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      03-02-2008, 12:41 PM   #1
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Limp Mode..what's causing it?

So I am diving back from Cotillion(some formal dance crap) with some friends last night and this tough shit in a 328 wants to gun it. So I gun it and once I get into the 3k RPM range, I get that feeling that I've hit a dog or something. This feeling has been experienced before but with no CEL/limp and I just thought I was going crazy. So I limp all the way back to my friends place. The car was stuttering all the way there. I couldn't stop on the bridge or anywhere to restart the ar as he lives off a fairly busy street. I only drove about 1/2 a mile limping. The car was stuttering and shaking really violently while idling and driving, but worst at idle. I got to my friends place and whipped out the Code Reader and I don't know how to use it that well as I never had to in the past. I assume I did it correctly as the limp mode and SES light went away. When I plugged it in w/ ignition on it said LAUNCH 1 2 3.....4 5 6 then E. No code or anything showed and it would then just repeat what it just said. I started the car later to go to my girlfriend's house and it drove fine the like 10 mile drive back in which I gave it some gas and went through a couple of gears to see if it would repeat.

So I wake up this morning and drive home from my girlfriend's house and a I come down my street I give it light acceleration and hit about 3k RPMs and limp again. So I stop and restart the car w/o using the code reader. No SES light but the car is still shaking like a bucking bronco. About 30 seconds in, the Engine malfunction, power decreased comes on on iDrive again. So I shut down and use the code reader again and same thing as last time with the E. Then I restart and its still shaking a little but not as bad, so I drive ome nd park in the driveway and it kept on bucking.

I plan to go out once the engine bay cools and check my v2 connections, especially the power. Before these limp modes the car was giving a couple of shakes here and there and I thought I had a bad tank of gas.

So here's the question. What is causing it? I figure it is either a bad connection between one of the Procede wires and the ECU, the power line on the v2, a horribly bad tank of gas, or my fuel pump. Any educated guesses out there?
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      03-02-2008, 12:46 PM   #2

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Fuel pump?
08 E92 335xi Space Gray 6AT - PROcede V2 12.8 @ 111 mph
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      03-02-2008, 12:51 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by SteelTorque View Post
Fuel pump?
Maybe. I should be able to eliminate the Procede when I open it up and check the connections.

Thing is, I got the best Procede guy down here who's even friends with shiv to install it for me and he used heatshrink. Therefore I don't believe it is the wiring, but am going to check to make sure anyways.
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      03-02-2008, 12:53 PM   #4
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+1 sounds like a fuel pump

same thing with my car...turned out to be a bad solenoid
but i DID NOT have idle shakes

for the reader to pull the code it has to have the SES light
Limp mode throws nothing for your reader to pick up

Edit: another thing you can do, is to remove the procede
and see if limp occurs while car is stock
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      03-02-2008, 01:05 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by dmkaldas View Post
+1 sounds like a fuel pump

same thing with my car...turned out to be a bad solenoid
but i DID NOT have idle shakes

for the reader to pull the code it has to have the SES light
Limp mode throws nothing for your reader to pick up

Edit: another thing you can do, is to remove the procede
and see if limp occurs while car is stock
You think I could just throw the bypass plugs in to make sure that way? I would prefer to not rip off a bunch of heat shrink and try and mess around for something unrelated.

Would it really be the fuel pump if it is only occuring around 3k RPMs? Once I hit limp it sure as hell feels like a bad fuel pump, but other than that it would give off one or two shakes a day, and nothing as extreme as that. I haven't had any signs of the fuel pump going out and now it just goes? I was expecting more of a show before it died .

Also, would the car be OK to drive until I could bring it in? I haven't read of anyone's car completely dying on the road. Is this a possibility, though?
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      03-02-2008, 01:18 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by rideelement247 View Post
You think I could just throw the bypass plugs in to make sure that way? I would prefer to not rip off a bunch of heat shrink and try and mess around for something unrelated.

Would it really be the fuel pump if it is only occuring around 3k RPMs? Once I hit limp it sure as hell feels like a bad fuel pump, but other than that it would give off one or two shakes a day, and nothing as extreme as that. I haven't had any signs of the fuel pump going out and now it just goes? I was expecting more of a show before it died .

Also, would the car be OK to drive until I could bring it in? I haven't read of anyone's car completely dying on the road. Is this a possibility, though?
yeah throw in the plugs and see what happens
I would take it off just to test how it runs on stock to know whether it's something wrong with the car...or tune/connections
how many miles do you have on your car?

and about driving it.... if it shakes randomly with out warning...i wouldn't risk
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      03-02-2008, 01:31 PM   #7
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I have about 4800 miles on the car.

