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      03-19-2014, 11:24 AM   #67

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Originally Posted by secretsquirrel View Post
Teenagers shouldn't do "teenagy" things. The girl needs her ass whooped, seriously. And I think the dad should have known whether or not his girl was "terrified of her life by someone stranger breaking in her house" vs. "a cute guy that I let in through my window and got caught with".
No, you're right, it was an accident.. unfortunate that someone died and someone might be going to jail for it.
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      03-19-2014, 12:12 PM   #68

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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
It was, but Cheetos decided he would make the claim that a willingness to shoot first (instead of evaluating when to use deadly force as the law stipulates in Texas) was a reason why Texas was more safe.

Then I provided statistics that showed that Houston, where he actually lives, in terms of violent crime, was only safer than 5% of the cities in the U.S, meaning 95% of cities in the U.S are actually safer than Houston. Houston actually has more than double the violent crime per capita than Los Angeles, the closest large city to where I live.

Then he went on some tirade about how patriotic southerners who are willing to bust a cap without hesitation are the ones serving and doing their duty for this country and how we should appreciate how great they are.

Of course, the Pentagon data shows that the majority of recruits are poor southerners who are trudging around Afghanistan. and more likely joined the military because of economic incentives rather than pure patriotism.

Now Cheetos is trying to make some fantasy point about how it's not really poor people making up the bulk of recruits (contrary to the Pentagon data) and how it's middle class and upper middle class people who are putting on the ruck sack and carrying the assault rifles around in the Afghan Mountains.

Cliff notes for those interested.

The debate back and forth has been interesting. However, Media Artist, your attention is desperately needed in the "How cheap are you" thread...if you wouldn't mind leaving this one alone briefly of course.

Someone on page three of that thread has made a racist comment and is desperately in need of your correction.

Now its a pretty subtle comment, well disguised and all on page 3, nothing so obvious as a comment about monkeys, but I'm sure you'll be able to identify it after a careful perusal.

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      03-19-2014, 12:34 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
The debate back and forth has been interesting. However, Media Artist, your attention is desperately needed in the "How cheap are you" thread...if you wouldn't mind leaving this one alone briefly of course.

Someone on page three of that thread has made a racist comment and is desperately in need of your correction.

Now its a pretty subtle comment, well disguised and all on page 3, nothing so obvious as a comment about monkeys, but I'm sure you'll be able to identify it after a careful perusal.


It’s not racist if it is a factual observation based on someone’s own direct experience, but please do carry on stirring the pot.
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      03-19-2014, 12:48 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
The debate back and forth has been interesting. However, Media Artist, your attention is desperately needed in the "How cheap are you" thread...if you wouldn't mind leaving this one alone briefly of course.

Someone on page three of that thread has made a racist comment and is desperately in need of your correction.

Now its a pretty subtle comment, well disguised and all on page 3, nothing so obvious as a comment about monkeys, but I'm sure you'll be able to identify it after a careful perusal.

Be right there!
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      03-19-2014, 01:04 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
It was, but Cheetos decided he would make the claim that a willingness to shoot first (instead of evaluating when to use deadly force as the law stipulates in Texas) was a reason why Texas was more safe.

Then I provided statistics that showed that Houston, where he actually lives, in terms of violent crime, was only safer than 5% of the cities in the U.S, meaning 95% of cities in the U.S are actually safer than Houston. Houston actually has more than double the violent crime per capita than Los Angeles, the closest large city to where I live.

Then he went on some tirade about how patriotic southerners who are willing to bust a cap without hesitation are the ones serving and doing their duty for this country and how we should appreciate how great they are.

Of course, the Pentagon data shows that the majority of recruits are poor southerners who are trudging around Afghanistan. and more likely joined the military because of economic incentives rather than pure patriotism.

Now Cheetos is trying to make some fantasy point about how it's not really poor people making up the bulk of recruits (contrary to the Pentagon data) and how it's middle class and upper middle class people who are putting on the ruck sack and carrying the assault rifles around in the Afghan Mountains.

Cliff notes for those interested.
Well put.
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      03-19-2014, 01:32 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by MediaArtist
It was, but Cheetos decided he would make the claim that a willingness to shoot first (instead of evaluating when to use deadly force as the law stipulates in Texas) was a reason why Texas was more safe.

