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      06-05-2008, 09:37 PM   #1
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Is it just me or does GTA IV bring out the bottom of our society?

I have noticed that people on GTA IV use vulgar language( N word repeatedly, etc) and are in general assholes. One time I got kicked because he didn't like Chevy and was a Toyota fan, another because I was "gay" although he wouldn't define what he meant. Tonight I went in to try to hover above another persons helicopter and I nicked his rotor and totaled it. I apologized and he still flipped out on me. There was probably what it sounded like a 12 year old cursing me out. In all of my games I played, GTA IV is the only game where I have met the scum of society.
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      06-05-2008, 10:17 PM   #2
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Go get a wii. What kind of people did you expect to play with?
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      06-05-2008, 10:38 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Remedy 832 View Post
Go get a wii. What kind of people did you expect to play with?
Am I suppose to accept people say the n word all the time? Has that word been deemed acceptable to use?
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      06-06-2008, 08:06 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by quagmire View Post
Am I suppose to accept people say the n word all the time? Has that word been deemed acceptable to use?
quagmire, you are thinking like an adult, a mature smart person.

you are right. although i get a kick out of that game, i am not so sure i'd want my formidable teenage off spring (i don't have one, yet) to spend hours playing this game.

it is truly horrible...but oh so fun at the same time.
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      06-06-2008, 12:05 PM   #5

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its just you
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      06-06-2008, 01:18 PM   #6
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It's part of the unregulated online gaming culture. Any online game where there is no social policing becomes a contest of who can be the most vulgar. It goes way back and its just a bad carry over from previous games. And... there's nothing you can do about it.
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      06-10-2008, 01:51 PM   #7
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Easy way round this is only to play with friends or join a clan (sometimes not as geeky as it sounds!!)
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      06-18-2008, 11:50 AM   #8
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I've noticed that XBox Live is worse for this kinda thing than Playstation Network. It's all kids in XBL, completely unregulated as mentioned above.
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      06-18-2008, 11:54 AM   #9
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I havent even bothered to play the multiplayer yet, the story and missions are satisfying enough for now.
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      06-18-2008, 04:24 PM   #10
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The scene in "The Breakup" where Vince Vaughn talks smack to the kid after beating him at Madden. Or, the Chapelle where he goes to visit the cancer kid in the hospital and they play NBA Hoops together. Chappelle makes the kid cry and yells at him, "Pick up your sticks son!"

Smack talking is only offensive after a loss. After you win, nothing a child can call you won't be trumped by, "you lost."
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      06-25-2008, 03:56 AM   #11
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Wow... not to sound like an ass, but seriously bro, grow a pair. Yeah, they're going to use the 'n word' and curse at you. Honestly, does it really hurt you that much to hear teenagers cursing on a microphone? Have you really been that sheltered all your life. Just look on the internet, this is EVERYWHERE, and I've heard the same shit on pretty much all games. If it really bothers you, then don't use a headset.
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      06-25-2008, 04:17 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by AryoBarzan View Post
Wow... not to sound like an ass, but seriously bro, grow a pair. Yeah, they're going to use the 'n word' and curse at you. Honestly, does it really hurt you that much to hear teenagers cursing on a microphone? Have you really been that sheltered all your life. Just look on the internet, this is EVERYWHERE, and I've heard the same shit on pretty much all games. If it really bothers you, then don't use a headset.

thats not the point at all. the point is that in a setting where there is no face to face contact between people, it seems that social norms and rules are thrown out the window! I play Halo3 often, and it seems that the people online, from pre-pubescent all the way up to mid-twenty kids just completely disregard proper behavior and swear and make themselves sound like idiots with an IQ of 2, just becuase they are online. I think its safe to say that most of these kids dont talk like that infront of their parents, and if they do then that just reflects the decline of our society.

so it has nothing to do with the offensive nature of the word, but everything to do with the lack of restraint these kids are showing online. whatever happened to simply saying good game? or congratulating the other team on a good win? or saying stuff like that was a great kill, etc...

i just laugh when these kids start flaming online, becuase

a) makes them look like morons
b) they tend to suck, hard
c) its still funny when you lose and even funnier when you beat their ass.

so basically my point is keep the crude language to yourself and enjoy the game.
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      06-26-2008, 11:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by AryoBarzan View Post
Wow... not to sound like an ass, but seriously bro, grow a pair. Yeah, they're going to use the 'n word' and curse at you. Honestly, does it really hurt you that much to hear teenagers cursing on a microphone? Have you really been that sheltered all your life. Just look on the internet, this is EVERYWHERE, and I've heard the same shit on pretty much all games. If it really bothers you, then don't use a headset.
I can tolerate the F word from time to time, same with bitch, shit, damn, etc. Though it is ridiculous that some of these kids can't seem to say a sentence without a curse word in it. The n word is definitely a no no. If people can say the N word, why can't I say Jap or any other derogatory word towards another race?
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      06-26-2008, 11:47 PM   #14
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I usually just play the game to many kids online. Does anyone here play SOCOM?
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      06-27-2008, 12:03 AM   #15
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lol ... man i would cuss em right back out!!
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      06-28-2008, 12:57 AM   #16
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waiting for socom confrontation.

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      07-07-2008, 09:05 PM   #17
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The truth is no, it doesn't have to be this way.

This is why I don't play multiplayer games anymore. Or at least as much as I used to.

