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      09-19-2015, 07:28 AM   #111
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Um the guns in Florida stop the mass shootings. Now it's not just the criminals who have them. They can't walk into a theater and pick off people like helpless baby seals. Gun crime has been declining every year for 30 years. Gun carry permit holders commit less gun crime than any other group including police officers. Police officers like carry permit people and encourage it. And in the home now you can call the police to come get the bad guy instead of to come investigate who killed you and clean up the aftermath. States without carry permits and toughest gun laws have the highest gun crime. Gun laws restrict the good people from having guns, not the bad.

There's 24,000,000 carry permits in central Florida alone. I don't see huge gun crime vs say Washington DC. The process to buy a handgun in NJ was first get a permit from your police chief. Then have 3 friends fill out paperwork saying you weren't crazy. Then wait 3 months, pay $250, then you could buy one handgun. Want a second? Repeat all these steps. That's harder than the federal laws to purchase full auto or silencers. In Florida it's fill out a form, they call it in, check you out. If you're clean, wait 10 days and pick it up. If you have a permit, just take it home.

If you have a firearm in NJ it either stays in your house or I'd it's in you car it needs to be locked in your trunk unloaded while you are driving to a range. In Florida any legal owner with or without a permit can keep it in a holster loaded in the glove box. A permit holder can throw it on the dash.

When I was growing up in NJ, the high school parking lot was filled with hunters pickups that had gun racks with shotguns in the back windows. Not now. They taught gun safety and responsibility in high school. Not now. When I was in college after the gun laws came about I was approached buy a random guy on the street. For $1000 he wanted to sell me a full auto uzi with silencer from Israel with the numbers filed off out of the trunk of his Buick. Criminals don't care about gun laws. They are a stupid ploy to make people feel like something is happening to protect them. Other countries don't allow guns because either now or before they were worried about armed insurrection. Not crime prevention.

Here's a sample. It would be unwise to break in to my house.

Last edited by Fundguy1; 09-19-2015 at 07:55 AM..
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      09-19-2015, 10:53 AM   #112
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License plates covers are illegal in NYC.
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      09-19-2015, 12:16 PM   #113
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I'm in Vancouver Canada and I got pulled over for having a license plate cover on New Year's Eve. We were leaving our friends house after midnight. The officer said that he couldn't see my plate because it was dirty. When it is freezing cold outside its not possible for me to bring out the hose. Anyhow the officer let me off with a warning to remove it as my birthday was just a day away.
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      09-19-2015, 12:53 PM   #114

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Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs323i View Post
I'm in Vancouver Canada and I got pulled over for having a license plate cover on New Year's Eve. We were leaving our friends house after midnight. The officer said that he couldn't see my plate because it was dirty. When it is freezing cold outside its not possible for me to bring out the hose. Anyhow the officer let me off with a warning to remove it as my birthday was just a day away.
How about a warm wet towel from the house and give the plate and rear tail light lenses a quick wipe down........for fuck sake is it that hard to figure out.

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      09-19-2015, 02:36 PM   #115
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Ditty plates etc are nuisance tickets cops can give out to jerks. My old martial arts instructor was a police sergeant. He said he could literally write 25 tickets on a brand new car on the dealer showroom floor if he wanted. Dirty windshield, dirty headlights, etc. It's up to the discretion of the officers judgment so you can't fight them. They're used when the guy they pull over is a PITA.
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      09-19-2015, 02:50 PM   #116

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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
Ditty plates etc are nuisance tickets cops can give out to jerks. My old martial arts instructor was a police sergeant. He said he could literally write 25 tickets on a brand new car on the dealer showroom floor if he wanted. Dirty windshield, dirty headlights, etc. It's up to the discretion of the officers judgment so you can't fight them. They're used when the guy they pull over is a PITA.
Those also give the copsa reason to pull someone over. Kfriceman's case the cop was looking for drunks. Noticed He wasnt and let him go. Cops do that all the time.
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      09-20-2015, 01:10 AM   #117

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Originally Posted by csu87 View Post
Those also give the copsa reason to pull someone over. Kfriceman's case the cop was looking for drunks. Noticed He wasnt and let him go. Cops do that all the time.
Well I guess that's a case where you certainly do not want unwarranted attention but certainly was not a situation I had come across. My point was why would one ever put stuff on their cars that is knowingly illegal, you are just asking for unwanted attention.