I guess I will try the bypass plugs for the week. I need the car to get to school.

It doesn't shake bad until I hit limp mode.
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      03-02-2008, 01:37 PM   #8
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Before you assume it's the pump, try what dmkaldas suggested.
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      03-02-2008, 01:41 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Magna3 View Post
Before you assume it's the pump, try what dmkaldas suggested.
Will do . I was just taking suggestions. At least I have it narrowed down as to what it could be.
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      03-02-2008, 01:47 PM   #10
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Check the connection of the power...Did he heatshrink the power line...That connection on alot of people causes problems...Thats the wires corresponding to the green plug in the ecu..If there is a slight connectivity problem, it will cause the car to buckle and go into limp also...
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      03-02-2008, 01:49 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by rideelement247 View Post
I have about 4800 miles on the car.

I guess I will try the bypass plugs for the week. I need the car to get to school.

It doesn't shake bad until I hit limp mode.
try the bypass plugs and let us know

if it is a fuel pump
you can take it in and get a loaner

just when you take it in don't forget about the bypassed solenoid
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      03-02-2008, 01:52 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by dmkaldas View Post
try the bypass plugs and let us know

if it is a fuel pump
you can take it in and get a loaner

just when you take it in don't forget about the bypassed solenoid
I think he has V2? So the bypassed solenoids are already back into its original fittings..
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      03-02-2008, 01:52 PM   #13
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that's news to me hahaha
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      03-02-2008, 01:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by dmkaldas View Post
that's news to me hahaha
You probably would know better than me than!! but this is what he wrote

I plan to go out once the engine bay cools and check my v2 connections, especially the power. Before these limp modes the car was giving a couple of shakes here and there and I thought I had a bad tank of gas.
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      03-02-2008, 02:41 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by cn555ic View Post
Check the connection of the power...Did he heatshrink the power line...That connection on alot of people causes problems...Thats the wires corresponding to the green plug in the ecu..If there is a slight connectivity problem, it will cause the car to buckle and go into limp also...
I just checked all the connections and nothing is loose. The v2 power wire seems to be intact but I didn't remove the green plug to check. I threw in the bypass plugs and am going to get gas in a little while and will try to induce a limp.
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      03-02-2008, 02:42 PM   #16
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And yes, I have v2 .
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      03-02-2008, 03:25 PM   #17
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Anyone have any ideas? I am probably going to postpone getting gas until later in the week.
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      03-02-2008, 03:35 PM   #18
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Well thats the problem, you need to see underneath that green plug how the wires are...Its very tight when u place the wires back...In my case when I put the wires back the wires kinked and loss connectivity because it was bent...You need to check underneath that wire to see the condition of it after the green plug was reinstalled!
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      03-02-2008, 03:39 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by cn555ic View Post
Well thats the problem, you need to see underneath that green plug how the wires are...Its very tight when u place the wires back...In my case when I put the wires back the wires kinked and loss connectivity because it was bent...You need to check underneath that wire to see the condition of it after the green plug was reinstalled!
The thing is that it has been fine for months of use. I have had v2 for over 2000 miles and not one problem until now. I will either drive the car today or tomorrow and then I will know what is up with it as I put the bypass plugs in. I turned the car on and let it idle for 2 minutes and nothing shaky or anything so I guess I will have to see.
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      03-02-2008, 03:44 PM   #20

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Originally Posted by rideelement247 View Post
The car was stuttering all the way there. I couldn't stop on the bridge or anywhere to restart the ar as he lives off a fairly busy street. I only drove about 1/2 a mile limping. The car was stuttering and shaking really violently while idling and driving, but worst at idle.
Exact same thng happened to me. Its at the dealer now. I will update. BTW no procede.
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      03-02-2008, 03:44 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by rideelement247 View Post
The thing is that it has been fine for months of use. I have had v2 for over 2000 miles and not one problem until now. I will either drive the car today or tomorrow and then I will know what is up with it as I put the bypass plugs in. I turned the car on and let it idle for 2 minutes and nothing shaky or anything so I guess I will have to see.

Just remove the green plug and see the wires underneath what they look like...is it kinked or bent! Thats what happen to me...I checked all my wires but not the wires underneath the green plug...Well long story short started to de-install the Procede and the last wires was the green plug wires...Too out the plug to see the power wire connection to the orange wire was kinked to the point that there was sometimes connection and sometimes none!!!
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      03-02-2008, 03:50 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by 35past3 View Post
Exact same thng happened to me. Its at the dealer now. I will update. BTW no procede.
Did it go away when you restarted the car and only happen at certain times? Or was it shaking all the time? My problem is intermittent so I can't be sure whether or not it is the pump.
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