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      09-13-2012, 02:42 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Inspired View Post
Am I the only one disappointed with the new connectors?

I have technically 20 USB connectors laying around and now I have to buy new cables or a stupid adaptor that cost $30 each? Now people have to carry 2 cables, one for iPad and one for iPhone.

Also, why the hell did apple change the sim card again?! They already changed it to a micro sim card making a pain in the ass to use another phone. Now it is a even tinier sim card. WTF.

What a huge disappointment. I am planning to just buy the 5 to resell and get the SG3
this x10000

all because their patent is up and they cant collect royalties from 3rd party manufactures, so by coming out w/ a new connector, they can keep the checks rolling

i too have tons of 30 pin cables, to the point i dont ever have to carry one. In my bedroom alone, there are four 30 pin cables. This really sucks, specially for the car, I gotta buy a $30 fucking adaptor so I can use my phone w/ the BMW y-cable

the two things that pissed me off the most about it is, no usb 3.0, so eventually they will have to replace the current cable and we'll have to buy new ones. and the adaptor is way over priced, even for apple. Hopefully the good people of monoprice or similar places, come out w/ a good cheap adaptor
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      09-13-2012, 02:47 PM   #90
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just saw this, made me lol

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      09-13-2012, 02:59 PM   #91
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And its X5...
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      09-13-2012, 03:16 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Inspired View Post
Am I the only one disappointed with the new connectors?

I have technically 20 USB connectors laying around and now I have to buy new cables or a stupid adaptor that cost $30 each? Now people have to carry 2 cables, one for iPad and one for iPhone.

Also, why the hell did apple change the sim card again?! They already changed it to a micro sim card making a pain in the ass to use another phone. Now it is a even tinier sim card. WTF.

What a huge disappointment. I am planning to just buy the 5 to resell and get the SG3
Originally Posted by escobar929 View Post
this x10000

all because their patent is up and they cant collect royalties from 3rd party manufactures, so by coming out w/ a new connector, they can keep the checks rolling

i too have tons of 30 pin cables, to the point i dont ever have to carry one. In my bedroom alone, there are four 30 pin cables. This really sucks, specially for the car, I gotta buy a $30 fucking adaptor so I can use my phone w/ the BMW y-cable

the two things that pissed me off the most about it is, no usb 3.0, so eventually they will have to replace the current cable and we'll have to buy new ones. and the adaptor is way over priced, even for apple. Hopefully the good people of monoprice or similar places, come out w/ a good cheap adaptor
there's a reason for the connector and sim card... size.

The 30 pin connector is OLD, and with its redundancies they needed to go smaller and thinner for the new form factor (including the new iPod Touch/Nano). With the limited amount of space in the iPhone 5 they probably had no choice but to ditch the legacy connector.

The same goes for the nano sim. Apple is going out of their way to make each and every single component smaller, thinner, yet faster and more efficient in its function to accommodate one thing... battery. Everyone knows that LTE is power hungry, so Apple did everything they could to make the battery bigger. Hell, this was probably another reason why the made the screen 4" in the first place; to make a larger phone and insert in a larger battery.

As for USB 3.0? Yeah, I agree that's sort of annoying. That actually would've been useful (much faster data transfers, much better power availability for charging). AND it's backwards compatible. Maybe the didn't have the proper components to include that in the phone connector? Who knows. Maybe they're saving it for the iPhone 5S for next year's release. (I wouldn't be surprised)

IMO, the whole cable thing is a little bit of an annoyance, but at the same time, I can see why Apple made this decision. The fact that 'Lightning' is more durable (we'll see) and that it is a reversible plug in (definitely a welcome feature) is surely a plus, and with improving technologies, we'll be using physical connections less and less. With wi-fi and bluetooth 4.0, a lot of the past functions of the 30-pin connector are useless. In the mean time, yes, the adapter is a kick in the balls (I'm definitely waiting on monoprice) but I'm not gonna cry over it. I'm sure I can wait a month or two before third-party accessories adapt to the new change.
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      09-13-2012, 03:27 PM   #93
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You will see 99 cents adapter on ebay made in China in 6 months.
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      09-13-2012, 03:40 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Turb0Surge
I was originally waiting for the iphone 5 to come out, so I could upgrade from my htc evo 3d. Two weeks ago I walked in to a sprint store and checked out the Gs3. Sooo many features that my old iphone 4 didn't have, or any other phone on the market for that matter. I bought it and now that the iphone 5 is released, I'm glad I did. All apple did was make an attempt to MATCH the specs and features of an s3.
So, if Apple released their phone first, the SG3 would have basically only matched the iPhone specs, right? Again, these companies can ONY use the hardware available at the time of design. Personally, I would rather have the latest specs on a phone released a little later if that means the phone has been tested and works as designed, rather than rushed to market!