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      09-20-2015, 09:30 AM   #118

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Originally Posted by kfriceman View Post
Well I guess that's a case where you certainly do not want unwarranted attention but certainly was not a situation I had come across. My point was why would one ever put stuff on their cars that is knowingly illegal, you are just asking for unwanted attention.

Mentioned the wrong person. Would have been the person you quoted i was talking about
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      09-24-2015, 09:46 PM   #119
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I love to hear what people are thinking. Entertainment that doesn't cost a cent. Thanks for sharing peeps!
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      09-25-2015, 11:23 AM   #120

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It is kind of a lame law.

But to give the police credit, they know that most people put on plate covers not only for the looks, but in hopes that it will get them out of an automated ticket or deflect a speed trap. Let's just be honest here.

I learned a long time ago that cops look for minor infractions, because many times, they turn into larger infractions (impaired driving, drugs, etc.)

Nowadays I pretty much keep my car as clean as possible by following all the state laws, and provide no reason to get pulled over in the first place. Down to the ridiculous registrations, fees, cosmetic laws, you name it.

It's so much more comfortable driving when you know you are in compliance with all the laws.

PS - VA is like the nazi state when it comes to vehicle and driving compliance. But we get to keep our guns :-)

Last edited by catcher22; 09-25-2015 at 11:28 AM..
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      09-25-2015, 01:37 PM   #121

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The covers are illegal, not only because they obscure the plate for the red light cameras, but also the plate readers at toll booths. I know someone who crosses a bridge every night who uses one to avoid paying the bridge toll.
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      09-25-2015, 09:38 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
Um the guns in Florida stop the mass shootings.
No, they don't. And your other statistics are bogus too.

Here's a sample. It would be unwise to break in to my house.

Actually, it would be very attractive for criminals to break into your house, to STEAL YOUR GUNS.
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      09-26-2015, 07:29 AM   #123
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1 they're in a 500lbs fire safe bolted to the concrete slab. except for the two I keep handy for intruders that are in biometric safes.
And as to my facts, no. They're quite accurate.

The confusion stems from what and how gun stats are reported by anti-gun groups. The two I like most that are jokes are:

"You are six times more likely to die from your own gun than someone else'so gun"

True and false. True if you commit suicide. False if you take suicide out of the picture. If you take it out you are way more likely to end up being saved by your own gun than killed. They neglect to say they include suicides which 1 is mental illness problem and 2 would be accomplished by other means if a gun wasn't handy.

There are less guns per person on the US now.
True, but more guns. Just more people also. They use this to imply there are less guns so gun crime goes down. If you actually look at the link provided, the more restricted gun ownership gets the higher the gun crime.

Did I miss any?

Here's pictures to show my points. Hope that helps.

Last edited by Fundguy1; 09-26-2015 at 07:44 AM..
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      11-03-2015, 07:07 PM   #124
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Whoah, whoah, I'm a fervent 2A advocate myself, but lets not turn this thread into a gun debate please? Thanks peeps.
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      11-04-2015, 07:58 AM   #125
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License plate covers are illegal in the tristate area. It will give law enforcement a excuse to pull you over.
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      11-04-2015, 08:22 AM   #126
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they're illegal in WA too. even clear ones. My mom got stopped for that like 20 years ago.

I think they look silly, personally.
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      11-04-2015, 08:27 AM   #127

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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
Um the guns in Florida stop the mass shootings. Now it's not just the criminals who have them. They can't walk into a theater and pick off people like helpless baby seals. Gun crime has been declining every year for 30 years. Gun carry permit holders commit less gun crime than any other group including police officers. Police officers like carry permit people and encourage it. And in the home now you can call the police to come get the bad guy instead of to come investigate who killed you and clean up the aftermath. States without carry permits and toughest gun laws have the highest gun crime. Gun laws restrict the good people from having guns, not the bad.

