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View Poll Results: What type of computer do you use??
PC.. Can't leave my tride and true XP 62 34.07%
PC.. Rolling the Dice with Vista (I swear everything works!) 21 11.54%
Mac.. I'm a MAC lover or / Bill Gates Hater 46 25.27%
Linux.. Even more different than others 3 1.65%
Mac & PC.. Gotta have both 50 27.47%
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      07-11-2007, 02:34 PM   #67

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^I agree with you on that

My mac does everything and more of what i do at home.

I surf the internet a whole lot and send and recieve emails(safari / mail)
I keep my music/photos/video's in order when family members come over i can show them new pictures of the family or trip (iphoto, quicktime, itunes)
I like to listen to music based on genre and also preview a cd before i buy it (itunes)
From photo editing (photoshop) to playing games (rarely) (OSx games, or MAYBE Doom3, after all i think that is why they have game consoles for) the mac does everything i need in a EASY way.
Chatting is easier to share documents, pics, songs, everything.

Best of all, not worrying about spyware... and that popular little thing that can toast your computer... what was it called?..... ohh yeah virus/torjans and whater else.

I'm not looking for more in my home computer. BUT if i do need more things, it can easily help... When i was in college, i had MS Office installed, and their, no problem. Calculator, etc...

Like i said, it has what i need, want and more. when i had my PC i rarely ever had a problem (ex Tech). I had to maintain my computer in top shape to continue offering me quality. From antivirus check ups.. adware removers, spam sweeper. Once a month defrag, double checking my email attachments. Doing all that, my computer ran pretty good. It's not that i had HUGE problems with windows. But to tell you the truth it became a normal thing to run all these securities to make my computer simply run good.

IN my mac, i do ALL and more what i did on the pc. all because it has the same programs, and more because i'm able to do more with the ease of it. And the big improvement is, i don't have to worry about monthly check ups, weekly antivirus checks, periodically spam/spy ware check ups... I spend more time just using my computer. And not keeping it running.

i know there are a few people who have problems when they upgraded to Vista, and that sucks because you put over $150 on a product that you were told online that is compatible but then end up being stuck with it. XP is way better.

Then there are the few that vista actually does work and offer all these cool, gadgets, and multiple screens, and the "new" search function, and better quality gui......

wait, wait wait...... Cool gadgets??? AKA widgets introduced by apple early 2000???
wait, wait wait...... Multiple screens?? as in Expose?????
wait, wait wait...... "new search" functions??? AKA SPOTLIGHT????

LOl i'm sorry but this world has a lot of people that are really blind when it comes to options. I can't fight it, who cares, they pick what they choose, BUT, i mean are you serious?.. All these features have been on a operating system long time already... "REAL TIME WEATHER NOW...".... Dashboard??? Really everytime i hear a PC guy talk about how they have new search button and gadgets, i just smile and say "nice!..." But inside i'm thinking, this dude truely has been inthe stone age.

Give mac a try, if you've used pc all your life, get someone to explain the basics of OS X... after 30 minutes you will like it... And once the 30 minutes are done most likely you will ask, how do i defrag my computer and run scan disk, and what antivirus products can i use. ... None.

If you have someone to show you it, you will learn that their are options out their. You can choose. OPen your mind. I've opened my mind to my cousin, brother, girlfriend, and now they can't LIVE without mac, and will NEVER look back to pc and wonder why then never tried something other than PC. Some didn't know there was another Os. Other belive in myths.

"you can't connect to the internet on a mac"
"you can't connect to pc on a network"
"there isn't any ms office and stuff like that for mac"
"mac run slower than pc's"
"then i can't send you email with attachments if you have a mac"
"if you burn a cd/dvd it can not be heard anywhere else but a mac"

Etc.... List goes on about the myths... Anyway who is thinking of giving mac a try, get a buddy or someone who knows how to use one to show you the BASICS in 30 minutes.. YOu will have a lot of fun.

And yeah they don't run that cheap. You pretty much get what you pay for. Anything goes wrong with it, they will KNOW exactly what is wrong with it and fix it. Great quality.
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      07-11-2007, 02:46 PM   #68

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OHHhhhhh shit i wrote all that and i'm at work.. i'm bored and need to go home
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      07-11-2007, 02:52 PM   #69
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I have been using pc's for over 15 years. Even though I do not currently work in the IT field, I had become fairly proficient with computers. I worked in computer labs and did internet technical support to help pay for college and for the past 6 years or so, I even starting building my own systems.

