Well it was a pretty good turn out for the meet. We got lucky with the weather and the sun came out for most of the meet. Out of the 112 or so cars that was on the list, about 98 cars came out. Thank you for all the people that came out and supported us and had a good time. Props to all the sick cars that displayed their best. :thumbup:
Thanks to all the vendors that showed up and gave away raffles: Bavarian Ex, **********s, Abbott Automotive (Team Solo), and VF stopped by really quick to show off their cars as well.
One of the other teams that showed up was Team SupaStar with some of the craziest rides, along with the God Father tuned horn on a Mazda Miata, Slammed e30 vert, Slammed GTI that barely mad it off the drive way, and a fire balling Nissan Sylvia.
Want to give props to ALT Wheels/Miro Design for letting us use the lot and for hosting the BBQ/drinks.
The turn out was good enough for another one to come sometime in Sept before SEMA. Till them MFest is at hand. See you guys there or see you in Vegas MFest 2008. :thumbup:
Some quick pics:
To view more pics of the meet, please click here to the main thread http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/sho...=254969&page=4