Then I provided statistics that showed that Houston, where he actually lives, in terms of violent crime, was only safer than 5% of the cities in the U.S, meaning 95% of cities in the U.S are actually safer than Houston. Houston actually has more than double the violent crime per capita than Los Angeles, the closest large city to where I live.

Then he went on some tirade about how patriotic southerners who are willing to bust a cap without hesitation are the ones serving and doing their duty for this country and how we should appreciate how great they are.

Of course, the Pentagon data shows that the majority of recruits are poor southerners who are trudging around Afghanistan. and more likely joined the military because of economic incentives rather than pure patriotism.

Now Cheetos is trying to make some fantasy point about how it's not really poor people making up the bulk of recruits (contrary to the Pentagon data) and how it's middle class and upper middle class people who are putting on the ruck sack and carrying the assault rifles around in the Afghan Mountains.

Cliff notes for those interested.
I agree with your data but I want to point out that many of those kids, regardless of why they enlisted, end up taking much more from the armed forces than a paycheck. Servicemen who I know have all named it as one of the top three best things of their lives, and yes, many of those joined because they were broke. Some have made a career out of it because they enjoyed it so much. The patriotism just has to come later in some cases

I joined Boy Scouts in 7th grade to start padding my resume for college; some of the best times and most valuable skills/lessons of my life were had there so I am very "scoutriotic" as a result.

Last edited by PINeely; 03-19-2014 at 01:57 PM..
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      03-19-2014, 01:42 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Vic311
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      03-19-2014, 01:43 PM   #74
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I think joining the armed services is a great way to improve one's situation in life, regardless of the reasons joined.

I have two grand parents, three uncles, and two 1st cousins who served or currently serve in the armed forces. One of my grand parents fought in WWII-Japan, Korean War, Vietnam War, and still smokes till this day Lucky Strike cigarettes because that's the brand most GIs smoked overseas during WWII. He's 93 years old.
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      03-19-2014, 02:01 PM   #75

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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
I think joining the armed services is a great way to improve one's situation in life, regardless of the reasons joined.

I have two grand parents, three uncles, and two 1st cousins who served or currently serve in the armed forces. One of my grand parents fought in WWII-Japan, Korean War, Vietnam War, and still smokes till this day Lucky Strike cigarettes because that's the brand most GIs smoked overseas during WWII. He's 93 years old.

I have to agree with your assessment, For those who may not have many option going into the military can definitely give a person a opportunity they might not otherwise have. I have work with number of individual who got their start in the military and today work for some good companies in a good job making a decent living. The reason being they have great work ethics and understand what is required to get a job done. The military does teach this. But if your a f-off and want to live that way, going to the military my never change that.

The only criticism of military types is they tend to solve problema by through more people at the at verses thinking it through and finding the most efficient solution.

But I am not sure how this thread went this south so to say.
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      03-19-2014, 02:18 PM   #76

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is 'Cheetos' racist? it's just a snack, right?
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      03-19-2014, 02:21 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
The debate back and forth has been interesting. However, Media Artist, your attention is desperately needed in the "How cheap are you" thread...if you wouldn't mind leaving this one alone briefly of course.

Someone on page three of that thread has made a racist comment and is desperately in need of your correction.

Now its a pretty subtle comment, well disguised and all on page 3, nothing so obvious as a comment about monkeys, but I'm sure you'll be able to identify it after a careful perusal.

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      03-19-2014, 02:22 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
It was, but Cheetos decided he would make the claim that a willingness to shoot first (instead of evaluating when to use deadly force as the law stipulates in Texas) was a reason why Texas was more safe.

Then I provided statistics that showed that Houston, where he actually lives, in terms of violent crime, was only safer than 5% of the cities in the U.S, meaning 95% of cities in the U.S are actually safer than Houston. Houston actually has more than double the violent crime per capita than Los Angeles, the closest large city to where I live.

Then he went on some tirade about how patriotic southerners who are willing to bust a cap without hesitation are the ones serving and doing their duty for this country and how we should appreciate how great they are.

Of course, the Pentagon data shows that the majority of recruits are poor southerners who are trudging around Afghanistan. and more likely joined the military because of economic incentives rather than pure patriotism.