I would have never thought that I would switch to a Mac. However, I got sick of the constant security issues with Windows. I always kept my virus software updated and had a reputable spyware blocker/cleaner, that would run automatically several times per week. Despite my best efforts, my computer got infected with Trojans on more than a couple occasions. I would also have to format my computer and start from scratch every year or so. That whole routine is what prompted me to switch to Mac.

I have several friends who make a living working with computers, but when they come home they use Macs. I must admit there are still a few programs (Exact Audio Copy, Tag & Rename, Microsoft Money) that I had on Windows that I haven't found good Mac replacements, but I don't think that I will ever go back to pc's.
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      07-11-2007, 02:59 PM   #70
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Macs pretty much do everything I need them to Better than an PC... Always has. I look at the Macs as kind of being like BMWs. They may not be perfect, but the way they are built and the way they work is just... I dunno, better.

They Look better, work better, feel better, and are priced competitively... What's not to love unless you are just "STUCK" inside your head that PC's are better.

Funny though, I don't even own a Mac right now. Everything is PC Home Office, work, and Laptops are all PCs.... Go Figure.

Oh and Macs are like BMWs in another way as well... The Rampant and Rabid Fanboy!!! Sorry, reading some of these "Mythical" Mac posts is entertaining... "It even made me smarter..."
A BMW is Just a Car, it doesn't make you smart, handsome, clever, better, cool, or wealthy.
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      07-11-2007, 03:03 PM   #71
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^^ Software really isn't an issue anymore with the Intel Processor based Macs. Parallels for instant access and if you need more juice you can boot to Windows with Bootcamp or VMWare.

The only big drawback IMO to Macs are the price, but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Oh, and maybe games if you are one of those gamers trying to squeeze ever bit of FPS out of your box.

OSX is much better visually than XP. I don't like Vista. The OS prompts you way too much for EVERYTHING. The GUI is much improved but it is a major resource hog. Games are currently showing worse performance benchmarks on Vista as opposed to XP (FWIW, I have 4 GB of memory on my PC box). I won't touch Vista until a Service pack, or two.

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      07-11-2007, 03:05 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Revlis View Post
Macs pretty much do everything I need them to Better than an PC... Always has. I look at the Macs as kind of being like BMWs. They may not be perfect, but the way they are built and the way they work is just... I dunno, better.
Revlis, it's kinda like this, when people ask me what makes a BMW better I just tell them, "Just go drive one."

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      07-11-2007, 04:51 PM   #73
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My livlihood has been PC repair since 1986. I had to vote *nix just because it's so much better, and so widely scrutinized that is just more robust and proven. Granted, there aren't a lot of business-based desktop users, but I may push a trend here at work to switch.
I found the Macs of old to be a little more difficult for a tech to work on, but that was OK, I didn't have to work on them as much.
I've gained such an intimate understanding of the workings of 'doze that I would have to reformat my brain to start over on the Mac side, and that's why I'm a bit afraid to go *nix in teh office, I just don't have the experience to support it.
I tried to do the Novell Linux desktop at home, and STILL had to deal with driver issues. After about 1/2 dozen reformats of the drive because the installations failed, I finally gave up and just plugged my brother's XP box he wasn't using into my home. Someday, I'll have nothing better to do and reload 2000.
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      07-11-2007, 05:04 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by OC 335i View Post
Revlis, it's kinda like this, when people ask me what makes a BMW better I just tell them, "Just go drive one."
Hmmm, I got to remember that. It's simple to the point and you don't sound like a cheese ball saying it.

Pretty sure my next laptop will be the 17" powerbook. I don't travel for work anymore so it's extra size won't be a hassle. :rocks:
A BMW is Just a Car, it doesn't make you smart, handsome, clever, better, cool, or wealthy.
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      07-12-2007, 02:25 AM   #75
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And tonight I'm reading while Norton scans a slaved 'doze drive that is SLAMMED with viri and downloaders and adware and trojans. I'm afraid my bro's system is going to catch something . . .
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      07-12-2007, 05:02 PM   #76

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I have a 2ghz macbook with 1gb of ram that runs flawlessly. With bootcamp you have no need for a PC anymore...unless you like instability I guess.
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      07-12-2007, 07:23 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by OC 335i View Post
Most of the reviews were before the recent updates that made I-Drive faster. Also, many of them have very little seat time in their test cars.

Easy. I've worked on PCs all my life and do it for a living. Everything in OSX usually just, works? Plug in a USB device, it works right away. Plug in a printer, hey it works. If you need to install drivers, it's much more simple than Windows. If you need to find a file, hey "Finder" finds it in 2-5 seconds. Try finding a file on your HD in Windows. It could take 10+ minutes if you have a big hard drive. Viruses? No problems in OSX. Help feature? OSX > Windows.