There's 24,000,000 carry permits in central Florida alone. I don't see huge gun crime vs say Washington DC. The process to buy a handgun in NJ was first get a permit from your police chief. Then have 3 friends fill out paperwork saying you weren't crazy. Then wait 3 months, pay $250, then you could buy one handgun. Want a second? Repeat all these steps. That's harder than the federal laws to purchase full auto or silencers. In Florida it's fill out a form, they call it in, check you out. If you're clean, wait 10 days and pick it up. If you have a permit, just take it home.

If you have a firearm in NJ it either stays in your house or I'd it's in you car it needs to be locked in your trunk unloaded while you are driving to a range. In Florida any legal owner with or without a permit can keep it in a holster loaded in the glove box. A permit holder can throw it on the dash.

When I was growing up in NJ, the high school parking lot was filled with hunters pickups that had gun racks with shotguns in the back windows. Not now. They taught gun safety and responsibility in high school. Not now. When I was in college after the gun laws came about I was approached buy a random guy on the street. For $1000 he wanted to sell me a full auto uzi with silencer from Israel with the numbers filed off out of the trunk of his Buick. Criminals don't care about gun laws. They are a stupid ploy to make people feel like something is happening to protect them. Other countries don't allow guns because either now or before they were worried about armed insurrection. Not crime prevention.

Here's a sample. It would be unwise to break in to my house.

in NJ was first get a permit from your police chief. Then have 3 friends fill out paperwork saying you weren't crazy.

what about if all of his three friends are crazy like him
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      11-04-2015, 10:59 AM   #128

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Sorry to threadjack but it happened to me too:

It happened to me back in 2009 on my way back home traveling through Louisiana to Texas while leaving from Fort Lee, VA SLC (Senior Leadership Course) in uniform (ACUs) and Black Beret.
I was driving along I-10 through the Lake Charles area and the Speed Limit was 60 when I spot two cop cars ahead each with two officers apiece in them so naturally I slow down to about 56 or so just to make sure they would have no reason to pull me over.
At that time one of those big redneck elevator trucks go past me probably at 70 or higher and the cops were already entering the highway once we both passed them, I’m in the middle lane and the elevator truck and both cop cars are in the left lane they all zoom past so I say “man, they gonna get him”.
One car actually goes past the truck and continued rolling while the other stayed behind him at the same speed for about ½ mile then they just let him go and slowed down to the point where I caught up with them and we were dead even. I noticed they were looking hard to see in my car (I was driving my 09 Maxima with 20% tints on the side and it was about 2:30 A.M. and I’m black/African American).
They parallel me that way for about ¼ mile then they get behind me as they slowed down and I passed (still maintaining slightly under 60), they follow me for ½ mile then the lights come on and I’m like “why are they pulling me over”? My tags, inspection sticker, insurance are all up to date, I don’t drink, I’m in my Army Uniform with the Beret on and I’m not swerving or speeding.
As I pull over I noticed that they left about a 3-4 car length gap in between their car and mine (I thought that was odd), the bright spot light is blaring and the cop comes over the P.A. System saying “Driver, roll your driver’s side window down with your left hand and place your left hand outside the window and open the door with your left hand while keeping your right hand on the steering wheel.”
I complied with his commands and he continued, “with your right hand ensure you place the vehicle in park (it already was) and swing around placing your left foot and right foot on the ground and stand up outside of the vehicle, once outside the vehicle put your hand behind your head and face the front of your vehicle”.
As I stand up he notices I’m in uniform and he stumbles badly in his voice over the last part of his words, at that point he stops talking and starts walking towards me, he asks me for my license and registration which I already had along with my Military CAC ID Card.
So now the inquisition (or should I say “interrogation”) starts; he says “how you doing”? I said, “fine, and you?” He said, “alright” and he said, “where are you headed”, I said “home”, he said “where’s that”? I said, “Texas”. He said, “where are you coming from”? I said, “Virginia”! He said, “what were you doing there”, I said “I was attending Leadership School (knowing he wouldn’t understand Army Jargon/venecular) and at that point I asked “Why am I being pulled over”?
He ignored my question by asking more of his own by saying “well, how was it and what did you do while you were there”? At this point I know he’s just making small talk but trying to see if I was lying or whatever so I asked again “Why was I pulled over”?
Again, he ignored my question and all the while he was looking around as though he was searching for a reason and then he said, “can you come to the back of your car with me”, so I said “sure”. He said, “you see this (pointing at the License Plates Cover) and I said “yes, what’s wrong with it”?
He said, “I can’t see what state you are from”! I said, “really because I can see it pretty clearly”. He said, “well not from where we’re parked” (remember he was 3-4 car lengths behind me), so before he can say another word I just take off walking fast towards his car and I turn around right in front of the hood to stoop down to windshield height and I look and I can see it clearly so I say to him “I can see that it says Texas pretty clearly from here sir”.
He said, “well, I can’t and I can write you a ticket for that”. I said, “ok, that is your right to do so, ok”. He said but “I’m not going to write you a ticket, I’m just going to give you a warning”, you need to get some sleep.”
So off they go and I remember thinking, “what a total waste of my precious time”! You have criminals right at that very moment killing, robbing, raping and dealing drugs and you are sweating me for more than 30 minutes over a License Plates Cover.
Of course I realize it wasn’t about the LPC or speeding because if it was then they would’ve ticketed the redneck truck dude.
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      11-05-2015, 09:34 PM   #129

