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      09-04-2011, 10:31 PM   #155
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Some pictures of the internals of a stock TD03 cartridge vs your TD04 would be nice. That would simply solve the argument about the mystery internal oil relief in question..

Also, I really think that everyone here is significantly more interested in finding out the reason for all the RBs that are smoking. dzenno's case does not seem to be an isolated one. I do not know how many upgraded units you've sold to date, but judging from this forum, the number of problematic sets is not negligible!

I don't think anyone is questioning your business tactics or your personal qualities. Instead, what everyone here expects is for you to either:

a) Admit that you have no idea why there are so many RB's smoking.


b) Man up and reveal the true reason why so many RB's are smoking and attempt to provide guidance for solving or minimizing the problem.

Doing either one of these is just as honorable and would be the right thing to do.

Just my 2 cents.
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      09-04-2011, 10:32 PM   #156

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Not sure if someone alrdy asked but are there any RB ppl who never had a catch can have oil leaks after the install?
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      09-04-2011, 10:57 PM   #157

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The community should realize there is a point where modding these cars reaches a point of diminishing returns.I think we are there..this endless chase of power at the expensive of driveability and reliability is nothing short of selfish..and whats more selfish is attacking the very person who tried to serve the community's selfish needs in the first place..everyone got what they wanted.. dont cry now that there are consequences because of it..thats my 2 cents..
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      09-04-2011, 11:07 PM   #158

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Originally Posted by tibra1 View Post
The community should realize there is a point where modding these cars reaches a point of diminishing returns.I think we are there..this endless chase of power at the expensive of driveability and reliability is nothing short of selfish..and whats more selfish is attacking the very person who tried to serve the community's selfish needs in the first place..everyone got what they wanted.. dont cry now that there are consequences because of it..thats my 2 cents..
lol sorry to say this but that's just a retarded senseless comment...nowhere has anyone attacked anyone here...no one tried to serve the community's selfish needs without a business goal...did you miss the part where I indicated almost $6k went into this mod with 7 months of troubleshooting? no where was it ever indicated there's a chance of oil loss/smoking...if anything these were supposed to not only allow lots more boost than stockers and more power but also solve certain stock turbo issues (i.e. wastegate rattle)...they've done both of those really well so far and that's what was paid for...don't even know why i took the time to respond to that comment of yours here but i guess you'd understand if you were in my shoes...anyways, let's stay on topic here...i want this issue resolved, no need to get all emotional here
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      09-04-2011, 11:12 PM   #159

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Dzenno this comment was not directed to you or any one person on their own...but I would advise you to carefully read some of the comments on here and how they are now directed at the manufactuer..no one put a gun to your heads and said run these turbos..Im sorry but to expect modding at this level w/o consequences IS selfish...I stand by my comment that there is a point where modding this car yeilds diminshing returns..

And this WILL be my last post here..Good luck to you and all the others in this dilemma
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      09-04-2011, 11:18 PM   #160

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One thing i'd really like to know is let's say it really is the oil leaking past the turbine wheel because say the oil drain isn't able to drain it fast enough...can this situation over time damage the seal...i know this isn't really a seal per se, its a metal ring with a small cut in it that with oil pressure closes and seals off an area so it can't itself go bad but i'd like to know what's the worse case scenario IF its just the cartridge leaking oil past it into the exhaust over time...can that make the journal/thrust bearing go on its own down the road? from what I've read online it can't and that playing with restrictors can actually be worse than letting some oil leak out...don't know what to think there..any experienced opinions?

given the housing is much larger than stock on these td04 units than td03 but the oil drain lines were kept the same wouldn't that mean there would be a chance that the drains are now also more taxed given higher volume of oil to drain given the oil pressure didn't change? either a restrictor at the oil feed or a larger oil drain might help here, no?

enrita, what lines are you running? I recall TD didn't preserve the stock oil lines on their units, right? Maybe looking at how different those lines are compare to stock would help here

Last edited by dzenno; 09-04-2011 at 11:23 PM..
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      09-04-2011, 11:26 PM   #161
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Better yet just have guy claiming he saw info provide link backing data. Man I'd love to see that and I'd send a free set of turbos to the guy who proves me wrong about mystery oil bypass existence in TD03s! Otherwise what bonus do I get for showing a pic? How will you be sure what I show you is a TD04 vs. TD03? If I'm hiding something, I'm sure that would just be hidden in my pics too right? To my knowledge, all the known problems have posted in this thread (I've informed dzenno of all, he likely PM'd them to input) aside a few who popped engines. If others pop up down the road, they will too claim the same problem and surely no wrong doing.