The PC world is enormous compared to Apple/Mac. In the PC world, you have hundreds of vendors making the same product. You have different motherboards, chipsets, soundcards, video cards, mice, printers, etc.. Since there are is so much different hardware that has to work together, you have more potential for hardware conflict. In the Apple world, everything is pretty much controlled. There are only a handful of products available for your PC (other than peripherals). Options are definitely nice, but when you can control what hardware goes into your computer, you'll run into less incompatibility issues.

I can go on and on about this forever but I won't. I will make these statements, I still like PCs. They pay the bills, I am in IT for a living. However, I do like my Macbook Pro/OSX better than my Windows machines (I have several and do get my hands on the latest and greatest due to my line of work). I am no way an Apple fan boy, my line of work doesn't allow me to be.

If I were to buy a computer for someone who doesn't know anything about computers, my future child, w/e, it will be a Mac.

That is a biased statement though. Therefore Mac is not more user friendly.

It just works? Sounds like you are walking billboard there. Guess what if Windows is maintained properly and proper software is used it can work seamlessly aswell.

Searching? Ever used Vista? Get a copy and then let me know. I am not trying to protect Windows. Shoot I could care less. But people attack Windows with things that are just wrong. Sure windows has some issues but it has a huge market.

Also you like the fact that you are limited hardware wise? Any IT guy would love to have choices.
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      07-12-2007, 07:44 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by DasBlitz View Post
That is a biased statement though. Therefore Mac is not more user friendly.

It just works? Sounds like you are walking billboard there. Guess what if Windows is maintained properly and proper software is used it can work seamlessly aswell.
How does a biased statement make a Mac not more user friendly? Explain to me how Windows is more user friendly than a Mac? I've been using MS products before Windows even existed. Have you had a lot of time on a Mac? Try having one for more than a few minutes at a time. How am I a billboard? I do not profit AT ALL from Macs. I do not use Macs in my professional environment, if anything, it hurts my line of work by saying they are better desktop units for your average end-user. Windows maintenance is more than it should be. Have you ever installed a Service Pack on a server?

Searching? Ever used Vista? Get a copy and then let me know. I am not trying to protect Windows. Shoot I could care less. But people attack Windows with things that are just wrong. Sure windows has some issues but it has a huge market.
All you are doing is making assumed statements. Have I used Vista? I have. We have tons of copy at work. I work at a corporate facility for one of the top 5 banks in the nation. "People attack Windows that are just wrong." Like what? I already told you I don't want Vista. It is a horrible product until the Service Packs come out. Do you see Vista in the professional environment much? Nope. Do you know why? Because it's not needed. Having a "huge market" really doesn't mean much.

Also you like the fact that you are limited hardware wise? Any IT guy would love to have choices.
Why would I want more choices if the ones Apple provides are enough for me?

You sound like Windows guy who doesn't have much experience with Macs. You know what, I used to never want a Mac either, until I bought one. The fact is, most Mac users these days are new users. They find ways NOT to use Windows. I use Windows all day at work and I don't touch Windows at home unless I want to play a game. Again, I have no profitability in promoting Macs as my line of work has NOTHING to do with Apple/Mac.

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      07-13-2007, 02:03 AM   #79

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Originally Posted by DasBlitz View Post
That is a biased statement though. Therefore Mac is not more user friendly.

It just works? Sounds like you are walking billboard there. Guess what if Windows is maintained properly and proper software is used it can work seamlessly aswell.

Searching? Ever used Vista? Get a copy and then let me know. I am not trying to protect Windows. Shoot I could care less. But people attack Windows with things that are just wrong. Sure windows has some issues but it has a huge market.

Also you like the fact that you are limited hardware wise? Any IT guy would love to have choices.
Tell me how hard it is to maintain Windows properly. I can't name one person, even an IT person, who hasn't had to install some sort of virus scan or anti-spyware application, thus slowing down the computer and hogging up its resources. Not to mention the fact that "Plug and Play" in Windows is an absolute load of garbage. Hunting for drivers became almost a monthly chore.

And for what it's worth, Vista copied the features found in the current generation of Mac OS X Tiger, which is already a few years old. They practically even look the same, again, it's Microsoft doing what it does best, which is taking other people's technology and making it their own.

And not going to lie, but, I don't really consider a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo computer with 4 GB of RAM and a dedicated 256MB graphics card to be limited hardware. Nor is a Quad-Core Xeon tower limited either.

And like OC 335i, no I don't have anything to profit from by saying this, I'm just a switcher who actually used to sell PCs but became fed up with how Microsoft has evolved and found solace in the fact that the Mac is just that much better at doing what I want it to do.