I've been a gamer for a long time. I used to play online MMORPG's (Everquest, WOW, Ultima online) And once online FPS's came out I would play them all the time too. Played a ton of Team fortress, Half life, CoD etc... My weakness was Tribes 1 and 2, man were those fun. I was in clans, played on public servers, played competitively (although we got our ass beat most of the time) etc... And for some reason, for the most part, those online communities were fairly mature. There were always exceptions, but the extreme kiddies/cheaters/douchebags were kicked or banned by the admins.

The tribes community is somewhat interesting as it's still alive and kicking even though the games are near extinction. I think some people still play tribes 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TribalWar. My clan leader was 16 years old, never swore, and didn't tolerate racist remarks from anyone in the clan on a private or public server, ever. People generally behaved themselves and it was nice.

Of course there was no/little voicechat in those days so you had to type everything you wanted to say, and while you were typing, you weren't moving, which usually ended up with you being dead. They were difficult and complicated games, you really had to put some time into it and experiment to get proficient at them. And when even just two or three of the practiced, leading clan guys slummed in a public server, they could swing the balance of any match just by exploiting lesser known facets of the game. It's a shame Tribes:Vengeance was such a flop because I enjoyed that one too. I even played the Ps2 Tribes a lot. I hope they resurrect the series on a modern console. It would be perfect, can you imagine?

Then something happened with the release of Counterstrike. I don't know what it was about this game that attracted so many a-type, better than you, make fun of the newbs, and self important douche bags (maybe you can ruin the next 10 minutes of someone's life with your l33tness?). They came out in droves. I enjoy playing the game, and even managed to get proficient enough to hold my own on public servers, and only played a little bit competitively, but the community imo kinda sucks. I understand there are mature, experienced leagues and players out there, but I had a hard time finding them. I took solace in the zany fun that was Team fortress and forgot about it.

Maybe it's also a matter of time, as I get older I have less and less time to devote to video games as I work through my career. I only have 1-3 hours hours to play once or twice most weeks during the summer, sometimes more during the winter. I just can't sit there and think about how I was "Pwned" by some 14 year old kid, who was most likely cheating, and have to wait 15 minutes while the match plays out until I can do something again.

Someone mentioned SOCOM. I remember when the first one was released I went to 5 stores in Columbus looking for the network adapter for the ps2, I finally found one at the ridiculously overpriced Media play. It was the last one in they had, it may have been the last one in Columbus. I logged on that night and played SOCOM for hours and hours against people who had been in the Beta test, and even a few developers themselves. It was probably one of the most memorable gaming moments I have ever had. I got my ass kicked thoroughly, but it was cool just talking to and listening to the people who were involved in the game development and perfection of it.

The next couple of days were pretty busy so I couldn't log back on. I couldn't play again until that weekend. I was looking forward to it like you couldn't believe. A whole Saturday afternoon to play and sharpen my skills. What I got was an epic disappointment as I floated through an endless supply of rooms/games filled with idiots who would only want to talk about how much pu$$y they were (not actually) getting and a whole bunch of N***** this and B**** that. I played here and there after that, but just never could find what I was looking for.

Now, I don't even really look at multiplayer-only titles. It's disappointing that some of them eat up so much development cost toward the multiplayer side when they are so well geared toward single player settings and experiences. While Call of Duty 4 was so well received and reviewed, the single player can be won in six freaking hours, with mediocre skills, the first time you play it. It's sad to me. Yeah the online is fun and all, but who wasn't thirsting for more single player at the end of it? Thank God for games like BioShock, Oblivion, Mass Effect, and Assasin's Creed that show people it's not a requirement to have multiplayer experience to develop a profitable, fun game.

While GTA 4 does have a large amount of these douchebags playing, the non (insert WAR or SCI FI Fantasy setting with death match and team death match only play here) environment does have some promise for future game formats. So I begrudginly play it for those niche modes and try my best to ignore the idiots. I wasn't that smart, tactful, or socially respectful when I was 15 years old either. I try my best to ignore them, but I agree sometimes it can be absolutely maddening.

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      07-07-2008, 11:13 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by BMW2006 View Post
Wow, nice post! It's sad that for the majority, gaming communities' quality has decreased drastically. I have played MMO's on and off for a while, as well as regular FPS games (online as well) and I must say that it is really great when you meet a group of folks that are fun to hang out, chat with, and just mess around with. However, these groups of folks are pretty rare, you just always have to keep an eye out for 'em...and it usually takes a lot of sifting through the population (of idiots) to seek them out, but in the end it's worth it! I've made loads of friends from online games that I still keep in touch with. Sounds nerdy, I know, but you would be surprised at the people you can meet.
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      07-07-2008, 11:32 PM   #19
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lol all the nukkuhs on xbl
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      07-08-2008, 04:26 PM   #20

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damn I'm too lazy to read all that stuff ^^^ up there...but I can't wait to play online - gotta get XBLive! and pwn some n00bs...
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      07-21-2008, 03:10 AM   #21

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words are just words... using the right words gets a rise out of people, thats all. Does it physically or emotionally HURT you hearing those words? If so, then thats pretty sad, you don't get out enough (sheltered), or you're just looking for attention.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but come on... it's a word, get over it.
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      07-21-2008, 05:07 AM   #22
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Man now I'm in the mood for steak thanks to your awesome name.^
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