And no, I'm not an Apple fan boy, but slowly getting there.
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      09-13-2012, 03:52 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by danniexi View Post
there's a reason for the connector and sim card... size.

The 30 pin connector is OLD, and with its redundancies they needed to go smaller and thinner for the new form factor (including the new iPod Touch/Nano). With the limited amount of space in the iPhone 5 they probably had no choice but to ditch the legacy connector.

The same goes for the nano sim. Apple is going out of their way to make each and every single component smaller, thinner, yet faster and more efficient in its function to accommodate one thing... battery. Everyone knows that LTE is power hungry, so Apple did everything they could to make the battery bigger. Hell, this was probably another reason why the made the screen 4" in the first place; to make a larger phone and insert in a larger battery.

As for USB 3.0? Yeah, I agree that's sort of annoying. That actually would've been useful (much faster data transfers, much better power availability for charging). AND it's backwards compatible. Maybe the didn't have the proper components to include that in the phone connector? Who knows. Maybe they're saving it for the iPhone 5S for next year's release. (I wouldn't be surprised)

IMO, the whole cable thing is a little bit of an annoyance, but at the same time, I can see why Apple made this decision. The fact that 'Lightning' is more durable (we'll see) and that it is a reversible plug in (definitely a welcome feature) is surely a plus, and with improving technologies, we'll be using physical connections less and less. With wi-fi and bluetooth 4.0, a lot of the past functions of the 30-pin connector are useless. In the mean time, yes, the adapter is a kick in the balls (I'm definitely waiting on monoprice) but I'm not gonna cry over it. I'm sure I can wait a month or two before third-party accessories adapt to the new change.
I agree, its not a huge deal, but you would think they would make the adaptor cheap to ease the transition but they did the exact opposite.

Carrying two cables its not the end of the world, it was something that had to happen at one point or another, they just didnt have to kick us in the balls while doing it

I do hope they are more durable, one of my exs use to murder those cables, two-three months and you would start seeing the cables inside
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      09-13-2012, 03:55 PM   #96
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One of the things I really like is having the headphone jack at the bottom, its always bugged me having it on top
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      09-13-2012, 04:04 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by escobar929 View Post
I agree, its not a huge deal, but you would think they would make the adaptor cheap to ease the transition but they did the exact opposite.

Carrying two cables its not the end of the world, it was something that had to happen at one point or another, they just didnt have to kick us in the balls while doing it

I do hope they are more durable, one of my exs use to murder those cables, two-three months and you would start seeing the cables inside
I agree, yes, it's a total rip off and the consumers will either have to wait it out or bend over for Apple and purchase one.

Hell, Apple did the same thing with the redesinged Macbook Pro... they have the Magsafe adapter for $10; you would think they would make an attempt to sell it at a similar price point.

Personally I only use the cable for charging my phone + the occasional backup so it doesn't bother me, but for others who have different peripherals, the situation sucks.
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      09-13-2012, 04:24 PM   #98
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Waiting for monoprice.com to release the new cable and/or adapter.
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      09-13-2012, 04:56 PM   #99
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The new plug seems like a minimal issue to me. You get one with the phone and you buy an adaptor. Now you have two. I only use 2 and can't imagine where else i would need one. Bedroom and office. Hell, i only use the one at the office about 2 times a month.
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      09-13-2012, 05:21 PM   #100

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Originally Posted by MP0WER View Post
The new plug seems like a minimal issue to me. You get one with the phone and you buy an adaptor. Now you have two. I only use 2 and can't imagine where else i would need one. Bedroom and office. Hell, i only use the one at the office about 2 times a month.
Agreed, I am curious how an adapter will work with cars, but either way.

The other thing worth mentioning, if Apple stuck to backward compatible/legacy hardware/software they would not be where they are today.
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      09-13-2012, 06:03 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by MP0WER View Post
The new plug seems like a minimal issue to me. You get one with the phone and you buy an adaptor. Now you have two. I only use 2 and can't imagine where else i would need one. Bedroom and office. Hell, i only use the one at the office about 2 times a month.
Here is why I have like 10.

I have one in basically every room of my house. I have 3 in my room alone. One for night stand wall outlet and one for USB to computer and one for iPad.

Then I have 2 cars and those have to e replaced also. And also those extended battery chargers won't work for the new iPhone.