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      07-13-2007, 09:21 AM   #80

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      07-13-2007, 09:35 AM   #81

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I don't want to say i hate windows, but the truth is, like stated above, they need some service packs... And even after that it's to valnurable to catching virus or anything else. And updating the computer with drivers, and last but not last.. it just seems like it's a immitation of mac... So why not go with the real Os. It's obvious most of the added "new" features added in windows is very mac like. Maybe not exactly but pretty much in the same ballpark.

Windows has done a GREAT job taken everyone to the future with Window's 3.11 - 95 - 98 - Me - 2000 - XP..... But really they have a huge market due to the fact that... Ummm.... There was nobody else out there who can compete. It's like they found the island first and capatalized on it. Great for them. Now there is competition. Mac is not the small time os anymore.. Now they make great Os and computers.

If you are happy with windows there is no argument here. But everything should give other os's a try. It's like owning a cell phone provider... You have options, and windows users are very close minded.... REALLY CLOSE MINDED. I mean if you have cell phone provider you can go from sprint and if you don't like there service, go to at&t and if you don't like there phones go to verizon, and so on. You have choices. Just like cars, phones, clothing, you have options.

I believe windows users have been to used to using only windows they are lead to continuing the spread of myths regarding macs. Fact is, NO there are other Os's out there. Mac gives a great competition to the PC.

When i see the commercials of mac vs pc guy, i don't look at it like someone mentioned here on the forum "who would you hire the guy in the jeans and shirt, or the guy in the suite?" I look at as a metaphore in a way. to me it means, you do'nt have to be all suited up and uptight to perform a task on the computer. Meaning you don't have to be this serious tie choking the neck person to do a word application. The guy wearing jeans and stuff, he can do the same tasks and without the need to be all uptight about it.

I'm happy with my mac, and if anything i'm trying to help a member out letting them know, don't be so closed minded. Go try the mac.. And by that i don't mean click on things and get frustriated... but "ASK" questions... know the basics, and chances are you will think it's a cool Os that can help you perform all your tasks, without the headach

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      07-13-2007, 09:46 AM   #82
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^what windows really needs to do is to stop asking questions and to let you do what you want!

I was on my friend's brand new VAIO laptop with some amazing specs when compared to my 1.67 ghz, 512 ram MacBook. I also have a gaming PC with XP that's a bit dated now, but it runs everything you throw at it pretty damn well. While playing with the new features, every other thing I had to click was Yes or Continue, even when logging onto E90POST!

Vista : are you sure you want to visit this website?
me : yes
Vista : but it can contain harmful things like spyware!
me : ok
Vista : are you really sure...

I feel the whole system is a cheap OS X 10.4 too. I think i'll stick with my interchangable XP/Linux PC for now... When Crossover is completed though, I'm going to be seriously thinking about buying a Desktop Mac ( a full tower one) because the system is so great! Can't go wrong when you can run EXEs and click everything without having to be reassured that it could be dangerous.
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      07-13-2007, 09:53 AM   #83
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      07-13-2007, 10:26 AM   #84

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Now and days i feel at least 1 gig of ram is needed to make everything run great. I mean 512 is excellent, but i feel 1 gig of ram would make everything run a lot smoother. On my imac (2.0ghz, 1GB memory, Intel Core Duo Proccesor) I feel it runs REALLY smooth and excellent. Even though i feel 100% happy i want to get 1gb more or memory or maybe 2.

And yes i did play around with vista and yes it does tell you what you are doing and are you sure, and then it asks you are about to perform this and that and the click on or cancel.. makes you tripple think when going to a site like e90post.com
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      07-13-2007, 10:28 AM   #85

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Oh also remeber if you do parrallel desktop, like have mac run and windows on your mac computer, you still need to buy the protection (antivirus, apyware remover, etc..) on the windows side. And no if your windows part get infected, it will NOT affect your mac side.

I feel mac is a solid

ohh shit my manager is walkign in... later
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      07-13-2007, 10:38 AM   #86
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2 WD 80 GB 7200 HDD (IDE, but running on SATA connectors) Mirrored array.


Runs like a champ..although lately I've been getting an intermittent BSOD when I shut down BF2.

I'd like to upgrade, but PC have gone up in price, not down.
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      07-13-2007, 01:18 PM   #87
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Nonsensical is the perfect word to describe him, thank you. I don't know how one can simply say "That is a biased statement though. Therefore Mac is not more user friendly." Would it make sense if I said That is a biased statement though. Therefore Windows is not more user friendly?

Laughable at best.

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      07-13-2007, 01:24 PM   #88

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