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      03-07-2017, 08:03 AM   #1
Private First Class

Drives: 335i N54 19t FBO Pump + Meth
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Glasgow

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Trims flat lined at WOT miss fire cylinder 1 - HELP! :-(


Can someone hopefully explain to me what happened during my most recent WOT run where my trams flatlined and then got a misfire/lean situation. Pretty scary stuff. The high pressure started to wobble as well. I would think HPFP but trims were on the way down right thought the log as if the DME stopped using them for some reason.

Im running Jb4 with back end flash. I was having problems with the trims maxing out for a while and after resting adaptations several times last night it seems to resolve its self and trims looked good however FOL is set as high (100) as it will go which is worrying - if i manually set it back to 40 my trims max out easily all over even at low RPM's. Strange thing is if i load a MHD flash tune with JB4 removed trims are good again and runs perfectly so it seems JB4 related. That said i have not done a MHD WOT close to red line like i did with this log.

Any advice as to how the DME can just switch off the trims? Im thinking maybe something to do with the FOL setting being too high but the high pressure was doing OK until the event where it starter to flutter. Its hard to see what happened first.You can see the AFR2 go up to 14 as well where cylinder 3 + 6 pull timing so it was across the board not just something in bank 1.

Here is the log:

I'm going to put stage 1 flash tune back on and work my way up again as i'm not convinced it JB4 related.

Any advice would be good.

Mods: FBO with inlets/oulets. New plugs gapped at .5mm, new o2's all round and new N55 coils. E10 (99RON) fuel.

Appreciate 0


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