installed it your self right?

Originally Posted by GAMEOVR View Post
Maybe you should run a boost gauge then. To see if you are mis-boosting. I got one installed like 2 days after I got the flash just to make sure nothing seems fishy. Everything has been on point.
Can you tell me what those yellow cones are for?
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      06-17-2008, 10:58 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by cmurphy335e92 View Post

Wow, you really hate the Dinan tune don't you! On the street they are all similar with just a tune. Although it was a much closer race for me when I raced a jb2hh on the streets. From a roll he would creep a bit at 120mph. From a dig he would be at my back bumper and not start to gain until 115 or so.

When I did pulls with a V2 car from 40-120 we were dead even all the way up to 120 or so. He has catcack which was terribly loud for some reason..

You guys are getting WAYY to caught up in dyno numbers. Bring it to the real world. How does the car feel to you and most importantly.... Does the car bring a smile to your face everytime you get in it??? I know mine does
No, not a Dinan hater at all; just trying to be real-world about all of it. It's actually some of the Dinan guys who think they're tuned 335i's are just "the sh!t" although they trap at lower speed in the 1/4 mi. and run lower boost. It all defies logic...lower boost and lower 1/4 mi. trap speeds mean the car is slower, guys...stop crying about it; it was your decision to go with Dinan. j/k

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      06-17-2008, 11:01 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by scottp999 View Post
Stage III is the breaking point (piggy bank breaking) for many. The stage II tune is great and is 13.2 PSI and I think it's reasonably priced when you consider warranty (see below).

I do not think arguing tunes and dynos is productive anymore. Just go with what you like best and is affordable 13.2-15 psi seems ok so far for stock turbos. I hope you have purchased an external boost gauge, as I ran V2 at 94% blindly and was seeing 18.5 PSI regurally at WOT (not while shifting, installed a boost gauge last Sat.). Luckily I did not run it much since it was installed in Jan, and just a few times since the weather has warmed up. TQ values have gone from 94% to 88% to stay in the 15PSI range. V3 should be much better at hitting boost targets.

To the OP, sorry about your numbers, but their are too many variables to consider. If the car seems fast, and you are seeing the right boost then the tune is doing as advertised. Did you monitor boost while performing the dyno? Do you have an external boost gauge?
That $$ number is just staggering!!! For that kind of $$ for a Dinan Stage III 335i (on top of buying/leasing a 335i), I would much rather get an MB C63 AMG!
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      06-17-2008, 11:05 PM   #78
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I agree. when people ask me what a tune will produce; you tell them it may produce XX gains based on several conditions. more conditions than anyone can factor consistently.

If they had good quality gas with no ethanol on a cool day, tires pumped up, ran in 3rd gear, can of R134a to spray on the intercooler i mean dinan is like anyone else. they need good numbers to sell.

Are you one of those people that buy a 1TB drive then get pissed that after the o/s formats the drive you only get 930GB after TB to Terabyte conversion and then o/s overhead including block/stripe size?

Of course they fluff their numbers; you need to to sell.

Why do you think every SAN/NAS storage device hitachi,eva,emc sell on unformatted jbod disk capacity? When in fact you will get raid overheard, GB to gigabyte loss, and restricted storage that leads to your 2 terabyte EVA4100 to only have 1.5 gigabytes of usable virtual array when all said an formatted? One could yell fraud! but the fact is everyone fluffs a little to make the sale.

Retail stores commonly bump prices up to have a sale; i see that as fluff too.

It's fact of life.

I give dinan props for giving us the only solution with a warranty. Until someone else steps up with a better program, solid proven warranty from a company that has been around long enough to honor it 4 years from now; I think you are just blowing smoke.

fact is its a mild tune; its hot out. Come back in february when its freezing outside.

If you have been from boost heritage you will know this time of the year is the suck. I feel sorry for northern folks with snow. You lose the best time of the year to drive fast!

My audi has less peak whp in this temp than stock? Why? It spools 22psi which heatsoaks the stock intercooler and by the time you reach the boost dropoff from small turbo the hp is actually less than stock driving around the street.