I really don't understand why Apple didn't decide to just use micro usb. Almost all phones use it now a days. Seems like just a huge marketing scheme to make more money off the consumers..
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      09-13-2012, 07:42 PM   #102
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I don't get why you guys are freaking out about the cable and the adapter so much? Most people won't need the adapter they will just replace it with a whole new usb cord, which will be dirt cheap on ebay and the phone will come with one. Secondly, if you do need an adapter, chances are you will only need one, which you will be able to get on ebay for prob 2 dollars shipped or at walmart for less than 10 bucks.

For example, the apple adapter for a macbook to hookup an HDMI cable is 50 bucks at apple. I got the one I have from some no name company on amazon for 6 dollars shipped to my door.

I just think you guys are making a big deal our of nothing. I personally like the new cable, yes its a small inconvenience, but it has an upside, it can go in either way. I think that is a really cool feature.

They can't keep the same cable forever, stuff changes when technology gets better. Yeah it was a pain in the ass when everything turned into DVDs so the VHS players started to become useless, but who cares, its better and you got over it.

I have exhaust and an intake...
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      09-13-2012, 09:08 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Baremeg55 View Post
So, if Apple released their phone first, the SG3 would have basically only matched the iPhone specs, right? Again, these companies can ONY use the hardware available at the time of design. Personally, I would rather have the latest specs on a phone released a little later if that means the phone has been tested and works as designed, rather than rushed to market!

And no, I'm not an Apple fan boy, but slowly getting there.
The iPhone 5 doesn't really compete against the SG3 (it can't really), it competes against the iPhone 4S.

Pretty much all the new things on the iPhone 5 are new things to iPhone users only. Android and Windows phone users have had all this technology and software for over a year.

An article listed the specs for the iPhone 5 vs the SG3. iPhone 5 has 8 hours of talk time, over 3G. Well the SG3 has 11:40 hours of talk time over 3G. Also the SG3 had the iPhone 5 beat in the rest of the specs.

But that doesn't matter, Apple has a loyal cult which will replace their old beat up iPhone phone.
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      09-13-2012, 09:29 PM   #104
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SG3 sucks, all i ever hear from people is how they don't like it and can't wait to replace it with and iphone.
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      09-13-2012, 09:57 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by justinnum1 View Post
SG3 sucks, all i ever hear from people is how they don't like it and can't wait to replace it with and iphone.
Hmmm I hear the complete opposite, but then again I don't hang out in Starbucks with hipsters.
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      09-13-2012, 10:02 PM   #106

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Originally Posted by RambleJ
Originally Posted by justinnum1 View Post
SG3 sucks, all i ever hear from people is how they don't like it and can't wait to replace it with and iphone.
Hmmm I hear the complete opposite, but then again I don't hang out in Starbucks with hipsters.

Ah, mullets and lifted trucks is more the SG3 crowd. Now it all makes sense.
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      09-13-2012, 10:08 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by RambleJ View Post
Hmmm I hear the complete opposite, but then again I don't hang out in Starbucks with hipsters.
Never had starbucks and dont drink coffee. But i do enjoy my iphone
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      09-13-2012, 10:12 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by sterz85 View Post
The iPhone 5 doesn't really compete against the SG3 (it can't really), it competes against the iPhone 4S.

Pretty much all the new things on the iPhone 5 are new things to iPhone users only. Android and Windows phone users have had all this technology and software for over a year.

An article listed the specs for the iPhone 5 vs the SG3. iPhone 5 has 8 hours of talk time, over 3G. Well the SG3 has 11:40 hours of talk time over 3G. Also the SG3 had the iPhone 5 beat in the rest of the specs.

But that doesn't matter, because people will buy and use the phone they want to. No mater what what kind of useless stats people post on a forum.
Seriously, why do you people care? If i had to talk on my phone for 8 hours a day my choice of cell phone would be pointless because i would shoot myself. The iPhone does what i want it to. It works every time i pick it up. If for some reason i have a problem with it people fix it or replace it.

I'm amazed at how many people care so much about my productivity and ability to talk more than 8 hours a day with out charging.
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      09-13-2012, 10:37 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Inspired View Post
Here is why I have like 10.

I have one in basically every room of my house. I have 3 in my room alone. One for night stand wall outlet and one for USB to computer and one for iPad.

Then I have 2 cars and those have to e replaced also. And also those extended battery chargers won't work for the new iPhone.

I really don't understand why Apple didn't decide to just use micro usb. Almost all phones use it now a days. Seems like just a huge marketing scheme to make more money off the consumers..
lol you're like me

I have one by my desk, each side of my bed (one for me, one for the girl), one in each of my cars (both BMWs and the Van), one at my office, and one in my briefcase for on the go.

This doesn't count the ones my family has for their own iProducts
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      09-14-2012, 02:09 AM   #110

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