All that I know have, and I don't care what some will say I recommend not running them. Saw that shiv trashed one in an upgraded turbo install as well; so don't think I'm the only one.

PS. Free turbo upgrade to guy who proves mystery oil bypass exists in TD03s! Have the winner PM me to claim reward. I am out of thread for real this time, no more to be said.
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      09-04-2011, 11:32 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by RobBeck View Post

Better yet just have guy claiming he saw info provide link backing data. Man I'd love to see that and I'd send a free set of turbos to the guy who proves me wrong about mystery oil bypass existence in TD03s! Otherwise what bonus do I get for showing a pic? How will you be sure what I show you is a TD04 vs. TD03? If I'm hiding something, I'm sure that would just be hidden in my pics too right? To my knowledge, all the known problems have posted in this thread (I've informed dzenno of all, he likely PM'd them to input) aside a few who popped engines. If others pop up down the road, they will too claim the same problem and surely no wrong doing.


All that I know have, and I don't care what some will say I recommend not running them. Saw that shiv trashed one in an upgraded turbo install as well; so don't think I'm the only one.

PS. Free turbo upgrade to guy who proves mystery oil bypass exists in TD03s! Have the winner PM me to claim reward. I am out of thread for real this time, no more to be said.
Free leaky turbos? Sign me up.
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      09-04-2011, 11:41 PM   #163
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I'd extend an optional $1000 offer just for you sir. Give them the so desired info, you can do it.

Originally Posted by jpirelli View Post
Free leaky turbos? Sign me up.
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      09-04-2011, 11:44 PM   #164
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You knwo whats funny, why can't you just post pictures instead of offering people to dig for information? You obviously saw both the stock cartridge/housing and your td04 upgrade.
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      09-05-2011, 12:13 AM   #165
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What then? What hoops to jump through next dear sir? We can't just stop there right? Anonymous expert has reported mystery oil bypass valve does in fact exist on TD03 and now burden is on me to prove it doesn't, want to make sure I provide enough to keep you content. Maybe just someone give me their address and I will mail you a free TD03 center you can analyze and find the mystery oil bypass up close with your own eyes. That way I don't have to defend validity of pics. I wil still even honor reward if you find it. And after you realize that's not going to happen, you will see why sometimes it's better off to just walk away from a thread.

Originally Posted by Clap135 View Post
You knwo whats funny, why can't you just post pictures instead of offering people to dig for information? You obviously saw both the stock cartridge/housing and your td04 upgrade.
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      09-05-2011, 12:15 AM   #166
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Can't see any issues with the rotating assembly (thrust bearing, seals) due to oil pressure /volume. If there is a bypass on the TD03 I don't think this would make much difference anyway, since it all drains in the same place.

As far as Robs side, he's using TD04 chra, so it's just assembly... no brainer here. The expertise is in oil inlet, mating/machining the housings, etc. so if he kept stock inlet, drain he did his part really.

I still think this is drain related... more blowby with power, potential pcv restrictions.

A larger turbo drain and return line mated to the stock block inlet should give more pressure on the returning oil if it was backing up.
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      09-05-2011, 01:44 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by dzenno View Post
One thing i'd really like to know is let's say it really is the oil leaking past the turbine wheel because say the oil drain isn't able to drain it fast enough...can this situation over time damage the seal...i know this isn't really a seal per se, its a metal ring with a small cut in it that with oil pressure closes and seals off an area so it can't itself go bad but i'd like to know what's the worse case scenario IF its just the cartridge leaking oil past it into the exhaust over time...can that make the journal/thrust bearing go on its own down the road? from what I've read online it can't and that playing with restrictors can actually be worse than letting some oil leak out...don't know what to think there..any experienced opinions?

given the housing is much larger than stock on these td04 units than td03 but the oil drain lines were kept the same wouldn't that mean there would be a chance that the drains are now also more taxed given higher volume of oil to drain given the oil pressure didn't change? either a restrictor at the oil feed or a larger oil drain might help here, no?

enrita, what lines are you running? I recall TD didn't preserve the stock oil lines on their units, right? Maybe looking at how different those lines are compare to stock would help here
mine are custom fabricated. Biggest pain in the ass ever to make them .