I haven't read anywhere that 100 octane is against any warranty (just 91 min.) so pump your tank full of fresh 100 unleaded and go run that dyno again. you will get what you will get in the winter time.

Now if you are a long time boost-head you should know this and not complain it's not like the stock intercooler is THAT big for the horsepower. heck a mk5 gti 2.0TFSI has a nicer intercooler ($200 no less) and so does a ford 7.3 powerstroke ($200 as well).

Alot of people don't realize that when you add a bigger intercooler (pressure drop) you can induce lag and gain nothing if you are not pushing the stock intercooler's capability. ie in winter flying down the freeway you can actually add-lag and gain nothing because the stock intercooler does a better job in that condition.

I'm really suprised dinan doesn't come to these threads and explain how their tune works. I'm sure you could call them and talk about it. They may not wish to have a "presence" here. But you'd be suprised. Many tuners and even the folks who work on the tune do actually like talking about these tunes. It is their passion and they do care that you are not happy but you've gotta ask the right questions and talk to the right folks.

Tuners are not bad guys. it's a nasty job. who the heck likes spending all summer sniffing gas fumes (some will always escape) burning midnight oil to get a new revision out because bmw releases a new rev?

I'd rather sit behind my computers coding in 65F air-con all day long than tune a car.
After you tune for days on end with a dyno; guess what you get to detune on the road.

It's good money but hard work. i'd give them a chance to discuss your feeling before posting on forums. they seemed to be really nice to me.
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      06-17-2008, 11:08 PM   #79
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OP: Several people have asked you what the car feels like to drive. Care to comment? I also remember your post about how you said you blew away an M3 with your mom.

Also, several people have tried to illustrate to you the fact that different dynos give different readings. Just because you got what you perceive to be a "low" hp number on this dyno, it doesn't mean that this dyno result conveys the true hp, etc. of your car. Do you get that?
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      06-17-2008, 11:11 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by ybbiz34 View Post
OP: Several people have asked you what the car feels like to drive. Care to comment? I also remember your post about how you said you blew away an M3 with your mom.

Also, several people have tried to illustrate to you the fact that different dynos give different readings. Just because you got what you perceive to be a "low" hp number on this dyno, it doesn't mean that this dyno result conveys the true hp, etc. of your car. Do you get that?
+1. I still don't think even being -24WHP on a different dyno on a different day on a different car (than the advertised Dinan 335i) is that far off anyway.

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      06-17-2008, 11:13 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by sflgator View Post
No, not a Dinan hater at all; just trying to be real-world about all of it. It's actually some of the Dinan guys who think they're tuned 335i's are just "the sh!t" although they trap at lower speed in the 1/4 mi. and run lower boost. It all defies logic...lower boost and lower 1/4 mi. trap speeds mean the car is slower, guys...stop crying about it; it was your decision to go with Dinan. j/k

Im not saying that i made the wrong decision going with Dinan. I went with dinan because with all the other you have no warranty. Thus, i went with Dinan to save the warranty. All this is about is the fact that i wanted to varify that i got the power that i paid for and its not liek its off by 3 or 4 hp. Its off by "20HP!" Thats something to make a big deal about. If anyone else went to buy something and though you were buying one thing and then didnt get the full thing that you expected to get then you would be upset just like i am. Weather its in automotive, electronics or anything. When you pay a certain price for something, you want the product and the quality that you had the intentions of paying for. In this case i paid all this money for something thats supose to be 285 hp and it coming up short of 20hp at 365. Thats the bottom line of this.

Anyone can say what ever you want about any conditions or whatever you want to talk about. You would feel the same way if you didnt get what you should have. Bottom line.

This wasnt intended to compare other thing like i said before, it was just to give my input of my experience and so the rest of you could be informed.