Now Cheetos is trying to make some fantasy point about how it's not really poor people making up the bulk of recruits (contrary to the Pentagon data) and how it's middle class and upper middle class people who are putting on the ruck sack and carrying the assault rifles around in the Afghan Mountains.

Cliff notes for those interested.
And again, I'm astonished (well, not really) at how you leap to invalid conclusions to support your narrative. I don't recall anyone on this board even alluding to "shoot first ask later" - that was your mindless, bigoted conclusion about what others (Texans - lol) are doing. Litos (Cheetos - name-calling is another diversion by those who can't make a point on its own merits) doesn't live anywhere near Houston, FYI. And Houston doesn't have double the crime rate of LA - you are looking at the SMSA - not cities.

The rest of your post is inaccurate as well. But if you keep saying it over-and-over, maybe it will become believable.
<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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      03-19-2014, 02:27 PM   #79

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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
But I am not sure how this thread went this south so to say.
The 'gravity', so to speak, that operates on OT ensures it's only a matter of time..

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      03-19-2014, 02:27 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by KingOfJericho View Post
I can't stop saying "fatlaly".
I had to Google fatlaly
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      03-19-2014, 02:32 PM   #81

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Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
But I am not sure how this thread went this south so to say.
I'll say. Between the Cheetos jokes and the allegations of racism, it’s a fun time to be in ‘Merica
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      03-19-2014, 03:10 PM   #82

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Originally Posted by Vic311 View Post
I'll say. Between the Cheetos jokes and the allegations of racism, it’s a fun time to be in ‘Merica
C'mon - admit it. OT makes you smile.

If you open a thread that is 2-3 pages long, there is a more likely than not chance that said thread is now about a completely different topic than the title might suggest.
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      03-19-2014, 03:12 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by bbbbmw View Post
And again, I'm astonished (well, not really) at how you leap to invalid conclusions to support your narrative. I don't recall anyone on this board even alluding to "shoot first ask later" - that was your mindless, bigoted conclusion about what others (Texans - lol) are doing.
Have you actually read the thread?

Cheetos first response to the "shoot first ask questions later" mentality was pretty cut and dry.

Originally Posted by Litos
we like it that way...

better than being killed first...
You were saying?

Also I don't understand why you're so angry about a few tongue-in-cheek remarks about the neo-cons in the South. Neo-cons are well known for doing crazy stuff like open carrying their 6 shooters, wearing cowboy boots, and shooting into the air during national holidays. They tend to eat meat 3-4 times a day, and are the type to say "Yee haw!" It's not a personal attack against them, it's just how they act, and they happen to live in the South. Nothing wrong with that, they embrace who they are, not sure they need you to defend them.
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      03-19-2014, 03:20 PM   #84

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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
C'mon - admit it. OT makes you smile.

If you open a thread that is 2-3 pages long, there is a more likely than not chance that said thread is now about a completely different topic than the title might suggest.
Heck yeah. This is an oasis in my work day. I literally laughed out loud at some of the responses on this thread and had half the office look up.
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      03-19-2014, 03:25 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
Have you actually read the thread?

Cheetos first response to the "shoot first ask questions later" mentality was pretty cut and dry.

You were saying?

Also I don't understand why you're so angry about a few tongue-in-cheek remarks about the neo-cons in the South. Neo-cons are well known for doing crazy stuff like open carrying their 6 shooters, wearing cowboy boots, and shooting into the air during national holidays. They tend to eat meat 3-4 times a day, and are the type to say "Yee haw!" It's not a personal attack against them, it's just how they act, and they happen to live in the South. Nothing wrong with that, they embrace who they are, not sure they need you to defend them.
Why would you think I'm angry? Your responses are hilarious - kind of a West-Coast Honey-Boo-Boo!
<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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      03-19-2014, 03:34 PM   #86
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I guess I was wrong, maybe certain people don't make 4 different post continually trying to defend the honor of Texas because they were angry or offended by some tongue-in-cheek comment, it's just for their own entertainment. Got it!
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      03-19-2014, 03:38 PM   #87

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This is better than Storage Wars
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      03-19-2014, 04:18 PM   #88
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I'd like to know more about this "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality the US military apparently has. Great way to get yourself thrown in jail.
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