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      01-03-2021, 09:43 AM   #1

Drives: e90
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: europe

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Coding park lamps off

I dont want to have park lamps on when car is off and light switch is off.
On e90 thats is not a problem but now in e92 2007 it is, i assume its newer module in my car.

Now if light switch is on 0 angle eyes lamps is on on first stage, if i get it to possition 1 angle eyes are on to second brighter stage. I assume that second higher stage is for day lights. I want to have zero lamps on when light switch is on off. If i switch it to position 1 than i can have angle eyes on second stage as day lights no problem, so what can i do?

This all is becouse i listen to radio when car is off, but contact is on, radio itselfe dont work if contact is not on on.

I would had also option to play radio even when contact is not on, but that im not shure if it can be programed.

I have carly for easy programing if this not helped i wuld need to programed it trough nscexpert.
So what are my options?

Last edited by markob; 01-04-2021 at 09:48 AM..
Appreciate 0


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