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      09-05-2011, 01:52 AM   #168
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I love my RB's!!!!! If we can work together to find a solution it would be greatly appreciated. Be it some issue with my install, pcv or turbo drainage etc. Rob has been helpful and will continue leading the way to a resolution that is probably non turbo related.
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      09-05-2011, 04:04 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by enrita View Post
mine are custom fabricated. Biggest pain in the ass ever to make them.
Turbo Dynamics sells them together with the turbos now. No need to custom fabricate anything. At the time when enrita installed his turbos they were not ready yet, I believe.

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      09-05-2011, 04:28 AM   #170
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As a matter on interest the cars that are smoking how close are they to there oil life change cycle? What oils is each person using?
I am on stock oil with about 5000km on this oil.
I fitted the turbos using all new components but retained the old oil drain lines which had done 28,000km and to date no smoke.
08 E90 335i AT RB Turbos -NX Wet Kit - Chiplogic Flash or Procede V5- M3 Diff - AE Exhaust- Forge Dv's - Helix Intercooler - AR DP's - P3 Boost Gauge - Vishnu Meth- Stett Chargepipe and CAI
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      09-05-2011, 07:40 AM   #171
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I only have about 5k miles on my RB's, never ran an OCC, and no smoke. I change my oil every 5k. When I did my change at 5k, the oil indicator still read max/full. It did not always do that with stock turbos. I am happy with the product. Easiest turbo upgrade that could have been!
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      09-05-2011, 08:19 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by cotmfk View Post
I only have about 5k miles on my RB's, never ran an OCC, and no smoke. I change my oil every 5k. When I did my change at 5k, the oil indicator still read max/full. It did not always do that with stock turbos. I am happy with the product. Easiest turbo upgrade that could have been!
Stock oil?
08 E90 335i AT RB Turbos -NX Wet Kit - Chiplogic Flash or Procede V5- M3 Diff - AE Exhaust- Forge Dv's - Helix Intercooler - AR DP's - P3 Boost Gauge - Vishnu Meth- Stett Chargepipe and CAI
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      09-05-2011, 08:38 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by RobBeck View Post

What then? What hoops to jump through next dear sir? We can't just stop there right? Anonymous expert has reported mystery oil bypass valve does in fact exist on TD03 and now burden is on me to prove it doesn't, want to make sure I provide enough to keep you content. Maybe just someone give me their address and I will mail you a free TD03 center you can analyze and find the mystery oil bypass up close with your own eyes. That way I don't have to defend validity of pics. I wil still even honor reward if you find it. And after you realize that's not going to happen, you will see why sometimes it's better off to just walk away from a thread.
What then? Then you do whatever else you get accused of. It's your business on the line, if you got nothing to worry about then snap pictures when you put together the next set. FYI im not gonna bother digging into this cause I don't care either way as I will never go with reworked stock turbos.
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      09-05-2011, 09:07 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by cotmfk View Post
I only have about 5k miles on my RB's, never ran an OCC, and no smoke. I change my oil every 5k. When I did my change at 5k, the oil indicator still read max/full. It did not always do that with stock turbos. I am happy with the product. Easiest turbo upgrade that could have been!
Great news. This is a high mileage car. In addition, it was installed by a BMW tech and correct me if I'm wrong, all new oil lines were put in during install.

Still running 93 pump gas only? no meth? 15-16 PSI?

Can't wait to get mine in so I can share the results. I will be running about 17PSI on 93 octane + meth. Same installer as cotmfk. Will remove the catch can and I've had no oil consumption while on stock turbos with BSH catch can.
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      09-05-2011, 09:40 AM   #175

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I'll switch over to 5w-30 BMW oil next oil change. I did switch over to mobil1 0w-40 literally just before RBs..one thing that's easy enough to try...

Georgesmooth and cotmfk are you running a fully catless exhaust?
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      09-05-2011, 09:40 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by GeorgeSmooth View Post
As a matter on interest the cars that are smoking how close are they to there oil life change cycle? What oils is each person using?
I am on stock oil with about 5000km on this oil.
I fitted the turbos using all new components but retained the old oil drain lines which had done 28,000km and to date no smoke.
I have 45000 km and have done 4000km oil changes from day 1. Ive used stock recommended oil.
I also want to add i just did an oil change and valve cleaning and no change.

I don't mind smoking a bit but the wife has banned the the kids from the BMW. I dont want to drive my MDX.

Last edited by ultimateracing335; 09-05-2011 at 09:49 AM..
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ar design, oil burning, oil catch can, rb turbos, turbos

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