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The first thing I do with my cars is ditch that cover. I think it looks much better without a cover anyway. Especially if the plate has some dealership advertisement on it.
Has a bad car addiction
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      11-05-2015, 09:39 PM   #130
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No offense, but I wish plate covers and tailight covers were illegal...I hate being behind someone with tailight covers.
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      11-05-2015, 09:42 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
Um the guns in Florida stop the mass shootings. Now it's not just the criminals who have them. They can't walk into a theater and pick off people like helpless baby seals. Gun crime has been declining every year for 30 years. Gun carry permit holders commit less gun crime than any other group including police officers. Police officers like carry permit people and encourage it. And in the home now you can call the police to come get the bad guy instead of to come investigate who killed you and clean up the aftermath. States without carry permits and toughest gun laws have the highest gun crime. Gun laws restrict the good people from having guns, not the bad.

There's 24,000,000 carry permits in central Florida alone. I don't see huge gun crime vs say Washington DC. The process to buy a handgun in NJ was first get a permit from your police chief. Then have 3 friends fill out paperwork saying you weren't crazy. Then wait 3 months, pay $250, then you could buy one handgun. Want a second? Repeat all these steps. That's harder than the federal laws to purchase full auto or silencers. In Florida it's fill out a form, they call it in, check you out. If you're clean, wait 10 days and pick it up. If you have a permit, just take it home.

If you have a firearm in NJ it either stays in your house or I'd it's in you car it needs to be locked in your trunk unloaded while you are driving to a range. In Florida any legal owner with or without a permit can keep it in a holster loaded in the glove box. A permit holder can throw it on the dash.

When I was growing up in NJ, the high school parking lot was filled with hunters pickups that had gun racks with shotguns in the back windows. Not now. They taught gun safety and responsibility in high school. Not now. When I was in college after the gun laws came about I was approached buy a random guy on the street. For $1000 he wanted to sell me a full auto uzi with silencer from Israel with the numbers filed off out of the trunk of his Buick. Criminals don't care about gun laws. They are a stupid ploy to make people feel like something is happening to protect them. Other countries don't allow guns because either now or before they were worried about armed insurrection. Not crime prevention.

Here's a sample. It would be unwise to break in to my house.