Thats all this is... so with tht said, when i get this resolved tomorrow i will let you know what happened so the rest of you can expect know that Diana has great customer service to back any issues that come up or if they just want to move their products.
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      06-17-2008, 11:34 PM   #82
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what octane is the premium gas in FL? is it 93 or is it 91 like us here in CA? maybe the gas that you used have something to do with it.

why don't you try 100 octane racing fuel and see if that makes a difference.
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      06-17-2008, 11:34 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by JY335i View Post
In this case i paid all this money for something thats supose to be 285 hp and it coming up short of 20hp at 365. Thats the bottom line of this.
You just don't get what everyone is saying do you? You haven't proven anything. You didn't get a baseline on the same dyno on the same day so the actual numbers mean squat. You can have more than 20hp variances on different dynos in different locations using the same brand of dyno.

If you did a baseline on the same day AND you were 20hp shy and had the same results on the different dyno then have the starting point for an argument. As it stands you are squawking about nothing more than normal dyno variances.
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      06-17-2008, 11:35 PM   #84
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i personally would still go with the Dinan even it was a 20 hp discrepancy from what they state. dyno conditions can vary.

i would much rather have peace of mind with their warranty.
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      06-17-2008, 11:36 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by getInline View Post
You just don't get what everyone is saying do you? You haven't proven anything. You didn't get a baseline on the same dyno on the same day so the actual numbers mean squat. You can have more than 20hp variances on different dynos in different locations using the same brand of dyno.

If you did a baseline on the same day AND you were 20hp shy and had the same results on the different dyno then have the starting point for an argument. As it stands you are squawking about nothing more than normal dyno variances.
+1 you should take your car to California and have Steve Dinan dyno your car for you and see if he can have your car match what he advertises. this should be more fair i think.
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      06-17-2008, 11:43 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by sflgator View Post
No, not a Dinan hater at all; just trying to be real-world about all of it. It's actually some of the Dinan guys who think they're tuned 335i's are just "the sh!t" although they trap at lower speed in the 1/4 mi. and run lower boost. It all defies logic...lower boost and lower 1/4 mi. trap speeds mean the car is slower, guys...stop crying about it; it was your decision to go with Dinan. j/k
And what you don't understand is the tune with the maximum boost does not = the best tune. There are limp modes and blown turbos to consider. This is probably not that big of an issue for you since, I'm guessing, you rent your car.
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      06-18-2008, 12:23 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by JY335i View Post
Im not saying that i made the wrong decision going with Dinan. I went with dinan because with all the other you have no warranty. Thus, i went with Dinan to save the warranty. All this is about is the fact that i wanted to varify that i got the power that i paid for and its not liek its off by 3 or 4 hp. Its off by "20HP!" Thats something to make a big deal about. If anyone else went to buy something and though you were buying one thing and then didnt get the full thing that you expected to get then you would be upset just like i am. Weather its in automotive, electronics or anything. When you pay a certain price for something, you want the product and the quality that you had the intentions of paying for. In this case i paid all this money for something thats supose to be 285 hp and it coming up short of 20hp at 365. Thats the bottom line of this.

Anyone can say what ever you want about any conditions or whatever you want to talk about. You would feel the same way if you didnt get what you should have. Bottom line.

This wasnt intended to compare other thing like i said before, it was just to give my input of my experience and so the rest of you could be informed.

Thats all this is... so with tht said, when i get this resolved tomorrow i will let you know what happened so the rest of you can expect know that Diana has great customer service to back any issues that come up or if they just want to move their products.
This is probably unnecessary since you're just not getting it, but nobody is saying that your car makes 20hp less and that's because of dyno variance. People are saying that you don't know whether your car makes 20hp less because of dyno variance. It's not that you should accept lower output; it's that the output isn't conclusive.
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      06-18-2008, 02:15 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by JY335i View Post
Hopefully I'll hear back from dinan tomorrow and see what they have to tell me.
I'll let everyone know what happens once I hear back from them.
Dinan's response- "Kid, You gonna bring a knife here to a gunfight. Better tell Mom's pro bono once-disbarred attorney to go back into retirement against our heavy hitting no holds-barred mega law firms who gonna get medieval on yo ass." This is a battle that you will not win so let it go Son......Regardless of your outcome, people are going to still get Dinan or whatever tune they please.
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