Cone on, stop spreading truths...gun haters hate facts. Nice collection btw, I myself own 17 guns (we love them in GA).
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      11-06-2015, 09:12 AM   #132

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Originally Posted by BKBMW335I View Post
Sorry to threadjack but it happened to me too:

It happened to me back in 2009 on my way back home traveling through Louisiana to Texas while leaving from Fort Lee, VA SLC (Senior Leadership Course) in uniform (ACUs) and Black Beret.
I was driving along I-10 through the Lake Charles area and the Speed Limit was 60 when I spot two cop cars ahead each with two officers apiece in them so naturally I slow down to about 56 or so just to make sure they would have no reason to pull me over.
At that time one of those big redneck elevator trucks go past me probably at 70 or higher and the cops were already entering the highway once we both passed them, I’m in the middle lane and the elevator truck and both cop cars are in the left lane they all zoom past so I say “man, they gonna get him”.
One car actually goes past the truck and continued rolling while the other stayed behind him at the same speed for about ½ mile then they just let him go and slowed down to the point where I caught up with them and we were dead even. I noticed they were looking hard to see in my car (I was driving my 09 Maxima with 20% tints on the side and it was about 2:30 A.M. and I’m black/African American).
They parallel me that way for about ¼ mile then they get behind me as they slowed down and I passed (still maintaining slightly under 60), they follow me for ½ mile then the lights come on and I’m like “why are they pulling me over”? My tags, inspection sticker, insurance are all up to date, I don’t drink, I’m in my Army Uniform with the Beret on and I’m not swerving or speeding.
As I pull over I noticed that they left about a 3-4 car length gap in between their car and mine (I thought that was odd), the bright spot light is blaring and the cop comes over the P.A. System saying “Driver, roll your driver’s side window down with your left hand and place your left hand outside the window and open the door with your left hand while keeping your right hand on the steering wheel.”
I complied with his commands and he continued, “with your right hand ensure you place the vehicle in park (it already was) and swing around placing your left foot and right foot on the ground and stand up outside of the vehicle, once outside the vehicle put your hand behind your head and face the front of your vehicle”.
As I stand up he notices I’m in uniform and he stumbles badly in his voice over the last part of his words, at that point he stops talking and starts walking towards me, he asks me for my license and registration which I already had along with my Military CAC ID Card.
So now the inquisition (or should I say “interrogation”) starts; he says “how you doing”? I said, “fine, and you?” He said, “alright” and he said, “where are you headed”, I said “home”, he said “where’s that”? I said, “Texas”. He said, “where are you coming from”? I said, “Virginia”! He said, “what were you doing there”, I said “I was attending Leadership School (knowing he wouldn’t understand Army Jargon/venecular) and at that point I asked “Why am I being pulled over”?
He ignored my question by asking more of his own by saying “well, how was it and what did you do while you were there”? At this point I know he’s just making small talk but trying to see if I was lying or whatever so I asked again “Why was I pulled over”?
Again, he ignored my question and all the while he was looking around as though he was searching for a reason and then he said, “can you come to the back of your car with me”, so I said “sure”. He said, “you see this (pointing at the License Plates Cover) and I said “yes, what’s wrong with it”?
He said, “I can’t see what state you are from”! I said, “really because I can see it pretty clearly”. He said, “well not from where we’re parked” (remember he was 3-4 car lengths behind me), so before he can say another word I just take off walking fast towards his car and I turn around right in front of the hood to stoop down to windshield height and I look and I can see it clearly so I say to him “I can see that it says Texas pretty clearly from here sir”.
He said, “well, I can’t and I can write you a ticket for that”. I said, “ok, that is your right to do so, ok”. He said but “I’m not going to write you a ticket, I’m just going to give you a warning”, you need to get some sleep.”
So off they go and I remember thinking, “what a total waste of my precious time”! You have criminals right at that very moment killing, robbing, raping and dealing drugs and you are sweating me for more than 30 minutes over a License Plates Cover.
Of course I realize it wasn’t about the LPC or speeding because if it was then they would’ve ticketed the redneck truck dude.
Holy wall of text.
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